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NAME DATE Read about sharks. Sharks are one of the oldest types of animals alive today. There were sharks millions of years ago. They were there at the same time as dinosaurs! Sharks are vertebrates like humans. They have bones and spines inside their bodies. One other thing that sharks and humans have in common is that both sharks and humans sleep. When sharks sleep, they conserve energy and store it for later; this is like a laptop charging its battery. 1. Which picture shows something sharks and humans both do? 2. Which picture shows something sharks and humans both have? 3. Why do sharks sleep? A. To conserve energy B. To absorb energy from the water C. To digest their food D. To dream 4. How long have sharks been around A. Hundreds of years B. Thousands of years C. Millions of years D. Billions of years NAME DATE Read about how chemicals affect animals. There is a system in our body called the endocrine system. This system controls how we grow and how we feel. Sometimes, chemicals in the environment interfere with this system. If our endocrine system is harmed by these chemicals, we can even pass the harm on to our children because the damage is in the DNA itself. We aren't the only ones negatively affected by the chemicals around us. Fish, frogs, birds, and mammals like us can also be harmed. That is why it is important to monitor any chemicals we put into the environment. 1. What does NOT have an endocrine system? 2. Which picture shows what the endocrine system does? 3. What is the main point of the writing? A. Explain what the endocrine system does B. Warn about the dangers of chemicals C. Describe different animal systems D. Argue for more chemicals in the environment 4. How does chemical harm pass to children? A. Through the environment B. In the air C. Through blood D. Through DNA NAME DATE Read about how scientists find planets. In our galaxy, the Milky Way, we can see different planets through telescopes, but how can scientists find planets in other galaxies? Telescopes cannot see a planet that far. Also other galaxies are too far away for probes or spaceships to travel. That's why instead of looking for planets themselves through telescopes, scientists can look at X-rays that come from stars. X- rays look like waves and can travel through space, but if a planet is there, they are blocked. If scientists look at the rays over the years coming from a star and notice something is blocked, then they can determine that it is a planet orbiting a star. 1 . Which picture shows where X-rays come from? 3. What do planets block that allows us to see them? A. Waves B. Sound C. X-Rays D. Meteorites 4. How long does it take to find a planet? A. It takes a few days. B. It takes a few minutes. C. It takes a hundred years. D. It takes a few years. NAME DATE Read about COVID's effect on air pollution. Some cities are full of cars and factories that create pollution. When we breathe in pollutants it can make us sick or even give us asthma. This is why air quality is so important. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a lockdown. During a lockdown, many people have to stay home instead of going to work. This meant that there were less cars on the roads and less factories spilling out pollutants into the air. Because of this cities whose skies were once yellow or gray with pollution had blue skies again. It is possible to cause less pollution by producing products more sustainably and reducing the number of cars on the road. rR N . Which picture shows a cause of pollution? . Which color were city skies in the pandemic? . Why did COVID bring pollution down? A. People were sick B. There was a lockdown C. More people traveled to go home D. Everyone took the bus instead of cars . How can you help reduce pollution? A. Use a bicycle B. Build a motor C. Drive acar D. Work in a factory NAME DATE Read about how ducks swim in a line. Have you ever seen ducks swimming all in a row behind their mother? What makes them all swim together? Why don't baby ducks swim side-by-side or move around? There is a force that things moving through water feel called drag. Drag is what makes it harder to move through the water than it is to move through air. When mother ducks swim, they create little waves behind them. These little waves reduce the drag and make it easier for their babies to swim in their wake. That's why baby ducks swim behind their mothers. 9 _ In what formation do ducks swim? & c & . What reduces drag for baby ducks? nN 3. What happens when the mother duck swims? A. Baby ducks recognize their mother, so they follow her B. She makes a path that is easier to swim C. She ignores her babies. D. She follows her babies to make sure they are safe. 4. What is the space behind the mother duck? A. Her wave B. Her wake C. Her wind D. Her water Answer Key 1. Which picture shows something sharks and humans both do2 2. Which picture shows something sharks and humans both have? 3. Why do sharks sleep? (A) To conserve energy B. To absorb energy from the water C. To digest their food D. To dream 4. How long have sharks been around A. Hundreds of years B. Thousands of years ©) Millions of years D. Billions of years 1. What does NOT have an endocrine system? 3. What is the main point of the writing? A. Explain what the endocrine system does (B. Warn about the dangers of chemicals C. Describe different animal systems D. Argue for more chemicals in the environment 4. How does chemical harm pass to children? A. Through the environment B. In the air C. Through blood (D) Through DNA 1. Which picture shows where X-rays come from? 3. What do planets block that allows us to see them? A. Waves B. Sound C.X-Rays D. Meteorites 4. How long does it take to find a planet? (A) It takes a few days. B. It takes a few minutes. C. It takes a hundred years. D. It takes a few years. 1. Which picture shows a cause of pollution? ole A Gray fa e) |e 3. Why did COVID bring pollution down? A. People were sick There was a lockdown C. More people traveled to go home D. Everyone took the bus instead of cars 4. How can you help reduce pollution? (@ Use a bicycle B. Build a motor C. Drive a car D. Work in a factory 1. In what formation do ducks swim? 3. What happens when the mother duck swims? A. Baby ducks recognize their mother, so they follow her She makes a path that is easier to swim C. She ignores her babies. D. She follows her babies to make sure they are safe. 4. What is the space behind the mother duck? A. Her wave Her wake C. Her wind D. Her water

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