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Title: Empowering Women: The Role of Courage

How do you perceive courage as a form of protection for women?

a) Essential and empowering

b) Helpful, but not sufficient

c) Irrelevant

d) Unsure

e) Negative impact

Do you believe that courage is the most effective protection for women?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly Disagree

In your opinion, which aspect of life requires the most courage for women?

a) Pursuing a male-dominated career

b) Reporting harassment or abuse

c) Standing up against societal norms

d) Expressing personal opinions boldly

e) Other (please specify): ______________

Which factor do you think hinders women from demonstrating courage?

a) Fear of backlash

b) Lack of support

c) Social expectations

d) Low self-esteem

e) Not applicable

How can society contribute to fostering courage in women?

a) Encouraging open dialogue

b) Providing mentorship programs

c) Promoting self-defense training

d) Implementing strong legal frameworks

e) Indifferent to society’s role

Which area do you believe requires the most significant change to ensure women’s protection through

a) Education system

b) Workplace policies

c) Media portrayal

d) Family dynamics

e) Government initiatives

How important is it for women to find solidarity among themselves to build courage collectively?

a) Extremely important

b) Somewhat important

c) Neutral

d) Not very important

e) Not important at all

What role can men play in supporting and enhancing women’s courage for protection?

a) Being allies in challenging situations

b) Promoting gender equality conversations

c) Recognizing and addressing their privilege

d) Providing financial support

e) Dismissing the idea of men’s involvement

Which form of media do you think has the most influential impact on shaping women’s perception of

a) Television shows and movies

b) Social media platforms

c) Books and literature

d) News media

e) Advertising campaigns

In your opinion, can courage alone solve all the challenges that women face?

a) Yes, courage is sufficient

b) No, courage needs support from other factors

c) Depends on the specific challenge

d) Unsure

e) Courage is irrelevant

Can courage alone ensure the safety of women in unsafe conditions?

a) Yes, courage is enough

b) Courage helps, but it’s not enough

c) It depends on the situation

d) Courage has little impact

e) No, courage doesn’t help

Should society focus more on teaching women to be courageous or on creating safer environments?

a) Strongly Focus on Courage

b) More on Courage

c) Balanced Focus

d) More on Safer Environments

e) Strongly Focus on Safer environment

Is it fair to place the responsibility of protection solely on women’s courage?

a) Completely fair

b) Somewhat fair

c) Neutral

d) Somewhat unfair

e) Completely unfair
Does emphasizing courage divert attention from addressing larger societal issues that contribute to
unsafe conditions for women?

A) Yes, it diverts attention

b) It might divert some attention

c) Not sure

d) No, it doesn’t divert attention

e) It actually focuses attention

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