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NAME DATE Read about how plants communicate We are able to speak to each other through language. We use different sounds or signals to show our friends what we are trying to say. Plants cannot make sounds in the same way that humans do, but that doesn't mean they don't have language. The space around plant roots is called a rhizosphere, and plants send chemicals called root exudates into this rhizosphere. Other plants can sense these chemicals and respond by moving slowly or growing differently. Plants may not have a word vocabulary but they have a chemical vocabulary of over one hundred thousand signals! x x LERNER. 1. Which picture shows how plants communicate? 2. Which picture shows something that the article says communicates with chemicals? 3. How many signals can plants produce? A.100 B.1,000 C.10,000 D. 100,000 4. How do plants respond to chemical signals? A. By moving and growing B. By singing and moving C. By making counter chemicals D. By turning toward the sun NAME DATE Read about types of volcanoes. You may have seen pictures of volcanoes shaped like upside down cones, but volcanoes come in many shapes and sizes. One type is a shield volcano, which happens when magma flows out onto the seafloor under water. There are also stratovolcanoes, which form in subduction zones, which is where two large pieces of land collide to form huge mountains. The last type of volcano is a cinder cone. A cinder cone is asmall volcano, which erupts making a cone shape with a crater. These are the volcanoes most seen in pictures and photographs. 1. Where do shield volcanoes form? 3. What is at the top of a cinder cone volcano? A. Crater B. Point Cc. Lava D. Smoke cloud 4. What flows to cause a shield volcano? A. Lava B. Magma Cc. Water D. Smoke NAME DATE Read about igneous rocks. There are many types of rocks, which include rocks formed from sitting for long periods of time called sedementary rocks and rocks formed through magma and lava called igneous rocks. The word igneous comes from the Latin word ignis meaning fire or flame. These rocks look like sponges, but are very hard to the touch. All igneous rocks form when melted rock cools and re hardens again. This can happen from a volcanic eruption. Rocks that fly out of an active volcano are called tephra rocks. Lava flows are rocks that flow out of the top of a volcano and get their shape from flowing down the sides of a volcano. 1. Which picture shows tephra rocks forming? 3. What Latin word does igneous come from? A. The word for fire B. The word for stone C. The word for volcano D. The word for melted 4. What type of rock forms from lava streaming down a mountain? A. Magma flow B. Tephra C. Lava flow D. Sedimentary flow NAME DATE Read about the formation of the universe. The universe began with a huge explosion, which we call the Big Bang. It was very hot and grew a little cooler as it expanded. That is when the most basic elements were formed. Then, gravity pulled things together to make the first stars and then the first galaxies. When stars exploded, the debris and dust from those explosions became planets. Humans are tiny beings on a tiny planet in a tiny galaxy in a universe of other galaxies. 1. Which picture shows the start of the universe? 2. Which picture shows what forms when stars explode? 3. What is the beginning of the universe called? A. The Great Explosion B. The Big Bang C. Gravity D. The Solar System 4. Which of these is bigger than a galaxy? A. A planet B. A star C. Asolar system D. A universe NAME DATE Read about the effects of ginger. In India, mothers and grandmothers often use ginger root to help their children if they feel sick and nauseous. Ginger root is lightly golden in color and feels like a squiggly potato. Even though many old medicines are not as useful as modern medicine, it turns out ginger works better than modern anti- nausea medication. British scientists have conducted studies to show the effects of ginger on all kinds of nausea including sea sickness which happens because the motion of the boat makes people vomit! In each case, ginger helped reduce nausea better than modern medicine. It just goes to show that sometimes ancient knowledge is more advanced than modern science. 1. Which picture shows a ginger root? 3. What is nausea? A. feeling a pain in your head B. feeling dizzy C. feeling exhausted D. feeling like you will throw up 4. Where are the scientists studying ginger from? A. Britain B. USA C. Norway D. Argentina Answer Key 1. Which picture shows how plants communicate? 2. Which Siceare shows something that the article says communicates with chemicals? 3. How many signals can plants produce? A.100 B.1,000 C.10,000 D. 100,000 4. How do plants respond to chemical signals? A. By moving and growing B. By singing and moving C. By making counter chemicals D. By turning toward the sun 1. Where do shield volcanoes form? 3. What is at the top of a cinder cone volcano? A. Crater B. Point Cc. Lava D. Smoke cloud 4. What flows to cause a shield volcano? A. Lava B. Magma Cc. Water D. Smoke 1. Which picture shows tephra rocks forming? 3. What Latin word does igneous come from? A. The word for fire B. The word for stone C. The word for volcano D. The word for melted 4. What type of rock forms from lava streaming down a mountain? A. Magma flow B. Tephra C. Lava flow D. Sedimentary flow 1. Which picture shows the start of the universe? 2. Which picture shows what forms when stars explode? 3. What is the beginning of the universe called? A. The Great Explosion B. The Big Bang C. Gravity D. The Solar System 4. Which of these is bigger than a galaxy? A. A planet B. A star C. Asolar system D. A universe 1. Which picture shows a ginger root? 3. What is nausea? A. feeling a pain in your head B. feeling dizzy C. feeling exhausted D. feeling like you will throw up 4. Where are the scientists studying ginger from? A. Britain B. USA C. Norway D. Argentina

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