JSON Development Consultant - Assignment

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Your primary goal for this exercise is to demonstrate your ability to translate visual content
and academic curriculum into a structured JSON format, akin to the sample we provided.
This will help us evaluate your proficiency in understanding schemas, formatting, and
translating educational content.

1. Review the Sample: Familiarize yourself with the provided JSON document to
comprehend the structure and schema. (see attached Examples File)
2. Analyze the Screenshot: Carefully analyze the link given for the “Live” module in
the link shared. Make note of characters, conversations, visuals, backgrounds, and
other key elements. https://adhyayan.brightchamps.com/
3. Read the Academic Document: Go through the provided academic curriculum
document in the exercise below. Understand the core concepts, objectives, and
learning outcomes.
4. Craft the JSON Document: Based on your understanding from the examples,
templates and the academic document:
○ Identify the context. Identify the templates by referring to templates/ examples
○ Design tasks for the module using suitable templates.
○ Format your JSON with proper indentation and structure.
○ Ensure all the content pieces from academic documents are incorporated into
the JSON structure.
5. Quality Assurance: Cross-check the JSON to ensure:
○ No important details from this academic document are omitted.
○ The content makes sense from a learner's perspective.
○ The JSON is free from errors and is properly structured.

● Templates and Task Structure: Provided [Templates File]
● Sample JSON Document: Provided [Examples File]
● Academic Document: Refer below for exercise.
● Live Module for Sample Output Reference: https://adhyayan.brightchamps.com/

Submission Guidelines:
1. Save your JSON documents as “<module name>.json” files inside a folder with the
following naming convention: FirstName_LastName
2. Submit your response by filling this Google Form >>>>> Submission Form

DEADLINE for submission: 5 PM on October 15th, 2023

Evaluation Criteria:
Your submission will be evaluated based on:

● Adherence to the JSON structure and format.

● Accurate representation of content from both the screenshot and academic
● Creativity and thoughtfulness in content translation.
● Attention to detail and overall coherence of the JSON.

NOTE: Use sample value for the data which is not available in the exercise, for example
images, etc.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this exercise. We're eager to understand your
approach and capabilities. Good luck!

Color code
For a conversation on the task screen between Ray and Max
For Chatbot/Greenline
For system-generated content


Hi Champ! My name is Greenline, and I am here to help you on your journey to becoming
financially smart.

In this journey, you will also meet your companions Ray and Max, who will be there with you
throughout the modules.

You can discuss with me or ask me anything about the topics being covered in all the
upcoming modules.
Title - Expenses and Their Types: Mastering Your Financial Outflows

Description - Learn proven techniques to manage your debts wisely, reduce

financial burdens, and take control of your financial journey.


Experience and Reflection:

Scene: Ray and Max are in the Metro, Heading to the Mall

Ray: Hey Max, you know what? We got our payouts, and we've taken care of all
our essential expenses, from tuition to school supplies, and even some casual
clothes. Now, it's time to treat ourselves a little!

Max: Absolutely, Ray! Our parents always ask us to prioritize our needs, and
we've done that. Now, let's cherish our wants. But before we hit the mall, let's
talk about what we've already accomplished.

Ray: Good idea, Max! So, we've got our school supplies covered, right?

Max: Yep, we got our textbooks and everything. Plus, we've set some money
aside for unexpected expenses.

Ray: That's responsible of us! And we've also got our savings goals on track.

Max: Right on! We're making good progress there. And, don't forget our tuition
fees; that is an obvious one as it happens every month.

Ray: True, tuition is a must-pay. Now, for the fun part – our wants. I want a
new video game, and you mentioned that cool skateboard.

Max: Yeah, and I'm thinking about grabbing some trendy clothes too. Our
parents would be proud; we're managing our money smartly.

Ray: Definitely! We've covered our needs and savings first. So, our wants are
well-deserved treats.
Hey Champ! From the following items, can you spot the ones that are “needs”
according to you
(Present a 3X3 tile, with 9 different images of the following items, subjective

1. A smartphone
2. Textbooks for school
3. A winter jacket
4. A video game console
5. Groceries for the week
6. A new pair of school shoes
7. Lunch at the school cafeteria
8. Movie tickets for the weekend
9. A designer T-shirt

Max: At times I feel, it's not so clear-cut. Like, we need new clothes, but we also
want them to look awesome.

Ray: True, fashion is important, and it's a need-want combo for sure.

Ray: You know, Max, I'm curious. How else can we become more aware of our
spending and manage it better?

Max: That's a great question, Ray. Maybe we can learn about setting financial
goals and creating a spending plan. And, hey, we could ask Ms Greenline for
some "cents-able” tips too!
Greenline/ Chatbot: Yes let me help you! Segregating expenses between needs
and wants is also a good beginning. But to make it more efficient, you can
further categorize your expenses into three parts: Fixed, Variable, and Periodic

Reflection Questions

● Hey, Champ! Do you plan your upcoming expenses?

○ Yes, I am very particular about it!
○ Sometimes
○ No, I just live in the moment!

(Multiple choice question, subjective question, no correct answer)

● Would you consider a laptop as a need or a want?

○ Need
○ Want

(Multiple choice question, subjective question, no correct answer)

● Do you think planning can help manage expenses better? If yes, How?

(Text-based answer, subjective question)

Greenline: Wow! Look at you kids who make such wise decisions. I am very glad
you are being careful with your spending, and as a reward you can go for ‘wants’

Greenline: Come along, let me teach you more ways to manage your expenses
better through this video.

Video - Video Will Come Here

Greenline: What say, kids? Isn’t this a more efficient way to manage your

Max: Yes definitely, this will bring more clarity to our plan for upcoming

Ray: Exactly! This will also help in knowing how much is under our control and
how much is not.

(Ray and Max are shopping for a few things, and need to put visuals where they
are seen with a cartful of things)

Ray: Max, you know, now that we've learned a new way to categorize our
expenses, why don't we go through all the expenses we've made since we
received our payout and classify them?

Max: That sounds like a great idea, Ray! It'll help us see where our money went
and plan even better in the future. Let's do it!

Hey, Champ! Now Let's start by categorising the expenses!

Name of Expense Description Type of Expense

School Supplies Textbooks, notebooks, pens, and other school materials Fixed

Tuition Fees Monthly fees for education Fixed

Lunch and Snacks Money for daily meals at school or snacks Fixed
Transportation Monthly bus fare for commuting to school Fixed

Clothing Budget for clothing, including uniforms or casual wear Fixed

(Give a drop-down for each with the options mentioned in this drop-down,
subjective question)

According to you while planning your spending, which of these types of expenses
should be prioritized?

● Fixed
● Variable
● Periodic

(These 3 options are to be put in a drag-and-arrange format)


Greenline: Now, let’s assess your knowledge of what we have learned so far.
(Drag and drop activity, 3 jars: fixed, variable, and periodic, take a coin from
each situation and put it in the jar or vice versa)(Alternatively, MCQ can also be
used / or else a table with scenarios and the type of expenses in drop down)

Scenario 1:
Max paid $50 for a monthly bus pass to commute to school.

Answer: Fixed Expense

Explanation: The expense is a regular, consistent amount ($50) paid monthly for
commuting. It remains the same each month, making it a Fixed Expense.

Scenario 2:
Max bought snacks and treats worth $20 to consume when hanging out with
friends over the weekend.

Answer: Variable Expense

Explanation: The amount spent on snacks and treats can change based on Max's
choices and social activities, making it a Variable Expense.

Scenario 3:
Max set aside $10 each month into a savings account for her future goals.

Answer: Fixed Expense

Explanation: Max consistently saves $10 each month, and the amount remains
the same, making it a Fixed Expense dedicated to building his emergency fund.

Scenario 4:
Max buys new clothes for the school year, spending $300 at the beginning of
each academic year.

Answer: Periodic Expense

Explanation: The expense occurs annually at the start of each school year, and
it's not a regular monthly or weekly cost, making it a Periodic Expense.

Scenario 5:
Max decides to donate $5 each month to a local charity he supports.
Answer: Fixed Expense
Explanation: Max consistently donates $5 each month to the charity, and the
amount remains the same, making it a Fixed Expense allocated for charitable
Module Summary
● Planning your expenses is an important factor in managing your
● Expenses can be categorized into three categories: Fixed, Variable,
and Periodic.

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