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Speaking is “the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal
and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts” (Chaney, 1998, p.13).

Do you know that?

They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess
their progress in terms of their accomplishments in spoken communication.

The main issues are:

1. First Part

Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued.

2. Second Part

English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of

drills or memorization of dialogues.

How do we teach speaking?

 A sample speaking activity

 Tense: Present Simple
 Think about an activity

 Teachers have to provide authentic practice that prepares students for real-life
communication situations. (Practice speaking in class)
 They have to help their students develop the ability to produce grammatically
correct, logically connected sentences that are appropriate to specific contexts
and to do so using acceptable (that is, comprehensible) pronunciation.

Provide real-life situations

Teachers should create a classroom environment where students have real-life

communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral


1. Discussions - Facilitate dialogues to explore topics collaboratively.

2. Role Play - Assign roles for scenario enactment to express thoughts and
3. Simulations - Create realistic environments for immersive experiences.
4. Information Gap - Pair students to encourage extensive communication.
5. Brainstorming - Generate ideas without criticism to foster creativity.
6. Storytelling - Develop narratives for creative expression.
7. Interviews - Conduct discussions followed by presentations.
8. Story Completion - Collaboratively continue stories.
9. Picture Narrating - Describe sequential images for visual communication.
10. Reporting - Share news for summarizing and presenting practice.
11. Picture Describing - Verbally depict images for observation skills.
12. Speeches - Prepare and deliver speeches for public speaking practice.

1. Encourage Active Participation - Engage numerous students using diverse

participation methods.
2. Employ Varied Participation Strategies - Utilize different techniques to prompt
student involvement.
3. Reduce Teacher Talking Time - Decrease teacher speaking duration to facilitate
increased student interaction.
4. Offer Positive Reinforcement - Provide encouraging feedback to students who
contribute to discussions.
5. Utilize Prompting Questions - Prompt students to elaborate on their thoughts,
encouraging deeper conversation.
6. Minimize Pronunciation Corrections - Avoid frequent interruptions for
pronunciation errors to maintain focus on communication.
7. Monitor Student Progress - Assess student understanding and offer assistance,
especially during group activities.
8. Support Communication Challenges - Identify and assist students struggling
with expressing themselves in the target language.

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