Summative Test 3 Grade 10 Plate Boundaries Module 4

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Department of Education


Salcedo, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

Quarter 1
Summative Test III

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ____________________

Section: _____________________

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the spaces before each number.

_____1. Which refers to the vibration of the earth due to rapid release of energy?
a. tsunami b. flash flood c. volcanic eruption d. earthquake

_____2. When two tectonic plates moves toward each other, they create a _______ boundary.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. cannot be determined

_____3. Which type of boundary is created when plates moves away from each other?
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. a, b and c

_____4. Which type of boundary is created when plates sliding past each other?
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. a, b and c

_____5. Which refers to the break in the rocks along which movement occurs?
a. target b. middle c. fault d. epicenter

_____6. The following are the results of collision of tectonic plates except _____________.
a. Earthquake b. explosion c. volcanoes d. mountains

_____7. When continental and oceanic plates collide, the thinner and denser oceanic plate is overridden by the thicker and less dense
continental plate causing the oceanic plate to forced down into the mantle in the process known as ____________.
a. projection b. subduction c. formation d. creation

_____8. What geological feature/s is/are created during continental-continental convergence?

a. volcanoes b. mountains c. valleys d. a, b and c

_____9. What geological feature/s is/are created during oceanic-continental convergence?

b. earthquake b. volcanoes c. trench d. a, b and c

_____10. What geological feature/s is/are created during oceanic-oceanic convergence?

a. earthquake b. volcanic island arcs c. trench d. a, b and c

_____11. In Seafloor Spreading Theory, new ocean crust is created when magma solidifies. It Is a result of ___ boundary.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. cannot be determined

_____12. What geological feature/s is/are created when plates diverge?

a. Oceanic ridges b. rift valleys c. earthquake d. a, b and c

_____13. At what type of plate boundary do shallow-focus earthquakes occur?

a. Convergent b. Divergent c. transform fault d. all of these

_____14. What is the primary cause of volcanoes and earthquakes?

a. Crustal plate movement b. Higher than usual tides c. Earth’s gravity d. a, b and c
_____15. Great Himalayas is the highest mountain range including the Mount Everest can be found at the border of
Nepal and China. It is formed by _____________ boundary.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. a, b and c
_____16. San Andreas Fault is a result of _______________, can be found in California.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform fault d. a, b and c

_____17. Philippines is situated at the Pacific Ring of Fire where many volcanic eruptions occur. Volcanoes are created by _____.
a. convergent b. divergent c. transform d. a and b

_____18. What is common among convergent, divergent and transform-fault boundaries?

a. Tsunami b. landslide c. earthquake d. flood

_____19. When two plates move away from each other, it creates earthquakes and ______________.
a. Rift Valleys b. tsunami c. volcanoes d. mountains

_____20. Due to Seafloor Spreading Theory, Oceanic Crust is basically thinner, ______ and ______ than continental crust.
a. Younger, denser b. older, denser c. younger, less dense d. older, less dense

_____21. Which pair is an example of Major tectonic plates?

a. Pacific Plate and Philippine Plate b. Arabian Plate and African Plate
c. Eurasian and North American Plate d. Indian and Juan De Fuca Plate

_____22. Divergent boundaries can be found mostly on oceanic crust which resulted to the formation of new ________
a. Crust b. ocean floor c. island d. volcano

_____23. Seafloor Spreading Theory suggests that rocks and ocean floor near the ridge are relatively _________ than those that are far from
the ridge.
a. Older b. younger c. thinner d. thicker

_____24. Which of the following is a famous geological structure formed by divergent plate boundary in the Philippines?
a. Cagayan Valley b. Hundred Islands c. Mayon Volcano d. Philippines Deep

_____25. Sierra Madre mountain ranges is a result of ____________ convergence.

a. oceanic and oceanic b. continental and oceanic
c. continental and continental d. a, b and c

Directions: Choose the best answer from the parenthesis. Underline your answer.

26. The youngest part of the ocean floor is found at the ( convergent , divergent ) boundaries.

27. Subduction of the ocean floor takes place at (convergent, transform fault) boundaries.

28. The theory that suggests that plates are slowly moving is called ( Seafloor Spreading , Plate Tectonic ).

29. Trenches can be formed from ( two oceanic , two continental ) plate collision.

30. The ( Manila Trench , The Mariana Trench ) is the deepest underwater trench located in the Pacific Ocean

31. Collision between Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate formed the ( Himalayas , Hamilayas) mountain range.

32. The Mid-Atlantic Range is a result of ( convergent , divergent ) boundary in the Atlantic Ocean

33. San Andreas Fault in California is a result of a (convergent , transform fault ) boundary.

34. The amazing Himalaya Mountains are the result of (two oceanic , two continental) convergent plate boundary.

35. Earthquakes ( happen , do not happen) in all types of plate boundaries.

Parent/Guardian’s Name and Signature

Prepared By Noted By

1.D C 26. Divergent

Subject Teacher 2. A D Principal I
3. B C 28. Plate Tectonic
4. C A 29. two oceanic
5. C A 30. The Mariana Trench
6. B C 31. Himalayas
7. B B 32. Divergent
8. B B 33. transform fault
9. D D 34. two continental
10. D C 35. happen
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. A

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