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July 5, 2023 07:34

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July 5, 2023 08:20

Hello! thanks for liking my page. how do you do sir??

July 5, 2023 09:08

Hey miss, same. thanks for the add. I’m well, no complaining. How are you?

pretty good better than yesterday... whats the good words today sir?

July 5, 2023 09:19

“ Over” doing anything is bad for you. Overthinking, over exaggerating, over

ohh what does that supposed to mean?

It Just something I heard this morning on the radio. It got stuck in my head.
Thought I would share it.

oh sounds like a good lesson.. so what time is it now in the states??

July 5, 2023 09:30

11:29am.. I’m on the east coast.

its almost 6pm here in Ukraine

I hope the weather there is pretty cool

Cool, I was gonna ask, didn’t know if you could say. It’s been raining for about a
week in and off but nobody is complaining because of the 105 temp. how’s everything

going pretty well just in the middle of everything, but itd slmodt bring sorted out

what state are you from? from the cold midwest of the state omaha in NE

Good to hear, I’ve never been. I’m Currently living in Huntsville Alabama. How long
you’ve been deployed?

July 5, 2023 09:51

well, I been deployed since last year October, my mission will be over by September
and I have been serving in the military for past 5yrs now.
July 5, 2023 10:01

Almost an year, I know you missing home. 5 years a longtime, you enjoy what you do?

I miss my family a lot no lie about that... so what are you doing today sir??

I will like to know you more better

probably change the thermostat in my car and take my daughter to the water fountain
at the park. I guess just chill fr. What’s on your agenda?

My name is Adrian…

oh that sounds fun, how many kids do you have ?? am Maia a baby momma with a son

are you married or single by the way??

I only have one daughter. She’s 6years old, she’s with me majority of the time. I’m
single, never been married. Why you say you “baby mamma with a son”? I’m cool with
you just being “Maria with a son”..

July 5, 2023 10:27

Lol that sounds funny I mean am a single mother my son stay up with my mom for now

I never been married as well but the plan was to a marriage but we fallout when i
joined the military told me he couldnt hold up with that

July 5, 2023 10:34

Ok single mother is way better lol.. You get to talk to your son alot? Dang that
was selfish of him to fallout with you because of that.

yeah but its hard to be a single baby momma and i dont blame him for what hes done
perhaps he has is reason

I dont get enough time with him on here

Since having my kid and taking on more of the responsibility for her. I can
honestly say I understand. Being a single parent is really tough. But the biggest
award is watching them grow. I can only imagine any amount of time is not enough
when it comes to him.

July 5, 2023 10:53

Sure you are absolutely right and i think you have an ultimate understanding of
parental care I really love that
what can you tell me about you past relationship why did you become single

July 5, 2023 11:07

I never got an clear understanding as to why my last relationship ended. I was

giving her everything I had to offer honestly. Her words “I don’t know how to build
with a man”. I was once told, she didn’t know why she was leaving. She tried to
comeback once. but i couldn’t give her the same me twice. So I’m single now just
focusing on bettering my life for me and the little one.

July 5, 2023 11:19

thats a lot to take in i would have come up with the same decision if i were you to

I guess many who go into relationship dont get a clear picture of it at first but i
think you made the right choice whatsoever

I’m really not interested in that “struggle love” aka toxic relationships. At the
end she wasn’t the person I fell in love with. So I was okay with letting it go.


July 5, 2023 11:31

Thats bad sorry to hear that but I believe you guys enjoyed you time together

like you know time most be cherished you cant gt it back after all

what link is that by the way?

It’s to my instagram page. I get what you saying, we all have those look back
moments. But I believe that what they should stay “look back memories”

July 5, 2023 12:15

Yeah by gone should remain as by gone i understand that as well

I will text you later before bed right now am a little busy out here. ttyl


July 5, 2023 13:22

So hows everything going now??

July 5, 2023 14:50

Ok am going to bed now, text you in the morning, good night. have fun

July 5, 2023 16:39

Im just now seeing your message. Got busy fixing on that car. Sorry I missed you.
Message me when you wake up in the morning.

what plans do you have for the weekend

what did you had on the menu for breakie
did you make that yourself or an order in
how good can you cook

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