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Characters of Specimens (During Examination)

Museum Specimens (Invertebrate)

1. Amoeba :- Phylum :- Sarcodina Class :- Rhizopodea
Character :- The irregular body shows temporary outgrowths called pseudopodia.
2. Hydra :- Phylum :- Coelenterata Class :- Hydrozoa
Character :- Cylindrical body bearing 6 to10 tentacles at the oral end.
3. Liver fluke :- Phylum :- Platyhelminthes Class :- Trematoda
Character :- Flattened leaf like body with oral sucker and acetabulum.
4. Ascaris :- Phylum :- Nemathelminthes Class :- Nematoda
Character :- Rounded elongated body without segmentation and covered with elastic cuticle.
5. Leech :- Phylum :- Annelida Class :- Hirudinea
Character :- Elongated many segmented body with small anterior and large posterior sucker.
6. Earthworm :- Phylum :- Annelida Class :- Oligocheata
Character :- Many segmented elongated body with a clear zone called clitellum towards the anterior
7. Prawn :- Phylum :- Arthropoda Class :- Crustacea
Character :- Body is divided into anterior cephalothorax, which is covered by carapace and a
posterior abdomen.
8. Silk worm :- Phylum :- Arthropoda Class :- Insecta
Character :- Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen and thorax bears 2 pairs of wings and
3 pairs of jointed legs.
9. Honey bee (Worker) :- Phylum :- Arthropoda Class :- Insecta
Character :- Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen and metathoracic legs bear pollen bags.
10. Pila :- Phylum :- Mollusca Class :- Gastropoda
Character :- Body covered with a spirally coiled shell with a broad ventral foot.
11. Star fish :- Phylum :- Echinodermata Class :- Asteroidea
Character :- Star shaped body having 5 elongated radiating arms and the body is covered with
spines dorsally.
Museum Specimens (Vertebrate)
1. Shark :- Phylum :- Chordata Class :- Chondrichthyes
Character :- Elongated, laterally compressed body covered with placoid scales and possesses
heterocercal caudal fin.
2. Rohu :- Phylum :- Chordata Class :- Osteichthyes
Character :- Spindle shaped, laterally compressed body covered with cycloid scales along with paired
fins and smooth bony operculum.
3. Frog :- Phylum :- Chordata Class :- Amphibia
Character :- Spindle shaped body having smaller fore limbs and longer hind limbs with web in
between the digits.
4. House lizard :- Phylum :- Chordata Class :- Reptilia
Character :- Elongated body with a tail and clawed digits are provided with two rows of ridged
lamellae on ventral side.
5. Pigeon :- Phylum :- Chordata Class :- Aves
Character :- Spindle shaped body covered with feathers and fore limbs are modified into wings.
6. Rabbit :- Phylum :- Chordata Class :- Mammalia
Character :- Body covered with white fur and the head bears large movable ears and sensory
Permanent Slides
1. Squamous epithelium :- Flat tile like cells with prominent nucleus.
2. Striated muscle fibres :- Elongated cylindrical fibres with alternate light and dark bands.
3. Mammalian blood smear :- Non-nucleated cells called RBCs are mainly seen and some nucleated
cells called WBCs with rounded or lobed nuclei are also seen.
Bones of Human
1. Skull :- Roof of skull is made up of frontal and parietal bones which are joined permanently by sutures.
Anterior end have two large hole called orbits and posterior lower end have two occipital condyles.
2. Lower jaw :- Single movable bone provided with teeth and 2 condyles and coronoid processes at the
upper end.
3. Atlas or 1st vertebra :- Ring shaped bone with 2 anterior facets and is without pre and post
4. Axis or 2nd vertebra :- Ring shaped bone with prominent odontoid process.
5. Thoracic vertebra :- Flat centrum possesses facet for articulation with ribs and have a
prominent neural spine.
6. Lumber vertebra :- Flat centrum is very well developed and having transverse processes,
metapophysis and anapophysis laterally.
7. Sacrum :- Five bones fuse to form a triangular structure with a curved triangular coccyx at the lower
8. Thoracic basket :- It is made up of sternum at the middle and 12 pairs of ribs of which upper 7 pairs
are true ribs and lower 2 pairs are floating ribs.
9. Pectoral girdle :- It is made up of a flat triangular bone called scapula and a slender collar bone
called clavicle with a glenoid cavity.
10. Humerus :- Long bone with rounded head at the proximal end and pulley like trochlea at the distal end.
11. Radio-ulna :- It is made up of a smaller bone called radius and a longer bone called ulna with
olecranon process at the proximal end.
12. Pelvic girdle :- It is made up of two innominate bones which are formed due to fusion of ilium, ischium
and pubis bone and have a cavity called acetabulum on either side.
13. Femur :- Long and strong bone with a prominent neck and head at the proximal end and two lateral
condyles at distal end.
14. Patella :- Thick circular-triangular bone with outer convex surface.
15. Tibio-fibula :- It is made up of two bones called tibia and fibula of which tibia is large and stout while
fibula is slender and weak.


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