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....... A PLANTING


(God's_Favorite_Child). .






The teenage years has always been a period of massive exploration,
it is the season where you are trying to discover yourself and find your feet
to Adulthood. Teenage years comes with diverse challenges, too numerous
to count; ranging from body changes that comes with puberty, the
temptations that comes with it, to the urge for independence, the confusion
of knowing what to do in life, fighting addictions and habits, et cetera. It is
so much of a web for teenagers.

Fundamentally, it is also a period of laying the foundation of your life

and destiny. The choices you make during this season goes a long way to
seal and influence your future trajectory. It becomes imperative for
teenagers to be informed, guided and inspired on knowing what to do to
navigate this slippery season of their lives.

Therefore, this book comes in handy. It contains the right information

teenagers need to stay afloat in a sinking, wicked and corrupt world. I am
particularly intrigued by the author's delve and depth unto spiritual matters.
It is the basis for living sane and unscathed. As a teenager, you are always
better of pitching a tent with your maker early. Contained in this book are
massive inspiration to make you make an informed decision to live for God
and Him alone in your teenage years. This book therefore comes highly
recommended for all teenagers around the world. It will not only bless you,
it will shapen you, challenge you and inspire you to navigate this period and
come out a victorious adult.

You are more powerful than you think. I celebrate you.


Coordinator ; KING'S DAUGHTER, Abeokuta.


Every chapter is filled with awesome messages and inspiration. Indeed, it is an Holy Spirit
inspired book. A must read for all not only teenagers.

___Mrs. Oguntubo Elizabeth. F (Mum)

A teenager is a person who is between the age of thirteen
(13) and nineteen (19). A teenager is neither a child nor an Adult.
A teenager no longer considers himself or herself as a
child. He or she tends to break away from the activities that
excites them during their childhood. They feel they are more
mature and that they have outgrown those activities that excited
them before they became teenagers . At this stage, they feel that
they are ready to face Adulthood.


The teenage period can be referred to as the MIDDLE STAGE of life.
It comes directly before Adulthood and immediately after Childhood.

During this period, a teenager tries to gain independence from their

parents or guardian(s). They feel they are mature and can do certain things
on their own. They do not want their parents to be totally involved in all that
concerns them. They feel that the teenage period is an opportunity to try
new things and explore things that they have either watched, seen, or read
in books.

The question this book hopes to address is "WHAT REALLY IS THE

TEENAGE PERIOD?". Is the teenage period only an opportunity to try out
new things? Well, it is not totally true. The teenage period is actually a very
sensitive period. It is a period that determines how the Adult life would be
lived. A teenager who lays a foundation on lies or truancy will likely live a
bad life as an Adult.

Everything that goes on in the life of a teenager is a SEED. The
words they speak and hear, their actions and response to certain issues
like corrections or discipline, their friends, etc are all seeds that will
germinate at Adulthood.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs chapter 22 vs 6 "train up a child on the

way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." A
teenager is meant to use all the teachings he or she has been opportuned
to learn to be able to cope with the rigours and demands of Adulthood.
Note this, the planting period does not begin at the teenage period. It starts
from childhood but it is more pronounced at the teenage period because,
your parents will not be totally involved in all that you do. So, the teenage
period is the continuation of the planting stage. Everything that happens in
the life of a teenager is a seed that will germinate. It takes Wisdom to sift
between that which is good and bad. At this stage as a teenager, the
response or actions you give to all that goes on around you is you watering
that seed. A teenager should not be too relaxed about the issues going on
in his or her life. A teenager should not see that stage or period as a period
to play around, catch cruise, gallivant or loose guard. No one is against you
exploring life at this stage but remember that the devil is very much
interested in truncating the dreams and destinies of men while they are still
young. This is why a teenager must hold on firmly to God. Even the Bible
tells us to remember our creator in the days of our youth. It is best to know
and serve God while the strength is still there and when there are no
responsibilities that you are shouldering.

A teenager who holds on to God right from childhood is safe from

the devil. True, the devil will come with delicacies of every kind to tempt a
child of God. The devil knows how to project sin as enjoyable and
Christianity as boring or too strict. Behind all his lies, schemes and
strategies is a well dug pit, ready to trap as many that will fall. It is in your
best interest as a teenager not to fall into this trap by holding firmly unto
God. Temptations should not take you away from God's presence rather it
should bring you closer to Him. For every time Jesus was tempted, His
answers sharpened His relationship with God. Those temptations did not
separate Him from God. Rather, it took Him closer to God. As a teenager,

serving God does not restrict you from having the best of things. The Bible
tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from God. Serving God does
not stop you from socializing or looking good. Don't let the devil deceive
you and rob you of your blessings. It is better to be sold out to Jesus as a
teenager, when the strength is still available. That which has been sown
determines the end product.


It has been earlier said that the teenage
period is a delicate stage as it determines how the
Adult life would be lived. The things you know and
make use of at this particular stage can either make
you or mar you.
Dear teen, in order to stay relevant, do exploits
and live a fulfilled life as an Adult when the time
comes, there are certain things that you need to
know. This is a guide that will help you.

JOHN 3 VS 16.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that
whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

From the scripture above, we can see that God's love for man is
unconditional. He did not only give us His son, He gave us all that He had.
Jesus was all that God had, yet, he did not With old Him. In His infinite
mercy, God gave us all He had.

The Greek word for Salvation is "SOZO" which means 'Saved', 'Healed',
'Delivered'. So, we can say that to be saved is to be healed or Delivered.
Salvation can be seen as being saved or protected from harm. So, a man
that is saved is safe from harm. The greatest miracle that Jesus did and is
evident in the scripture is the MIRACLE OF SALVATION. It was not raising
the dead, neither was it feeding the multitude. The greatest miracle He did
was reconciling men back to God. Jesus left all that He had and was in
Heaven and took up the flesh. He came to the world as a MAN, dwelt
among men and died for men, and by the reason of His death and
resurrection, Salvation was born and by the reason of salvation, He now
lives in Man. So every one who believes in the death and resurrection of
Jesus walking on the street is Jesus walking in them. Every believer is a
physical representation of God. HALLELUJAH.

If Jesus had not resurrected from the dead, our salvation would have
been in vain. He died and rose again and we believe in the power of His
resurrection. Salvation is the beginning of the journey as a believer. It is not
the end and everything a believer will become after salvation comes from

the word of God he is taught. God's word is the DIET of the believer and no
believer can survive without the word of God. You become saved by
believing in the death of Jesus as well as confessing Him as your Lord and

In the old testament, the shedding of blood was for the temporal
covering of sin which lasted only a year and it had to be renewed yearly.
That was the principle or the law the old testament believers lived by.
Animals were killed and the blood served as the atonement for their sins.
The death and crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, paved a way for the new
testament. So, the shedding of Jesus's blood was for the permanent
covering and atonement of sins and that is the principle that we as new
testament believers live by. And for this reason, we can plead the blood of

Salvation simply put means taking away the sins of man. It is

completely destroying the sins of man. Upon salvation, all the guilts and
records of sins are rolled away and you are made a new creature. (2nd
Corinthians 5 vs 17). Jesus came as Man to save man from sin. Before
salvation, we were all on our way to hell and eternal condemnation. But
after salvation, we were translated into light and became Potential
Heavenly Candidates. (1st Peter 2 vs 9).

Upon salvation, we received the hope of eternal life (Aoinos Zoe).

Eternal life is the God kind of life. A life and license to reign with the Lord
for ever and ever. We are no longer condemned. Rather, we have been
saved from eternal pardition, condemnation and doom.

As teenagers, there is a need for us to be saved, so that we can have

an automatic covering and protection from harm, and also, that we may
have the hope of eternal life. Though we live in the world, we should not act
like those who live in the world outside Christ. A teenager that is not yet
saved is prone to constant visitation from the devil and there is no doubting
the fact that for every time the devil shows up, something unpleasant is
bound to occur. When you are saved, you have passed from darkness into
light and you have authority over the devil and his Co-horts. (read John 5 vs

24, Psalm 91 vs 13).
Your journey to salvation begins from genuine repentance. Until
there is genuine repentance, the forgiveness of sin may not come. The
Bible tells us about the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 vs 11-32. After
collecting his portion of his inheritance from his father, the prodigal son
went to a far away land and squandered it all. After he had lost it all, he
realised his faults and genuinely repented. He was even ready to take up
the position of a servant in his father's house. His father, seeing his son in
that broken and pitiable state, welcomed him back with arms wide open.
He did not only welcome him, he ordered a feast and restored his son. How
much more God? With genuine repentance comes forgiveness which in
turn brings forth RESTORATION.

Genuine repentance is not the only step to Salvation. After

repentance comes CONFESSION. Your sins needs to be confessed. The
Bible says in Romans 10 vs 9 " That if thou shall confess with thy mouth,
and believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou
shalt be saved" KJV. You don't come before God quiet. You come
speaking and repentant, confessing your sins. After you have genuinely
repented, you confess your sins. Admit that you are guilty and you need
Divine intervention. Upon salvation, we obtain mercy and find grace. There
is no better time than now to be saved as a teenager. Remember your
creator in the days of thy youth is what the scripture tells us. It is better to
be saved and passionate about the things of God while the strength is still
there. If you feel you still have time or you will still live for a long time, you
may be making a mistake. There is a popular saying which I personally
believe, it says "NO ONE KNOWS TOMORROW". Truly, no one knows
tomorrow. If you post pone your day of meeting the Lord further, not unto
death or sickness, that day might not come. It is better you are deeply
rooted in Christ while you are still full of life and vigor.

Samuel was still very young when he was given to the Lord. (1st
Samuel 3). Even at a young age, he began to serve the Lord and the Lord
was with him in all that He did. No one does business with the Lord and
looses at the end. One of the things a teenager needs to remain relevant is

SALVATION. Everything has been completed and finished at the Cross. All
we need to do is to tap into that which has been settled. Even on the Cross,
Jesus was interceding for man. After His death, He went straight to hell,
collected its keys and destroyed every record of sin written against us. He
has paid every debt and once you are saved, you are not to pay for
anything again either with your life or blood. The debts of your sins were
settled over two thousand years ago. The statement Jesus made in John
19 vs 30 "IT IS FINISHED", completed the work of salvation. Once you
believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus, you are welcome into God's

Make that decision now. Be intentional and deliberate about it.

Surrender your all to Jesus and be saved so that you can enjoy all that the
Lord has promised those who love, serve and fear Him.

Acts 1 vs 8

" But yet shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you,
and y shall be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, all in all Judea and in
Samaria and to the uttermost part of the earth."

The Holy spirit is generally referred to as the third person in the Trinity.
But, I tell you that He is more than the third person in the Trinity.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of God. Scripture calls Him"

COMFORTER". The Holy Ghost was Jesus's promise to believers upon His
resurrection and ascension into Heaven. He (Jesus) completed His
assignment by introducing Salvation and reconciling man back to God. To
seal our salvation, we received the Holy Spirit to guide and show us more
about our newly found faith. The baptism of the Holy Spirit simply but is the
infilling of the Holy Spirit. It is a BAPTISM OF PURPOSE. It is a baptism
done without water but with Fire. It is the baptism of Renewal, Refining, and

The Holy spirit comes and dwells in every believer with an evidence
of diverse gifts but majorly speaking in tongues. The Bible tells us in Acts 2
vs 1-4 how the baptism of the Holy spirit first happened. Many believe that
this baptism is for denominations or churches which is not in any way true.
The Holy Ghost is for every believer. The Holy spirit is God's spirit. He is
God Himself. So, a baptised believer who carries the spirit of God, carries
God Himself. That means that a believer is the HOUSE OF GOD as God
dwells in him. This justifies the scripture that says "Our body is the temple
of God". Upon receiving the Holy Ghost, we become carriers of God and
when you carry God on your inside, you can do the supernatural works of

God by the enablement of His Spirit. So, where two or more believers are
gathered in the name of the Lord, the atmosphere changes because it is
God represented in every man standing.

With the baptism of the Holy spirit comes Boldness and Power. (Acts
1 vs 8). You have no reason to fear. Scripture says in Acts 2 vs 11 - "But
Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice".... That act came out
of boldness as enabled by the spirit of God. There is no age limit to the
infilling of the Holy Spirit. After salvation, we are licensed to access Him.
The Holy Spirit is a FREE GIFT to every believer. Every good and perfect gift
comes from God.

The Holy Spirit launches you into Purpose. You cannot have the
Holy spirit and lose focus or direction. He is right there with you to guide
you into all truth. A believer who has been baptised in the Holy Ghost is
closer to God because there is a Divine language that they speak which is
not subject to accusation. Every prayer made in the understanding is
subject to accusation. The devil will fight that prayer from being answered.
But a tongue speaking believer has an edge over others. The prayer made
in tongues stands a higher chance of being answered faster because it is a
direct communication with God. At that moment, power is released into the
atmosphere. Fire powered Missiles are released which scares the devil.

Dear teen, after your salvation, you need to seal it by praying and
asking for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He is not limited to age, gender or
social stratification. Once you sincerely desire him, He is sure to visit you at
the appropriate time. A teenager with the Holy Spirit stands out among his
peers. Even before the promise of the Holy spirit, Daniel stood out among
his peers and he was ten times better than his counterparts because the
Lord was with him. You cannot stand with God and not STAND OUT. His
glory and beauty will overshadow you and when men see you, they will
glorify God. One of the reasons for the promise of the Holy spirit was to aid
the easy spread of the gospel. After the infilling of the Holy Spirit, your
purpose is born. That which you will do for the gospel to be spread is also
born at the point of the baptism.

A spirit filled teenager has immunity from the devil. He is a teenager
with a difference. He stands out in all he does. He becomes an answer to
people's challenges as the spirit enables him. Many will come to him just to
hear him speak. All these benefits are not gotten through human power but
by the spirit of God. The Holy spirit helps us to communicate with God and
vice versa without hindrance. As a teenager, the best type of prayer you can
pray is to pray in TONGUES. Make yourself a terror in the camp of the
enemy while the strength is still there. You are not too young to command
results and do exploits in the kingdom.

If only Daniel could pray in tongues, I am sure that the scripture

would have recorded more victories for him. If Joseph could pray in
tongues, the Bible would have more testimonies recorded for him. If only
David could pray in tongues, maybe he could have averted certain things
that happened to him before, during and after his reign as king in Israel.
Samson, as powerful and anointed as he was fell cheaply in the laps of a
woman. If only he could communicate in the dialect of the Spirit, he could
have come out victorious as always.

As you fellowship with the Holy Ghost, your life becomes clearer to
you and your visions are no longer blurry. You get to see and know things
better. The Holy Spirit helps us to strive towards perfection and He makes
us Heaven conscious. He ensures that we have a right standing with God.
Even in the place of prayers, He makes intercessions for us in groanings
that we do not understand. The Holy spirit helps us and teaches us how to
pray. What a great privilege we have as believers to be able to access the
Holy Spirit. We are even more than blessed that He is not limited to anyone
or anything and He can dwell in us even as teenagers.

There is a need to be baptised in the Holy Ghost even as teenagers

so that the values we are loaded with will not be aborted.


Genesis 3 vs 1

"Now, the serpent was more subtil than any other creature which the Lord
God has made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall
not eat of every tree of the garden!?"

Looking closely at the scriptural reference above, it can be deduced

that Adam was not present while that conversation was going on. Scripture
says" the serpent said unto the woman". The question is this, "WHERE WAS
When God made the world and made man, He saw that there was no
help meet for him. In His wisdom, He made woman out of man (Genesis 2
vs 18-25). After He made woman, He put her beside Adam. In the Hierarchy
of creation, God sits at the top, followed by man who was made in the
image and likeness of God. After man, comes woman. Now, the devil's aim
is to sit at the top and he knows he cannot overthrow God, so he decided to
go after the next in line (Man). And because man disobeyed God, man lost
his position and was placed below the devil. The devil got to man through
the woman.

Naturally, women are moved by what they hear while men, by what
they see. And while Adam was away, the devil could strike. Adam was not
occupying his position as at that time. Eve was still new in the garden and
because her man was not beside her, she fell easily. If Adam was with her,
sin might have not entered the world. Adam wandered, leaving his position
as a Husband. He left his wife's side at a very crucial point and the devil
saw it is an opportunity to strike. Eve ate the fruit and gave it to her
husband. Immediately their eyes were opened after eating the fruit and

there was an exchange of position between man and the devil. The devil
had successfully carried out his plan and Adam and Eve hid themselves.

When you loose your position in faith, you are separated from God's
purpose and all that you face is SHAME. Your position is where God has
placed you. It is the vaccum that God has asked you to fill. It is an office
that you occupy where your activities must bring glory back to God. It is
rather unfortunate that many that many have lost their positions in the
world. They are now walking without purpose because they are no longer
aligned with God's plan. Many have lost their positions due to one reason or
the other. A lot of teenagers have also lost their positions and today, their
existence is void of purpose. The devil does not come in his original form.
He disguises so as to trick people. One amazing thing we need to know
about the devil is that he also lost his position in Heaven. The devil could
access God (although not physically) unlike other angels. He could
communicate with God one on one. But when he got to know that God had
made a superior creature (Man), and also gave him dominion over all
(Genesis 1:26), his ego got the best of him and he lost his position because
of pride.

Many just like the devil have also lost their position because of Pride
or Arrogance. The devil is unfortunate, looking for whom to destroy. Your
position does not mean that you are going to become a Pastor or Bishop.
Your position is where God has placed you for you to glorify Him. Are you
still occupying your position? or have you been tricked out of your position
like Adam and Eve? Until you are in the right position, you may not be able
to bear good fruits. Scripture tells us about the story of a sower in Matthew
chapter 13 from verse 25, who after a little labor went to sleep. The sower
left his position (his farm) and went to sleep and the enemy saw it as an
opportunity to strike. And while the man slept, his enemy came and sowed
tares among among the wheat and went his way. A little distraction, sleep
or disobedience can make you loose your position. Another familiar story in
the Bible is about the Ten Virgins. Out of the Virgins, five were wise and the
other five were foolish as recorded in the scripture. They were to attend a
wedding and because the bride groom tarried, they slept off. The five wise
Virgins went with extra oil incase their lamps went out but the foolish ones

did not. And when it was time for the oil to be used, because the foolish
Virgins had no extra oil, they had to leave the venue of the wedding (i.e the
wedding) to get oil and upon their return, the door had been shut.

The devil will not come in his physical form to deceive or trick you.
When he is ready to strike, he disguises and can take the shape and form of
anyone and anything and the minute he notices that there is a little
distraction or an opportunity to strike, he comes in with full force. John
chapter 10 vs 10 has clearly spelt out the devil's mission ; To kill man, to
steal from man and to destroy man completely.

Your position is your purpose. It is that which God has made you for
and not what you want to be. As teenagers, you need the Holy spirit and
wisdom to stand out. A teenager that is not wise stands a higher chance of
loosing his or her position. The devil knows how to project lies, fear, sin and
deceit in a very subtle way and if you are not firmly rooted in Christ, you
stand a higher chance of loosing your position. If Adam was with Eve, the
serpent might have not gotten to her. If Eve had insisted on going with
Adam, sin might have not entered the world. With disobedience comes
punishment. If only the sower was awake when the enemy came,
occupying his position, maybe he could have prevented his labor from
going in vain.

Elisha was properly aligned to receive the mantle of his master

Elijah. With your position comes patience. You remain there until that which
you were placed there for has been established. If Elisha had allowed
himself to be distracted as at that time, he would not have gotten the
mantle. He knew he was going after what was going to make him, so he
patiently waited and followed his master till he got it. With positioning
comes Patience, Vision, Focus and Obedience.

Samson has strong as he was lost his position. He was positioned

to defend his people at all times and deliver them from the Philistines
(Judges 13). Rather than occupy that position, he was resting on the laps
of the devil (Delilah). As God has plans for anyone he has positioned for
greatness, the devil also has plans to bring that person down. Samson lost

his position, his vision and focus even after several warnings. Because of
this, he fell cheaply on a woman's lap. The devil wanted to bring Samson
down and he came as Delilah. Whatever is not representing God or Christ is
the devil. It does not compulsorily mean the person behind the name.
Delilah made Samson sleep on her laps (Judges 16:9) and that was the
beginning of his end. You can loose your position through Disobedience,
distraction or even rest. Yes, resting at the wrong time can make you loose
your position. Samson and the sower are good examples. God Himself did
not rest until the seventh day after He had finished His work. He rested
after a job well done.So,there is a time to work and a time to rest. You don't
rest while the job is going on. The rest should come after a job well done.

God's original intention when He made man was for man to live
forever, but sin created a gap between man and God. After Adam has been
sent out of the garden alongside his wife, it took the devil nine hundred and
thirty years to finally bring man down through death. It took the devil more
years to master death, but today, because of the numerous sins and
misplaced positions, the Bible says we can only live for seventy years and
eighty years if we are strong (Psalm 90:10). God does not kill and this fact
is clearly stated in John chapter 10 verse 10.

Dear teens, be wise. Do not be deceived. Do not be conformed to

the standards of this world, so that the devil may not rob you and make you
loose your position in faith.

Proverbs 12 vs 11
"Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore, get wisdom and with all thy
getting, get understanding".

Scripture has told us clearly that wisdom is the principal thing, and
wisdom is one of the things a teenager must not lack in order to stay and
remain relevant. The Bible says in Proverbs 4 vs 7 "Get wisdom, Get
Understanding". Whatever is not in the scripture is not real. There is a
certain level of respect that you command as a wise teenager. People will
come to you just to hear you speak.

To be wise is to have a good sense of judgement. A wise teenager is

one who knows that which is good from that which is bad. He or she can
sift between the wheat and the chaff. A wise teenager is one who flees
from every appearance of evil. He or she rejects every ungodly counsel or
gathering. A wise teenager knows what to do per time without being told.
He is not swift to action or speech. He takes time to listen before giving a
reply. He knows when to speak and when to keep calm. He takes
responsibility for his actions and accepts criticism. A wise teenager is not
confused. He is a lways ready to learn. He does not limit himself neither
does he look down on others. A wise teenager is godly. He puts God first in
all that he does. To him, God is all that matters. He is passionate about the
things of God. The fact that you are naturally calm or reserved does not
necessarily qualify you as Wise. There is a clear difference between being
reserved and being wise.

To stand out and remain relevant even as a a teenager, WISDOM is

very important. A wise teenager is not moved by the fancy things that he

sees. The book of Daniel chapter 1 from verse 8, talks about the life of
Daniel and his brothers in faith. It is not everything that you see that is good
for you. The fact that it is beautiful or attractive does not guarantee it as
the best for you. Because your friends or peers are rushing after it does not
mean you should go for it as well. Daniel realised this and insisted on being
fed with vegetables and water for that period. And when the period of ten
days had passed, Daniel and his friends stood out. At times, we would
receive some instructions and these instructions might seem harsh, unfair
or irrational. But know this, there is a blessing attached if wisdom is applied
in carrying out these instructions. God will never allow a man's labor to go
unrewarded and as a result of Daniel's action, scriptures says that God
gave them knowledge and skills in all learning and wisdom and Daniel has
understanding in all dreams and vision (Daniel 1:17).

The wisdom that God can bless a teenager with that will make you
sit among Kings and Queens. That wisdom will take you to places where
you only imagined. As a teenager filled with the wisdom of God, great men
will run after you. This wisdom can be accessed after your salvation and
baptism of the Holy Spirit. No teenager is too young to get this wisdom.
After all, the gift of God is for every believer and it is not limited to anyone
or anything.

Young Dinah was not wise enough. She saw the daughters of the
land and she loved the view. (Genesis 34 vs 1-2). She went out to mingle
with them and that was her end. If she was wise, she would have known
that her going out to mingle with her so called friends would have led to her
end. The devil knows how to present sin and danger in a sugar coated
manner. He will trick you until he brings you down. A wise teenager is
cautious of the company he keeps. Not all friends are your friends. A wise
teenager knows and understands that. Dinah's encounter with the
daughters of the land led to her end and today, she cannot be used as a
good reference to many because she lacked the wisdom she needed as at
that time.

No teenager is wise on his own. The wisdom comes from God.

Remember that God is the custodian of every good and perfect gift. A

teenager that must be wise must align himself with God's word. All that you
need to grow and stay relevant and as well do exploits are all rooted in the
Word Of God. So, you must give yourself to the continual study of the word
and constant praying in the Holy Ghost to be able to tap into this Wisdom.
The word of God teaches you wisdom and its applications when it's due. A
wise teenager is a POTENTIAL KING AND QUEEN. A wise teenager is
deeply rooted in the word of God and knows its applications. He has the
right scripture for every situation or challenge.

As a teenager striving towards perfection, do not be swept off your

feet by the things you see in the world today. Behind every worldly pleasure
you see is a well dug pit waiting to trap as many that will fall into it. The
devil strikes while it is early and you are too young to be a dummy in the
devil's hand.

In all, a wise teenager is one who knows, serves and fears the Lord.
Scripture justifies that statement with the verse that says "The fear of God
is the beginning of Wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is
Understanding (Proverbs 9:10). Until you serve and fear God, there is no

Do you want wisdom?

Seek God

Serve Him in sincerity, spirit and in truth

Fear Him.

Acts 2 vs 4
"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with
other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance"
To fellowship with God is to be aligned with God. It is a time or period
where it is just you and your maker. It is a time where you avoid
distractions and concentrate fully on God. It is a time to get and receive
from the Lord.

To fellowship with God is to communicate with God. As believers, the

best way to communicate with God is through prayers, worship and the
study of His word. The Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 vs 15 "I will
pray in the spirit and in the understanding also" that means that praying in
the understanding is the lesser type of prayer. What many people do not
know is that every prayer made in the understanding is subject to
accusation. The devil will do all that He can to prevent that prayer from
being answered. But every prayer that is made in tongues is Raw Power. So,
when we pray in the Holy Ghost, we are releasing the raw power of God into
the atmosphere. We bring light into that place and darkness of every kind is
dispelled. Scripture says " most ye beloved, building up yourself upon your
most Holy faith (praying in tongues). You build up yourself and you take
charge of situations by praying in the Holy Ghost. Have we ever wondered
the kind of prayers that Jesus prayed for the scripture to have said that his
sweat was like a pool of blood. He was not praying in the understanding.
He knew that the prayer made in the understanding could not provide the
answer to the challenge he was to face. He was praying out the will of the
Father in the Holy Ghost. That which a man who has prayed in the Holy
Ghost lays his hands on is greater than the man who has prayed in the
understanding also.

Prayer is not measured by the sweat or time you have spent. Prayer is
measured by the things that you were able to lay your hands on in the realm
of the Spirit. The sweat produced is a result of the actions you engaged
your body in. It is that which you were able to lay your hands on in the spirit
that matters. You can pray for hours and pray amiss. If care is not taken,
you may begin to utter the wrong things in the place of prayers thinking you
are still on track, not knowing that you have deviated.

When you fellowship with God, the understanding is kept aside. The
spirit is exalted and until you are aligned, there would be no presence.

The Bible tells us in Acts 2 vs 1-4 how pentecost came into

existence. Scripture says that they were in one accord and in one place.
They were aligned. They kept aside every distraction. They gathered and
their spirits were united both physically and in the spirit. God will not work
with a divided mind. And suddenly, there was the sound as of a rushing
mighty wind and cloven tongues of fire came and sat upon them and they
began to speak with other tongues. Because they were united, they
received the free gift of the Holy spirit. There is unity in the Trinity.

The problem with most teenagers today is that they have a very short
attention span. The moment you are not telling them the things that they
want to hear, within few minutes, you have lost them.

Prayer is not the only way to fellowship with God. Do not forget the place
of worship when you are with God at any point in time. You don't access
God by bombarding Him with requests. You come before Him with your
worship. Even the Bible says " Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and
into His courts with Praise (Psalm 100 vs 4). So, we don't come asking, we
come worshipping.

Now, a lot of people assume that when we worship, we want to sing

songs. Worship is not singing. Singing and worshipping are two different
terms. I see worship as the combination of divine words, sounds or actions
to glorify the name of the Lord. Once the words of your mouth or your
actions are glorifying God, you have worshipped Him. Many worship
leaders today make a very common statement "Let Us Be In The Mood Of

Worship". Worship is not a mood. After that session, what happens next?
Do you jump or come out of that mood? Worship is an outburst of divine
emotions. It is welcoming and hosting God, "FOR GOD IS A SPIRIT AND

Worship is not completely done by singing. It can be in dance or

even in tongues. Once you hear worship, discard that feeling that you want
to sing. Worship is the key that opens all doors. And the best place to
manifest every gift of the Spirit is in the place of Worship. Songs are
channels through which we can worship God and it is not a must that it is
backed up with instruments. Scripture never told us that the Angels, Saints
and Elders use drums or saxophone or any other big instrument to worship
God. Revelations 4 from verse 1 - 11, tells us about the worship in Heaven.
In verse 10, the Bible says that the twenty four elders fall down before Him
that sat on the throne who liveth forever and ever. Now, the angels and
elders cannot see God. All that they see is the glory of God made manifest
through light. It is the glory of God which covers the Heavens that they are
permitted to see and for every time they bow, they are seeing a new
dimension of the glory of God. God dwells in light unapproachable and you
cannot see the glory of God and remain the same. Moses was privileged to
see this glory and his eyes became so bright that people could not look at
His face until he was veiled. The same for the Host of Heaven. Everytime
they rise, they see another realm of the glory of God that is beyond
description and they bow again in awe of what they have seen to worship
God. Their casting crowns and bowing down is an action to glorify God.

Another aspect of our fellowship with God is the study of the Bible. We
must give ourselves to the continual study of the word of God. We must not
replace the study of the word of God with worship or prayers. There is a
time to pray, a time to worship and a time to study the word. A popular
song says "Read your bible, pray everyday if you want to grow". So, your
growth is measured by your prayers and the word of God you know. Wrong
mindset can be changed by studying the word of God. The scripture has the
answer to every question you want to ask and a solution to every problem
there is.

Your fellowship with God is your walk with God. Your fellowship with
God determines your purpose. Your purpose in life is not to become a
Doctor, Pilot, Teacher or what have you. Your purpose is CHRIST Himself.
So if you are not in Him, you are not fulfilling purpose. Paul and Silas
freedom from Prison was as a result of their fellowship with God.

As teenagers, there is a need for a constant and regular fellowship with

God. A time where there will be no distractions, a time to pray, worship and
study God's word. Do not let the devil project Christianity as boring or harsh
to you. God is not strict. Fellowship with God and watch Him do wonders in
your life.

Proverbs 1 vs 10
" My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not"
Who is your friend? What kind of company do you keep? Who are the
people you move and relate with? What kind of friends surround you? What
are your activities like? What are the things you do or say whenever you are
together? All these are important questions that you need to ask yourself
as a teenager. Every relationship you belong to even as a teenager does
three major things : MAKE YOU, STAGNATE YOU OR MAR YOU.

There are some friends that you will have that will add positive
values to your life. These set of people will MAKE YOU, promote you and
help to shapen your life. They are interested in your success and they will
do all they can to prevent you from sinking. They guide you and prevent you
from making the wrong choices or decisions. These people will always be a
blessing to you even when you are no longer together physically. That
which they have deposited in your life will be a blessing to you even in the
Adult stage. Jonathan, King Saul's son happened to be David friend.
Because of the love Jonathan had for David, he kept on revealing his
father's evil intentions to David (1st Samuel 19 vs 1-4). The fourth verse of
that scripture says that " and Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul, his
father". Even in David's absence, Jonathan was still speaking good of him.
Can your friends do that? Are you a friend like Jonathan or do you have
friends like Jonathan? A Jonathan-like friend will make you. He or she will
want you to progress even when others are progressing without expecting

anything in return from you.

The second category of friends are friends that will STAGNATE

YOU. These type of friends have nothing positive to contribute to your life,
neither do they have anything to take out of it. You are neither progressing
nor retrogressing around them. Your association with them stagnates you
as you remain on the same spot. These type of friends cannot engage you
in anything meaningful or productive. They cannot help you in times of
trouble neither can they help to push you to the top. They can only cry or
mourn with you. They add no value to your life at all. The book of Job
chapter 2 vs 11 about Job's friends. Job was a rich man and God was with
him and He made him prosper. Suddenly, Job started loosing all that he
had in bits and when his friends ; Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar heard all that
had happened to Job, they sat with him and mourned with him. None of
them could proffer an immediate solution as at that time. They came, saw
him and only mourned with him. There are people like this. They can only
mourn with you without being able to provide a solution to your challenges.
Run from such people. They will watch you go down and cry and cannot
help you.

The third category of friends are friends that will MAR YOU. They
are friends that ruin and destroy you if you are not wise. They will push you
into trouble, making you believe that they have your best interests at heart.
The moment you fall into a mess, they begin to disassociate themselves
from you. They will milk you dry till you have nothing else to give out. At
times, these friends are jealous of your progress and they will begin to
make plans to bring you down behind you. In times of trouble, they pretend
to help you but they have an evil intention towards you. They know how to
convince you to please themselves or to put you in trouble. These set of
friends are very DANGEROUS. In 2nd Samuel chapter 13, the bible tells us
about the children of King David, Amnon and Tamar. Amnon and Tamar
were half siblings that is they were born to the same father by different
mothers. Amnon lusted after his sister and wanted to have her. He
consulted his friend Jonadab who told him to pretend that he was sick and
tell his father that his sister should prepare cakes for him. Amnon took this
advice without thinking of the consequences and eventually raped Tamar

his sister. Tamar reported the incident to Absalom her brother and
Absalom killed Amnon two years later as punishment. One interesting fact
is that, Jonadab who gave Amnon that advice was never recognised in the
scripture again. That was the end. He pushed Amnon into trouble and
continued with his life, leaving Amnon to suffer alone. Friends like Jonadab
should be avoided. They will ruin you and continue with their own life as if
nothing has happened. Nothing good comes out of this friendship.

What type of a friend are you and what type of friend do you have?
What type of company do you keep? We all know that " Evil communication
corrupts good manners". Are the friends surrounding you making your life
better, stagnating you or ruining you gradually? The Bible tells us in
Proverbs chapter 1 verse 10-15" My son, if sinners entice thee, consent
thou not". They will come to you and tell you all sort of things and lie to you,
unknown to you they are planning to finish you.

All that David achieved was through God's help and Jonathan's
support. Daniel and his friends held unto God firmly and they all came out
victorious. If your friend has nothing positive to add to your life or is fast in
pushing you into trouble, run for your dear life. We have a lot of wolves in
sheep clothing. Wisdom is needed in choosing friends.

1st Peter 2 vs 9
" But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation and a
peculiar people ; that you should show forth the praises of him who hath
called you out of darkness into His marvellous light".
The above scripture has clearly spelt out your identity in Christ Jesus.
You are a chosen generation. That is your appraisal as a Believer. You have
a mandate to fulfil. You are not only a chosen generation. In christ, you are
also a holy nation, a peculiar people and you have been called out of
darkness to God's marvellous light.


This question addresses your being. Who are you? Who do you think
or believe you are? What confessions do you make about yourself and into
your life?

The Bible says "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". Do you make
that confession? Do you believe that statement? Do you believe that you
are perfect or not? Do you love the person you see anytime you look into
the mirror? Are you intimidated by the things you see your friends do? Do
you sincerely believe in your heart that you are the best thing God has
crafted? Do you believe that God made you in His exact image and perfect?

Have you allowed situations to shake you or are you still with God?

These are questions you need to ask yourself in discovering who you
truly are. I always tell myself that " I AM GOD'S_FAVOURITE_CHILD. I AM

Until you start making and believing positive statements about

yourself, you might miss the mark. Everything God made was beautiful and
perfect. He did not need any body's opinion or comments. If someone calls
you Ugly, do not get angry. Your answer should be "You Need God". That is
the truth. If truly that person has God, living on his inside, the God in him
will appreciate your beauty. You are the physical representation of God. So
when someone calls you Ugly, it means there is nothing representing God
in him.

Untill you stop listening to every comments and judgement that

people pass about you, you will not appreciate yourself. There is nothing
wrong with you. You are perfect and made in the exact image of the most
High God. Nobody can be YOU or better than YOU. So, tell yourself this.....



Make that confession with sincerity and live above people's judgement.
Remember, you are PERFECT.

After identifying who you are, the next question to address is "How
Are You Doing"? How well are you working towards your identity? What
steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Note this, your purpose is not what you want to become later in life.
Your purpose is what God has made you for. Your purpose is what God has
placed in your hands. Your purpose is where God wants you to be. Your
purpose is God Himself. So if you are not in God, you are not walking in

Before Saul became Paul, he persecuted Christians. He was outside

God and outside purpose as influential and as well read as he was. But on
his way to Damascus (Acts 9 vs 1-3), he encountered the Lord and he was
named Paul as a result of his conversion. After genuine repentance, he
became Paul. Little did Paul know that he was walking straight into
purpose when he decided to go to Damascus. No man can run away from
God. Your purpose is where God wants you to function for the gospel to be
spread. Whatever the Lord will have you do in ensuring that the gospel
would be spread and His name will be glorified is your Purpose. Have you
identified your purpose? If you haven't, it is not too late to go back to God
and talk to Him. If you humble yourself and call unto Him, He is sure to
answer you (JOHN 14:14).

Romans 6 vs 18
" Being then made free from sin, ye may become
the servants of righteousness".
An addiction is a repeated activity that
provides temporal satisfaction to its participants. It
is something done consistently which provides a
very limited satisfaction for a particular period of
As teenagers, the major type of addiction
common among teenagers is no other than SEXUAL
ADDICTION. Most teenagers are addicted to
anything sexual be it Pornography or at times
Masturbation. The devil has been able to trap and

enslave many teenagers by presenting Pornography
to them. During that point, to satisfy the sexual urge,
the devil introduces masturbation and pornograpghy.
Masturbation is the act of stimulating
oneself by touching or vigorously massaging the
genitals. What many people do not know is that this
act can be demonic at times. The moment
pornograpghy becomes fascinating to you or you
allow lewd thoughts to take over, a foul spirit from
hell is released to that person to convince him or her
to satisfy himself or herself sexually by
masturbating in the absence of a sexual partner. As
you engage in that act, that spirit helps you to
visiualize that act with someone or something. All
these are the tricks of the devil to tie a teenager
At times, masturbation could be as a result of
youthful exuberance or peer influence. Because your
friends are doing it, you feel persuaded or compelled
to join, and from there, you discover that it has
become a part of you. Teenagers masturbate at
times as a sign of independence. They feel they are
old enough and see no big deal in masturbating as

they have either watched it or see people do it. The
devil has nothing good to offer and that is why as
teenagers, we need to be very careful of the things
that we surround ourselves with during this stage
because they can either Make you or Mar you. After
this act, all that is left is regret. You feel bad but
nothing can be done to correct that error. I put it to
you that if Jesus could fix the mad man of Gadarene
who had more than a thousand demons living inside
of him (Luke 8 : 26-33), He can fix anyone even you.
Masturbation and Pornography are not the
only addictions that teenagers battle with . Many
teenagers are addicted to their Phones. They cannot
do without their phones as if thier lives depends on it.
To others, it could be addiction to social media.
Everything about them is always on display on
different social media platforms. They cannot live
without social media. To another, it could be to
Alcohol or hard drugs, to another, stealing and so on.
The addictions that teenagers face at this period are
numerous and every single addiction provides only a
temporal satisfaction which will not last long.
Breaking Free from an addiction is not an

easy battle. Many get delivered most especially from
Masturbation and Pornography and after some time,
they find themselves engaging in that act again. You
can be totally free from any addiction of any kind
irrespective of how far or deep you are in it. The
Bible says "when the son sets you free, you shall be
free indeed". To live totally above addictions, there
are certais steps to take and things to know.
First, you must GENUINELY REPENT. Genuine
repentance is not only a step to salvation, it is also a
step to break free from addictions. You must truly
repent and pray that the mercy that you freely
obtained upon salvation should speak for you.
Remember, until there is genuine repentance, the
forgiveness may not come.
Do not be ashamed. You are telling it to God and not
to man. Name that addiction and tell God that you
have a problem. Only Him can help you come out.
Don't be shy about it. Tell God you need His help.
Third, CURSE THAT ADDICTION. Yes, curse it.
Develop a sincere hatred for it. Don't see or believe

any good thing about it. Name that addiction and
curse it boldly. Shout it out ; Pornography, I curse
you. Masturbation, I declare my hatred for you. Do it
as if your life depends on it.
The fourth stage is REALISE THE FACT THAT YOU
ARE DEAD IN CHRIST. You are alive yet you are dead.
This may sound confusing. You are not dead
physically, but you are dead to sin. The moment you
confess your Salvation, your old life and self dies
immediately with Jesus (2nd Corinthians 5 :17).
When you believe in the death and Resurrection of
Jesus, that means that you were also cricified with
Him over two thousand years ago and upon His
Resurrection, you rose up with Him and received a
new life. So after salvation, your past is dead and a
new being is born. So, when the urge comes again,
tell the devil that you are a new person and that the
person he has come for has died in Christ over two
thousand years ago. Romans 6:7 says "For he that is
dead is freed from sin". Until you tell the devil that
the person he has come for is dead in Christ he will
keep on coming with stronger urges. The devil
prevents us from knowing our identity in Christ
Jesus and the moment he sees that the eyes of your

understanding has been enlightened as scripture
says, he runs from you because he now knows that
you have dominion over him.
When the urge of that addiction comes, shout it
out. Do not mind the environment around you if you
truly desire freedom. The Israelites brought down
the walls of Jericho with a loud shout. You can get
your freedom by making a loud noise. Tell the devil
that there is no relationship between light and
darkness. The Bible says in James 4:7 "Resist the
devil and he will flee". Let him know that you hate all
the activities of hell that he is projecting as fun to
you and that slaves have become masters. Tell him
that you have no business with him and that the
person he is looking for is dead, dead in Christ.
The next thing you need to do is to PRAY
AGGRESSIVELY. You take charge of your life in the
place of prayers. You don't pray in the understanding.
You pray in the Holy Ghost. Scripture has told us
how to pray in Jude verse 20 "But ye, beloved,
building up yourselves upon your most Holy faith,
praying in the Holy Ghost.". Release the raw power
of God into the atmosphere. Push the devil

backwards by releasing fire into the air. The urge to
sin cannot come that time because that sin hears,
obeys and fears the word of God. It fears fire. The
fire of the Holy Ghost is not only meant to refine. It is
also for judgment. Release that fire upon that
addiction in tongues. Tell God to bring you out of
that mess. PRAY until something happens. Pray out
your deliverance. Take charge of your life. Settle
scores in the realm of the Spirit. You put a stop to
that action.
ACTIVITIES. Kingdom activities are activities that
promotes God. It can be in worship, study of the
word, praying, charity, etc. What you listen to and
watch determines if you will fall or stand. The devil
obeys and fears your RECEPTION AND
UNDERSTANDING of the word of God. You cannot
be listening to worldly music and expect to be free.
You cannot watch bad movies and expect to be free.
You are a mirror of what you have seen or heard (I. E
you imitate or copy what you have seen or heard).
Run away from anything that can excite the flesh.
You cannot read lewd books and not want to
masturbate. Listen to messages by men of God,

listen to worship songs, watch miracles by God's
generals, study the word of God, Dance and Rejoice
in the Holy Ghost. These are your keys to freedom.

Remember, upon SALVATION, your past was

buried. Your old life was taken away and you
obtained mercy and found grace. Upon salvation,
the title SINNER was taken away from you and you
became a SON. For unto them that believe, He gave
them the power to be called the SONS OF GOD. You
are now a child of the most High and the devil has
no record of sin and death against you because you
have given your life to Christ. This is your identity. It
is your new identity. Now, you have known the truth
and it will set you free. The devil now fears you.
" And they overcame him by the blood of the
lamb and by the word of their testimony"

Have you read this book and you are blessed?
Have you read this book and you have discovered
that the devil has been winning for too long? Have
you read this book and have discovered that you
don't have access to all that you need to do exploits?
Have you discovered the vaccum that needs to be
filled in your life and you feel this is the best time to
surrender all to Jesus? If yes, I am happy for you.
You are truly lucky that you have a chance to retrace
your steps before it becomes too late. With sincerity,
I will like you to say this prayer as you find your way
into the Lord's arms:
Dear God, thank you for the unconditional love you
have for me. Thank you so much for giving up your
son to die for my sins. Thank you for setting me
free from the chains of the devil. I believe in the
death and resurrection of your son Jesus and I
accept Him today as my personal Lord and Saviour.
Help me to always stay and abide in you. Forgive
my previous mistakes and give me a fresh start
with you that I may reign with you forever and ever.

You see, it was easy. You are welcome into God's
Congratulations, the battle has been won and the
siege is finally over. Remember, you are now a new
being. Your past has been erased and your sins have
been forgiven. Glory to Jesus. Continue to remain
strong in your newly found FAITH and I can assure
you that it will be VICTORY ALL AROUND.


Indeed, the Lord has been faithful. This work was not achieved by
human power but through God's help. "Bless the Lord O my soul and forget
not His BENEFITS...."

This is a book, a guide, and a compass for every teenager out there.
The devil has been wining for too long and it is time to push him backwards.
As teenagers, you can remain relevant even in God's kingdom. This book
will help you stand on your feet and take charge.

Nothing in this book was conceived in human understanding, nor were

the contents plagiarized. They all came by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
and previous teachings from Men and Women of God like Pst. Oluwasegun
Damilare, Rev. Funke Felix-Adejumo, Evang. Mike and Gloria Bamiloye et.c
that I have listened to.

If this book has been a blessing to you, or you have questions or you even
want to talk about anything or probably, you've a testimony to share as a
result of your encounter with this book, you can reach out to me on:

WHATSAPP : 07011446919

FACEBOOK : Oluwatooni-Duke Gfc Oguntubo

INSTAGRAM : tooni_duke_gfc.





Oguntubo Oluwatooni Duke also known as
God's_Favorite_Child is a prolific writer, teacher
and worship leader. He was born on the 28th of
April and ever since then, the Lord has been on
his side. He is a graduate of English and
Theatre Arts from Federal College of Education,
Osiele, Abeokuta. He is currently an English
student of the University of Ibadan (aff. to

Although, this is not his first book, it is his first

published book and by the grace and help of
SEASON) will help in pulling many teenagers
back to God.

My sincerest appreciation goes to God
who helped me write this book. None of the
contents in this book were conceived by
human understanding. Bless the Lord O my
Soul and all that is within me bless His Holy
I also want to appreciate every one
especially my mum who took time to review
this work and give their positive comments
and contributions towards this book. May the
Lord bless and keep you in all your ways. A big
thank you to everyone who God has used in
one way or the other to make this book a
reality. God bless you.

A book that opens the eyes of a teenager. It
also helps the growth of a believer. It is a life
___Ayomide Ariyo Hisgrace.

The book is Enlightening. The concept,

explanation and conclusion is lovely.
___Mr. Adewale Oduyoye.

The teenage period (A Planting Season) will

help teenagers to build capacity and it will give
them a better understanding about God.
___Pastor Samuel Sobayo (New Creatures
In Christ Ministry)

Hmmm.... Know your position in Christ and

remain there. Don't wonder around, else, the
devil strikes you unaware. This is a blessing

and a must read for everyone, especially teens.
I celebrate God's grace on the writer. More
____ Ayinde Oluwatimilehin.

Woooooow.... This book is loaded and clearly

written. I am blessed by it. It is not only meant
for teenagers. It is for everyone because some
things written in it are essential for living a
Christian life in this present age. Everyone
needs to always pray in tongues. Everyone
needs to have wisdom. Everyone needs to
keep godly friends. More grace man of God.
_____ Pastor Samuel Folorunsho. (Grace
Commission Network)


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