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Muslim Minds at Work

Test - N
2O T E S& Jan)
Set C

Name : Date :

Is our heart a canvas of hidden black dots ?

Q.1 Choose the right option (1 M)
Q. Imagine you lied to your friend about finishing your homework when you
actually didn’t. Later, you feel guilty about it. What should you do to remove the
“black dot” from your heart ?

a) Keep the lie a secret forever

b) Apologize to your friend and ask forgiveness from Allah

c)Ignore the lie and hope it goes away

Q.2 Think about a time when you did something that you knew was (2 M)
wrong. How did it make you feel afterwards ? Reflect on why it’s
important to acknowledge our mistakes and seek forgiveness. How can
reflecting on our actions help us become a better person ?

Conditions of Shahadah
Q.3 Every Muslim knows that the key to paradise is the statement (1 M)

Q.4 Now, choose which would be the right key :- (1 M)

(Clue : Check the number of teeth in the key)

Q.5 Why did you choose that key ? (1 M)

Q.6 Answer the question and solve the crossword solve. (4 M)

1.Which condition of Shahadah is to have submission to its requirements ?

2.Which condition means truthfulness, i.e it doesn’t allow falsehood or hypocrisy ?

Parables - Surah Kahf

Q.7 Fill in the blanks (4 M)
In a lush oasis surrounded by towering _______________ (‫)الَّنَخل‬, there lived a happy
_____________ (‫ )فيل‬named Amir. One day, while wandering through the oasis, Amir
stumbled upon an unusual sight - a _______ (‫ )َبَق َرة‬and a ___________ (‫ )ِح َم ار‬played tag,
while a _________ (‫ )َجَم ل‬lazily grazed nearby.

Amir giggled at the sight and decided to join in the fun, gently poking the ___________
(‫ )ِح َم ار‬with his trunk. Suddenly, a __________ (‫ )َع نَكُبوت‬descended from the tree, spinning
a delicate web between the branches. Fascinated, the animals watched in awe as the
__________ (‫ )َع نَكُبوت‬skillfully crafted its masterpiece.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the oasis, the animals gathered around a
ripe __________ (‫ )الُّرَّم ان‬tree, sharing the juicy fruits and exchanging stories of their
adventures. And so, under the watchful eyes of the ____________ (‫)ِفيل‬, the ________
(‫)َجَم ل‬, the ________ (‫)ِح َم ار‬, the _____ (‫)َبَق َرة‬, and the __________ (‫)َع نَكُبوت‬,friendships
blossomed in the calm oasis.
Q.8 Arrange the following events in the correct order accordingly. (3 M)
a) The arrogant man boasts about his wealth and gardens.

b) The believing companion reminds the arrogant man of Allah's blessings.

c) The believing companion makes supplication against the arrogant man's garden.

d) The arrogant man's garden is struck by a punishment and destroyed.

e) The arrogant man expresses regret and wishes he had not associated anyone with

f) The arrogant man thinks he will find something better than his gardens.

Q.9 Choose the correct option (4 M)

1. What did the arrogant man boast about to his believing companion?

a) His large group of slaves and servants

b) His two fine gardens of grape-vines

c) His wealth and abundance of fruit

d) All of the above

2. How did the believing companion respond to the arrogant man's boasting?

a) He praised the arrogant man for his success

b) He reminded the arrogant man of Allah's blessings and power

c) He challenged the arrogant man to a competition

d) He ignored the arrogant man's boasting

3. What did the believing companion say after the arrogant man boasted about his gardens?

a) "I do not think that this will perish ever."

b) "There is no power except in Allah."

c) "He is Allah, my Lord, and I do not associate with my Lord anyone."

d) "What Allah willed has occurred."

4. How did Allah respond to the believing companion's supplication against the arrogant man's

a) He granted the arrogant man even more wealth and gardens

b) He destroyed the arrogant man's garden completely

c) He ignored the supplication

d) He punished the believing companion for making the supplication

Cleanliness is half of faith

Q.10 What would you do in this scenario ? (4 M)
1. Your bedroom is messy with clothes strewn around. What should you do to keep it
- A) Leave it as it is
- B) Ask your mom to clean it later
- C) Fold your clothes and tidy up the room

2. You notice your friend spilling water on the floor in the classroom. What should
you do?
- A) Ignore it
- B) Tell your friend to clean it up
- C) Help your friend clean up the spill

3. Your madrasa classroom is messy with papers and books scattered around. What
should you do?
- A) Leave it for the teacher to clean
- B) Ask your classmates to help you tidy up
- C) Ignore the mess and continue with your work

4. You return home to find the living room untidy with toys scattered around. What
should you do?
- A) Leave it for someone else to clean
- B) Leave it as it is and go to your room
- C) Help tidy up by putting the toys back in their place

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