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TRA 460 –Text Editing

Assignment 1

Exercise 2:

1- One significant cause of ocean pollution, is the accidental spilling of crude oil, by large ocean- going
ships. The consequences of oil spills can be disastrous to both plant and animal marine life. For example,
oil that spills on the surface of the water blocks oxygen from getting to marine plant life. Because oxygen
is necessary for survival, marine plants die. Oil-coated birds can become weighted down, so they cannot

2- Some experts say that one leading cause of air pollution is the carbon emissions from cars. To reduce
these emissions, many people have changed how they get around .James kendall of Cincinnati, Ohio,
sold his gas- guzzling car and purchased a hybrid vehicle. Kendall says:’ one reason I bought a hybrid is
that its better for the environment. However, another factor in my decision was money. I spend a lot
less on gas now.’

Exercise 3:

1. He is not really nice-looking, and yet he has enormous charm.

2. When I was a child, I could watch TV whenever I wanted to.

3. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.

4. Mrs. Solomon, who was sitting behind the desk, gave me a big smile.

5. We were, believe it or not, in love with each other.

6. ‘I don’t like this one bit,’ said Julia.

7. Have you met our handsome new financial director?

8. If you are ever in London, come and see you.

9. Michael, in the Ferrari, was cornering superbly.

10. Looking straight at her, he said, ‘I can’t help you.’

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