What Is Near Field Communication (NFC)

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What is Near Field Communication (NFC) ?

Near Field Communication or NFC refers to a short-range wireless

connectivity technology that enables simple and secure communication

between devices that are in close proximity. NFC offers capabilities like

contactless transactions, data exchange, device pairing and

proximity-based interactions.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the fundamentals of NFC

technology, how it works, protocols, standards, device integration, security

considerations, use cases and its evolution.

Table of Contents

Introduction to NFC

NFC or Near Field Communication is a standards-based wireless

connectivity technology that allows devices within a short range to

exchange information securely.

Some key aspects of NFC:

 Operates at 13.56 MHz frequency based on RFID standards

 Offers data speeds from 106 kbps to 424 kbps

 Supports communication distances up to 10 cm

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 Enables intuitive “tap” based interactions between devices

 Secure two-way communication between endpoints

 Low power consumption for battery-powered devices

NFC enables compelling use cases like:

 Contactless transactions via payment cards and terminals

 Quick pairing between smartphones, peripherals and IoT devices

 Sharing contacts, media files, web links etc through a simple tap

 Fetching information from smart posters, tags and stickers via


 Automated actions and access control by bringing devices close


NFC complements broader connectivity technologies like WiFi and

Bluetooth by adding a short-range, low-power interaction model. Next, we

will take a technical look under the hood at how NFC systems function.

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How NFC Wireless Communication Works

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NFC is based on RFID or Radio Frequency IDentification standards and

operates in the globally available 13.56 MHz ISM band. It leverages

electromagnetic induction between two loop antennas located within each

other’s near field for communication.

The major components involved are:

NFC Reader/Writer – Actively generates an RF field and can read from or

write data to compatible devices. Examples are payment terminals,

smartphone NFC adapters.

NFC Tag – Passive tag that modulates data to the reader by detuning the

RF field. Tags contain data and an NFC antenna.

NFC Peer-to-Peer – Two NFC-capable devices can exchange data in

peer-to-peer mode.

NFC Card Emulation – Payment cards simulate an NFC tag to transmit card

data to readers.

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The basic NFC communication flow is:

1. The reader/initiator generates an unmodulated 13.56 MHz RF

carrier field.

2. The tag or peer device draws power from the RF field and

communicates by load modulation.

3. Data is transmitted between the endpoints using modulation like

ASK or PSK encoding schemes.

4. Bit rates of 106, 212 or 424 Kbps are supported for communication.

This near field working range limits NFC connections typically to around 10

cm or less. NFC transmissions are also inherently secure since the short

range limits eavesdropping/interception risks. Next, we look at the

protocols and data exchange mechanisms supported by NFC.

NFC Protocols and Data Exchange

NFC defines standardized mechanisms for communication session

initialization and data exchange between two devices. The core protocols


NFC Logical Link Control Protocol (LLCP)

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LLCP allows two NFC-enabled peer devices to communicate in both

directions. LLCP sets up the logical data communication channel and

provides a reliable, orderly data exchange between the peer devices.

Key capabilities offered by LLCP include:

 Service discovery – discover available services on the peer

 Symmetry – both devices can send and receive

-Segmentation and reassembly – large packets are split and recombined

 Multiplexing – communicate over multiple data links

 Error handling – ensure data integrity

 Flow control – manage transmission speed

LLCP is required for Android Beam file transfer and NFC based WiFi setup

between Android devices. It can transport any application protocol.

NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF)

NDEF defines a common data format for NFC messages transmitted

between devices. The NDEF specification determines:

 Message encapsulation – how payload is packaged

 Record typing – assign record types like text, URI, binary etc.

-security handling

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 extensibility to add new record types

NDEF ensures interoperability between sender and receiver devices by

establishing a standard data representation. This allows easy peer-to-peer

exchange of things like contacts, web URLs, configuration parameters etc.

simply by tapping devices together.

In card emulation mode, payment or transit cards also use NDEF to

encapsulate data transmitted to the reader.

NFC Record Type Definitions (RTD)

RTDs provide specifications for various standardized record types like

smart posters, text, URIs, Bluetooth handover etc. This allows common

handling of these record types across devices.

For example, the Smart Poster RTD allows an NFC phone to consistently

identify and interpret data from any compliant smart poster tag. RTDs

ensure interoperability across the ecosystem.

Together, these protocols provide the foundation for reliable,

interoperable data exchange between NFC devices.

NFC Operating Modes

NFC endpoints can communicate using several different operating modes:

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Reader/Writer Mode

In this mode, the NFC device reads data from or writes data into passive

NFC tags and stickers. This allows tagging real world objects and

embedding information.

Use cases like asset tracking, smart packaging, interactive signage and

contactless payments leverage reader/writer mode.

Card Emulation Mode

Here the NFC device like a smartphone emulates an NFC tag to another

reading device like a payment terminal. This allows payments, transit

ticketing and access control using the phone instead of a card.

The phone loads payment, ticketing, access control credentials into its

secure element and presents it just like a contactless card when in


Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Mode

In P2P mode, two NFC-capable devices can exchange data like contacts,

media files, web links etc. Android Beam leverages P2P mode. WiFi

handoff also uses NFC P2P to exchange credentials.

P2P mode enables quick tapping to pair and share data across NFC

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By supporting these modes of communication, NFC delivers a diverse set

of applications for consumers and enterprises, which we will cover later.

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NFC Frequency Bands and Data Rates

NFC systems operate in the globally available, license-free 13.56 MHz ISM

band. This frequency is leveraged since most countries allow free usage of

13.56 MHz band for industrial, scientific and medical purposes.

Within this ISM band, NFC implementations can take one of three possible

carrier frequency choices:

 13.553 to 13.567 MHz – Center frequency 13.56 MHz

 13.56605 to 13.56795 MHz – Center frequency 13.56 MHz

 13.824 to 14.224 MHz – Center frequency 13.56 MHz

NFC antennas and coils are tuned for high efficiency at the center

frequencies. The three sub-band options within ISM allow regional


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In terms of link data rate, NFC supports:

 106 kbit/s – Based on ISO/IEC 18092 standard

 212 kbit/s – For passive communication mode

 424 kbit/s – High data rate, active communication mode

Higher rates allow exchange of more data when devices are tapped

together. 424 kbps is fast enough for quick small file or web page sharing

between phones or computers using NFC.

NFC Standards

NFC technology has been standardized in multiple stages by standards

bodies like:

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute

ECMA – European association for standardizing ICT and consumer


NFC Forum – Standards body managing NFC specifications

Here is an evolution of key NFC standards:

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 ISO/IEC 18092 – Published 2004, defined modulation schemes and

data transport

 ISO/IEC 21481 – Published 2005, defined NFC interface and protocol

 ECMA-340 – Published 2006, defined NFC peer-to-peer standards

 ECMA-352 – Published 2008, defined NDEF data format

 ISO/IEC 22536 – Published 2011, harmonized former standards

 NFC Forum Specifications – Define implementation, use cases,


These standards ensure interoperability between NFC devices from

different manufacturers. Let’s next look at the typical architecture for NFC

controller chips and antennas.

NFC Hardware Architecture

The key hardware needed on a device for NFC functionality includes:

NFC Controller

This chip manages the wireless connectivity, communication protocols

and data exchange with other NFC endpoints. It modulates and

demodulates transmitted data.

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Most NFC controllers integrate a secure element hardware block that

stores payment or other sensitive credentials in a tamper-resistant


Some example NFC controllers are:

 NXP PN544 – Popular NFC controller used in many smartphones

 NXP PN548 – High performance controller with integrated secure


 ST ST21NFC – NFC controller chip by STMicroelectronics

NFC Antenna

The NFC antenna is tuned to the 13.56 MHz frequency and allows the

device to transmit and receive NFC signals. It is designed to offer good

coupling with other NFC antennas that come in proximity.

NFC antennas typically consist of a copper coil etched onto a printed

circuit board assembly. Multiple coil turns are used with 1nH typical

inductance. Matching is done with capacitors.

Host Processor Interface

The NFC controller communicates with the main application processor of

the device over standard interfaces like SPI, I2C, UART, USB. Software

stacks use these interfaces.

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NFC Power Management

Switches, regulators and amplifiers provide stable power supply to the

NFC chips derived from the system battery voltage.

The controller, antenna and associated interfaces come together into an

integrated NFC hardware module packaged as a single chip or PCB

assembly for integration into the device.

Software Architecture

Here are some key components of the NFC software stack:

Host API – Allows applications to leverage and control NFC hardware


NFC Middleware – Manages interaction between applications, secure

elements and hardware

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Device Firmware – Low level firmware like RF analog control

and digital protocol stack

Upper Layer Protocols – Software for protocols like LLCP, P2P, SNEP

Payment/Access Control Apps – Software for emulating transit cards,

access cards

Peer-to-Peer Apps – Program logic for use cases like file sharing

Tag Reading Apps – Code to read, write and emulate NFC tags

On Android, the NFC software stack is implemented via Android’s NFC HAL

(Hardware Abstraction Layer) and utilizes the NFC Forum Logical Link

Control Protocol (LLCP) for peer-to-peer communication.

Apple implements similar software architecture within its CoreNFC

frameworks introduced in iOS 11.

The firmware and software together orchestrate NFC operations, protocol

handling, secure data exchange and use case management.

NFC Integration Into Devices

Here are some guidelines and considerations when integrating NFC

hardware into a device:

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 Select NFC controller and antenna that supports target read range,

power budgets

 Ensure NFC module placement allows space for antenna and

minimizes interference

 Route signals from controller to host processor using robust

interfaces like I2C

 Provide sufficient decoupling and power supply stability to NFC


 Utilize shielding, ferrite sheets to limit interference from other


 Over-the-air testing to validate read range, data speeds, accuracy

 Test NFC performance in final device enclosure, with batteries,


 Validation testing with representative NFC tags and reader devices

With careful integration, antenna tuning and testing, optimal NFC

performance can be delivered within the device.

NFC Security Considerations

NFC offers simplified connectivity between devices, however it is

important to keep security in mind:

Data Exchange

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 NFC’s short range limits potential for remote eavesdropping and

man-in-the-middle attacks.

 Encryption can be implemented for NDEF and application level data


Device Pairing

 Visually confirm identity of the peer device being paired for consent.

Tags and Stickers

 Avoid unexpectedly downloading or opening unverified content

from unknown smart tags.

Relay Attacks

 Guard against Attempts to relay or extend unauthorized NFC scans

beyond immediate vicinity.

Transaction Verification

 Double check transaction details on device screen before approving

contactless payments.

Secure Element

 Use hardware backed secure element for storage of payment

credentials and keys.

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By following device best practices and user awareness, NFC can be

implemented securely across applications.

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Applications and Use Cases

Some major applications leveraging NFC technology include:

1. Contactless Payments

NFC enables card emulation mode on phones allowing users to tap to pay

at POS terminals – fast, convenient and secure.

Contactless transactions under a certain value threshold often do not

even need additional authentication. Major payment networks like Visa,

Mastercard, American Express and Discover support NFC payments.

2. Transit Ticketing

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NFC offers a convenient contactless ticketing solution for public transport.

Riders simply tap their phone or ticket on bus validators for seamless

access. Solution minimizes ticket lines.

Transit agencies save on issuing and managing disposable cards. Most

major transport systems globally support NFC ticketing.

3. Access Control

NFC access cards for secure door entry can be replaced with an NFC

enabled phone. Employees just tap their phone to enter secured office

doors, data centers etc.

Easy issuance, revocation of digital credentials on the phone compared to

plastic cards.

4. Device Pairing

Android Beam, Apple Wallet leverage NFC’s peer-to-peer mode to quickly

transfer data like contacts, web URLs, documents etc. by tapping devices.

Tap can also be used to connect or configure peripherals like headphones,

printers and speakers.

5. Information Sharing

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Smart posters, tags and stickers with embedded NFC tags allow

businesses to share information with a simple tap of the phone.

Can be used for interactive advertising, sharing menus, product info,

schedules, in-store navigation etc.

6. Gaming Interactions

NFC enables interactive board games, playing cards and collectible toys by

adding a digital dimension via the phone.

7. Automotive Use Cases

NFC can enable vehicle features like keyless entry and start, personalized

dashboard profiles, garage door opening, parking payments etc.

8. Industrial Applications

NFC is also gaining adoption in industries to track assets, for equipment

maintenance, factory automation, lab instrument management and other

uses leveraging proximity based interactions and data exchange.

These examples illustrate the versatile applicability of NFC technology

across consumer and enterprise segments.

The Future of NFC Technology

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NFC has become firmly established over the past decade as a ubiquitous

proximity wireless communication technology. Here are some trends

shaping NFC’s future roadmap:

Increased Adoption in Smartphones – A growing number of smartphones

now incorporate NFC allowing large addressable user base for


IoT Connectivity – NFC offers easy pairing between IoT devices and

homeowners’ smartphones to set up and manage appliances, smart home


Advancing NFC Standards – Standards like NFC-V for vehicle integration

and NFC-F for high data rate are emerging for new use cases.

NFC for Digital Key Sharing – Smart door locks and key cabinets are

leveraging NFC to securely share digital keys using people’s phones.

Stronger Security – Advancing secure element, tokenization and biometric

authentication technologies reinforce security of NFC payments and

access control.

New Form Factors – Embedding NFC into more wearables, hearables,

tablets and compute devices expands capabilities.

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Innovation in Antennas – NFC performance is improving through

integration, advanced antenna topologies like using magnetic induction.

NFC will continue evolving alongside smartphones and IoT endpoints to

deliver more intuitive, convenient and secure interactions between people,

devices and environments.


This brings us to the end of this comprehensive guide to NFC technology.

We discussed how NFC systems function using inductive coupling, the

communication mechanisms and protocols, integration considerations,

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security, applications across segments and the role of advancing


NFC delivers a compelling blend of convenience, versatility and security to

enable natural interactions using mobile devices. With applications from

payments, transportation to interactive gaming and industrial automation,

NFC adoption will continue growing as more smart objects populate our


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How is NFC different from other wireless tech like RFID, Bluetooth and


NFC offers very short range (touch-based), operates at 13.56MHz with low

power consumption ideal for battery devices, and supports peer-to-peer


What is the typical read range offered by NFC?

Practical NFC working distance is typically under 10cm. The proximity

allows intuitive usage while providing inherent security against remote


Does NFC require pairing between devices before working?

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NFC does not require traditional pairing and can securely exchange data

between devices with just a tap without prior setup.

What data rates does NFC support?

NFC offers data rates ranging from 106 kbps to 424 kbps depending on

implementation which is adequate for small data transactions.

What are some examples of NFC enabled devices?

Most modern smartphones, tablets, wearables, wireless headsets, smart

home devices, retail terminals incorporate NFC.

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