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Part 1

1. Where you live

2. Work/Study
3. Places where people like to meet friends
4. Sport
5. Feeling bored
6. Evenings
7. Computer or Tablet
8. Keeping things
9. Personal Talents
10. Learning about science
11. Old Buildings
12. Advertisements
13. Books and Reading
14. Sitting
15. Watches

Part 2

1. A well-Known person in your country who is very popular

2. A difficult decision you made that had a very good result
3. A competition you would like to take part in
4. A time when someone asked you for your opinion
5. An interesting neighbour
6. An occasion when you lost something in a public place
7. Something that helps you to concentrate on work/study
8. A time when you helped a child
9. A family member you might like to work with in the future.
10. A change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time.
11. A special day out which didn’t cost very much.
12. Something you do that you think is important for keeping fit and healthy.
13. A place you have visited that you would recommend as a good place to live.
14. An invention which you think has changed the world in a good way.
15. A friend you enjoy talking with.
16. A situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam.
17. Something that surprised you and made you happy.
18. An important river, lake or area of water in your country.
19. A traditional product made in your country which you like.
20. A time when you were very busy.
21. A time when you used a phone to do something important.
22. An occasion when somebody said something positive and about some work that you did.
23. An Important even in your life that you celebrated.
24. A quiet place where you like to spend time.
25. A change you made in your life recently that was positive.
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Part 1

1. Where you live

a. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Well, I live in an independent house. It has two floors and was built close to 20 years ago.
My house is my favourite place and it has four bedrooms, all bath attached with a large
hall and a kitchen. There is also a well-kept courtyard with a small garden.

b. What is your favourite room in your home?

Many would say their bedroom is their favourite room, but mine is the large hall in my
house. I love this space because it is where the TV and the couches are kept and more so
because this is one place that all of us in the family spend our evenings in. So, we get to
watch programmes on TV or even catch-up on coffee or tea in the evening.

c. What things make your home pleasant to live in?

I would say I see a lot of things that make my home worth living in. The first would be the
fact that it is our very first own place, built many years ago and having spent a large part
of my childhood and later years there, it has to be a wonderful place for me. Also, there
are a lot of trees around, that keeps my home cool throughout the year. Even in the
scorching heat, I find my home a huge solace.

2. Work/Study
a. Work
i. What do you do?
I am a computer engineer and I make computer programmes. I’ve been in this
filed for the last five years and I enjoy my work. I get to create fun stuff and
invest all my creativity into building these programmes.

ii. Have you always wanted to this kind of work?

To be honest I don’t think being a computer engineer is probably what I had
dreamt of. I think I have always wanted to do something creative, like maybe
become an actor or make films.

iii. Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon?

I think I work best in the afternoon. As soon as I reach for work in the morning, I
have so many things to catch-up with like emails, meeting notes and so on. So, it
takes a while for me to be settled at work. But through the afternoons, I’m fully
engrossed in my work.

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b. Study
i. What do you study?
I’ve taken science as my major and need to learn all subjects related to it like
chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics. Interestingly, I also have the Indian
Constitution as a subject of study.

ii. Have you always wanted to study this subject/these subjects?

Well. Not really. I think I wanted to do something like history or English literature,
but there is a lot of parental pressure and expectations from society when you
are exceptional in your studies and they want you to continue doing things that
they consider worthwhile. That’s the only reason why I ended up taking science.

iii. Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon?

I think none of these. It isn’t the mornings or the afternoons that I feel I can give
my best. I tend to be more productive at night. I believe there is nothing to
distract me late night and I become more focused on my learning goals then. I
prefer to study after 11pm and it might go up all the way to 2am.

3. Places where people like to meet friends

a. Where do you like to go to meet your friends?
There are a couple of places that we friends often meet-up. Our favourite is one of our
homes. The main reason for this is that all the food comes sponsored when we camp at a
friend’s place. That let’s us focus on all the other fun things we like exploring together. I
also prefer to hang out at a mall or even a park.

b. Why are some places better than others for meeting friends?
I guess the reasons why someone chooses a place to spend time with friends would differ
from one person to the other. For me, the major reason for choosing is guarantee to
privacy. Like if we are in one of our friends’ homes, then we get the privacy to chat or
watch a movie in the comforts of his or her room, or courtyard. Access to other facilities
like food, water and a clean toilet could be other attractive reasons.

c. Do you prefer to meet just one friend or a group of friends together?

I have a very small group of friends, just three of us. Every time we meet, it’s all the three
of us- be it going out for movies, to the park, for shopping or even to a public event.

d. Have the types of places where you meet friends changed since you were younger?
As far as I’m concerned, I don’t think there have been drastic changes to the kinds of
places friends choose to hang-out. But I do think that because all of us these days, are
already well-connected over phone- with applications like WhatsApp, Facebook or
Instagram- a lot of such meet-ups that happened in the past are not required now. We
are pretty much updated with everything happening around. It’s more of virtual hang-out
sessions these days.

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4. Sport
a. Did you learn to play any sport as a child?
I did not learn any, but I had to attend a sports class in school. We could choose between
an indoor and outdoor activity, and I ended up opting table tennis. So as a part of the
curriculum, I did take up table tennis lessons.

b. Do you think all children should do sports at school?

I never thought so when I was in school. But now, I definitely feel the need for sporting
activities in school, more so because everyone these days has become more sedentary
with all the conveniences of a phone, tv or computers. This is one reason why I feel with
sports, children will get to be physically active at least for a short while.

c. Which sports do you enjoy watching or playing?

To be honest, I do not like watching or playing sports at all. I’m more inclined towards
maybe watching something like a movie or a singing competition on tv. I also love to
listen to music in my leisure time. But I would never watch or play a sport.

d. Are there any sports you would like to try in the future?
I’m not sure if it qualifies as a sport item. But I would like to try sky diving in the future. I
have no clue from where this idea of sky diving came into my mind. If given an
opportunity, I would, without a doubt, choose sky diving as an activity. It will be so much
fun to be hanging in air, feeling the cool breeze on you, and being relaxed. I think it would
be the best feeling in the world.

5. Feeling bored
a. Do you often feel bored?
I can in all honesty say that I never feel bored. Since you ask me this, I’m right now
wondering why I never get bored. I always keep myself busy. Either I read something, or
sometimes I help my parents at work or even watch tv. I also love to make things- a
mixed art or a painting.

b. Did you find every school boring, when you were a child?
I think I was a child who enjoyed school. I don’t remember my mother complaining or
even narrating stories about me being unwilling to attend school. I really loved going to
school and attending all lessons.

c. What sorts of thing do you find most boring now?

Very rare things. As I always am busy doing something or the other, and of course, these
are things I enjoy, I seldom get bored of things. If you ask me, I may add that watching a
movie which I’ve seen once, makes me bored.

d. What do you do to stop yourself feeling bored?

I engage in things I love doing. I enjoy trying new recipes and sometimes love to give my
mother a break from her kitchen. I also take up gardening on weekends and attend dance
classes. So basically, I become involved in activities that I find satisfying.

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6. Evenings
a. What do you usually do in the evening?
Once I’m done with my classes I reach back home by around 6pm. The rest of the evening
I simply relax, have some tea, chat with my family and maybe pitch-in watching
something that others are watching on tv.

b. Do you spend your evenings in the same way on weekdays and at weekends?
Of course not. Weekends mean fun time with family or friends. I plan an outing most
weekends, maybe eating out or a cinema. It would also be something like exploring a
new place or mall. I’m out most weekends in the evenings.

c. How did you spend your evenings when you were younger?
When I was younger, if I remember right, it was mostly school stuff in the evenings. Like
completing a home work or planning a project I have to submit. I remember staying
home and never being out in the evenings.

d. Is there anything you don’t like to do in the evenings?

Yes. I do not like to sleep in the evening. Even if I’m exhausted, I make sure I stay up until
10pm only after which I will consider retiring to bed. As far as I’m concerned, sleeping
early in the evening will lead to waking up regularly at night, which I have found makes
me tired the next day. So yes, I never sleep in the evenings.

7. Computer or Tablet
a. What do you most often use a computer or tablet for?
I use a computer, a laptop to be exact, for my work. I require to type out or make
presentations as part of my job. So laptop is something that I’m constantly working on
throughout the day.

b. Can you remember when you first started using a computer or tablet?
Well. That’s difficult. Tablet was of course not in existence during my childhood. But
when it comes to a desktop, which was quite bulky and huge back then, I think I started
using such a desktop when I was in my fifth or sixth grade at school.

c. Do you sometimes find computers or tablets difficult to use?

I’ve heard some of my friends make similar comments when it comes to using computers,
but thankfully, I’ve never had any such problems. I’ve used a laptop with Microsoft for
over 10 years or so, before I shifted to using the Mac system. Many did warn me that
there would be complications in the beginning, but I’ve never experienced any such

d. How would your life be different if there were no computers?

I think it would be very difficult. I mean I can’t imagine a day without using computers or
having access to the internet. I think a laptop or tablet, has become so much a part of our
lives, that we might feel crippled if we need to spend days without using one.

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8. Keeping things

a. Have you kept a lot of things from your childhood?

Yes, I have kept a lot of things from my childhood. There are certain things from when I was a kid
that hold sentimental value. So, to dispose of those things would be like getting rid of a part of me.

b. Do you prefer to keep things for a long time, or to throw them away?
I definitely prefer to keep things for as long as I can unless they crowd up my living environment.
In that case, I either give them away to people that need them or proceed to throw them away.

c. Where do you usually keep things that you need every day, like money or keys?
Usually where I can find them easily. As a young adult, I used to put different things in
different places. As I grew older, I realized that the only way I could find things is if I put them in
one place instead of all over.

d. Do you like to keep all the photos you take?

Certainly not all of them. Just the ones in which I don’t look unattractive or downright funny.
These days since almost everything’s digital, I can upload and keep my photos stored on the
internet without having to worry about losing them.

9. Personal Talents

a. What sort of things do you think you are good at?

I think that I’m a very good actor and a singer. I have participated and won several awards for my
incredible acting and singing talents in school as well as in college.

b. Do you have the same talents as anyone else in your family?

Yes. Maybe it’s because we share the same gene, but my father is a fantastic cook and I would like
to think that I have inherited some of that talent.

c. Is there a talent you already have that you would like to improve?
I learned to swim very late, but ever since I did, I have only gotten better and better. But my
ultimate goal to become an even better swimmer so that I could challenge the waves even more!

d. Do you think you will use your talents in a future job?

Of course. I’m sure a future employer would love to make use of my special skills to further
business goals and I would be more than happy to oblige.

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10. Learning about science

a. Do/did you enjoy science lessons at school?

I was always fascinated by science as a kid, even though I had no idea what was happening.
Now, as a grown up, I have some knowledge and as I garner more, I am no less excited than
the first time I read about the stars.

b. Would you like to know more about science?

I would like to know more about the science I would be able to understand. If someone were
to try to teach me rocket science, I would not be able to comprehend anything. But if they
were to teach me something simpler, I would be all ears.

c. Do you watch science programmed on TV?

Yes, I do enjoy watching science programmes on TV because these days there’s so much to
learn that we didn’t know a hundred years ago.

d. Are science museums popular in your country?

Science museums aren’t as popular as other kinds of museums in my country. If I were asked
to name a science museum here, I wouldn’t be able to, because they are a rare find.

11. Old Buildings

a. Have you ever visited any important old buildings?

Yes. When I was on vacation, I got to visit the Taj Mahal. It was truly a magnificent structure. I
was reminded of the love and tragedy behind its construction.

b. Is there an old building you would like to visit in the future?

I would definitely love to visit the remnants of old buildings from ancient Rome, in Italy. I
want to experience at least some part of the Roman history physically.

c. Do you think it is important to look after old buildings?

Of course. Old buildings are a part of history and as such we must protect them. They could
also bring a rise to tourism with people from all over the world coming to visit.

d. Where would you prefer to live: in an old building or a modern building?

As someone who has lived in both old buildings as well as new, I definitely prefer the comfort
of new ones. Modern buildings are designed to suit modern needs whereas older buildings
were built to reflect the needs of that time period.

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12. Advertisements
a. Do you often remember advertisements/commercials that you have seen?
If the commercials or ads have celebrities that I know of and if they are memorable because
of the script, then certainly I would remember what was in them.

b. What do you usually do when an advertisement/ a commercial comes on TV or the

If they have the potential to keep me hooked until the end, I will not be changing the channel
or skipping them. Otherwise, I’d just skip them and move on to what’s after or behind them.

c. Have you even seen an advertisement/ a commercial that you really didn’t like?
Yes, I have seen several ads and commercials that were terrible on so many levels. From
recent memory, a celebrity filmed an ad for an energy drink that was disrespectful to a
certain community of people. That one I dislike with a passion.

d. Would you like to be in an advertisement/ a commercial one day?

I would love to be in a commercial for some kind of product one day as long as it serves a
purpose. I would never want to be in something that promotes a bad habit, such as smoking
or drinking.

13. Books and Reading

a. Do you read more or less now than when you were younger?
I do read more now than I used to when I was younger. I despised reading as a child, because
it consumed a lot of time and I didn’t see meaning to it. But these days, I make sure that I
finish, not just read, but finish at least three books in a month.

b. Have you ever watched a film/movie and then read the book?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. I saw the movie version of Lord of the Rings prior to reading
the book and I have to say that though the movies were perfect, they don’t nearly come close
to the storytelling of the books.

c. When do you have most time to read?

I read on weekends as well as in the evenings after work because that’s when I have the most
time and patience to read. Besides, there’s nothing like falling asleep while you are halfway
through the pages of a book.

d. How often do you buy books?

Very often. These days, any book you want to read is available to you online for purchase. All
you have to do is buy them and they will arrive at your doorstep in a few days. Other than

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that, for those who prefer not to read but to listen, audiobooks are also available.

14. Sitting
a. Do you often have to sit for long periods of time?

I don’t sit for long periods of time as I have been instructed by my friends who are doctors
as well as physiotherapists to not spend so much time on the chair. For this reason alone, I
get up from the chair every once in a while, to stretch and talk a walk.

b. When you were a child, did you like sitting on the floor?
There was nothing as fun as lying on the cold floor for a long time as a child. I used to do it all
the time and my parents would have to shout at me for me to get up from the ground.
c. Can you easily fall asleep when you are sitting in a chair?
If I am exhausted and running on fumes, the lack of energy is more than enough for me to fall
asleep while sitting in a chair. I have been caught several times dozing off in my chair at work,
to be honest.

d. Do you have a favourite place where you like to sit?

I like to sit on large rocks on the beach and watch as the waves sweep the sands. That’s my
happy place and one of my most favourite places to sit and relax.

15. Watches
a. Did you wear a watch when you were a child?
Yes, I did. I had a kids’ analogue watch, which was gifted to me by my father’s friend. It had
the image of a comic book character in the middle and lit up when you pressed a button.

b. Have you ever received a watch as a gift?

One of the most common items I have received as a gift on birthdays, is a watch. I was gifted
an analogue watch once, a digital watch another time and a combination of the two on
various occasions.

c. Do you usually wear a watch now?

I do wear a digital watch, which is quite frankly too big my skinny wrist. However, it’s very
easy on the eyes, and that’s why I can’t stop wearing it.

d. Why do you think come people like to wear expensive watches?

Some people wear expensive watches to display their wealth and status to the public. There
are a lot of people that think that having something that costs a lot is a sign of financial

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Part 2

1. A well-Known person in your country who is very popular

Describe a well-Known person in your country who is very popular.

You should say:

• Who this person is
• What you know about this person
• Why he/she is so popular
• And explain how you feel about this person being so popular.

There are quite a many popular personalities in India and choosing one to speak about is difficult. But
again, it’s not that we have lots to speak about each one of them. So here I choose to speak about
Priyanka Chopra. I’m not a huge fan of hers or something, but to be honest, I do admire the kind of person
she is and the journey she has had so far. Priyanka is a world popular actor. She began as an actor in Hindi
movies and would have been totally unnoticed if she hadn’t made many bold decisions in the kinds of films
she did. From a small-time star, within a span of just a few years, she turned out to be one of the leading
actors in the film industry. Her entry into films began once she bagged the Miss World title, I think
somewhere back in 2000. Moving on from one movie to the other, the way her fashion sense and
personality changed, was very evident. She went on to render her voice to some international music
albums, and became world popular when she started doing Hollywood movies and tv shows. She was an
instant hit and her graph grew from an Indian actor to an international one. The biggest surprise of all was
when she chose to marry Nick Jonas, one of the Jonas brothers and a pop singer. Priyanka has given a
number of interviews on international platforms and she is today a social media influencer and a powerful
icon on the global level. She is also involved in charity and other good causes.

When I think about how she has reached where she is now, I have to but admire the grit she has as a
woman, to go on and conquer the world. Today, she is one of the most followed celebrities and I’m indeed
proud of her achievements. I love watching her interviews because she’s good when it comes to
influencing her audience with her words. She’s witty and well-read at the same time. Even though there is
a world of difference in the culture that she was born into and the culture that she is now in, she carries
herself with poise, a quality I adore. It definitely shows ow confident she is as a person. It must not have
been easy for her, but for me, it looks more like a fairy tale.

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Part 3

A. Being Popular at school

a. Suggest – why some children are more popular than others at school
I’m not really sure why some are more popular than others at school. Maybe it has got to
do with their personality, their upbringing or something. I mean some kids are out-going
and they have the charisma to awe everyone with their personality. I think such
adventurous, smart, active kids are the ones who are most known in their school. These
kids are seen everywhere- on stage shows, to lead events, to organize things in school
and so on. Surprisingly, not everyone who is popular, also good, when it comes to
studies. Maybe, more detailed research would be required on this topic, I guess.

b. Outline – the advantages and disadvantages of being popular at school

Well definitely there are many advantages if you are popular at school. You get
recognition everywhere you go and I think it’s a feel-good factor when you have random
people recognize you in a crowd. The other advantage is that every other kid in school
would want to be friends with you if you are popular. You also get to be opted into every
event at school because teachers know you. So, there are clear benefits. It might also
come with certain drawbacks. Like everyone might expect you to be at your best every
day. This is challenging because not every day is wonderful. We do have our ups and
downs and trying to please everyone, might be a big challenge.

c. Consider – whether students who are popular at school are also popular as adults
That’s an interesting one. Because what I have noticed is that kids who were not so very
known, in their school life, often become more successful in their later years. This need
not, of course, be the same every time. I also know of popular kids at my school, who
continue to do well in life and retain that popularity no matter where they go. I think it
would be unfair to say that students who were popular at school may not be popular as

B. Being popular at work

a. Consider – how important it is to be popular with colleagues at work.
As far as I’m concerned, being popular with colleagues could mean that you are either
very good at your work or it could also mean that you are a good person. If you are good
at your work, then others look up to you for support and assistance with their tasks and
they consider you an asset to the company. But it could also be that maybe your work
skills are average, but as a person you have all the good qualities that one would wish for
in a friend of theirs, and that could be the reason for the popularity. Whichever way it
goes, I think it is important to an extent to be popular with your co-workers. That in itself
is such a great motivation to show up at work every day.

b. Agree/Disagree – a good boss has to be popular with his/her employees.

If the boss is good, then it is naturally going to make him popular among his staff. This
also means we have to define what is good. One way of seeing it is that the boss could be
a generous, soft-spoken person that makes him an amiable person and so likes by his
employees. On the other side, a boss could be good at being a leader, which also means
he or she might not be able to be well-behaved and sweet all the time with his or her
workers. The boss will have to be rude and demanding where required and also be soft
and approachable. Maybe such bosses are not considered good by many staff, and may
not be popular. I definitely do not feel that being popular is necessary though.

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c. Comment on – the view that people are often promoted more for their popularity.
If it is at work, then yes, we often see popular people being promoted. Maybe, this
popular person may not necessarily be good at work, but the nature of the person,
getting things done by others and co-ordination skills might be great. All these lead to
popularity and thereby promotion of the person. Also, everyone would want to be
associated with this person be it a team activity or even going out for lunch. That how
popular people are treated.

C. Popularity and influence

a. Explain – how celebrities can use their popularity to influence others.
I believe that celebrities can do a lot, constructively, to influence others. For instance,
Priyanka Chopra, the Bollywood actor now popular internationally, can with her actions
of charity motivate others into the same act. Another example I can point out the organ
donation campaign. Aiswarya Rai, former Miss world and a person considered most
beautiful by others, had one ad campaigns on tv asking people to donate their eyes. This
will definitely motivate anyone who is in favour of the actor. But probably, those who do
not like the actor might not adhere to this need. This conveys the idea that celebrities can
influence the public, their choices and how they behave. This power that celebrities have,
is in fact, a great responsibility. Not many celebrities can use this power wisely. There
have been so many instances when celebrities have used this influencing power of theirs
for negative reasons.

b. Agree/Disagree – Popular figures have an extra responsibility to be good role models.

Yes, they do. If you are a public figure, then you need to be responsible. But I suppose,
this is something not many celebrities can grace. I mean, imagine, that I become famous
because I have done a couple of reels on Instagram that have been viral, but maybe
because I do not consider myself at par with the celebrities from the film or sporting
industry, I might not be careful when in public. Others might consider me to be
irresponsible, but the fact is that I’m unable to fathom my popularity. It is not an
intentional act, in this case, but purely a naïve one. Though celebrities have to be
responsible in their behaviour, many are not aware of the impact this might create.

c. Compare – having influence and having real power.

To be honest I do not know what the difference is. I mean…. having influence and having
real power. Ok maybe I can put it this way. Having influence could mean that I’m popular
for my work, like a cricket star or a film celebrity, and I may use this to bring about
positive change in society. This is something I can try, just on the basis of being popular.
Like I can urge the public to use more of public transport with the idea that many might
follow this, but such an influence need not be long term. But if I’m in power, like a
politician, I can use the legislative powers I have to bringing changes. Maybe bring out a
rule or law and enforce the changes I intend into the society. So yes, now I understand, as
per the question, it is indeed different- having influence and having real power.

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2. A difficult decision you made that had a very good result

Describe a difficult decision you made that had a very good result

You should say:

• What the decision was
• Why it was difficult to make the decision
• What helped you to decide
• And explain why the decision you made had such a good result.

I do keep making challenging decisions and some turn out to be good while many others don’t go that
well. I remember, it was during my last year at school, when our results were out. I had taken the science
group and had subjects like physics, chemistry, maths and language in addition to biology. I was an
average student in class but majority were considered studious. Even in that cut-throat competition, I
never gave up and tried my luck at working hard for the board exams. At last, when the results were out, I
scored fairly well with maths being the only subject I wasn’t impressive in. Nevertheless, I did clear all
subjects and like everyone else in class, I was expected to take up medicine or engineering as my future
subject of study. Contrary to all the expectations, I decided not to be part of the bandwagon and instead
chose to continue my graduation in arts. This was a huge shock to many, but my parents, like always,
stood by me. I knew that no matter what, my parents would back me up in whatever plan I had. It was
hard to answer so many questions that everyone had. Why aren’t you doing engineering? Did you try the
entrance exam? What about taking up medicine? And so on.

The questions that poured in from every quarter for the first few months was the most difficult thing to
surpass. I did choose to take up arts as I loved English. I did read a lot of books during my childhood days
and loved stories and poems. I knew I always wanted to be in the creative field and maybe these are the
factors that motivated me in choosing arts. But the biggest push for me was the score I got in English, in
my 12th standard. I was the school topper in the subject and even received cash prize for outstanding
performance in pan India level. Today, 5 years later, I feel ever so grateful for having had the courage to
opt arts instead of engineering or medicine like the others. I’m now able to be involved in all the creative
work like screenplay, teaching and study resources preparation. I would not have wanted this any other
way and I’m sure I’ll really feel positive about this decision, even years later.

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Part 3

A. Young people’s decisions

a. Identify – the kinds of important decisions young people have to make
Young people have to make all sorts of important decisions. Starting from probably what
course to study and which college to opt, important decisions could extend to post study
as well. Like when attending interviews or choosing a job, the young generation has a lot
on their shoulders. Along with these when it comes to choosing a life partner, even that
is a huge decision to make. These are the bigger things that most youngsters deal with.
Other aspects of making decision involves the kind of people to be friends with, choosing
the kind of dresses to wear, the kind of purchases that need to be done and so on. I think
youngsters have a lot on their platter.

b. Consider – who are the best people to help teenagers make important decisions.
I think it is the decision an individual will have to make as to who would be their best
mentor when it comes to making decisions. For instance, a friend or colleague could be a
good option. As they are most close to our age, and would have gone through similar
situations, friends or colleagues could help. Another possibility is an older sibling. This
again is a good choice as the sibling knows how our family is and will be able to guide us
better in making decisions. I’m sure there are others who would go to their parents for
support. And quite interestingly, I have also seen, at rare instances, youngsters
approaching total strangers on social media for help. I know it might sound strange, but it

c. Agree/Disagree – it is necessary to allow children of any age to make some decisions

I would certainly agree with this. Right from a very tender age, maybe as early as 2
or 3 years, we should start letting children make decisions themselves. Like
probably choosing which toy to play with, what food to nibble and so on. As
children grow, we need them to be able to think on their own and make choices.
Like a 5-year-old-child should be encouraged to point out what action is to be taken
when they feel hungry or thirsty. So instead of informing their mom that they are
hungry, they should be able to add on saying something like- mom I’m hungry. I
want to have noodles. This will help them to grow up to be strong, independent
individual. Maybe, every parent should start practicing this very early on in their

B. Influences on decision making

a. Assess – how far advertising influence people’s everyday decisions.

For a large majority, advertisements have a huge impact on everything we do. Even the
most common things we use every day, like the tea or coffee powder also depends on
the advertisements. We may be brand loyal and must be purchasing one type of tea
powder, but if we happen to see an interesting ad on tv introducing a new tea powder,
we might feel the urge to buy that to give it a try. That’s how powerful tv ads are. For
instance, we might never have a plan of buying an ac or a new car. But when we regularly
see advertisements of the same, an urge to take action is definitely there.

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b. Agree/Disagree – it is hard to make decisions because there is too much information on

the internet.
I would agree with that. I mean we are flooded with details and choosing one out of
the lot becomes ever so challenging. Imagine we plan to build our dream home or even
buy a car or maybe simpler things like eating out at a restaurant, and when we look up
for information on the same, there is so much out there, that making a final decision
becomes daunting. In my case, there have been instances when I’ve dropped a plan of
watching a movie in cinema because I was unable to decide which one to choose out of
the 4-5 films that were released then. I definitely do feel that because of the number of
things that we have access to over the internet, finalizing on one becomes the biggest
hurdle these days.

C. Collective decisions
a. Suggest – the benefits of involving individuals in decision making for their local
Probably including individual from the general public is a good idea because it
is these people who would know what the problems are at the grassroot level.
Involving such individuals will help make informed decisions. The executives in
power might not really be aware of the problems the local people face and
the extent of it. So, the collective effort of the executives and general public
will bring about a more holistic approach.

b. Consider – any difficulties for a society of making all decisions collectively.

Yes. Not only in this case, but to make any decision, it is always challenging. We
sometimes think that taking decisions on ones own is difficult and it would be much
easier if we have a group of people who will help us make decisions. But, I believe, the
truth is that when we do have a group of people to consult, convincing everyone and
ensuring that the decision made is unanimous, is mostly challenging. The biggest concern
could be that the opinions would be divided. The collective will split into groups and
there will be arguments. Ensuring that everyone is satisfied and happy in having taken
the decision is the most difficult task. Another possible difficulty is that the argument
might at times become intense and the collective might split on the grounds of mistrust.

c. Speculate on – the key decisions societies will face in a global world.

Well, that’s easy. There are too many issues that need immediate attention and one out
of this is unemployment. The number of people who are trying to find out jobs is large.
These are youngsters who are well-qualified, but unable to place themselves in a
company. When the unemployment rate increases, the crime rates also tend to be on the
rise. So, one concern that needs immediate attention is unemployment.

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3. A competition you would like to take part in

Describe a competition you would like to take part in

You should say:

• What the competition is
• Where and when it happens
• What you have to do to win the competition
• And explain why you would like to take part in this competition.

I have taken part in several competitions since my childhood. I am really into cooking and I think I
am quite good at baking cakes.

So, I would like to be a part of a baking competition that is held every year in my hometown in
the month of December as part of the Christmas celebrations. It is a very famous event, and even
people from different places come here to participate in that competition. This program is hosted
by one of the famous restaurants in my hometown, and it lasts for 15 days, beginning on the first
day of December.

The first step that should be taken is to enrol in the event. Even though I am confident in baking
cakes, I think that I have to focus on time management so that I can complete the baking and
decoration of the cake within the time frame. I should also learn to blend and create a balance of
flavours as well as work on making it attractive within the time frame. I want to be a part of this
competition as I would get an opportunity to meet experts in this field.

Moreover, the winner will also get an opportunity to attend a one-month training program
exclusively on baking cakes with a Michelin chef and study different techniques with him, and I
think it would be a great opportunity for a self-taught baker like me.

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Part 3

A. Popular competitions

a. Describe – popular competitions that ordinary people can take part in

People who are confident enough to showcase their talents are likely to be competitive. Even
if a person is good at singing, he is less likely to participate in any events if he isn't confident.

b. Identify – the type of person who likes to take part in competitions

I think every job requires a competitive spirit as it can motivate the employees to improve
themselves. Being competitive can also improve the productivity and quality of the products
and services that they are working on.

c. Do you think people should continue competing even if they keep being unsuccessful?

Indeed, people should be encouraged to take part in competitions despite being

unsuccessful, as competing itself can be beneficial in several ways. It can help a person
overcome the fear of facing others as well as serve as an opportunity to learn more about
a particular subject. Participants would also get to know about the different strategies that
are taken by other participants for learning that subject, thereby enhancing their creativity
and widening their perspectives.

D. Consider – why competitions on television (e.g., singing, cooking) are becoming popular
I think television shows are more realistic when compared to other television programs,
such as dramas, which are predictable. Moreover, there are elements of surprise in reality
shows, which attract people.

B. Competition at work
a. Identify – the types of jobs where it is useful to be competitive.
b. I guess every job is competitive. But I think it’s very prominent when it comes to schools
and colleges. This is because we do have a lot many inter-departmental competitions
while at school and college. So, a fair bit of competitive mind is required, be it students or
the teachers. Other than this, I’ve also noticed that the employees in an MNC are quite
competitive, because I guess the better you perform, the better your salary is.

c. Consider – whether people can learn to be competitive.

Of course yes. Anything can be learnt. Even the skill of being competitive can be
acquired. But how good one can be, is all a personal trait. If we have observed schools,
there is a sense of competition every time- like in an exam, sports competitions or
cultural events- there’s competition day-in and day-out. But how many students in the
school, actually acquire this trait and showcase it throughout their life, is something to
ponder. So even though we can teach to be competitive, how good one can be, is indeed
a personal quality.

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d. Agree/disagree – it is always a good idea to encourage competition at work.

Well, for me, encouraging competition at work has always done wonders. Like many a
times, my team lead pushes us by giving us targets and deadlines. But the best part about
this is he makes us into teams and asks us to see it like a competition, then the work
becomes interesting and we see a new vigour in completing it. This is exactly what the
team leads intend I guess, to get the work done quicker and in a more fun-filled manner.

C. Competition and today’s society

a. Suggest – why some parents do not allow their young children to take part in
competitive activities nowadays.
Maybe because they feel that children are not prepared to handle failure,
when participating in a competition. It is obvious that in any competition,
only one can be the winner. But many a times, children are unable to handle
failure, because they are used to getting things done their way. So many
parents consider it safe not to let young children participate. There have
been instances when some children have completely stopped a particular
skill because they did lose out in a competition.

b. Assess – whether people should continue competing even if they keep being
I truly believe so. At the same time, I’m also aware that to keep trying, in
spite of the failure, requires a lot of grit and not many are capable of this.
Most people I know give up in their very first failure itself. Others, as I have
observed, may try a couple of more times, but not with the same
enthusiasm of their first attempt. But if people are able to keep working,
despite the failures, then it makes that person stronger both mentally and

c. Agree/disagree – new ideas that allow a society to move forward can only be generated
in a competitive atmosphere.
I certainly believe that a competitive atmosphere is vital in most cases. When there is a
competition, there is always a purpose- a purpose to get results- a purpose to win- a
purpose to show others that you are good and so on. It is this purpose that drives many
people forward. So yes, to a great extent, competition helps.

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4. A time when someone asked you for your opinion

Describe a time when someone asked you for your opinion
You should say:
• Who asked you for your opinion
• Why this person wanted to know your opinion
• What opinion you gave this person
• And explain how you felt when this person asked for your opinion?

While making important decisions, the majority of people will consider the opinions of those around them.
Last year, one of my cousins completed his higher secondary education, and he was confused about the
subject that he had to choose for his graduation. He even expressed his difficulty in finding out his area of
interest. As I had completed my graduation around the same time, he asked me my opinion about making
a similar career choice as I had taken.

I believe that career choices are to be made based on a person’s aptitude and interests, so I asked him to
take an aptitude test to find out his area of interest. I also suggested him to visit a career counsellor so
that he would get professional help for the same. I was initially happy that he sought my advice before
making such an important decision in his life, but I was also concerned about whether I could assist him in
making a better decision.

Part 3

A. Giving Opinions
a. Identify – jobs in which people often need to give their opinion.
There are several jobs in which opinions are given. Doctors should provide their patients
with a suitable opinion regarding the treatment that they should undergo or the measures
that should be taken in order to stay healthy. In the same way, a teacher's opinion and
guidance are crucial in the academic as well as personality development of the students.

b. Agree/disagree – people give their opinions about products and services more
frequently nowadays.
The advent of online platforms has provided people with the opportunity to present their
opinions about the purchases they make and the services they receive, as it enables them to
express their opinions from any part of the world.

c. Suggest – why some people don’t like giving their opinions.

Insufficient knowledge about the subject is one of the reasons that people are not interested
in giving their opinion. There are also people who are not confident enough to provide
suggestions as they are concerned about the consequences that it may cause.

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B. Opinions Online
a. Identify – the kinds of things people often write about in online reviews.
With the help of online platforms, people nowadays present their reviews of the services and
products they use. One can easily find reviews of the latest electronic gadgets and appliances
on the internet. People also give opinions about products such as clothes, cosmetics, and
other goods through several online platforms.

b. Agree/disagree – people express their opinions more strongly online than they do face
to face.
I think many takes to online platforms to express their minds. One reason for this, that
I have noted, is that when we express online, we may not get an immediate response.
But if we give our opinion face-to-face, then the response is real-time and quick. For
instance, if I’m taking to a director about how much I loved his film, I will be able to
see gratification on his face immediately. But if I take to Facebook or any other online
medium, then the intended person may not be the first person reading the opinion.
Or the intended reader might never come across my opinion. This creates a comfort
zone which I feel is the biggest reason for making online reviews so very popular.

c. Consider – to what extent online opinions reflect the general opinions of society.
This is difficult. Online opinions could be the sole opinion of the doer and need not be
what the general public thinks. For example, if rules of taxation have changed, not many
might be really aware of this. But one or two, who are involved in taxation, may be
unwilling to accept the changes and express the same online. This need not mean that
everyone else from the public has the same opinion.

C. Exchanging views at an international level

a. Assess – the importance of having international conferences to discuss global
issues. (e.g., Environment)
I would say it is very crucial to organize international summits to address issues of global
concern because it would be beneficial in finding out the different aspects of these issues and
bringing out better solutions to address them. Problems can also be solved more effectively if
a global effort is taken.

b. Consider – how effective international organizations (e.g., the United Nations) are in
managing differing views.
I guess in certain cases they do try to manage the so- called differences in opinion of
various groups of people. But from my limited knowledge, I think such international
organisations keep away from or do not take sides, when it comes to expressing
their own stand and man such organisations do not have any means to control or
impact other countries or organisations.

c. Comment on – the view that it takes many decades for nation to change long-held
Well maybe. For one person, it is so much easy to keep changing opinions. But if
you are a group or a nation for that matter, shifting from one stand to the other, is
not easy as it represents a collective opinion. You are answerable to each and
everyone in that group, is the opinion of the group needs to be altered.
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5. An interesting neighbour
Describe an interesting
neighbourYou should say:
• Who the neighbour is
• How you met this neighbour
• How often you see this neighbour
• And explain why you find this neighbour interesting.

A good neighbourhood is always important for any person because neighbours are the first resort during
times of crisis.

I consider myself fortunate to live in such a selfless society. Among all my neighbours, the person whom I
find the most interesting is Mr. Dexter. He is an army veteran and has served my country for a significant
period of time. Last year, during the time of Christmas, he moved with his family to the house that is next
door to mine. I met him on the same day when he was moving his belongings to the house and even
offered my hand to help shift some of the heavy furniture. He was really grateful, and to show his
gratitude, he even offered me a drink, which I humbly declined.

I see him very often, and within this short period of time, both our families were able to build a strong
bond of friendship. We also go on morning walks, and he has provided a lot of insights regarding health
and fitness.

The main reason which makes him stand out from the rest of my neighbours is because of his positive
approach towards all adversities. Apart from that, he also heads an organization called ‘Relive’, which
focuses on providing mental support to those who are going through hard times. Such acts of his were a
real eye-opener for me and have significantly helped me to think like and act like a better human being.

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Part 3

A. The importance of neighbours

a. Consider – how well people usually know their neighbours in your country.
People in my country maintain strong relationships with their neighbours. Neighbours are like
the closest relatives with whom we can share our happiness and worries. Even though the
current generation's busy lifestyle has reduced the bond within society, the vast majority still
maintains it.

b. Agree/disagree – it is harder for neighbours to get to know each other in big cities.
The population in metro cities leads a fast-paced life with no pauses, and this has significantly
reduced the possibility of creating a strong connection among neighbours. But the existence
of various associations and groups has helped in building networks and connections among
one another to a great extent.

c. Assess – the advantages of living in a place where neighbours know each other well.
It is always a blessing to live in places where neighbours have a good bond. They will
always try to help one another and support the struggling.

B. Local neighbourhoods and communities

a. Suggest – things that people can do to make their neighbourhood a good place to live.
Living in a good neighbourhood is everyone's dream. There are various ways to improve
the liveability of a place. People can organise events and outdoor activities to improve
harmony, as well as ensuring low crime rates can make a neighbourhood a good place to

b. Identify – ways that business can support local communities.

Businesses can contribute a lot to society. They are the people who make a business
venture successful, and as a thank you gesture, they can provide funds for developing
parks and other recreational facilities. They can even create trusts and help in organising
social campaigns; all of these can significantly improve the commoners' lives.

c. Assess – the negative impacts of modern technology on local communities.

Modern technology is a double-edged sword. It has had a tremendous impact on society,
both positive and negative. The negative impact is the huge rift created between the
members of a community. People prefer to spend the majority of their leisure time on
various gadgets, thus reducing contact among their neighbours.

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C. National Communities
a. Evaluate – to what extent a nation can be considered a community.
A nation can be considered as a community, apart from the diverse cultures or language
barriers. People do come together to celebrate under one flag, keeping all their
differences aside. So yes, a nation is a community.

b. Agree/disagree – there is such a thing as a national identity.

Of course, yes. National identity is a truth. When you say you belong to a particular
nation, that becomes your identity. And for that matter, you are expected to showcase
the typical traits expected from people of that region, be it in terms of the way we dress,
what we eat, how we behave and all other aspects of our life.

c. Consider – whether nation states will be more or less important in the future.

In my opinion, the barriers will fall in the future. People today have a more accepting and
open mentality when compared to the past. The rising use of English as a common
language has paved the way for the sharing of ideas and thoughts, which has brought a lot
of people together. The geographical differences will always prevail, but the people will
surely live closer together, that is, mentally.

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6. An occasion when you lost something in a public place

Describe an occasion when you lost something in a public place
You should say:
• What you lost
• When and where you lost this thing
• What you did to try and find it
• And explain how you felt about losing this this in a public place.

I am a person who makes sure that all my belongings are intact. But there are certain instances where I
lost a couple of valuable things as well.

Among them, the dearest item that I lost was a laptop, which I got as a birthday gift from my father. As a
student, it was the one piece of gadgetry on which I depended the most.

It was the time of Diwali and I was travelling back to my home from college on a train. As Diwali is the
most celebrated festival in India, the train was quite crowded with people, ranging from working-class
individuals to students who were travelling to their houses for vacation. I considered myself fortunate to
have purchased the ticket in advance, and I stored my laptop bag in the luggage compartment adjacent to
my seat. In order to distract myself from all the commotion, I plugged in my headset to listen to some
songs. The melodious songs, along with tiredness, eventually caught up with me, and I fell into a deep
sleep. That sleep was something my body really longed for, and I don't know how long it lasted. When I
woke up, the train had already covered half the distance, and that's when I realized that my laptop bag
was missing.

This realization struck my heart like a dagger. My feet started to tremble, and I didn't know where to start.
It took me a while to calm my nerves, and as soon as I regained my composure, I searched the nearby
compartments to check whether someone had misplaced my bag. But all my efforts were in vain. My co-
passengers were really supportive, and they also joined my search. One of them called the railway police
to report the incident, and they told me to file a complaint as soon as the train arrived at the next station. I
followed their instructions, but unfortunately, they were not able to find my laptop.

I felt really bad as I could have been more careful. But the thing that took me by surprise was the attitude
of my parents. I expected them to scold me, but they were really understanding and helped me to calm
down. Since that day, I always try to ensure that all my possessions are safe and sound.

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Part 3

A. Losing things
a. Identify – the kind of things that people often lose in public places
Such a categorisation is not possible in this case. People lose a wide variety of items in
public places, ranging from money to even a mere clip.

b. Suggest – reasons why some people lose things more often than other people.
It totally depends upon the character of an individual. Some are a bit careless when
compared to others. Such people lose things easily. There are also those who have a
weak memory and can easily forget things.

c. Consider – what people can do to avoid losing things.

The only thing possible in this case is to be a bit more careful. Another tip is to make a
note of the items the individual is carrying, especially during a trip. This will help him to
check whether everything is intact.

B. Trying to find things

a. Describe – different ways people can try to find something they have lost.
There are various ways to find a lost item. The most common way is to search for places
where they lost the item in the first place. In the case of gadgets such as mobile phones,
people can try to use tracking software. For example, finding my phone is a very useful
trick. Last but not the least, filing a police complaint.

b. Comment on – how useful it is to offer a reward for finding a lost object.

I won't say it's always beneficial, but in certain cases it can work. But mostly, there are
people with crooked minds who may try to misuse the desperate condition of the person
who would certainly have lost something valuable, otherwise he wouldn't have offered a

c. Explain – why people sometimes make a lot of effort to find something they have lost.
It depends on many factors. The individual may have an emotional attachment to the lost
item, or it may be valuable and contain important data. Such things are certainly worth a

C. Finding objects from the past

a. Explain – what motivates archaeologists to search for objects from the distance past.
Mostly to understand how people lived, the causes of a civilization's demise, and the
technologies they used to solve the problems they encountered. It can be related to
survival or the construction of complex structures. All these can provide a lot of insights
and can prove to be beneficial for the current generation.
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b. Agree/disagree – archaeological objects should stay in the country in which they are
I do have a notion that archaeological findings should be kept in the places where
they were discovered. That place is more closely related to the object and should be
considered a treasure of the nation or people as it reflects their ancestors and past.
Hence, it's better to preserve such objects in their country of origin itself.

c. Speculate on – whether anything from this century will interest archaeologists in the
Definitely, the people in the past would not have thought that their way of life was
something that would be in the limelight in the future. Likewise, the current
generation and their inventions may be subjected to various research methods. It's
an ongoing loop.

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7. Something that helps you to concentrate on work/study

Describe Something that helps you to concentrate on work/study
You should say:
• What it is you do
• Where and when you do this
• Whether you always do this same thing
• And explain how much this helps you to concentrate on work/study.

The ability to concentrate can vary greatly and there will be times when you just cannot stay focused. Few
years ago, I found a way to improve my concentration.

It was during my college days, I tried meditation as a tool to enhance my attentiveness. I came to know
about it from my teacher who was really interested in yoga and meditation. She explained to me well
about the basic science of meditation. As I felt it was a good suggestion, I decided to give it a go.

Whenever I had to focus on something for a long duration, I started the task with meditation, which made
me feel more energetic and enthusiastic. I got into the habit of spending 10 to 20 minutes a day for

Initially, it was challenging, but now I find it an effortless way to gain a new perspective on stressful

It was very difficult for me to focus for more than a few minutes at first. But I tried to regain my attention
by simply coming back to the practice and focusing. This practice is really helpful for anyone who wants to
sharpen their attention.

As meditation helps an individual to avoid negative emotions and aids in increasing patience and
tolerance, it enhances the mental health of students. Meditation improves memory and attention span
which improves academic performance. So, I always encourage my friends to do meditation for
strengthening their confidence and to improve their sense of self-worth.

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Part 3

A. Learning to concentrate
a. Consider – why it is important for children to learn to concentrate
It is really important for the children to learn to focus because it really helps them to get
their work done on time. With greater concentration, children can maintain their long-
term and short-term memory which aids their academic performance. To use the
resources in a more efficient manner, concentration is a crucial factor.

b. Give reasons – why children have to concentrate when doing sports

I don’t think concentration is something that you only require in sports.
Be it studies, a creative activity like drawing or painting and even sports- all of these
require concentration. Concentration will give us the right energy and focus to complete
the task. Any other activity for that matter will also need concentration.

c. Agree/disagree – technology is bad for children’s concentration.

We live in a world where everyone is obsessed with technology. Even kids are spending
most of their time on digital devices. Children may find it difficult to stay focused on their
studies after using these gadgets as they find it more entertaining to use these devices
than reading a book.

B. Concentrating at work
a. Identify – types of jobs where being able to concentrate is particularly important.
There are many jobs that demand concentration. For example, it is important for a
healthcare professional to stay focused on work as it is of paramount importance for
patient safety. For a person who works as an IT employee, concentration is crucial as a
lack of attention can lead to poor performance.
C. So, it is necessary for employees of all sectors to work with attentiveness.

a. Give reasons – why people may find it difficult to concentrate at work.

There are quite a few distractors. It could be the decor of the room, some music being
played, a co-worker, deadlines, perfumes, the air conditioner or anything else for that
matter. If somebody sneezes or coughs throughout the day, that could become a gib time
distractor. It simply means, remaining focused at work become challenging in such

b. Suggest – what employers can do to help their staff concentrate.

Attention span is an important factor that determines the productivity of an employee. It
is important for the company to provide an environment where employees can focus.
Giving them a personal space is useful as employees can work without any noise or
disturbance. Permitting the workers to do jobs according to their schedule can also boost
the concentration level.

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D. Concentration and today’s society

a. Consider – the impact on people nowadays of having to concentrate for long periods.
I think people these days find it real hard to stay focused on one thing for a long period.
Let’s say, you need to get a report ready and it means putting in 3-4 hours of work. This
might be the biggest challenge as you don’t feel it possible to sit for that long duration at
a stretch. You might require breaks in between- like nibling on some food, a short nap, or
listening to music.

b. Agree/disagree – machines could do most jobs better than humans because of people’s
inability to concentrate.
I wouldn’t say it is people’s inability to concentrate, but because machines do not have a
lot of the emotions that humans have, that makes it easier to complete jobs when
compared to humans. For example, machines do not feel hunger and can work non-stop
as they do not even require a break. Such humane emotions are missing which might
seem like being able to concentrate better, which is not what it is.

c. Assess – how valuable the ability to concentrate is in modern society.

In this contemporary world, it is difficult to succeed in career and life without
concentration. Greater attention can be helpful in both the professional and personal life
of an individual as we live in a world full of distractions. With the constant use of digital
gadgets, there is a steady decline in the ability of people to concentrate leading to
distractions in work and less productivity. Concentration enables professionals to
enhance their performance and perform tasks that require continuous attention.

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8. A time when you helped a child

Describe a time when you helped a child
You should say:
• Who the child was
• When and where you helped the child
• How you helped the child
• And explain how you felt about helping this child.

Helping others in times of difficulty is a virtue.

Three years ago, I got an opportunity to help a kid. She lived in my neighbourhood. She was a very gentle
person and was very simple with her life. When she was in 5th grade, she started to complain about
learning science subjects. She really struggled with the subject and slowly, she began to lose interest in her
studies. As she was not able to pass the mid-term tests, her mother approached me asking to work as a
tutor for her child.

After giving it a lot of thought, I agreed to start the lessons the next day itself. As I was new to the role, I
prepared and planned the lessons to make the class more interesting. Being able to communicate
effectively, I identified her weaknesses and tried to rectify them. I taught her the subject using different
experiments and she began to develop an interest. Fortunately, she managed to pass her final exam with a
good score.

I felt a sense of accomplishment when I heard the news. All my efforts got paid off and I was on cloud nine
when her mother thanked me for the help.

Part 3

A. Helping people
a. Describe – the kinds of help people can give their neighbours.
The kinds of help that people can give their neighbours play an important role in the
social lives of individuals. It is better to be respectful and generous towards neighbours,
as they are the people who can affect the different aspects of life. Giving attention and
trying to address their needs can be helpful to them. It is good to lend a helping hand to
neighbours who need extra support.

b. Consider – how schools encourage young people to help others.

The role of a school is crucial in the life of an individual. Schools can provide many lessons
to children to enhance their overall growth and development. It is possible to structure
the learning process in a way that highlights the importance of cooperation in group
activities. Students often look at teachers as their models and tend to follow what they

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c. Comment on – the view that people naturally want to help others.

It is natural for a human being to have the quality of unselfish concern for the betterment
of others. Helping others is not only a good thing, but it benefits the giver as well as the
receiver. People like helping others as it brings them inner peace too. But there are also
some people who do good deeds, expecting something in return.

B. Volunteering
a. Agree/disagree – everyone should volunteer in their community
Volunteering provides an opportunity to meet new people, and it also improves the
social network of an individual. Participation in community work is critical as it gives a
sense of purpose. Volunteering is important as it boosts self-confidence and gives a sense
of accomplishment. Along with acquiring experience, the connections can help a person
to increase job prospects too.

b. Compare – The value of volunteering time and of giving money to help people
As far as I’m concerned, both volunteering time and funds have its own ways in being
beneficial to others. Sometimes, all that is required is for someone to listen to you and
keep you company for which volunteering time is the solution. But if it is a kind of help
that requires to be bought, then money alone will help. Like if you need medicines, or to
buy an equipment that will aid in recovery, money rather than volunteering time helps.

c. Evaluate – who benefits more – the volunteers or the people they help.
Both volunteers and the beneficiaries benefit. Volunteers get a sense of mental
satisfaction and happiness in helping others. It is this emotion that pushes them forward.
Beneficiary, on the other hand, get things done. The gain here could also be materialistic.

C. International Aid
a. Agree/disagree – developed countries have a duty to help developing countries.
Many developing countries are facing problems like social and economic inequalities and
poor infrastructure. Developed countries can support developing countries through
different financial aids. These foreign aids can be used for emergencies and poverty
reduction. Goods and services from developed countries can also benefit the recipient

b. Comment on – the view that the best way to help developing countries is to provide
skills and training.
I certainly feel that skills and training can go a long way in benefiting developing
countries. With skills, they can continue their vocation and even teach others the
same. This will ensure better employability and independency. Some believe that
money will help. But I’m of the view that money is just a temporary solution
whereas skills and training are long-term.

c. Speculate on – whether developing countries will need less international aid in the
That’s difficult to speculate. Some developing countries might require less
international aid as they slowly develop their in-dependency. There might still be
certain countries which would love to continue receiving support as they are poor
in resources and utility of manpower.
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9. A family member you might like to work with in the future.

Describe a family member you might like to work with in the future.
You should say:

• Who this person is

• Whether you have worked with this person before
• What kind of work you might like to do with this person
• And explain why you might like to work with this family member in the future.

Family has a great role in everyone's life. They are the ones who stand by us in our difficult situations. And
having a family business can be a good way to earn money.

I'll definitely be happy and satisfied if I get a chance to work with my own brother. He is someone I wish to
work with in the future as I believe he is capable of making good decisions and managing things properly.
We have experience of working together on a few occasions. The last time was when we arranged
everything for our cousin’s engagement function, which was decided to be conducted as a small
ceremony. He was the one who took the sole responsibility for making all the arrangements for the
engagement function.

I was really amused by the way he planned everything because he didn't want to procrastinate on
anything, so he took all the initiative for the engagement functions way before the function. The function
was really successful and we got a lot of appreciation from our relatives and friends. And in the future, I
would like to start an event management company with my brother because he has done his MBA in event
management. It has the potential to be beneficial in our business, and I have some ideas that could be
used in that field of work that we have already discussed, and he was impressed with my suggestions.
Moreover, I could easily share my ideas with him as he is a friendly person, respects others' opinions, and
analyses the suggestions put forward by others before reaching a conclusion. His professional experience
can be applied to our company. Apart from that, his communication and task management skills are also
commendable. His ability to convince people and the sheer determination to coordinate things will act as a
fuel for our growth.

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Part 3

A. Working in a family business

a. Identify – the kinds of family business that are common in your country.
It has become a common trend in India to start family businesses, and the kind of
business people opt to do totally depends upon their investments and ideas, whether
they choose small-scale or large-scale businesses.

b. Consider – the advantages of working in a family business.

Working in a family business allows an employee to express their opinions and
suggestions with great freedom. Moreover, people are more likely to have a better
understanding of each other, which in turn might help in the growth of a family business.
Apart from that, they can have more trust while working with a family member, and the
income they earn from the business remains within the family itself.

c. Suggest – reasons why some people might not like to work in a family business.
Setting up a family business has some risks, as the chance of misusing the freedom that
an employee enjoys is much greater, and there's even a possibility of breaking the law,
which can adversely affect the business and even break family bonds. These sorts of
attitudes among employees can destroy a family business.

B. Working for a large company

a. Identify – the advantages of working for a large company.
There are plenty of benefits one can obtain while working for a multinational company.
The facilities that people enjoy will be far better when compared to a small firm, and the
working environment will be good. Another aspect is that the employees could earn a
handsome remuneration while working for a large company, allowing them to maintain a
high standard of living. Yet another thing is that they could excel in their career, and
there is a chance of getting a better position.

b. Suggest – reasons why it is better not to stay too long with one company.
I would never say so. I mean, there are benefits when you stay with a company your
entire work-life. Like the attachment is far more, and you get all the respect of being a
stalwart there and so on. But I think youngsters think differently. They feel it necessary to
keep changing jobs and many complain being bored as the main reason for the constant
shift from one company to the other.

c. Agree/disagree – working in a large company is too impersonal.

It need not be. Being impersonal or the fact that you may not know each other, depends
on the management of the company. But mostly yes, if the company is too large, and the
work culture does not require you to mingle with each other, then you may not be
familiar with everyone in the company.

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C. Trends in business
a. Consider- the effect of globalization and the internet on the way business is done.
Globalisation has made it possible to remove boundaries between countries and
enterprises. This has ensured that no matter what your product is, you can still have a
global market. The same goes for internet. I could be stocking up products in my
backyard and sell it to anywhere in the world with the help of internet. That is such a
powerful feeling and it has benefited sellers and buyers alike.

b. Agree/disagree – there will be no place for small businesses in the future.

Most likely, small-scale businesses will struggle in the future as globalisation gains ground
and people may choose more branded products over locally made products. It must be
very difficult to make a profit when a place has huge supermarkets, and a lot won't be
able to survive with such cutthroat competition.

c. Speculate on – Possible changes to the way people might have to work in the future.
I’m not sure if there could be anything more to how people might work in the future. Like
these days many companies encourage remote working which simple means you could
be located in any part of the world or even be travelling and yet continue your work with
the help of the internet and laptop. I really can’t think of anything more than this.

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10. A change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time.
Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time.
You should say:
• What the change was
• When you made this change
• How easy it was to make this change
• And explain how making this change in your daily life saved you a lot of time.

It is common for people to make changes at different stages of life or when they have to deal with certain

Making a change is not always as easy as it seems. People might encounter some difficulties in adapting to
new situations while making a change. A change that I made in my life that actually helped me a lot to save
time and to use my time more productively was getting rid of the addiction to playing video games for long

I started playing video games two years ago, when the COVID pandemic struck and the government
imposed a curfew; we were not able to go outdoors. Staying at home the whole day was frustrating as I
didn't have much to do during that time.

Some of my friends suggested some video games, and we started playing those games together. At the
beginning, it was a great relief for me because I was able to overcome the boredom that I faced. But
gradually I became addicted to playing video games as I started playing them late at night and became
sleepless, which in turn affected my physical and mental health. It reflected on my studies also, as I
struggled to score the required grades in that examination.

It was after my examination that I realised the seriousness of this addiction, and then I made a resolution
to change this habit of playing games from my daily routine. It was not as easy as I thought, but I
desperately wanted to break this habit from my routine, so I made a timetable in order to reduce the time
that I spend playing computer games. Day by day, I tried to work according to my timetable, and I was able
to see the change that occurred in my life. Moreover, I had plenty of time to do other activities and to
concentrate more on my studies.

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Part 3

A. Saving time
a. Identify – some ways that people try to save time in daily life.
Every individual uses different methods to save time in their daily life. As far as I'm
concerned, a method most people use in their daily lives is setting up a timetable and
doing their activities in accordance with that schedule. Another way is to find out the
activities that are of no use in daily life and avoid them. So that the time could be spent
fruitfully on other activities.

b. Consider – whether younger or older people are better at saving time

To my mind, it totally depends on different people, but mostly the elderly are better at
managing their time. Older people are more likely to have expertise in dealing with
various situations that come up in life, so this experience can be used to manage time
efficiently. As compared to youngsters, they are more patient, which is also a factor that
is required for saving time.

c. Agree/disagree – people waste a lot of time nowadays.

As of now, I would say it is true to a large extent that people waste time doing certain
activities that are not necessary. These days, people are more into social media apps and
other online websites where they spend hours watching videos. Many people probably
waste a lot of time surfing the web. As compared to the past, many people are addicted
to playing video games, which is another way in which people waste their time and is
seen mostly among young people, which might intensely affect their health and

B. Learning how to manage time

a. Assess – whether schools should teach children to manage their time.
Schools, in my opinion, play an important role in moulding a child and teaching them how
to manage their time efficiently and effectively. As schools are the place where children
spend most of their time, teachers have a great role in teaching the children time
management skills and various other skills that are needed in their daily lives. For
instance, in schools, children are made to follow time tables and taught to complete the
activities within a fixed time period, which can improve their time management skills.

b. Evaluate – whether using technology always makes it easier to manage time.

In most cases it does. Like you can get all your vessels washed in matter of a few minutes
with the help of a dishwasher. But if need to be done manually, then it might take an
hour or over. So yes, machines help us finish our work quicker than otherwise. And this
thereby helps in managing time. But, again, if we do not utilise that excess time we have,
then the point in letting machines do our work is lost.

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c. Comment on – the view that people who learn to manage time efficiently are more
successful in life.
Time is equated to money. So, those who respect and keep time, also value money
and that in turn helps us to be successful. But, imagine a person, whose job
requires him or her to manage time, need not be successful, if he or she doesn’t
work hard towards a goal. So, managing time, goal and hardwork, all go together in
being successful.

C. Different attitudes to time

a. Consider – how people’s attitudes to time change at different ages.
Oh, that’s easy. As children, we have all the time in the world to play, eat and do things
that we really enjoy. We are not aware of the concept of time. As we progress in school,
time means last minute exam preparations, or the endless chat we have with friends on
the playground. As we grow older, time becomes even more powerful in our lives- we
start learning the fact that time waits for none and that we need to manage time. And I
think as we grow older, we get back to that relaxed mode again, when no more time is
considered the most important part of our lives.

b. Agree/disagree – people today have the right to expect things to be done instantly.
I wouldn’t say they have the right to, but they do expect things to be done instantly.
Youngsters these days aren’t patient any more as they are used to the quick, instant
things in life. And that is probably another reason why youngsters are also unpredictable.

c. Speculate on whether time or money will be more valuable.

If you ask about future, I would say that it might differ from one person to the other.
There would be a large group of people who consider money as vital. For them, nothing
comes close to money. Even relationships or emotions are not given the prominence that
money gets. But for others, they might continue valuing time more than anything else.
Those are the ones who think emotionally about spending time with loved ones and
offering your time to others. This is because for them, time is the most valuable of all.

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11. A special day out which didn’t cost very much.

Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much.

You should say:

• Where and when you went
• What you did
• What you spent money on
• And explain why you enjoyed this special day out.

I'm going to talk about a wonderful outing that I had with my friends about a year ago, which is a
memorable one for me. At the time, the COVID-19 pandemic was winding down and everything had
almost gone back to normal, which meant we could finally go out and socialize. As you may have guessed,
it was a big day for all of us, so we wanted to do something to celebrate it. We were all kind of broke after
the pandemic, so we decided to have a picnic together. Our meeting point was Illickal Kallu, which is not
far from Pala town. I think it's only 25 kilometers away, so we could ride our own motorbikes there and
then return home on the same day. Just so you know, Illickal Kallu is a pretty eco-friendly place. The whole
area is covered with green trees and there is a huge rock at the top of the hill where we could sit and gaze
at the beauty of both Kottayam and Idukki districts, making it a super cool and airy destination. And the
best thing is, it's quite cheap compared to other tourist spots. Sometimes, if the guards are not present,
we won't have to pay any entrance fee. And if the guards are there, the entrance fee is only about Rs.20
for an adult, but you get to spend the whole day inside it.

I remember that day we hit the road at around 7 in the morning because it opened at 8. To save money,
we all had breakfast at home before leaving our house. We also prepared a picnic lunch with some bottles
of water in advance so that we wouldn't have to buy food or drinks there. Despite being an economical
day out, we had a lot of fun together. We spent most of the time relaxing at that fascinating place and
catching up with each other after the lockdown. Besides that, we took loads of photos together to keep
the memories. So far, it's still one of the best short trips that I've ever had.

Part 3

A. Having a day out

a. Describe – places people in your country go for a day out.
Well, that's a good question. Even though I'm an Indian, because of the vastness of my
country, it is pretty difficult to give a general answer to that question. Considering the
case of my state, since we have a large area of seashore, we have a lot of amazing
beaches. Among them, the popular ones are Veli, Kovalam, and Calicut beaches. So,
people here usually go to beaches when they get free time. However, people in the
northern states of India don't have this luxury of going to beaches. When they plan to go
out, they'll probably choose any other alternative like going to the park or visiting some
historical places.

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b. Suggest – reasons why people want to have a day out.

In my personal opinion, I'm a person who has a hectic schedule because of my job and
family. So, a day out is something that I really crave to get some peace of mind. The main
advantage that I get on my day out is that I get to choose the activities that I love to do at
my preferred time and at my preferred location. Usually, I go alone on my days out, while
most of my friends like to go out with their family or friends. I think going out gives us a
very needed break from all the stress and strain of our life.

c. Compare – having a day out with staying at home.

If you ask me to compare, I would say there is a huge difference between the two. Home
is the place where we spend most of our time, and it's the most comfortable place for a
person. I don't know about others' cases, but that is my comfort place. So, I would mostly
prefer to stay at home when I am having an off day. I don’t have to worry about anything
when I am lying in bed dreaming of wonderful things. However, in my opinion, I kind of
hate going out on my free days. Even though going out and the experiences that we get
from travelling are good, at the end of the day, we will be tired as hell. If I could remove
that tiring part of going out, I would surely consider it over staying at home.

B. What makes a day out enjoyable

a. Evaluate – the influence of the weather on the enjoyment of going out.
Weather plays a huge part in the overall experience of a trip. I personally prefer any
weather except hot temperatures and high humidity. I profusely sweat in that type of
weather, and it will ruin all the enjoyment of a day out. In fact, that would ruin my day.
Generally speaking, I prefer a mild temperature with a cold breeze.

b. Compare – the experience of going out alone to going out with friends.
Well, the answer to that is that the vibe of both is different. If we are travelling with
friends, we can make a lot of memories. That will make the bond much stronger. I kind of
live for that small happiness. This will be the major part that I will miss if I am travelling
alone. But I would prefer to travel alone because I am a free bird with no shackles at that
time. Although travelling with friends has its upside, the main downside we encounter
while travelling with friends is the egos and drama that occur. Sometimes I take those
things happily, but it’s a bit awkward if it exceeds the limit.

c. Assess – the importance of spending money in making a day out enjoyable.

There are people who believe money need to spent if you need to enjoy or have fun. And
quite a few follow this policy of spending large amounts of money on outings. At the
same time there are others, who on a budget, are able to spend time with friends and
family and have lots of fun too. Like instead of opting for exotic locations, such people
plan on meeting up in one of their friends’ homes and maybe cook food together, or
even arrange a potluck.

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C. Changing concepts of leisure

a. Consider – whether technology has increased opportunities for leisure.
I think yes. Technology has made it possible to give people access to things that were not
possible in the past. For instance, with technology, we can create artificial snow and
maybe a snow park. So, people need not travel all the way to the coldest part of the
world to experience snow. Similarly, with simulated amusement centers, we can get the
feel of walking in the forest, sailing in the sky and so many others, that make up for our

b. Agree/disagree – it is only the young people who can make leisure time an active
Not necessarily. I have seen a lot of older people enjoying their leisure activities
like when taking stroll in the park or in having an active conversation in a tea-
shop. I don’t think it is the age that really matters. It is our mentality that helps
us decide whether we can enjoy the activity or whether we find it boring. I can
vouch that it isn’t age that really makes the difference.

c. Speculate on – people’s expectations about leisure time now and in the past.
I guess in the past there wasn’t any expectations about leisure time- what I mean is,
people just had time. And that extra time, where you did not have to do anything
productive, was a natural part of the lifestyle many years ago. It is today, that the
concept of leisure or recreation has been given so much of importance. It is today, that
we measure our free time and make plans of how to spend that free time. Probably
because lifestyle, goals, aspirations everything has changed. And in the changing times-
often hectic- is when we realise how crucial it is to have leisure time on hand.

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12. Something you do that you think is important for keeping fit and healthy.

Describe Something you do that you think is important for keeping fit and healthy.
You should say:
• What you do
• How often you do it
• Who you do it with
• And explain why you think this activity is important for keeping fit and healthy.

These days, most people are aware of the importance of being healthy.
I would like to talk about playing cricket, which is an activity that I do to stay in shape and have good

If I'm not mistaken, I first started playing it when I was just 4 years old. Gradually, I got addicted to that
sport. At that time, I was a bit chubby. At the same time, one of my best friends asked me to play cricket
with her, so I decided to give this sport a try. Playing cricket isn't as easy as it looks. I found it hard to hit
the cricket ball properly at the beginning and felt tired quickly after a short time playing. It took me almost
2 months of regular practise to be able to play it well. Now I play it about 4 to 5 times a week, mostly from
4:30 to 6:30 in the afternoon, as the weather during that time is not sunny and, in the morning, I have to
go to college.

There's a park not far from where I live, so I always go there to play. It has a lot of green trees and open
space, so it's ideal for sports activities. My partner is my best buddy, but sometimes if she's busy, I'll ask
someone at the park to join me. There are several reasons why I enjoy doing this sport. For one thing, it
helps me get in shape and keep fit. I've lost a few kilos and I'm much more fit ever since I developed a
habit of playing it. It improves my stamina and strengthens my immunity, which is extremely beneficial to
my physical health. Moreover, it's a great way to unwind and reduce stress after long hours of studying.
Besides that, it enables me to have some quality time with a person who matters to me. Hopefully, I can
maintain this healthy activity for as long as possible.

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A. Keeping fit
a. Describe – Popular ways for people in your country to keep fit.
People in my country like to do different activities to keep fit. I think the most popular
activity that people in my country consider a beneficial fitness activity is yoga. But I
consider it a hoax. Well, that's my personal opinion. One of the most popular and
beneficial workout activities in my country is the morning walk. This is popular among all
sorts of people.

b. Assess – how easy it is to do exercise where you live.

I don't think the place where I live is suitable for doing physical activities. My family
members don't allow me to do exercise at home. Maybe it's because of the lack of space.
I usually go to a nearby gym whenever I get the urge to exercise. Compared to other
countries, Indians don't have many exercise facilities.

c. Consider – whether young people should do physical exercise at school.

Yes, definitely. I would recommend making that a compulsory activity for them. The main
reason is that everybody, including kids, teenagers, and youngsters are into mobile
phones and junk food. I don't have to explain the problems that come along with this
trend. So, if a person wants to avoid the problems caused by such habits, he must either
avoid both, which is nearly impossible, or engage in exercise. I would probably choose
the latter, as I know the benefits exercise can bring to a person's life.

B. Learning about health

a. Consider – the best ways of teaching children about keeping fit and healthy.
Be it anything, the easiest way to teach a child is by demonstrating. So here, if we need to
teach children the importance of being healthy, we will have to show them the way. For
example, we need to show that around 30 minutes of exercise a day is vital for remaining
healthy for which we will have to include the child in some light exercises or activity like
walking, playing a sport or yoga. And if we need to teach a child that eating right is an
important step, then we should be cooking more of such food items at home- green
vegetables, fresh home-made food and so on. So, when this is practiced every day, it
becomes a habit and slowly children accept this as a way of life.

b. Suggest – ways of giving adults information about health issues.

I think when it comes to adults, the challenge is even more. It is not easy to convince
adults and many find it difficult to unlearn certain habits. So, if we need to give
awareness to adults on health issues, then we will need to be more open and frequent
about what we need to discuss. Like a debate on such topics aired on tv will help as
adults have a liking towards such programmes. Also, newspaper reports have a great
impact as many adults read newspapers everyday and trust the things that they read
there. So, these are some methods that can be adopted.

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c. Agree/disagree – there is too much advertising of unhealthy food on television.

I completely agree that unhealthy foods are being promoted exponentially. About 70% of
the advertisements that we see today are either fast food ads or advertisements for food
delivery apps. Companies are spending millions on their promotions. They know how to
play with dopamine in people. A strong craving to eat delicious food is a very common
feeling a person feels when he is hungry. When that person is shown a video of visually
enticing food at that time, the probability of him buying that food is pretty high. I would
surely do the same if I were the owner of a food chain.

C. Healthy lifestyle
a. Agree/Disagree – technology has had a negative effect on people’s lifestyles.
I don’t think it’s right to say technology has had a negative effect when we depend so
much on technology. We at least need to be thankful about that. I think people say it has
a negative impact when they are unable to control technology and instead feel that it is
technology that controls us. For instance, certain people are addicted to phones or video
games and it is natural for their family to say that technology is bad. But for those who
know how to manage time spent on games and phones, never feel that technology is
intruding their lives. So, it is a matter of perspective.

b. Comment on – who should take responsibility for a society’s level of fitness.

Every individual should be responsible. It’s unfair to say that the society’s fitness level is
the responsibility of the administrative powers or a certain group of people. Only if
everyone is aware and every person participates, can we ensure overall fitness. Each of
us should take on the onus.

c. Speculate on – practical measures governments will need to take to improve people’s

lifestyles in the future.
I am actually against forcefully implementing certain laws, whether they are good or bad.
In my opinion, unless some activity is not harming other people other than the doer,
there is no reason for forceful laws or punishments. So, I would say the government
should try other methods, like creating more awareness, encouraging more people to
participate in fitness activities, and so on. Other than that, increasing taxes on fast foods
would be an ideal option because it is both beneficial for society and also for the

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13. A place you have visited that you would recommend as a good place to live.

Describe a place you have visited that you would recommend as a good place to live.

You should say:

• Where this place is
• How well you know this place
• What people can do in this place
• And explain why you would recommend this place as a good place to live.

A place I have visited and I would recommend as a good place to live is the city of Bangalore. It is situated
in the state of Karnataka and I know this place quite well because after my studies I have worked there for
more than a year. During my 1st year in the city, I got enough time to explore the place and after all my
visits I feel that this place would be an ideal City for all the people to live in if they wish to settle in a place
in India. It is because Bangalore offers a wide variety of choices to the people who live there it is called the
Garden City of India and it is very true to its name. There are public parks, gardens, and beautiful
landscapes. People with family or friends can spend their weekends and afternoon in various parks and
the city also has several malls situated at its heart where they could visit and enjoy various types of food
and shop. The reason I really recommend this place as a good place to live is because of its climate the
climate of this city is very chill, the temperature is between the range 16 degrees Celsius to 21 degrees
Celsius even on a very hot day. The city also offers good infrastructural facilities and public transportation
so I would really recommend this place as an ideal place to live.

Part 3

A. Places people like to live.

a. Identify – types of places where people like to live in your country.
Most people in India love to live in cities. The reason behind this preference is because
due to the facilities, infrastructure, and employment opportunities. Cities have several
advantages such as a good network of public transportation, various shopping malls, and
entertainment. The people who prefer cities are the ones of working age while the
people in their retirement age people like to stay in rural areas where they could enjoy a
calm and peaceful environment These are the various type of places where people in
India like to live.

b. Consider – the advantages for people of living near their workplace.

Well, I think there are several advantages to staying near your workplace one of the main
advantages is it can save a lot of time. People who are staying far from their workplace
have to start their day early they have to travel a long distance in order to reach their
office this daily journey could be tiring and a lot of time is lost during this. Another
advantage is increased productivity since people have a lot of time and they are not tired
even after their work could lead to better productivity and health.

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c. Compare – places older and younger people like to live.

Well in my opinion I think, older people like to live in suburbs and rural areas because
most of the elder people are in their retirement life and they will have the money to
afford a good place in these places which offers them a quiet and peaceful life. Also,
cities have high populations and thus an increased level of pollution and to stay in a
hectic city would be difficult as the elder citizens may have health issues. When looking at
the areas preferred by the younger generation most of them prefer living in the cities it is
because of the work or studies and the facilities cities provide. And people have more
energy and they have the time to explore the city life and to visit new places and even go
out at night to spend time with their friends in a nice cafe or restaurant all those will not
be possible in a suburban or rural area so I think because of all these reasons young
people always prefer to be in big cities.

B. Moving to different area.

a. Suggest – why some people move to a different area to live.
There are several reasons why people move to a different place to live I think one of the
main reasons is because of their studies or work. In order to join esteemed universities
for quality education sometimes, students had to move to a new place to live it is
because top universities are situated in various different places, and in order to pursue
their education people are willing to move to a new place. Another main reason behind
the shifting is due to the work, when looking for a better job even though one how to
leave their hometown people are ready to shift to a different place to live. Once people
moved to another place and leave their hometown most of them find comfort in the new
places where they are and start to build a home, in most cases, people stay in the same

b. Outline – preparation people make before moving to a new area.

People mostly pack their luggage, which is the most challenging task when it comes to
shifting or moving to a new area. That also means emptying their current house, sorting
out things that are required and things that need to be disposed and so on. The other
preparation is to do a thorough check of the facilities available in the new area and to
ensure that the new house has all provisions needed to shift and start afresh. This could
include painting, cleaning or last-minute fixing. Other than this it might require to invite
friends and relatives and keep them updated of the change.

c. Agree/disagree – choosing where to live is the most important decision people make in
their lives.
Of course, it is. Many do not have a choice as such. Let’s say if my parents have chosen
a place, I may continue staying there for the rest of my life. But if I choose to construct
my own home, that’s when I will decide the possibilities of the right place to stay. In
such a case, choosing the most appropriate location could be one of the most
important decisions one makes. For a large majority, this decision is already made by
their parents or relatives and they simply abide by it.

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C. People living in places of natural beauty.

a. Consider – the impact of population growth on places of natural beauty.
Places of natural beauty need to be preserved. In such a case, if the rate of growth of
population is large in such areas, it might pose a challenge. The natural ecosystem might
be compromised with illegal use of the resources. For instance, if the residents there
choose to dispose waste in the river, it is this water body that gets polluted, thereby
affecting the flora and fauna of the place. I therefore think that it is an individual’s
responsibility and at the same time the authorities need to preserve such places.

b. Assess – the influence of commercial interests on the development of places of natural

With commercial interest places of natural beauty becomes developed. But this
development might come with a price. More development means more footprints.
When we have a large number of uncontrolled visits, this might harm the nature and
the natural resources could be depleted. But if strict measures are in place, with highly
limited tourism, then this place stands to gain.

c. Comment on – the view that people should not be allowed to live in places of
outstanding natural beauty.
I agree with the view that people should not be allowed to stay in places
which rich in natural beauty because once humans settle in a particular place
they often make that place habitable and this may involve cutting down the
trees and starting Agriculture and building dams in order to get a proper
water supply so all this can disrupt the natural balance existing in the
ecosystem and thus endangering a whole lot of flora and fauna now this, in
turn, affects the entire biodiversity and even leads to the loss of various
species so I think this place should be considered as natural biodiversity
parks and government should be taking measures in order to protect it
because a lot of this types of areas are already lost due to domestication and
what left of it should be well preserved.

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14. An invention which you think has changed the world in a good way.
Describe an invention which you think has changed the world in a good way.

You should say:

• What this invention is
• What it does
• How popular it is with people of different ages
• And explain how you think this invention has changed the world in a good way.

An invention which I think has changed the world in a good way is the invention of travel by air. The
airplane was invented by the wright brothers and the current technology has helped airplanes to become
the fastest mode of transport carrying passengers and cargo over a long distance in a short time. Traveling
to another country was made really easy with the invention, before that it took several months in ships in
order to reach another country but today within one- or two-hours people can travel to another place.
This has made the world small and connections really stronger. Traveling by air is really popular among all
age groups both children and elders enjoy the experience they get while traveling by air. The reason I think
this invention has changed the world in a better way is that at present more than thousands of people
travel from one place to another within a country or even out of the country all this was made possible
because of advanced technology. Now people can travel to other countries for their studies, for vacation
and even for work so I think this is the invention which made people’s life much easier.

Part 3

A. Inventions in the home.

a. Identify – the most useful inventions that people have in their homes. (e.g., in
The useful invention people have in their homes is home appliances. Starting
from the washing machine, dishwasher, mixer, and grinder every piece of the
home appliance has big importance in today’s household. Life has changed over
the past years and people had to work in order to survive home appliances made
life easier and made all the work be done in a very short time and also it reduced
the physical labour of the people in the family because having a full-time job and
intense physical labour will be an impossible task, so I think home appliances are
really a blessing for society.

b. Consider – whether using equipment in the home makes people lazy.

Well, in certain cases we might become lazy. Like if I’m so used to using a dishwasher or
washing machine, the thought of completing these activities manually could turn out to
be nightmare. So, to an extent, over-dependency on machines may make a person lazy.
But there are others, who get all the monotonous work done by machines, and in the
free time available be involved in creative pursuits. Such people exist, who make ample
use of home appliances.

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c. Speculate on – what equipment people might like to have in the home in the future.
I think people like to have self-cleaning robots. I think it is used in several places but not
currently in India. I think those kinds of robots will be very helpful and convenient to use.
It will be moving around the house and picking up small pieces and keeping the place
always clean. For example, houses with small children proper cleaning in short intervals,
and these robots could be used to provide a clean floor. Thus, people don’t have to clean
their houses in a conventional way so I think that could be one of the pieces of
equipment people like to have in their homes in the coming future.

B. Technology in education.
a. Evaluate – what types of technology are most important in schools today.
In schools these days, smart technology aiding in smart classrooms become the need of
the hour. For instance, classrooms with strong internet connection and visual aids will
make learning all the more fun. Also showing such video lessons will help children learn
things faster and more effectively. Maybe even a smart board, where teachers can use
different colours, music and activities in class, will help schools.

b. Assess – whether watching television programs in class can be a good way of learning.
Of course, it can. But careful selection of such video materials is of utmost importance.
Mostly when a teacher uses television programme in class, the teacher is unaware of why
and how to make effective use of these materials. For example, what is the student going
to gain, how will it help all of these will need to be assesses.

c. Agree/Disagree – the computer will one day completely replace the teacher.
I don’t think a computer will one day completely replace a teacher because the work a
teacher does is not something a computer can’t replace even though most of the learning
happens through computers and with the help of the Internet, learning in the presence of
a teacher is much more effective for students. Learners can engage in live discussions and
clear their doubts to the experts in the field also, every student has a different
understanding capacity and a computer will not be able to understand that but a teacher
can understand and help the students at their level. So, I definitely think the teacher-
student relationship will be there for a very long time.

C. Inventions and inventors.

a. Consider – what makes some people want to invent new things.
The reason why people invent new things is to satisfy their needs. The needs and wants
of the people change according to time and these needs have to be met thus making
space for new inventions. A market is a dynamic place and the needs of the consumer
should be met with new and improved technologies, for example, the conventional cell
phone during the initial years was just used to make calls and send messages but right
now the technology has advanced and the use of mobile phones is more than just to
make calls there are various uses for them as the time demands the technology is made
use to invent more useful things.

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15. A friend you enjoy talking with.

Describe a friend you enjoy talking with.

You should say:

• How you first met this friend
• What kind of person this friend is
• What you talk about with this friend
• And explain why you enjoy talking with this friend.

I’m a talkative person and because of this nature, I have managed to make many friends. Here I would like
to talk about my dear friend Anu. Unlike me, Anu is a quiet person. When I was in the 5th std, my father
took a job posting in Trivandrum and decided to relocate our family to this new city. Fortunately, I got
admission to a reputed school in the city. Walking into a classroom in the middle of a school year is not a
pleasant experience, to say the least. I took the first vacant seat and this is where I first met Anu and we’ve
been thick friends ever since. What I like about her is that she is very humble and caring. She believes in
doing charity and is a very religious person. There is never a dull moment for us when it comes to talking,
we always have something to talk about. Sometimes it is about the movies, classmates, or even teachers.
After all these years of gossiping, we still talk to each other on regular basis. There are many reasons why I
like talking to Anu. She is my best friend to start with, gossip aside, she is a trustworthy person and I find it
really easy to confide in her. More importantly, she doesn’t judge me for what I say and offers practical
solutions whenever I share my problems. I feel incredibly lucky to have met Anu and to have her as my

Part 3

A. Talking with friends

a. Describe – what young people often talk about with their friends.
Well, I think young people talk about so many things like their job, maybe about their
plans for business, or even about their past memories. They might discuss new movies or
web series which are quite popular these days. I think there may not be any boundaries
regarding the topic of discussion.

b. Agree/disagree – talking with friends face to face is always better than talking on the
phone or online.
To a great extent, I think talking with friends face-to-face is always better. It is
because when we have a face-to-face conversation, whatever we express, is easily
conveyed. And when we are talking on the phone or online, this personal element is
easily missed.

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c. Assess – the importance of listening carefully when talking with friends.

I would like to say that the four skills of Listening, Reading, Writing, and speaking are
important for everyone. And the listening skill is the one that we are getting from birth
itself because We learn things only by hearing or listening to something. So, when we are
talking with our friends, we must give them their space, and for that, we have to listen to
them. Then only we came to know What are their problems? Getting someone for
listening is actually a blessing. So, it is very important to listen carefully when we are
talking with our friends.

B. Talking with strangers

a. Identify – everyday situations when people need to talk with people they don’t know.
There are some situations when people need to talk with strangers. It is when they are
traveling alone to some unknown places, that time, they may have to converse with their
fellow travellers. If they want to know something more about the place, they may discuss
it with the locals in that area. Usually, it happens when we are traveling. And also, in
situations like when we are going shopping or visiting some places, there are chances for
talking with someone who is not known to us.

b. Explain – why some people find it difficult to talk to people they don’t know.
It is true that some people find it difficult to talk to people they don't know. It may be
because they are scared of strangers or the public. It is very easy for us to talk with our
friends and relatives. But when we are talking with strangers, we have to think about so
many things. There are chances for cheating, sometimes they may mislead us. We feel
uncomfortable when we are talking with someone who is not known to us. These are
some of the reasons why people find it difficult to speak to strangers. It will be different
when someone is introverted, they like to be alone and they feel irritated when someone
tries to speak with them. Strangers become friends after a long conversation

c. Compare – the way people talk to strangers with the way they talk to friends.
Of course, when it comes to strangers, we cannot be as friendly as being to our dear
ones. There will have to be differences in the way we talk to a stranger and the way we
talk to a friend. We cannot trust a stranger and so our mannerisms and the extent to
which we share our information will all be limited.

C. International Discussions
a. Assess – the importance of world leaders holding regular discussions.
Well, it will be beneficial if world leaders have regular meetings. But, at the same time,
just meetings alone may not help. What is more important is the action. So, meeting up
once or twice a year might help, but enacting whatever was discussed in these meetings
should happen in between. Otherwise, world leaders might just spend a lot of money on
meetings, but ultimately may not be of any benefit to common man.

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b. Suggest – what may happen when people having a discussion do not speak the same
When the language in a conversation is different from the others, conveying ideas
will be difficult. This will in turn make understanding the idea challenging. So let say
the discussion is on reducing carbon footprint and one person gives a very good
suggestion. What if, because the language used is different, the others in the group
are unable to follow the idea. Then the whole exercise of having the discussion
becomes a waste of time and resources.

c. Comment on – the view that international issues can always be resolved through
Talking along may not help resolve all international issues. For example, when
Russia unleashed war against Ukraine, world leaders did meet up and expressed
their stand on the conflict. But that did not help much. What might have helped
instead would be stringent measure taken by other countries to show their
disapproval of the war. Though I believe that talking can help resolve many
problems, international issues may need more than just talking- sometimes
action or a warning and even threatening might have an impact.

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16. A situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam.
Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam.

You should say:

• When and where the traffic jam happened
• What you did while you were in the traffic jam
• How you felt about having to spend time in the traffic jam
• And explain what problems the delay caused you.

In this busy world, we all know that traffic jams are inevitable. I have come across many situations where I
had to spend a long time in traffic jams, here, I would like to talk about one of my experiences when I got
stuck in a traffic jam, it was during my college days. I used to go to my college by public transportation.
And I had to travel almost one and a half hours. There is a railway crossing on this way and sometimes the
gate remains closed for the train to pass, it may take some time for crossing. One day when I was coming
back from my college, I think the time was about 5 p.m. When I reached that railway gate, the gate was
closed. I waited on the bus itself. Even after the passing of two or three trains, the gate did not open.
Gradually the traffic was getting heavier and I could see a long queue building up. About an hour later, we
came to know that the gate was jammed and no one was going anywhere unless someone came from the
mechanical section of the railway to fix it. With this news, some people decided to continue their journey
on foot. As it was getting dark, I didn’t want to walk the few kilometres left on the journey. I spent some
time on my smartphone hoping that the issue would soon be resolved. As time passed, I got more anxious
and worried. Some people who were traveling in private vehicles decided to turn around, maybe to find an
alternative route. I had to call a friend to help me out of this situation. I abandoned the bus and got home
on the scooter with my friend. This was probably the worst traffic jam I have ever been in.

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Part 3

A. Traffic in cities
a. Identify – the times of day when traffic is heaviest in most cities.
Well, I think Cities are overcrowded twice every weekday once in the morning and the
other in the afternoon. The main cause for this traffic congestion is the increase in the
number of vehicles. This is the time when people travel for their work and students to
their schools and colleges. In between that, there may not be much traffic but when we
think about busy metropolitan cities like Delhi, Bangalore is overcrowded almost all the

b. Compare – being stuck in a traffic jam in a car and in a bus.

Traffic jams are common in our day-to-day life. There are differences when we are stuck,
in a traffic jam in a car and in a bus. Bus, as public transportation, there will be so many
people. Sometimes will be overcrowded and we feel very irritated due to many reasons.
And when we are traveling in a car, it is entirely different because the car is considered
more as a private vehicle and we will be traveling with our friends or with our relatives. If
there were a situation when we were stuck in a traffic jam, we have so many things to
do. We can converse with each other. We can discuss something. Once I had stuck in a
traffic jam while I was traveling from Kozhikode with my friends in a car. It was a long
block too but we were not bored as we were discussing some common topics.

c. Speculate on – whether traffic in cities will get worse in the future.

I'm not sure about the situation. But I think, it will get worse and the future because
people are using more private vehicles nowadays than they used in the past as they feel
it is more comfortable and easier for their personal travels. Everyone is very busy and
considers their own time as very precious, not others. That is the main problem why this
much traffic is having these days. From my point of view, in future, more people will buy
their own vehicle and thereby increase the traffic.

B. Traffic management
a. Consider – whether motorways/highways make the traffic flow more smoothly.
To an extent highways will help clear traffic congestion and lead to smooth flow of
vehicles. But I think even when such highways exist, the time of the day, impacts traffic.
Like, the peak morning and evening hours will mean a lot more vehicles on road leading
to traffic problems. In such cases, however broad the highway is, might just not be useful.

b. Suggest – how public transport can reduce traffic congestion.

Using public transportation can reduce traffic jams to a great extent. Choosing public
transportation facilities may decrease the number of vehicles and can result in reducing
traffic problems. It is the duty of the government to increase the number of public
transportation and thereby, decrease the issues with traffic.
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c. Agree/disagree – traffic problems can only be solved by government action.

To a great extent, it is true that traffic problems can only be solved by government
action. It is because, for solving the traffic problem, the government should take
necessary action regarding violating the traffic rules. The penalty for violating the rules
should be increased. And also, the government must check whether the traffic signals are
working properly. Government should take necessary action for increasing public
transportation and they must improve the transportation facility. Not only the
government but also the people should try to control the traffic, by obeying the traffic
rules and depending on public transportation than private vehicles.

C. Traffic and the environment

a. Assess – the impact of traffic on the environment.
I think a greater number of vehicles mean more pollutants in the environment. Smoke,
dust, sound and all others create chaos, especially during the peak hours of a day.
Indeed, the environment is compromised in such a case which has an impact on our
overall well-being.

b. Consider - whether there should be higher taxes on large cars.

Maybe higher taxes on large cars work. But at the same time, not many are able to afford
costlier, bigger cars and the numbers of such cars on road will also be less. Instead, I
think, the more affordable, smaller cars should be taxed more as many people may have
access to cars of smaller prices.

c. Agree/disagree – in order to reduce global warming, people will have to travel less.
I wouldn’t say people will have to travel less, but I would definitely go for the idea that
people will have to use less of cars and vehicles on road if the intention is to reduce
global warming. Travelling can be done even in the most eco-friendly manner- on foot,
bicycles, hitchhiking and so on. So, I do not consider a ban on travel, but maybe we need
to work on limiting the number of vehicles that ply on the road.

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17. Something that surprised you and made you happy.

Describe something that surprised you and made you happy.

You should say:

• What the surprise was
• How you found out about the surprise
• What you did after you found out
• And explain why the surprise made you happy.

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises. We can expect the unexpected and surprises to bring unlimited
happiness with lots of smiles. I do remember a surprise I came across when I felt special and I got a special
gift from our loved ones. It was a gift that I received on the occasion of my birthday which was a surprise
that I never expected. It was a gift. A brand-new Apple iPhone 11(128GB) of about 40000 Rs. it was a
dream come true for me which I had longed for. It was a blessing to have it. A day before my birthday
when I returned from my office, I found a packet being kept on the table. I asked my daughter what it
actually was and who brought it. She told me that it was a parcel from the post office and she had received
it half an hour before and the postman had brought it. I unpacked it and found that it was from Canada
and I was surprised to see a blue coloured Apple IPhone11(128 GB) which was blue in colour. It looked
attractive. It was like my dream came true to get it. Soon I called my sister and thanked her for the gift
which she had sent. I called all my relatives and friends and told them everything about it. They too felt
happy to know about this surprise gift.

Part 3

A. Being Happy
a. Describe – ways people show that they are happy in your culture.
I think that being happy is the greatest form of success. People show their happiness in
different ways. Commonly they express it by smiling, hugging, kissing, and showing their
care toward others. Happiness is the state of celebrating all that we have got. We should
be happy with what we have. It should be the purpose of life. 40 % of happiness is
controlled by our thoughts and behaviour, 50% genetically determined, and 10% by our
own circumstances. From my perspective, happiness is a Universal emotion and the
relationship between different cultures and happiness is far from simple. It varies from
country to country. In our culture happiness is not simply being used for achieving
material pleasure but in India, it is more than that having cultural values, family ties, and
giving top priority to social roles, interpersonal relationships and having a healthy life,
respecting cultural beliefs, and providing cultural happiness.

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b. Consider – whether shopping can make people happy.

I believe that shopping does truly bring happiness to our senses and it is a kind of
excitement and pressure and we feel good when we purchase things at least for a short
period of time. It lifts our mood and helps to boost our mental and physical health and
makes people feel empowered and happy by the material things we purchase.

c. Agree/disagree – happiness is good for a person’s health.

I do agree that happiness is good for a person's health. It strengthens our immune
system and combats stress and makes us feel better if we are happy. It makes us
mentally and physically fit. Most importantly it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease,
controls blood pressure and enables good shape to our body and improves our diet, and
makes a person think positively in life.

B. Happiness and the individual

a. Consider – how a person’s attitude to life can affect how happy they are.
I think a person's happiness can be affected by an individual attitude towards life a
positive attitude can be shown by an individual not just by putting a smile on his face but
he has to be optimistic when the things go wrong it is quite obvious to say that what
good or bad diet does to your body positive and negative thoughts do the same to mind
so we have to be optimistic and throw away negative thoughts that will show a new light
of success to individuals.

b. Agree/disagree – people can learn to be happy.

I do agree that people can learn to be happy if they start thinking positively and they
should control their emotions and try to overcome negativity.
and seek a valuable lesson from setbacks and focus on positive thinking.

c. Assess – whether periods of unhappiness can have positive results for some people.
I think that sometimes a period of unhappiness can have positive results for some
people. For example, when an individual is obese, he may feel low and unhappy about his
state but if he fights his depression by being positive and going for exercises and
workouts that can reduce his weight and it could bring positive results to overcome his

C. Happiness and society

a. Comment on – the view that the richer society, the happier it is.
Many believe that the richer the society the happier it is but we have to understand that
makeup doesn't make you prettier or money doesn't make you richer because real
wealth and real beauty depend on how you value yourself. True wealth is not the riches
or money but the beautiful heart and beautiful mind we have. It is not what we have in
our bank account but what we have in our hearts that matters.

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b. Evaluate – whether governments should focus more on happiness than economics.

In my view, the government must focus on happiness and the priority should be to
nurture citizens' happiness. Though some people think economic progress is the only way
to measure a country's success, I believe the happiness of a citizen should be a priority to
build up a nation. As we know, to be happy is a state of mind and it can be achieved
without external stimulus.

c. Speculate on – whether advances in sciences and technology will make society happier
in the future.
Most people believe that in the next 50 years Science and Technology will change
society as a whole and make it happier. Robotics and Bio-Engineering will change
everything in the coming future. Teleportation or Science colonization is possible and
more sophisticated facilities will have a great impact on society. They will provide a
better life in the future. Computers will be able to create art that is indistinguishable
from that produced by humans. Scientists will develop technology to teleport objects
and certain Terrestrial challenges are viewed and these will change society as a whole
in a positive or negative way.

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18. An important river, lake or area of water in your country.

Describe an important river, lake or area of water in your country.

You should say:

• Where in your country it is
• How big it is
• What it looks like
• And explain why this river, lake or area of water is important for your country.

There are many lakes, rivers, and areas of water that are important in my country today. I am going to talk
about a lake I have visited. I have visited many lakes in my country but the most famous Lake I visited is
Wular Lake in Kashmir. It is in India. It is cooler and one of the largest freshwater lakes. it is located near
Bandipora town in Bandipora district of Jammu and Kashmir India. It is fed by Jhelum River and streams
Madhumati about 16 km. It is a beautiful lake and the second largest freshwater lake in Asia created on
the foothills of Harmukh mountain. I visited it last month with my family. Many artists camp along its
gorgeous-looking bank. I took many photos of the lake. Even went boating in the lake. The lake has a
mesmerizing view with a fantastic garden park vantage point high on the hill. It is surrounded by majestic
mountains which is the best tourist attraction of the country and it attracts tourists from around the
world. I think it is the most wonderful destination that has made me spellbound.

Part 3

A. Water-based activities
a. Identify – the most popular water sports in your country.
I think water sports are a great form of exercise and recreation nowadays. Aquatic sports
activities conducted on water bodies like rivers, lakes, seas, and lagoons are popular
these days most important water-based activities are yachting, kayaking, scuba diving,
snorkelling, skiing, rafting, canoeing, knee boarding, fishing, underwater diving, Jet skiing,
free diving, rowing and many more.

b. Give reasons – why people enjoy spending time near water.

I think people enjoy spending time near the Blue Space or water because it has the power
to reduce stress and anxiety and soothe our minds and reduce heart rate and blood
pressure. A stroll by the sea or a river helps to sleep long and get relaxed.

c. Agree/disagree – all children should have swimming lessons at school.

I think children should go for water sports and swimming is one of them which is the best
to learn. It is the best exercise they can learn and it is a relaxation from the study
activities that will help them to improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills.

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B. The world’s rivers

a. Identify – the sorts of jobs that are associated with rivers.
I think there are many jobs related to the river, Fish guide, Water Photographers,
Lifeguard Marine Technicians, Marine Managers, Marine Biologist, Managers, Ship
Captains, Commercial Divers, Marine Engineers, Geoscientist, Aquarist, Technicians,
Hydrologist, are some of the jobs that come to my mind.

b. Comment on – the importance of rivers for tourism.

In my view, the river constitutes a major tourism resource for recreation facilities for
providing specular settings for transportation and a sense of heritage. It is a major
attraction for adventure journeys. Locals, as well as foreigners, are attracted to river
tourism. They visit many rivers for water sports, holy worship, and for bathing. They also
visit to stay in houseboats, see waterfalls and enjoy the scenic beauty of the river and
watch the picture of pristine countryside. It has now become a good source of income for

c. Consider – the advantages and disadvantages of using rivers to transport people in

Well, talking about transportation by river it is a quite common practice
worldwide it is the best known for cargo transportation and for transportation of
people in cities it is the cheapest mode of transportation and is useful, especially
during natural calamities and nowadays some people travel by river for thrill and
adventure. The most important disadvantage is it is a very slow transport as well
as risky.

C. The world’s oceans

a. Assess – the impact of pollution on the world’s oceans.
I think the impact of Ocean pollution is devastating for human well-being and the
ecosystem. Marine debris kills animals and the toxic chemicals affect wildlife and
humans. Oil spills and ocean mining disrupt the ocean. These Ocean pollutants have a
great impact directly or indirectly on marine life and humans.

b. Suggest – why the oceans are the least explored area of planet.
In my view, more than 80% of the ocean remains unexplored because of its depth, zero
visibility, extremely cold temperature, and a crushing amount of pressure.
Trenches of the ocean are the deepest part of a vertical torpedo which makes it difficult
for humans to explore and the cost to invest in sophisticated technology is higher. The
unknown trenches are unpredictable, uncertain, and even dangerous to explore.

c. Speculate on – whether there needs to be greater commercial use of the oceans in the
I think that by 2050 our ocean will be viewed as more than a platform for tourism and
recreation. It will be a great place for commercial ocean recreation activity, thrill craft
and high-speed boating, parasailing, water sledding, sailing and snorkelling and
submarine tours.

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19. A traditional product made in your country which you like.

Describe a traditional product made in your country which you like.

You should say:

• What this product is
• When you first tried this product
• How this product is made
• And explain why you like this traditional product.

Traditional products can represent a country. India is known for its tradition and culture. Each state has its
traditional products. Even though I don't have much knowledge about traditional products in India, I have
a small collection of traditional goods. A few years before one of my friends gifted me a traditional mirror
called Aranmula Kannadi. She bought it from a small town called Aranmula in the Pathanamthitta district.
Since I live very close to Aranmula, I knew about this product from a very young age but unfortunately, I
didn't get a chance to purchase it. The peculiarity of this mirror is that it is a handmade Mirror. Unlike
normal silvered glass Mirrors, it is a metal alloy mirror. It is beautifully designed with a golden frame.
Moreover, this mirror has a long handle which makes it convenient to hold. These mirrors are made by one
extended family in Aranmula. The exact metals used in the alloy are maintained as a family secret. These
mirrors eliminate secondary reflection. They provide us with a hologram sticker on the back side of the
mirror, which shows the authenticity of the product. To receive the product, we need to book it in
advance. Many tourists visit this place to purchase this mirror. It is considered to bring good luck and
prosperity to the home. Since it is rare and expensive, I don't use it frequently. I have kept it as a
showpiece in my living room.

Part 3

A. Traditional Products of t a country.

a. Identify – different kinds of traditional products made in your country.
India is a diverse country. People in India are fond of traditional products. We still
preserve our handicrafts. There are several traditional products in India such as porcelain
pitchers from Jaipur, pashmina shawls from Kashmir, phulkari embroidery from Punjab,
bamboo handicrafts from East India, brass handicrafts from Rajasthan, and so on.

b. Agree/disagree – traditional products are generally better quality than modern ones.
No, I don't think so. The quality of a product depends on the manufacturer. Even today
we get high-quality products. I think the problem is that everyone is focused on reducing
the price and using cheaper quality materials in manufacturing. So, if you buy branded
items, it lasts longer due to the quality.

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c. Comment on – how traditional products can help aa country’s tourist industry.

Tourism today plays a curial role in contributing to a country’s economy and traditional
products often enhances the experience. It is something that most tourists bring back
with them as a souvenir. Most tourists visit India to know about the country’s tradition
and culture and they prefer to buy traditional products from the local people which in
turn helps in the growth of a country's economy. For instance, Aranmula kannadi, a
traditional product that is quite expensive, yet foreigners visit Aranmula only for the sake
of purchasing this product and to know more about the place and its history.

B. The importance of tradition.

a. Consider – how important it is for people to learn about their country’s traditions.
Yes, it is important to learn about traditions. Citizens must know about the meaning
behind traditions of the country because it is their identity and also helps them to stay
connected with their roots. Knowing about traditions may give a sense of unity among
the people. For example, lighting lamps during Diwali is a tradition which is followed by
people across India, it gives a sense of unity.

b. Assess – whether young people should be taught about traditions at home or at school.
Both parents and teachers are equally responsible for teaching the students the
traditions and cultures. Parents can encourage children to get involved in traditional
activities and also, they can make children watch videos related to traditions. Schools
also can celebrate traditional festivals and make the students participate in these
activities and also encourage them to read books related to tradition.

c. Agree/disagree – tourists should learn about a country’s traditions before visiting that
Not necessarily, I think it is important to know the present scenario of that particular
country which we plan to visit. Traditions of that country can be learned after reaching
that place. However, certain traditions can be learned before visiting a country, which
could help tourists to plan the visit efficiently and to get a better understanding of the

C. The future of traditional customs.

a. Comment on – whether it is the government’s responsibility to maintain the traditional
customs of their country.
It is important to preserve our traditional customs to maintain our national identity. It is
the responsibility of the government to maintain the tradition by organizing cultural
awareness programs, promoting a curriculum that includes cultural knowledge, and so
on. However, citizens too are responsible for preserving the culture, they can pass on the
traditions to the next generation.

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b. Consider – whether increased globalization will lead to countries adopting each other’s
traditions and customs.
Because of globalization countries are now free to adopt each other's traditions and
cultures. Due to globalization, communication between people of different countries has
increased and this ultimately leads to an exchange of traditions between nations. For
example, these days Diwali is celebrated in many countries other than India, and Indians
also celebrate Halloween. And I believe that technology plays a very important role in

c. Speculate on – whether in future, people may return to former traditions, customs and
I don't think people will go back to former traditions and customs because most
people prefer to be advanced rather than follow old traditions. Traditions are good but
they need to evolve. however, I think in the case of fashion people may go back to
olden times because fashion trends are cyclic, the bell-bottom pants which were a
trendsetter in the seventies are again trending now.

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20. A time when you were very busy.

Describe a time when you were very busy.

You should say:

• When this time was
• Why you were so busy
• What you did to deal with the situation
• And explain how you felt about being so busy

Most people are busy these days. I too remain busy most of the time due to my work. I am a person who
likes to complete my work in advance, but sometimes it is not possible due to the circumstances. The
busiest period of my life was during the post-graduation days. A few years ago, while I was pursuing my
post-graduation in Embedded systems, I had to submit a thesis at the end of the 4th semester. We were
given only a month for abstract submission. An abstract is a summary of a research paper. Within 1 month
I had to choose my topic and then had to collect relevant papers regarding my topic. Somehow, I managed
to collect almost 50 papers and I studied all these papers within 3 weeks. After that I had to find an
innovative idea to add to thesis, it took me around 4 days to get an idea. It was the day before the last day
of my abstract submission and I had to type almost a hundred papers and take a printout, unfortunately,
there was a power failure on that day. I was very tensed. The next day I woke up early morning at 3 o'clock
and I started typing all the contents. It took me around 3 hours to complete everything and I took the print
out. Then I submitted it before 9 a.m. Even though I had a tough time doing all these, I was successful in
submitting my abstract. This one month, especially the last week, was probably the busiest time I had in
my entire college life.

Part 3

A. Pressure at school
a. Consider – whether very young children work too hard at school in your country.
The school curriculum in India is tough. students need to study a lot of things even in
primary school. Children need to learn three languages and they have to study more than
3 subjects. I think it is really hard for children to learn all these. Children need to mug up
portions and the exams are also tough.

b. Agree/disagree – young children learn more from playing than from classroom lessons.
Yes, I do agree that young children can learn more from games because children may find
games more interesting and teaching through games can help children to understand
better. For instance, board games like scramble, by playing that game children can get to
know more words, and they can increase their vocabulary. If these words are taught in
class, children may not find them interesting, and also, they may not learn many words.

c. Assess – whether children need long holidays/vacations from school.

I think children do not need long vacations; short holidays would be fine. Due to long
holidays, children may forget what they learn and they may lose interest in learning.
Short holidays may help them to relax and also, they can be on track with learning.
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During the pandemic time, children had to sit at home for 3 to 4 months doing nothing.
Most of the children lost interest in learning and also, they forgot what they learned.

B. Pressure at work.
a. Consider – the advantages and disadvantages of having a lot to do at work.
The major advantage is that people who have to work a lot always would be busy and
their minds will be fully engaged, they may not get even a second to think of anything
else. Thus, they may be more productive. The disadvantage of working too much is that
people may become tired, and they would be mentally and physically exhausted.
Moreover, they may not be able to concentrate on what they do. This can also take a toll
on one’s family relationship.

b. Suggest – ways in which companies can reward staff for working extra-long hours.
There are many things a company can do. For example, the company can give
compensatory off for people who work extra hours. Or maybe an additional pay for
overtime will also be a huge attraction. In addition, the company can probably give off
gift coupons to such employees that can be redeemed at a restaurant, a supermarket or
a clothing store.

c. Evaluate – the impact time pressure has on the quality of work people do.
I think time pressure may reduce the quality of work. To complete a work with perfection
adequate time is required. In the case of software professionals, they need a particular
period to complete their projects, if they are allowed a short period, they may not be
able to give a perfect output. That being said, allowing more time to complete a work
does not necessarily improve the quality because people have a tendency to

C. Pressure in modern life.

a. Assess – the role of entertainment in relieving the pressures of modern life.
Entertainment plays a vital role in relieving the pressures on people. These days people
are very busy with their work and life. people do not get enough time to relax, so they
depend more on entertainment activities, especially during weekends or during free
hours it makes their minds very fresh and prepares them to work hard. People who like
to listen to music may feel relaxed, after listening to it their mind may become relaxed
so, they can work harder and they can also become more productive.

b. Consider – whether technology increases or decreases the amount of pressure on

Technology can both increase or decrease the pressure on people. On the one
hand, people may get addicted to modern technology like smartphones and
other such devices and it may cause disturbing minds and sleepless nights.
People trying really hard to get more virtual friends to follow them is a perfect
example of the peer pressure induced by technology, particularly the internet.
On the other hand, it can also reduce the pressure on people, and people can
watch entertainment programs often free of costs, with the help of mobile
phones or laptops, which helps to relax.

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21. A time when you used a phone to do something important.

Describe a time when you used a phone to do something important.

You should say:

• When and where you used the phone
• What you used the phone for
• Why it was important to do this
• And explain what happened as a result of using the phone.

A memorable moment that I used my phone, I recall, is at the Tsunami event which occurred in the year
2004. The furious tsunami waves were ravaging and devouring the Kerala coast, especially in the Kollam
District. It was on Christmas eve - December 24th in 2004. I was at home in a village in Kollam District. The
worst Tsunami hit the coastal belt at Azhagar in Karunagapally. On hearing the news of the total
devastation of life, livelihood means, and other assets of the coastal people, I rushed to the spot and was
an eyewitness to the horrifying event. I used my phone to contact all my friends and co-workers far and
wide to alert them of this natural calamity and exhorted them to arrive urgently at the event spot for
immediate rescue and relief activities. This situation compelled me to contact more people to intervene
because the massive destruction of life and land kept on continuing and fraternal care and urgent
humanitarian interventions were necessitated as a part of Social Justice. More and more voluntary
activists and relief workers rushed into the needy sector as a result of the clarion call of a handy phone.

Part 3

A. Phones in everyday life.

a. Identify – some common uses of phones in everyday life.
It is difficult to imagine a day without phones. These days smartphones are very common
and have become an integral part of our life and routine. Earlier phones were only used
to make calls but now phones are used in everyday life for contacting friends and
relatives. Apart from that, phones are widely used for marketing purposes and

b. Assess – whether the most important use of a phone is for calling people.
Phones were predominantly designed for the purpose of calling. But as phones evolved
to become smarter and more connected, more ways of connecting with people are
becoming popular. Not only that people use phones as source of information and
entertainment more than anything else. To put simply, yes! People use phones to make
voice calls, but this probably is not the primary use.

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c. Compare – how younger and older people use phones.

The youngsters use phones, usually for study purposes, playing games, chatting with
friends, and talking to parents and officials. In addition to that young people use phone
to use social media applications or even for banking purposes. Older people usually use
phones to keep in touch with their loved ones. Some technologically advanced older
people may use social media and banking applications.

B. The effect of phones on other people.

a. Assess – whether it is all right to phone somebody late at night.
It is not appreciable to phone someone late at night, except in exceptional very urgent
cases, such as accidents, acute sickness cases, deaths, and so on. At night most people
prefer to stay calm and take a rest they may not like to get disturbed. It is a common
courtesy not to disturb anyone during night unless you know that person would be
available to take calls and wouldn’t mind answering the call.

b. Agree/disagree – making phones calls in public places should be banned because it can
disturb other people.
The issue of making phone calls in public places is still widely debated due to the
extensive use of phones in public places and the distractions it causes to other people
around. However, it should not be banned completely since mobile phones have
become an essential part of humans’ life. The use of phones can be restricted in
certain places like libraries, hospitals, and so on. I think people should have the
courtesy to use such devices in public without disturbing other, honestly, it’s not all
that difficult to do that.

c. Consider whether people speak more honestly on the phone than face to face.
People usually speak more honestly on the phone than face to face because the varying
facial expressions of the listener may obstruct the proper speech of the speaker. Since
people these days are very busy, they do not get a chance to meet people and talk so it
has become a habit for them to talk to others through phone. Thus, most of the people
find it difficult to converse face to face.

C. Phones and society.

a. Comment on – the view that the way phones are used today benefits people’s social
Phones have kind of become a person’s best friend. The time that a person spends on
their phone is constantly increasing by the day. This has many benefits for the individual
as it offers personalized entertainment options that improve the quality of leisure time.
But the usage is getting to a point that it is affecting individuals’ health and well-being on
the one hand, and on the other it is seriously affecting family bonds. It’ll depend entirely
on how one chose to use phones.

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b. Agree/disagree – phones can affect people’s ability to concentrate.

It certainly can and there is no denying it. It is very easy to be distracted by a mobile
phone and a distracted person is hardly concentrating! Especially with the continuous
notification and the tendency to keep the phone in sight. Another aspect is that, mobile
phones keep us constantly entertained, so when it comes to concentrating, we simply

c. Evaluate – whether the overall impact of the widespread use of phones is positive or
Mobile phone, particularly the smart phone, are no less than a marvel. It has both
innumerable benefits and drawbacks like any other great inventions. I believe that it
is the individual who has to decide whether such technological marvel be put to
good use or bad. So mobile phones have the capacity to have positive or negative

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22. An occasion when somebody said something positive and about some work that you did.
Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive and about some work that
you did.

You should say:

• Who said something positive
• What kind of work you did
• Why this person was positive about your work
• And explain how you felt when you heard this positive comment

Giving compliments can enhance a person's confidence and help in improving the quality of the work that
they are involved in. I have received many such compliments in my life, especially during my college days.
One such appreciation that I received was for a painting that I did as a part of teacher's day celebrations at
my college. During my second year of graduation, our class decided to give a surprise gift to the head of
the department as he really supported the students during their tough situations. As I am a person who is
really interested in arts, my classmates suggested that I paint a portrait that appreciates the efforts taken
by every teacher. After giving it a lot of thought, I agreed to do it. Even though I was not confident at the
beginning, with the support of my friends I was able to complete it within the limited time. On the day of
the celebrations, we presented the picture to our teacher. He was really surprised as he never expected
such a gesture from us. The very next day he visited our class and enquired about the person who did the
work. When he came to know that it was me, he called me in person and acknowledged the quality of my
work as well as my efforts besides the busy academic schedule. He also praised me for the different
perspective that I tried to portray through the depiction. He was very positive about my work and even
suggested me to participate in a state level competition that was about to be conducted the very next
month. His appreciation really made my day and also boosted my confidence in my own talents. As a
teacher he was able to convince me to take part in a tough competition and mould me into an optimistic

Part 3

A. Positive encouragement for children

a. Identify - situations when parents give children positive encouragement.
Children should be encouraged then only they can reach heights. parents need to be
cautious to identify the innate talents of children in academics, sports and games, artistic
capabilities, and so on. So that they can be guided and trained to get developed
effectively. Modern parents being aware of this, I think, never miss a chance to
encourage their children.

b. Suggest – why children need encouragement.

Children need positive encouragement. All most all children have an inborn talent, and
without encouragement, it cannot be polished. Children always expect encouragement
from their loved ones. For instance, if a child has the talent to sing and if he is
appreciated by his parents and teachers, and also if he is encouraged to attend music
classes, he may become a singer in the future. So, encouragement serves as a
reaffirmation, or as a reward for their efforts.

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c. Consider – whether it is possible to give too much encouragement to children.

Too much encouragement to children may become an unhealthy compulsion that also
can create stress and strain on their mind and body with resultant withdrawal syndrome.
Feedback with much appreciation may also make children over-confident and they may
stop working hard. Both these scenarios are very common in today’s society.

B. Feedback for adults

a. Assess – the importance of positive and negative feedback on how people work.
Both type of feedback is important for a person if he has to succeed at work. Positive
feedback on work can prompt the workers to bring out the best results and can go a long
way in keeping them motivated. Whereas negative feedback, if it’s done constructively,
can help people to analyse their drawbacks and can improve the quality of their work.

b. Identify – situations when people say positive things they do not mean.
Double-minded people may seem to encourage us with vile in their hearts. For instance,
at certain situations some people may not be genuinely happy with their friends’ or
colleagues’ success but they pretend to be happy and may congratulate them. We should
keep our minds open to identify such people. It's better to stay away from such people.
The competitive mind that people have these days is partly to blame.

c. Agree/disagree – some people believe positive comments about themselves more than
negative comments.
Yes, some people take only the positive comments from others and conveniently
ignore negative comments. Such people end up in turbulent, unhappy life situations.
They may not get a chance to become reformed. Negative comments can help a
person correct himself. Some people like to ignore negative comments because it is
easy to do so and save them the effort.

C. Public recognition
a. Agree/disagree- most people want public recognition for things they do.
The assertion that most people want public recognition for things they do is widely
pointed. Sometimes it’s the right thing because it is the result of their hard work and it is
these recognitions that motivates them. However public recognition alone should not be
the motive to do good. There are many famous personalities who have renounced any or
all fame and focused on their deeds.

b. Consider – whether everyone who achieves public recognition merits it.

Everyone who achieves public recognition may not potentially carry merit, there can be
the participation, committed involvement, or contribution of many people behind any
achievements and public appraisal. But mostly recognitions are limited to one or a select

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c. Comment on – the view that people who have achieved public recognition have certain
responsibilities to society.
Yes, I do believe that people who have achieved public recognition have certain
responsibilities towards the public. And that is a sensible and excellent idea because it
is the participatory hard work or cooperation on the support of the people around
them. Public figures are looked upon by many as a motivator or role models, so their
actions carry weight and therefore, they should act responsibly.

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23. An important even in your life that you celebrated.

Describe an important even in your life that you celebrated.

You should say:

• What this event was
• Who celebrated the event with you
• How you celebrated the event
• And explain why the event was important to you.

Every person will have certain moments in their lives that they cherish for a lifetime. For me, it was my
graduation day that took place two years ago. I completed my masters from Trinity College in the UK. The
course duration was 2 years and throughout these two years I dreamt of this special day. I celebrated this
day with my friends and family which made me really happy. As it was the peak time of covid pandemic, I
was concerned whether my parents could attend my graduation ceremony. Luckily, they were able to
reach the UK a day before my graduation. The event began with an official gathering of the graduates,
their families and faculties of the institution. After completion of the official program, provisions were
provided to graduates to take photographs with their families and classmates in the official graduation
attire. A party was arranged by our college in the evening and it was the best part of our convocation day.
We really enjoyed ourselves in that party and those were the most celebrated moments of our college life.
Our juniors went an extra mile to make it more colourful by organising several programs. The event was
really important for me as it was the day when my dream turned into a reality. It was my ambition to
pursue my post-graduation in this prestigious university, since the times of my post-secondary education.
There were lots of struggles and hardships throughout this journey but I managed to accomplish my goals
which added more colour to my success.

Part 3

A. Events in people’s lives

a. Identify – the most important events in people’s lives.

The most important events in people's lives vary according to the personal, social and
political perspectives such as birth, marriage, death, victories in sports, games and arts,
freedom struggle, success in exams, interviews and so on. This can vary depending on
individual choices or preferences. In general terms these are some of the important
events in people’s life.

b. Agree/disagree – it’s better to celebrate special events with a large group of people.
The idea of celebrating special events with the large number of people is a debatable
one. There can be meaningful and grand celebrations with exclusive limited group of
people too. I think it is better to celebrate events with our close friends and relatives
with whom we can genuinely connect. Large events, although expensive, can help
develop the feeling of community and a sense of belongingness.

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c. Suggest – what people can do to make sure an event goes well.

To make sure that an event is well conducted we can plan the event in advance. Entrust a
master of ceremonies to execute the program in an orderly manner within a particular
time frame. We need to ensure that event management team attend and respond to the
special wants and needs of each event participant. This is primarily the reason why
people today resort to professional event managers to make their special days more

B. Important national events

a. Identify – ways people celebrate important national events.
Every country in the world has important national events to recall and to reassert. People
celebrate such events according to their cultural traditions with timely creative,
meaningful, innovative, participatory and pragmatic ideas. In India we celebrate Republic
Day by hoisting Indian flag and parades by armed forces and school children are held in
different parts of the country.

b. Consider – why it is important to remember national events.

Remembrance of national events are deemed to be important because only the one who
knows the history can create a real history of the people, by the people and for the
people. For example, in India we celebrate national events such as Independence Day
and Republic Day, which makes the people aware of the history of India and also can
understand the struggles our ancestors underwent to gain freedom from British.

c. Comment on – the view that celebrating national events is a waste of public money.
The celebration of national events is seen by some as a waste of public money, but I
consider it as a recognition given to the commitment, hard work and historical
achievements of renowned persons and veteran fighters/activists, artists of the bye-gone
days for the course of the general public. This is important to develop a sense of national
feeling and also serves as a platform to educate youngsters about the culture, tradition
and heritage along with its importance.

C. International events.
a. Assess – the benefits to a country of hosting a major international event.
International events too intrude into our social life to create awareness and commitment
among all nationalities in international concerns on distributive social justice, pandemics,
ecology, child-right issues, women empowerment, modern destitution, traditional
community rights and so on. Hosting a major international event by a country can create
employment to many, bring good revenue to the local people and the government
moreover create awareness about the day on focus.

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b. Agree/disagree – technology means people no longer need to attend international

It is true that Technology plays a vital role in connecting People around the world.
It is because of this technology that people are familiar with international events.
However, it is not true that such gatherings can be avoided because of
technology. A perfect example would be Sporting events which attract people
around the world who have access to technology. Not only that such events
promote cultural exchange which would not be possible if people rely completely
on technology.

c. Consider – whether international events are successful in promoting understanding

between cultures.
International events have many benefits. The most important one is the cultural
exchange between the participating countries. This can help better bilateral ties
between Nations and also promote better cultural understanding. Another
important aspect of promoting international events is that it also instils a sense of
Patriotism and can also lead to the development of a country. People also get an
opportunity to more to know more about the place they are visiting and can
develop better ties with the host Nation and its people.

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24. A quiet place where you like to spend time.

Describe a quiet place where you like to spend time.

You should say:

• Where this quiet place is
• How you found this quiet place
• How often you spend time in this quiet place
• And explain why you like spending time in this quiet place.

These days it is very difficult to find quiet places, especially in cities. Whenever I am tensed or depressed, I
like to be in a quiet place. Since I live in a city it is very difficult to find such a place.
The place I would like to spend my free time is the beach which is 20 kilometers away from my hometown.
The name of the beach is Alleppy beach. The first time I went to this place with my husband, it was 6 years
ago, I liked the place and I decided to visit that beach frequently. Since this beach is far from my home, I
couldn’t visit this place very often. It is a very famous beach. This place is usually very crowded, however
during weekdays, only a few people visit this place. Whenever I am tensed, I visit this place. I prefer to visit
this place in the evening around 4:00 p.m., during that time this place would be less crowded. Near the
beach there is a small Park, even though it is a children's park, I like to spend my time there. I like going to
the beach because of the fresh air and it gives me time to clear my mind and gives me a good perspective
on how to go about things. I go there especially when I have a lot of things to think about related to work
and things I have to plan for my family. I simply sit under the shade of a tree alone and watch the sea, with
the cool sea breeze on my face. Sometimes I sit there and listen to music or read something interesting
which helps me calm my mind.

A few weeks ago, I went to this place after my work, it was a hectic day, after sitting there for quite some
time I felt calm and rejuvenated and I could think straight.

Part 3

A. Quiet places
a. Give reasons – why the countryside is usually quieter than the city.
The countryside is quieter no matter which part of the world you travel to. One of the
main reasons why the countryside is quieter than cities is that it houses fewer people and
therefore is less crowded. In addition to that, industrial activity is much less in the
countryside when compared to urban areas.

b. Assess – how easy it is to find somewhere quiet in large cities.

It is almost impossible to find quiet places in cities. Since cities are overcrowded calm
places are rare. Traffic congestion makes the cities noisier. However, in some cities like
Dubai, they try to keep their city calm, by making unnecessary honking punishable by
law. In western countries they set aside a portion of the city for people to relax, they may
construct parks or other facilities for people to relax.

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c. Consider – whether older people like quiet places more than younger people.
Older people like quiet places because their ears are not prone to a certain decibel of
sound. If it goes beyond that they may become irritated whereas the younger people
have the tolerance to withstand sounds of any kind. Youngsters are very active and they
prefer busy life. Young people are used to high level of noise rather than older people.

B. Noises in the home

a. Consider – whether homes today are noisier than in the past.
Not really, earlier there were more people in a single house because of the joint family
system, 3 or 4 generations lived together. However, now a house has only a few people
because most people prefer nuclear families. Moreover, most people prefer to keep to
themselves and be in their own private space. Earlier children used to make a lot of noise
in their house, they used to play together or talk with each other but now most children
spend time in front of TV or mobile phones, they are not interested to talk or play with

b. Suggest – reasons why many people prefer to have some kind of noise (e.g., TV,
Radio,Music) when they are studying or working
I think most people prefer to listen to music or watch TV while they work or study.
They might get bored doing the same thing again and again and to get out of that
boredom they may like to listen to music. It may help them to keep their mind active.
For instance, in the case of software professionals, they may become fed up by long
hours of work, most of them prefer to listen to music while they work.

c. Comment on – problems that noisy neighbours can cause.

People may get annoyed by noisy neighbours. This may cause disputes between the
neighbours which may affect the relationship between the neighbours. This problem
usually happens among people who have their houses very close, especially in cities.

C. Noise levels
a. Comment on – whether there should be laws to limit noise levels in residential areas.
Laws should be implemented to reduce the noise level in housing areas in cities. cities are
usually very noisy so I think the houses should be built a little away from the city cente, it
can reduce the noise in the residential areas. Moreover, in housing areas people with
different disabilities or health issues may live, and high level of noise may affect their
physical and mental health.

b. Agree/disagree – most people would find total silence very uncomfortable.

Complete silence would be a great problem because most people prefer companionship,
people usually like to talk and interact with others. without any noise, it would be scary
and it would make people feel very lonely. In the case of a person who lives alone might
prefer to listen to music or to have some sort of noise in his house. But I think introverts
would prefer to be alone and also may like to be in a place with complete silence.

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c. Speculate on – whether the world will be noisier or quieter place in the future.
I think the world would be louder in the future because even now people especially
youngsters prefer to listen to loud music or they may like to attend parties where loud
music is played. Most people prefer to talk loudly. Honking of vehicles is a major source
of noise, since the number of vehicles is increasing, this would lead to an increase in the
noise level.

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25. A change you made in your life recently that was positive.
Describe a change you made in your life recently that was positive.

You should say:

• What the change was
• Why you decided to make this change
• Whether anyone helped you to make this change
• And explain why it was a positive change to make.

Changes happen at every stage of life, whether it is positive or negative. Changes are inevitable. I too have
experienced many positive and negative changes in my life. Last year, I joined a company, the working
hours were from 9 to 5. I had to sit in front of the computer for more than 8 hours and because of that, I
gained a lot of weight. My body started showing me negative signs such as leg pain and high blood
pressure. Due to that, I was mentally depressed. To find solution on to the problem and I went through
many YouTube videos related to exercises and diet plans but unfortunately, nothing worked favourably.
Finally, I decided to consult a doctor who advised me to reduce my weight and asked me to reduce it by at
least 10 kilos. He suggested joining a yoga class ass. In the beginning, it was very difficult for me to wake
up early in the morning and go to class and train myself. My body started aching badly. Initially, I had to do
yoga for half an hour then the trainer asked me to increase my yoga time to 1 hour. He also suggested a
diet plan which too was very difficult for me to follow, however, later on, I became accustomed to it.
Within a month I reduced by almost 5 kilos and I started becoming thin, not only that my health issues
reduced and I became physically and mentally fit. Now I practice yoga every day for 1 hour. I start my day
with yoga it rejuvenates my mind and body. All my health issues have disappeared.

Part 3

A. Changes in daily routines.

a. Identify – changes people often make in their daily routines.
Following the same routine, every day might be boring, so I think most people like to
change their routine once in a while. People may include more entertainment activities
into their daily routine, they may prefer to wake up late during weekends and may find
more time to relax.

b. Consider – whether younger people like making changes in their daily routines more
than older people.
Younger people are more active and they may find it boring to follow the same
routine every day and are more open and adaptable to changes. However, it is
difficult for older people to accept changes, especially when they have had it for a
long period of time. Thus, elderly people more likely to follow the same routine
every day.

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c. Comment on – whether it’s good for people to keep making changes in their daily
Doing the same things over and again hoping for a different result is not the best way to
go about it. I think it would be better to change the daily routine if they think it suits their
need. Following the same routine continuously for many days may also be boring, so it is
good to change the routine and try something new.

B. Changes at work.
a. Agree/disagree – it’s a good idea for people to change jobs regularly.
Changing jobs frequently is not the best thing one could do for the betterment of their
career. Staying in a job for longer periods of time can you tell potential employer that you
are reliable and responsible person. That being said it is important to change jobs
occasionally keeping your career goals in mind. This can also help you better understand
the requirements of job market, additionally this can also give a person an opportunity to
get competitive market rates as compensation.

b. Consider – whether being promoted at works is always a change for the better.
It is always feels good to get a promotion. Even though higher positions may increase
responsibilities, it gives a good reputation in society. It is an acceptance of one's hard
work. Above all, remuneration also increases. For instance, in the case of a clerk in a
bank, he may get promoted to a managerial position after a few years because of his
hard work which gives him a better position in society. But this could also have negative
impact on one’s personal life.

c. Assess – how working in another country can change a person’s view of the world.
Working in a foreign country help to widen a person's perspective towards life. He may
get exposed to different life situations and experiences which would make him mentally
and emotionally strong. He can also know about different cultures and he can implement
good things from those cultures into his life. For example, a person who works in a
developed country may have a broad mind compared to a person working in a
developing country.

C. Change in society.
a. Suggest – reasons why many people are resistant to changes in society.
Narrow-minded people do not wish to have changes in society. They think that changes
can negatively affect the tradition and culture of that particular society. Such people
prefer to follow the customs and traditions their forefathers have followed and may also
be very adamant to change their views. Moreover, it’s natural for people to move away
from their comfort zone and the fear of the unknow can also influence such mentality.

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b. Assess – whether people need to adapt to change in society in order to feel they belong.
Changes are inevitable. It is said that the only thing constant is the change. So, it's better
if people can adapt to changes. If you don't keep in pace with the time, naturally you
might not feel that you belong to that society. The development of Technology,
particularly information technology, is a perfect example of this. Those who did not
change with the changing world just because they are not familiar with technology, feel
left out. So, it's best if people adapt to changes in the society.

c. Evaluate – whether the speed of technological change is generally a positive thing for
Technology is changing at very fast pace. It has both positive and negative impact on
the society, the way we live, the way we behave, etc. The most important positive
aspect of developing Technology is that it improves the standard of our life and also
improves the quality of a life. It has also created a number of opportunities that has
fuelled progress. Similarly, development in the field of communication and
transportation has made this world a much smaller place. On the other hand, the
speed with which the technology is changing is hard to keep up with. People who
cannot adapt to the speed often feel left out.

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