Test 1: Lives. Do You Think The Advantages of Taking Risks Outweigh The Disadvantages?

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Task 1: The maps below show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton, and planned future development of the site.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two map illustrates

Task 2: It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal
lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Some people think that taking risks in both their professional and personal lives is crucial;
however, others disagree with this notion. In my perspective, I think the benefits eclipse any possible

On the one hand, it is undeniable that the activity brings some disadvantages. Firstly, the
obvious consequence of taking risks is getting failure. For example, in business affairs, people invest in
a promising project but with high-risk potential and if the market collapses, they run the risk of
becoming bankrupt. Secondly, risks can significantly threaten human beings. To clarify, some people
want to have thrilling feelings by participating in dangerous games such as bungee jumping, which can
cause injury and even death. In addition, it can be just as vulnerable to donate an organ as it is to get
sick or even die.

On the other hand, the cons as discussed above are outweighed by the pros. To begin with, the
more challenges people overcome, the more mature they become. To illustrate, in today’s modern
society, individuals cannot just stay in their comfort zone since taking helps them develop their
problem-solving and other life skills. In other words, risks might inspire people to look for answers and
approaches, which is vital for humans to learn new things. Furthermore, making risky decisions would
make people have more responsibility and confidence. For instance, a man who has never been a leader
before agrees to do so. From time to time, his leadership will be enhanced.

In conclusion, taking risks has both merits and demerits but I am of the opinion that the
negatives are outstripped by the positives.
Task 2: Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you
think this is a positive or a negative development?
The development of smartphones is only one example of how quickly digital technologies are
evolving in the modern world. Now that they are so widely used, especially by kids, people use them
for hours every day. In this essay, I will discuss some underlying reasons why phones are popular and I
would argue that this development has far more disadvantages than advantages
On the one hand, the invention of smartphones has created a huge impact on society. To begin
with, digital technologies are more and more enhanced. To clarify, most information these days is on
the Internet, so using a smartphone is the best way to access this development, particularly during the
Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, parents now are too busy to have enough time for their children and as
a result, they make kids interact with smartphones at an early age. This is because the majority of
parents in today's society consider that giving their children such advanced products may benefit them,
while others choose to use such items to prevent their children from bothering them.
On the other hand, despite the positives mentioned above, I believe that interacting with digital
phone are a negative development for various reasons. Firstly, the main drawback of the trend towards
using cellphone is that it causes miscommunication between community, particularly among families.
To clarify, when children are glued to the phone screen, they might not be aware of surroundings
considerably or able to chat with someone. Furthermore, nowadays, during meals, kids need to have a
phone nearby to watch cartoons in order to eat well, which will create a bad habit for them. Secondly,
the infrared radiation from phones is a known cause of illnesses, especially eye conditions. Children,
for instance, had to learn online during the Covid-19 pandemic because they were unable to attend
school. They spent a lot of time looking at phone screens as a result, which caused eye illnesses and a
disruption in their daily routine.
In conclusion, while the usage of mobile phones has expanded owing to numerous demands, I
consider it to be a negative development overall for children.

Task 2: Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to
work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in
another country if they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not professionals with advanced education, such as
doctors and engineers, must operate in the nation where they received their education. While there are
some strong arguments against this demand, I still believe that they can decide where they should work

There are several reasons why people might argue that someone trained somewhere should work
there. Firstly, there is evidence to support the idea that homegrown professionals have the ability to
access the culture, geographical location, local diseases and so on. Therefore, they can be aware of their
surroundings and tackle the problem efficiently and effectively to serve society in the best way. For
example, in a country with a high humid rate like India, diseases such as Malaria and Dengue are much
known to Indian doctors, so that they can provide accurate medication for patients. Secondly, most of
the professional courses are sponsored by the government and when the courses finish, the scholars
have to work in order to help in paying back money out which the scholarship was paid to the
candidates. To clarify, high-level professionals, such as doctors, engineers, and many more, should
give back to the community because society contributed significantly to their education costs.

In spite of the above arguments, I support the view that they have the rights to choose where to
work in. To commence with, in the democratic era, everyone has the same freedom to decide which
country they enjoy working, in accordance with their needs and requirements. Moreover, in some
developing nations, despite their skills and literacy, the average salary is quite low as a result of
unemployment and other issues. Therefore, many professionals can go to developed countries to have a
huge sum in order to serve their families and their demands appropriately.

In conclusion, I think that professionals like doctors and engineers should have the liberty to
work wherever they choose since it is their basic right to make their own decisions.

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