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SAMPLE PAPER (2023-24)

TIME: 3 hrs CLASS-7 MM:80


Q1. Read the following passage carefully.
1. Most of the people on this planet feel that being successful is a good
thing. When they think of success, they usually think of material benefits,
happiness and accomplishments. Certainly, success can include all of these
things and much more.
2. Who do you think is the most successful person on earth? Who do you
think is the least successful? In order to answer these questions, we first
need to define what success means. Everyone has a different definition to
explain the concept of success. Many of us place great value on
performance, on achievements or on reaching various goals. They term
these as success. Others associate success with a big bank balance,
gauging it by how much one has acquired. Some measure success by how
much they can contribute to the well-being of their families, or to the
community and society in general. There are many other definitions, but
mostly, success is associated with becoming rich, famous and respected at
work. Yet, it doesn't have to be that way.
3. Being successful could mean simply being satisfied with oneself and
one's career. For many people, a successful person is someone who feels
that his or her work and life in general offer an exceptionally high degree of
satisfaction. Great examples are Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa. But
how does one get from here to there? How does one reach this feeling of
satisfaction with life and career? It seems that successful people
consistently do two things-they use their natural abilities in their work, and
they set career and life goals.
4. In other words, successful people choose careers where they can use
their natural abilities, or do what comes naturally to them. For example,
successful teachers are people who instinctively know how to help children
learn and who are not impatient with children, and the best doctors are
those who know how to listen to people carefully. Successful people know
where they have to start from, and which direction they have to go in their
lives and careers, even if it is something as simple and wonderful as raising
a happy family. What are your natural abilities? What are your career and
life goals? If you can answer these questions, you are on your way to a
successful career and prosperous life.
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each.
a. What, according to the passage, is success for most people?
b. What is success for you?
c. What do successful people do to win in life?
d. Do you think people who do social work in NGOs and earn small
salaries are not successful? Give a reason in support of your answer.
Answer the following questions.
e. The synonym of ‘achievements’ as given in para 1 is……..
f. Pick out the word in para 3 which means the same as ‘not self
(i) Exceptionally (iii) Satisfaction
(ii) Consistently (iv) Ability
g. The antonym of ‘convicting’ as in para2 is…….
(i) Gauging (iii) Reaching
(ii) Contribute (iv) Associated
h. The antonym of the word ‘consciously’ as in para 4 is ……..

Q2. Read the following passage carefully.

1. There are four methods of managing waste-recycling, landfilling,

composting and incinerating. Each method has its own strengths and
2. Recycling is the process of turning waste into new materials. Used paper
can be turned into paperboard that is used to make book covers. Recycling
reduces pollution, saves materials and decreases energy consumption. Yet,
some argue that recycling wastes energy. They believe that collecting,
processing and converting waste uses more energy than it saves.
3. Landfilling is the oldest method of managing waste. In its simplest form,
landfilling is when people bury garbage in a hole dug in the ground. Garbage
is compacted before it is thrown into a big hole. In this way more garbage
fits in each landfill. Large liners are placed in the bottom of landfills so that
toxic garbage juice doesn't get into the groundwater. Landfills may still
pollute local water supply, not to forget that garbage can raise quite a stink.
This makes it hard to find new, remote locations for landfills.
4. Composting is when people pile up organic matter, such as food waste
and garden waste and allow them to decompose. The product of this
decomposition is compost. Compost can be added to the soil to make it
nutrient-rich for growing better quality crops and increasing yield. While
composting is easy to do onsite somewhere, it's hard to do after the garbage
gets all mixed up. There is a lot of plastic in the garbage, which makes it
hard to decompose on a large scale.
5. There are two ways to incinerate waste. The first is to create or harness
fuel from the waste, such as methane gas, and burn the fuel. The second is
to burn the waste directly. The heat from the incineration process can boil
water, which can power steam generators. Unfortunately, burning garbage
pollutes the air. Also, some critics worry that incinerators destroy valuable
resources that could be recycled.
6. Usually, the community in which you live manages waste. Once you put
collected garbage in a can, what happens to it is beyond your control. But
you can decide what to do with it.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following

questions briefly.
a. What is the process of turning waste into new materials called?
(i) Recycling (iii) Landfilling
(ii) Composting (iv) Incinerating
b. What is placed in the bottom of landfills so that toxic garbage juice
doesn't get into the groundwater?
(i) Garbage (iii) Large liners
(ii) Fuel (iv) Methane gas
c. What is the correct order of the information given below.
I. Large liners are placed in the bottom of landfills.
II. Collecting, processing and converting waste uses more energy than it
III. Burning garbage pollutes the air.
IV. Recycling turns waste into new materials.
(i) IV, II, I, III (iii) IV, I, II, III
(ii) I, II, III, IV (iv) IV, III, I, II
d. What can be added to the soil to make it nutrient-rich for growing better
quality crops and increasing yield?
(i) Garbage (iii) Compost
(ii) Fertilizer (iv) Pesticides
e. Which of the following makes the garbage hard to decompose on a large
(i) Compost (iii) Plastic
(ii) Fuel (iv) Methane gas
f. Compost is added to the soil to make it nutrient-rich for:
I. reducing pollution. II. growing better quality
III decreasing energy consumption. IV. increasing yield.
(i) I and II (iii) II and III
(ii) II and IV (iv) III and IV
g. When people pile up organic matter such as food waste and garden waste
and allow them to decompose, it is called _____________.
h. There is a criticism that incinerators destroy valuable resources which
could be recycled. (True/ False)


Q3• Your school celebrated Republic Day with zeal and spirit. Prepare a
report in about 100 to 120 words as Ranjan/ Ranjana of Lotus Valley
School, class 9th.
Q4• You witnessed a terrible accident on the road while going back home.
Later, in the evening, you got to know that three people lost their lives
in that. You felt distressed and low. Write a diary sharing your
Q5• Imagine you are the junior school sports captain of your school.
Write a notice, in about 50 words, for the school notice board
announcing trials for selection of the junior football team. Provide
details of when and where the trials will be held.
Q6• You are Manav/Manya, Head of a Mountain Camping Company called You wish to connect to the Principal of Stephan High
School for a school trip. Write an email to the Principal, giving an outline of
the trip and necessary details.
Q7•Design a poster for promoting kindness towards animals. ( Suggest to
keep a pet, why and how animals are helpful)


Q8. Adverbs
A. Underline the adverbs and state what types they are.
1. I heard he is not joining the school debate club.
2. When will you go to the market to buy the vegetables?
3. Ratul is definitely going to the party, as he had been so excited about it
all week.
4. They certainly went to the beach in the morning.
5. We looked everywhere for the little puppy but couldn’t find it. 6.
I think these mangoes are almost ripe.
7. No, you are only partly right about this situation.
8. This room is big enough for the two of us.

B. Insert the adverbs in the correct places.

1. Anshika seemed happy with the outcome of her experiment. (quite)
2. Miss Sen comes late to class. (seldom)
3. The little boy ran down the stairs to open the door. (quickly)
4. The kittens mewed and followed their mother. (everywhere)
5. We fell asleep during the bus journey to Nasik. (almost)
6. We booked our return tickets two months back. (already)
7. How prompt and efficient service the hotel provided! (delightfully)
8. So, are we going for the movie? (tonight)

C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the given

1. The team played _______ than they did in the last tournament. (bad)
2. The football coach has asked you to report ________ than before at the
sports ground. (early)
3. The baby being asleep, we decided to talk ______. (softly) 4.
This is the _________ known fact of all about pandas. (less) 5.
Crescentia’s mother spoke French _______ than her. (fluent) 6.
Richard paints as _______ as his father. (good)
7. The Green house performed the _________ among the other school
houses this year. (good)
8. Kirti did not like dissecting flowers. But on the day of the test, she
examined the specimen ________ than before in the biology lab.
9. Riya sings ______ than her brother. (good)
10. You should ask Ruma to speak ______ with her elders. (politely)

Q9. Active and Passive Voice

A. State whether the sentences are in the active or passive voice.
1. Abir kept his promise even after all these years.
2. She has been practising yoga seriously for the past six years. 3.
You will be given further instructions by the trainer.
4. 2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup was hosted by India.
5. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the President of Colombia, Juan
Manuel Santos, in 2016.
6. Who gave you this bag?
7. Let’s not waste any more time.
8. The construction of the flyover will be completed by the end of this

B. Change the sentences from the active to the passive voice.

1. Do you know the technology behind this device?
2. Who led the famous Dandi March?
3. Don’t make so much noise in the class.
4. Turn off the lights and fans before leaving.
5. Mr Sharma made some delicious pasta for dinner.
6. Read the questions carefully before starting on the answers.
7. Paint the house green.
8. How many chocolate ice creams did you have?
9. Has she returned the book yet?

C. Read the given instructions and complete the paragraph that follows
in passive voice:
* First of all, take four apples.
* Wash them and peel them.
* Grate them.
* Crush the grated apples into pulp.
* Boil half litre of milk until thick.
* Let it cool.
* Add apple pulps and three tablespoons of sugar.
* Mix everything well.
First of all, four apples are taken. The apples (b) _________ and peeled. They
(c) ___________. Then the grated apples (d) ___________ into pulp. Half litre of
milk (e) ___________ until thick, and allowed to cool. Then the apple pulp
and three tablespoons of sugar (f) _________ to the milk. Finally, everything
is mixed well.
(b) (i) are washed (ii) is washed (iii) was washed
(c) (i) was grated (ii) is grated (iii) are grated
(d) (i) is crushed (ii) were crushed (iii) are crushed
(e) (i) are boiled (ii) is boiled (iii) were boiled
(f) (i) are added (ii) is added (iii) were added

Q10. Direct and Indirect speech

A. Read the following dialogues and write them in reported speech
by choosing the correct potion.
Manu: Did you watch the cricket match yesterday?
Neeta: Yes, I did.
Manu: What an exciting match it was!
Neeta: The Indian team played very well.
Manu: I also think so.
Manu asked Neeta (a) ___________________. Neeta replied that she had
watched the match. Manu exclaimed with joy (b) ___________________. Neeta
remarked (c) ____________________. Manu also thought that the Indians had
played very well.
a.(i) if she had watched the cricket match the previous
day (ii) if she has watched the cricket match the previous
(iii) if she had watched the cricket match yesterday
(iv) if she has watched the cricket match yesterday
b. (i) that it is a exciting match
(ii) that it was an exciting match
(iii) that it was a exciting match
(iv) that it is an exciting match
c. (i) that Indian team play well
(ii) that the Indian team play well
(iii) that the Indian team had played very well
(iv) that Indians had played well

B. Rewrite these sentences in indirect speech.

1. The judge said, ‘Do you have any other eyewitnesses?’
2. The journalist said to the cricketer, ‘Can you share some of your
favourite innings with us?’
3. The police asked, ‘Can you tell us what had happened that night?’
4. Father said, ‘Will Billy help me with putting up the fences in the
5. The nurse asked the patient’s relatives, ‘How may I help you?’
6. Gurmeet said, ‘Are you going to attend Tanmay’s wedding?’
7. The little child said to his mother, ‘When will the concert begin?’
8. Prabhu said to the plumber, ‘Why are you waiting outside?’

Q11. Finite Non-finite verbs

A. State whether the underlined verbs are finite or non-finite.
1. Nancy Drew knows how to conduct her investigations.
2. Cycling and swimming are two of the best forms of exercise.
3. My brother speaks German fluently.
4. We tried to help him find his mobile phone.
5. Laughing is the best medicine. So, you must try to laugh more often.
6. The watchman notices the young boy’s activities daily.
7. My father had his car washed last week.
8. The police assured us that they were going to catch the thief very soon.

B. Underline the participles in the sentences and state their types.

1. Having eaten, we decided to take a nap in the afternoon.
2. By the end of the eighties, the actor was a fading star.
3. Standing at the gate, she realized she should not have come.
4. The broken door needs to be repaired soon.
5. Waving their nation’s flag, the citizens paid respect to the martyred
6. Anindita was trying to manage the crying baby.
7. Overwhelmed with joy, she forgot to greet the others.
8. It was such an exciting experience we had in Toronto.

Q12. Verbs
A. Underline the direct object and circle the indirect object in the
following sentences.
1. The coach gave some children football training after school.
2. Jane has been playing chess since childhood.
3. I had lent them some story books to read.
B. Identify the verbs in the following sentences and write ‘T’ for
transitive verbs and ‘IT’ for intransitive verbs.
1. Chocolate cakes are delicious.
2. The baby cried a lot.
3. You had given me a notebook last year.
C. Rewrite the sentences after correcting the errors.
1. Either he or I are at fault.
2. The associate director, along with his children, are going to have
dinner with us.
3. Neither of the passengers (have/has) any idea about the train timings.
D. Choose the correct modal auxiliary.
1. You __________ take our car if you need it for the trip.
a. should
b. might
c. may
2. _________ you please mail me the documents?
a. Could
b. May
c. Should
3. She __________ go for swimming classes before school, but she has
stopped going now. (past habit)
4. What _________ I do about the abandoned puppy? (seek opinion)
Q13. Conjunctions
1. Rama can help you with the notes. Ravi can help you too. (either...or)
(Rewrite using given conjunction)
2. _______ she was suffering from dengue, ______ she decided to sit for the
annual exam. (Fill in appropriate conjunction)
3. Aditi loves to go on roller coasters. She has a fear of heights. (Join using
appropriate conjunction and rewrite)
4. Ankita was _________ logical _______ reasonable. (Fill with appropriate


Q14. Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow-
Behold her, single in the field,
Yon solitary Highland Lass!
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here, or gently pass!
Alone she cuts and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.
a) What is the meaning of ‘Highland Lass’?
b) Write the rhyming scheme of the given stanza.
c) Who is ‘she’ and why is she singing a melancholy strain?
Q15. Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow-
I crept along in the darkness,
Stunned and bruised and blinded...
Crept to a fir with thick-set boughs,
And a sheltering rock behind it.
a) Write a pair of rhyming words.
b) Write one poetic device with reference.
c) Who is ‘I’ and why is he stunned and bruised?
Q16. Who said to whom-
a) ‘That you shall be, but you must suffer yourself to be blindfolded.’
b) ‘Your reading group is waiting for you.’
c) ‘I live in the house on this side of the fence.’
d) ‘There are ceremonies going on and I am busy.’
e) ‘Only two things I seek, your love and single combat with Partha.’
Q17. Answer the following questions in brief- (2 markers)
a) Who woke the mason up one night and why?
b) What happened when Parker rolled a marble on his desk?
c) Describe Bruno’s house in Berlin.
d) Besides equipment, what else does a wildlife photographer need to
spend on?
e) What had Rehman brought for Mini after his release from jail? Did he
give that to Mini? Why?
f) Why does Duryodhana compare the birth of heroes to rivers?
g) Write the character sketch of Mini.
Q18. ‘..... in the course of the quarrel, Rahman struck him’.
a) Who is Rahman?
b) What was the quarrel about?
c) What was the result of Rahman’s attack?
Q19. Answer in detail- (3 Markers)
a) ‘He looked proudly round at him, and cast a negligent salute to Drona
and Kripa.’ Why do you think Karns saluted the two teachers
carelessly? What does this gesture tell you about Karna?
b) Why was Bruno in despair? Give two reasons for Bruno to think of
turning back?

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