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Tel No. 022-22672001 No. F&B/Cash/ /2023
Ext. 1330 Date: November, 2023

The Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget,
High Court Appellae Side,
Bombay – 400 0332.

Subject :- Renewal of Fixed Deposits under Court Matter.


On the subject noted above, we inform you that all FD's (Prior to 2013) already
renewed. Further as per the directions of the Hon'ble Registrar (Judicial -I), we have started
the work of sending Fixed Deposit Receipt (covered under Auto-renewal) to concerned
Nationalised Bank for renewal. As on today (i.e. on 04/11/23), 1609 FD's (covered under Auto-
renewal) sent to various Nationalised Banks for renewal. We are further to inform you that no
Fixed Deposit Receipt is pending for renewal due to lapse of Registry.

Shri Vivekanand Parkar

Assistant Section Officer
Finance and Budget,
High Court, A.S. Bombay- 400 032.

Smt. Jyoti S. Thakur

Finance and Budget,
High Court, A.S. Bombay- 400 032.
Subject:- To submit the explaination in respect
of the renewal of Fixed Deposit.

Respectfully submitted to Assistant Registrar (Finance and Budget) :-


This relates to explaination called regarding renewal of Fixed Deposit by Court are
covered under “Auto-renewal” facility.

In this regard I am further to state that the renewal letter of fixed deposit we have already
communicated to bank to autorenew such FD's.

In this connection, I may kindly bring to notice some facts before you that presently I am
handling the table of withdrawal of FD's invested in the various banks in court matters. The
work load of the said table is very heavy. There are near about 25 to 30 thousand FD's are in
custody with me. Therefore it is difficult to keep track of renewal dates of various FD's.
Although this office has already started to renewed the FD's as much as possible. Around 1700
FD's are send to the concerned banks for renewal within 2 weeks.
In this regard, I may kindly bring to notice that before the year of 2013 FD's are already
renewed till 2017 and this office has already inform the banks to do auto renewal of FD's which
are invested in the banks. The formal letter for renewal of FD's after intimation from the bank,
in relevant FD was sent by this office to the bank.
(Mrs. Jyoti S. Thakur)
Finance and Budget Section

Subject:- To submit the explaination in respect

of the renewal of Fixed Deposit.

Respectfully submitted to Assistant Registrar (Finance and Budget) :-


This relates to explaination called regarding renewal of Fixed Deposit by Court are
covered under “Auto-renewal” facility.

In this regard I am further to state that the renewal letter of fixed deposit we have already
communicated to bank to autorenew such FD's.

In this connection, I may kindly bring to notice some facts before you that presently I am
handling the table of withdrawal of FD's invested in the various banks in court matters. The
work load of the said table is very heavy. There are near about 25 to 30 thousand FD's are in
custody with me. Therefore it is difficult to keep track of renewal dates of various FD's.
Although this office has already started to renewed the FD's as much as possible. Around 1700
FD's are send to the concerned banks for renewal within 2 weeks.
In this regard, I may kindly bring to notice that before the year of 2013 FD's are already
renewed till 2017 and this office has already inform the banks to do auto renewal of FD's which
are invested in the banks. The formal letter for renewal of FD's after intimation from the bank,
in relevant FD was sent by this office to the bank.
(Mrs. Jyoti S. Thakur)
Finance and Budget Section


In pursuence of Hon'ble Court orders and as per the circular dated 23 rd September
2013 issued by the High Court, the Nazir of Cash Section invest the deposited amount in
Nationalised Banks. Further Investment is made in those Nationalised Banks who
undertakes to renew Fixed Deposit Receipts automatically (Auto-Renewal) after its
maturity date. There are approximate 21089 FD's in Court matters in the custody of

Directions Follow-up Action

1. To take follow-up whether all Fixed All FD's (Prior to 2013) already renewed
Deposits by Court are covered under by the concerned staff of Cash Section.
“Auto-renewal” facility. The FD's (covered under Auto-renewal)
has not sent to bank for renewal,
however as per the direction of
Registrar Judicial – I now the FD's
(covered under Auto-renewal) will be
sent for renewal step by step. As on
today (i.e. on 04/11/23), 1609 FD's sent
to concerned Nationalised Banks for
renewal. (details enclosed)
2. Whether Fixed Deposits prior to 2013 Fixed Deposits prior to 2013 are already
are renewed from time to time or any renewed. No Fixed Deposit Receipt is
Fixed Deposits is pending due to lapses of pending for renewal due to lapse of
Registry/ your office. Registry.
3. Verify and see that there should not be No Fixed Deposit Receipt is pending for
a single Fixed Deposit lying with Registry/ renewal due to lapse of Registry.
your office pertaining to court matter Necessary steps are taken to get the FD's
without renewal. renewed which are invested from the
year 2014.

Respectfully submitted.

Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget
Date : 4th November, 2023

Tel No. 022-22672001 No. F&B/Cash/ /2023

Ext. 1330 Date: November, 2023

The Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget,
High Court Appellae Side,
Bombay – 400 0332.

Subject :- Renewal of Fixed Deposits under Court Matter.


On the subject noted above, we inform you that all FD's (Prior to 2013) already
renewed. Further as per the directions of the Hon'ble Registrar (Judicial -I), we have started
the work of sending Fixed Deposit Receipt (covered under Auto-renewal) to concerned
Nationalised Bank for renewal. As on today (i.e. on 04/11/23), 1609 FD's (covered under Auto-
renewal) sent to various Nationalised Banks for renewal. We are further to inform you that no
Fixed Deposit Receipt is pending for renewal due to lapse of Registry.

Shri Vivekanand Parkar

Assistant Section Officer
Finance and Budget,
High Court, A.S. Bombay- 400 032.
Smt. Jyoti S. Thakur
Finance and Budget,
High Court, A.S. Bombay- 400 032.

Tel No. 022-22672001 No. F&B/Cash/ /2023

Ext. 1360 Date: November, 2023

The Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget,
High Court Appellae Side,
Bombay – 400 0332.

The Registrar (Judl-I)
High Court, Appellate Side,

Subject :- Renewal of Fixed Deposits under Court Matter.

Reference :- R(J-1)/437/2023 Dtd. 13Th October, 2023.

Respected Sir,

With reference to the subject noted above, I am to forward herewith a report

regarding renewal of Fixed Deposit for Your Honour's kind perusal.

Yours Faithfully,

Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget
Tel No. 022-22672001 No. F&B/Cash/ /2024
Ext. 1360 Date: January, 2024

The Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget,
High Court Appellate Side,
Bombay – 400 0332.

The Registrar (Judl-I)
High Court, Appellate Side,

Subject :- Report Regarding disbursement of deposited amount of

Rs. 10,00,000/- to the account of Shri Anand Ganesh Khare
(Petitioner) inadvertantly in Writ Petition 4456/2022.

Respected Sir,

On the subject noted above, I am to forward herewith a report regarding

disbursement of deposited amount of Rs. 10,00,000/- inadvertantly to the account of Shri
Anand Ganesh Khare (Petitioner) in Writ Petition No. 4456/2022, for Your Honour's kind

Yours Faithfully,

Assistant Registrar
Finance and Budget

Encl : As Above

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