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This building is one of the residents’ houses around my house.

I say this building is interesting

because it has a classic design with an elegant cream color.

The most interesting part in my opinion is the façade, the windows and ventilation which are made
small and symmetrical are very attractive and give a more classic impression.

The flower pot on the roof is no less interesting.

The flower part plays a big role in adding to the aesthetics of the building. Considering that all the
walls and windows are designed plainly, the flower looks very prominent and attractive at the top.
Arsitektur klasik modern

Gaya arsitektur klasik modern seringkali diterapkan untuk sebuah hunian agar terlihat mewah dan

Namun gaya klasik modern sudah disesuaikan dengan gaya hidup masa kini, sehingga desainnya
terlihat lebih sederhana.

Meskipun gaya klasik dan modern bisa dikatakan memiliki konsep yang bertolak belakang, namun
ketika dipadukan mampu memberikan kesan yang lebih unik, menawan dan artistik, tanpa harus
kehilangan kesan mewahnya.

Modern classical architectural style is often applied to a residence to look luxurious and magnificent.

But the modern classic style has been adapted to today's lifestyle, so the design looks simpler.

Although classic and modern styles can be said to have opposite concepts, when combined they are
able to give a more unique, charming and artistic impression, without having to lose the impression
of luxury.


Arsitektur klasik berasal dari Yunani dan Roma kuno, dan dicirikan oleh simetri, kolom, jendela
persegi panjang, dan marmer, untuk beberapa nama. Selama berabad-abad, arsitek telah menarik
pengaruh dari peradaban ini dan memasukkan cita-cita tradisional ke dalam gaya arsitektur

Classical architecture dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, and is characterized by symmetry,
columns, rectangular windows, and marble, to name a few. Over the centuries, architects have
drawn influences from this civilization and incorporated traditional ideals into later architectural

Arsitektur klasik

memberikan kesan yang anggun dan mewah. Ciri khas arsitektur klasik yaitu pemakaian pilar-pilar,
ornamen, dan profil-profil yang muncul pada saat kerajaan Romawi atau Yunani kuno. Bangunan
gaya klasik memiliki ukuran yang melebihi kebutuhan fungsinya dan memiliki komposisi bangunan
yang simetris dengan tata letak jendela yang teratur.

gives a graceful and luxurious impression. The characteristic of classical architecture is the use of
pillars, ornaments, and profiles that appeared during the ancient Roman or Greek empire. Classical
style buildings have sizes that exceed the needs of their function and have a symmetrical building
composition with a regular window layout.


Saat pertama kali melihat sebuah rumah, tanpa sengaja mata kita akan memandang ke arah bagian
luar dari rumah yang menghadap ke jalan atau ke tempat terbuka. Bagian tersebut dikenal dengan
istilah fasad rumah.
Istilah fasad berasal dari bahasa Prancis façade yang memiliki arti ‘depan’ atau ‘muka’. Secara
umum, istilah tersebut dapat dimaknai sebagai bagian luar suatu bangunan (eksterior). Tak ayal,
fasad banyak dipercaya oleh orang-orang sebagai bagian yang menunjukan karakter atau gaya suatu

When we first see a house, our eyes will inadvertently look towards the outside of the house facing
the street or into the open. This part is known as the façade of the house.

The term façade comes from the French façade which means 'front' or 'face'. In general, the term
can be interpreted as the exterior of a building (exterior). No doubt, the façade is widely believed by
people as a part that shows the character or style of a house.

Neo klasik:

1. Garis-garis bersih, elegan, penampilan yang rapi (uncluttered)

2. Simetris

3. Kolom-kolom yang berdiri bebas

4. Atap datar dan horizontal (tidak emmiliki kubah/menara)

5. Fasad bangunan datar dan Panjang

6. Dekorasi pada bagian fasad sedikit

Neo clasic

1. Clean lines, elegant, uncluttered appearance

2. Symmetrical

3. Freestanding columns

4. Flat and horizontal roof (no dome/tower)

5. Flat and Long building façade

6. Decoration on the façade is a little

Neoclassical architecture is an architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement that began
in the mid-18th century. In its purest form, it is a style derived principally from classical architecture,
Vitruvian principles, and the architecture of Italian architects

Bagian bunga

Bangunan ini didominasi dengan warna terang (krem, abu-abu, biru pucat, kuning). Hal ini membuat
warna hijau pada bunga terlihat semakin mencolok dan menambah estetika bangunan.

The building is dominated by light colors (beige, gray, pale blue, yellow). This makes the green color
of the flower look more striking and adds to the aesthetics of the building.

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