Bacterial Etiology of Wound Exudates in Tertiary Care Cancer Patients and Antibiogram of The Isolates

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文章 APA Duwadi, K., Khadka, S., Adhikari, S., Sapkota, S., & Shrestha, P. (2020).

Bacterial etiology
of wound exudates in tertiary care cancer patients and antibiogram of the isolates.
Infectious Diseases (Auckland, N.Z.), 13, 1178633720952077.
內文 APA Duwadi et al., 2020
作者/年代 (Duwadi et al., 2020)
可以運用 01. Cancer, an expansive term used to describe a plethora of diseases, is an abnormal
的地方 condition in which the cells of the body divide and spread at an alarming rate. With an
estimated 8 million deaths and 32 million cases diagnosed in between 2011 and 2015
and 14 million infected individuals worldwide in 2012 alone cancer is the leading
cause of mortality and morbidity and warrants serious investigation and intervention
in a global scale.
02. 癌症是一個廣泛的術語,用於描述多種疾病,是一種身體細胞以驚人的速度分
裂和擴散的異常狀況。據估計,2011 年至 2015 年期間,全球有 800 萬人死亡,
診斷出 3200 萬例病例,僅 2012 年就有 1400 萬感染者,癌症是死亡和發病的主
要原因,需要在全球範圍內進行認真調查和乾預(Duwadi et al., 2020)。
03. Over a hundred types of cancer are recognized by the National Cancer Institute.Just
like the disease, treatment of cancer is also highly unique and is provided based on the
needs of the patients, the tumor size, location of the tumor, and also the stage of the
disease progression. Patients’ general health and wellbeing are also taken into
consideration and their preferences for the options are available.5 Some treatment
measures, especially chemotherapy and radiation therapy, prevent the bone marrow
from making blood cells that are essential for fighting microbes increasing the chance
of developing an infection.
04. 美國國家癌症研究所認可了一百多種癌症。與疾病一樣,癌症的治療也非常獨
用的。5 一些治療措施,尤其是化療和放射治療,會阻止骨髓製造對抗微生物所
必需的血細胞,從而增加感染的機會(Duwadi et al., 2020)。
05. In medicine, a wound is a form of physical trauma caused either due to puncture of the
skin or due to blunt force.8 An infection, however, is the successful invasion and
proliferation of healthy tissue of the body resulting in the formation of pus. The wound
can be colonized by a wide array of organisms and is influenced by factors such as a
type, depth, location, and level of tissue perfusion and also the antimicrobial efficacy
of the host immune response.9 In cancer, infection is mostly associated with surgery,
seen in 2.0% to 20.0% of the cases, and fungating tumors, characterized by leaking
ulcerative lesions with an unpleasant smell, bleeding, and itching.10,11 Infection is the
most important cause of complications in cancer and infection caused by antibiotic
resistant microbes results in prolonged hospital stays and more expensive treatment.
06. 在醫學上,傷口是由於皮膚刺穿或鈍器造成的身體創傷的一種形式。8 然而,感
功效等因素的影響。9 在癌症中,感染主要與手術(佔 2.0% 至 20.0% 的病
癢。10 , 11 感染是癌症併發症最重要的原因,而抗生素抗藥性微生物引起的感
染會導致住院時間延長和治療費用更高(Duwadi et al., 2020)。
07. Among cancer patients, the wide prescription of the broad-spectrum antibiotics as
prophylaxis has altered the composition of normal flora and resulted the emergence of
arrays of multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens including methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE).Many
unusual pathogens infect patients with underlying immunodeficiencies, especially
patients with hematological malignancies with some of them assuming increasing
importance in cancer.16 Knowledge of infectious etiology and appropriate
antimicrobial agent can significantly improve the treatment but this information is not
easily available in Nepal. Hence this study aimed to investigate the drug resistance
patterns of microbes infecting wounds in patients with underlying malignancy and
determine any significant association between various possible risk factors.
08. 在癌症患者中,廣泛使用廣譜抗生素作為預防措施改變了正常菌叢的組成,並
菌(MRSA)、耐萬古黴素腸球菌(VRE)。14 , 15 許多不常見的病原體會感染
原體在癌症中的重要性越來越高。16 了解傳染性病因和適當的抗菌藥物可以顯
間的顯著關聯(Duwadi et al., 2020)。

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