List Harga Ortho

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NO : /CDI-PWT/VI/21 Purwokerto, 16/07/2021

Hal : Informasi Harga

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Bersama ini kami kirimkan Informasi harga Alat Kedokteran Gigi PT Cobra Dental Indonesia, sebagai berikut ini :


Aria .018 Kit Roth (Hook 1) Rp.440.000 O2
Aria .018 Kit Roth (Hook 3) Rp.440.000 O2
Aria .018 UL1+12T 5A 0O (10) Rp.121.000 O2
Aria .018 UL2+8T 9A 0O (10) Rp.121.000 O2
Aria .018 UR1+12T 5A 0O (10) Rp.121.000 O2
Aria .018 UR2+8T 9A 0O (10) Rp.121.000 O2
Aria .022 Kit MBT (Hook 3) Rp.440.000 O2
Aria .022 Kit Roth (hook 1) Rp.440.000 O2
Aria .022 Kit Roth (Hook 3) Rp.440.000 O2
Aria .022 Kit U/L 5x5 Roth Rp.440.000 O2
Bracket Mini Roth 0.018 Protect Rp.159.500 PROTECT
Bracket Sapphire Ceramic 0.18 Protect Rp.2.447.500 PROTECT
Bracket Standart Roth 0,18 Protect Rp.159.500 PROTECT
Buccal Tube NC Edgewise 0.018 Protect Rp.38.500 PROTECT
Buccal Tube NC Edgewise 0.022 Protect Rp.38.500 PROTECT
Buccal Tube NC Roth 0.018 Protect Rp.38.500 PROTECT
Buccal Tube NC Roth 0.022 Protect Rp.38.500 PROTECT
Buccal Tube NC Roth M1 0.018 Protect Rp.38.500 PROTECT
Buccal Tube NC Roth M1 0.022 Protect Rp.38.500 PROTECT
Elite Opti-MIM Mini Twin .018 Kit Roth (Hook 1) Rp.419.100 O2
Karet Ortho 1/4 (6,4 mm) Protect Rp.12.100 PROTECT
Karet Ortho 3/16 (4,6 mm) Protect Rp.12.100 PROTECT
Karet Ortho 5/16 (7,9 mm) Protect Rp.12.100 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #18 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #19 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #20 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #21 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #22 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #23 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #24 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT

Jl. KomisarisBambangSuprapto 112

Purwokerto, Jawatengah
Tel : +62 281 636182
Fax : +62 281 636182
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #25 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #26 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #28 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.018 #29 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #19 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #20 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #21 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #22 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #23 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #24 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #25 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Molar Band with Buccal Tube 0.022 #26 Protect Rp.69.300 PROTECT
Niti Arch Rectangular Lower 0.17 isi 10 Protect Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Rectangular Upper 0.16 isi 1 Protect Rp.19.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Rectangular Upper 0.16 isi 10 Protect Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Rectangular Upper 0.17 isi 10 Protect Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Lower 0.12 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Lower 0.14 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Lower 0.16 isi 1 Protect Rp.10.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Lower 0.16 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Lower 0.18 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Upper 0.12 isi 1 Protect Rp.10.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Upper 0.12 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Upper 0.14 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Upper 0.16 isi 1 Protect Rp.10.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Round Upper 0.18 isi 10 Protect Rp.90.200 PROTECT
Niti Arch Wire Rectangular Lower 0.16 isi 1 Protect Rp.19.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Wire Rectangular Lower 0.16 isi 10 Protect Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti Arch Wire Rectangular Lower 0.17 isi 1 Protect Rp.19.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang lower 0.17 x 0.22 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang lower 0.17 x 0.25 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang upper 0.16 x 0.22 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang upper 0.17 x 0.22 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang upper 0.17 x 0.25 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang upper 0.18 x 0.22 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS rectang upper 0.18 x 0.25 isi 10 Rp.176.000 PROTECT
Niti SS round lower 0.14 isi 10 Rp.56.100 PROTECT
Niti SS round lower 0.16 isi 10 Rp.56.100 PROTECT
Niti SS round lower 0.18 isi 10 Rp.56.100 PROTECT
Niti SS round upper 0.16 isi 10 Rp.56.100 PROTECT
Power Chence 1 Meter Rp.36.300 PROTECT
Power-O Ring-Ties Satuan Rp.10.000 O2

Jl. KomisarisBambangSuprapto 112

Purwokerto, Jawatengah
Tel : +62 281 636182
Fax : +62 281 636182
Super Bio Mini roth Bracket 0.18 Rp.187.000 PROTECT
Super Bio Mini roth Bracket 0.22 Rp.187.000 PROTECT
Fuji Ortho Intro LC 1-1 GC Rp.1.176.000 GC

1. Harga yang tercantum di atas sudah termasuk PPn.

2. Belum termasuk biaya ongkos kirim.
3. Harga dan Stok barang yang kami Tawarkan tidak mengikat, dapat berubah sewaktu waktu tanpa
pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

Demikian Informasi harga dari PT Cobra Dental Indonesia, semoga dapat menjadi Pilihan. Untuk Lebih Lanjut bisa
menghubungi Cabang kami :

PT Cobra Dental Indonesia Cab. Purwokerto

JlKomisaris Bambang Suprapto No 112 Purwokerto
Telepon. ( 0281 ) 636 182 / HP. 0813 9245 7277

Atas perhatian dan kerjasama baiknya kami mengucapkan terimakasih.

Hormat Kami,

Yohanes Feri Kurniawan

Branch Manager PT. Cobra Dental Indonesia Cab. Purwokerto
Hp. 082225117859 / 0813 9245 7277

Jl. KomisarisBambangSuprapto 112

Purwokerto, Jawatengah
Tel : +62 281 636182
Fax : +62 281 636182

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