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Strategic Brand Management

Assignment 3
Shashank Shahi
Shirisha Shrestha
Shristi Shrestha
1a.) Justify “All of the four Ps – not just one –
have important roles to play in the creation
and maintenance of brand equity.”

● Extensive Restaurant Selection: Offers a vast variety of cuisines and restaurants, catering to
diverse palates and dietary preferences. This includes popular chains, local favorites, and
hidden gems.

● Exclusive Partnerships: Collaborations with prominent restaurants and chains offer unique
menu items and discounts unavailable elsewhere, enhancing exclusivity and appeal.

● Convenient Features: User-friendly app and website, efficient delivery system, multiple
payment options, and order tracking features provide a seamless and positive user experience.

● Innovation and Expansion: Constant introduction of new features like live order tracking, meal
bundles, and loyalty programs keeps the platform fresh and exciting.

● Competitive Pricing: Foodmandu ensures prices are comparable to or even slightly lower
than dining out, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious customers.

● Targeted Discount and Promotions: Regular promos, coupons, and loyalty program benefits
incentivize orders, encourage repeat customers, and attract new users.

● Delivery Fee Flexibility: Free delivery options for specific distance ranges or minimum order
values, along with transparent fee structures, create a fair and predictable experience.

● Widespread Restaurant Coverage: Delivery services cover a large geographic area,

ensuring maximum accessibility and convenience for users across various locations.
● Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with grocery stores, cafes, and other businesses
expand delivery options and create additional revenue streams.
● Focus on Urban and Semi-Urban Areas: While expanding, Foodmandu maintains a strong
presence in major cities and towns, its core market with the highest demand for food
● Mobile App and Online Platform: Focus on user-friendly and accessible app and website
interfaces allows convenient ordering from anywhere, anytime.

● Influencer Collaborations: Partnerships with local food bloggers and other social media
influencers generate valuable content and recommendations, building trust and brand
● Partnerships with Events and Festivals: Sponsorships and tie-ups with local events and
festivals increase visibility, engage diverse audiences, and build positive brand associations.
● Loyalty Program: "Foodmandu Plus" program rewards regular users with cashback,
exclusive discounts, and priority delivery, encouraging brand loyalty and repeat business.
1b.) Justify “Personalized marketing is an
emerging and important strategy to build
brand awareness and brand loyalty”
Personalized Marketing

● Personalized marketing is a strategy that uses data to connect with target audiences and
existing customers to offer an optimized marketing experience.

● By collecting and using data, businesses can identify patterns to more effectively target
potential customers.
How does Foodmandu use personalized marketing?
● Personalized Recommendations
○ App and Website
○ Email and Push Notifications

● Loyalty Programs and Gamification:

○ Foodmandu Plus
○ Gamified Incentives

● Targeted Offers and Promotions

○ Birthday Treats
○ Location-based offers

● Data Driven Insights

2.) Think about an experience you had with a brand that has
done a great job with relationship marketing, permission
marketing, experiential marketing, or one-to-one marketing.
● What did the brand do?
● Why was it effective?
● Could others learn from that?
Bhat-Bhateni Super Market
Permission Marketing

● Permission marketing refers to a form of advertising where the intended audience is given the
choice of opting in to receive promotional messages.

● It explains how businesses can market to a subscriber who gives their permission to be
marketed to or “opts-in” to receiving offers and announcements from a brand.
Permission Marketing
Existing Permission Marketing Efforts:

● "Community Card" Program: Customers can opt-in to this loyalty program, offering discounts,
birthday offers, and priority services. This requires explicit consent for communication.

● Targeted SMS and Email Promotions: Based on purchase history and preferences (with consent),
they send personalized offers and updates on relevant products, promotions, and events.

● App Notifications : If they have a mobile app, personalized notifications could be offered with
user consent, providing relevant updates and exclusive deals.
Permission Marketing

● Consent-based Communication: Respecting customer choice builds trust and avoids unwanted
marketing messages, fostering positive brand perception.

● Personalization: Targeted offers based on preferences increase relevance and value, driving
purchase decisions and engagement.

● Multi-channel Communication: Reaching customers through preferred channels ensures they

receive timely and relevant information.
Permission Marketing
Lessons for Others:

● Prioritize Consent: Always obtain explicit consent before sending marketing messages,
respecting customer privacy and building trust.

● Personalize the Experience: Leverage customer data (with consent) to tailor offers,
recommendations, and communication to individual preferences.

● Utilize Multiple Channels: Reach customers where they are, using a mix of channels like email,
SMS, social media, and mobile apps (with consent).
Experiential Marketing

● Experiential marketing is usually a hands-on experience designed to encourage individuals

to engage and participate in an event.

● This marketing approach is also usually part of a current event or maybe the event itself.
Individuals who work on these types of projects are known as experiential marketers.
Experiential Marketing
Existing Experiential Marketing Efforts:
● Music Concerts and Events: Ncell has sponsored various music concerts and festivals,
leveraging these platforms to connect with younger audiences and associate the brand with
entertainment and excitement.
● Sports Sponsorships: Partnering with sporting events and teams allows Ncell to reach
passionate audiences and showcase its support for local talent.
Experiential Marketing

● Targeted reach: Connects with younger audiences (concerts) and passionate fans (sports).

● Positive brand association: Links Ncell with entertainment, excitement, and community

● Direct engagement: Offers opportunities for interactive experiences and product demos.
Experiential Marketing
Lessons for Others:

● Target strategically: Focus your efforts on experiences that resonate with your specific
audience and brand values. Don't just follow trends blindly.

● Go beyond sponsorship: While sponsorships have their place, create unique and interactive
experiences that actively engage participants with your brand and offerings.

● Measure and adapt: Track key metrics to assess the impact of your campaigns and adjust your
approach based on what's working and what's not. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new
One to One
One to One Marketing
Existing one to one marketing Marketing Efforts:

● Customer Segmentation: Daraz identifies and categorizes customers into smaller, more
manageable segments based on similar characteristics and behavior according to their needs

● Customer Feedback: Encourages and values customer feedback to continuously improve

products and services.

● Personalization: They have tailored products, services, and communication to suit the specific
needs and preferences of each customer. Also they have been using customer data to create
their preference and personalized experiences.

● Trust Building: Daraz foster trust between the business and its customers by delivering
consistent quality, being transparent, and demonstrating reliability constantly. Collaborating
with company like LG and Hitachi.
One to One Marketing

● Increased Customer Loyalty: By understanding and catering to the unique needs of each
customer, Daraz has foster stronger relationships .satisfied and loyal customers are increasing
more to continue shopping on the platform.
● Higher Customer Retention: The ability to address individual customer needs and preferences
has helped Daraz in retaining customers over the long term. Retaining existing customers is
often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones which Daraz has been successful in past few
● Competitive Advantage: Personalized experiences set Daraz apart from competitors that might
not be implementing such strategies. In a competitive e-commerce landscape, providing a unique
and tailored experience can be a key differentiator.
One to One Marketing

Lessons for Others:

● Emphasize Customer Segmentation: Its rivals like Hamrobazar should also learn to adapt
differentiating customer segments using customer data for gaining more customer flow

● Measure Personalization Data: Other major competitors like Jeevee should focus on
adapting customer data to create personalized experience for customer
Faith Works
Relationship Marketing

Existing Relationship Marketing Efforts:

● Build to last: The tagline for FaithWorks encapsulates their product philosophy,
emphasizing durability, reliability, and longevity.

● Customer Feedback and Surveys: Faithworks collects feedback from customers to

understand their preferences and areas for improvement. They use surveys and reviews to
demonstrate that the brand values and listens to customer opinions.

● Customer Segmentation: It has targeted the youths, and people who prefer comfortable
and stylish backpacks.
Relationship Marketing


● Satisfied customers of Faithworks advocates and share their positive experiences with others. This
word-of-mouth marketing can significantly impact the acquisition of new customers.

● Retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. Relationship
marketing focuses on keeping customers engaged and satisfied, reducing the need for extensive
advertising and promotional efforts.

● By fostering long-term relationships, Faithworks has increase the overall lifetime value of each
customer. Satisfied customers explore additional products offered by Faithworks .
Relationship Marketing

Lessons for Others:

● Faithworks prioritizes understanding and meeting the needs of its customers. It makes them the
focal point, ensuring that every initiative aims to enhance their experience.

● Be adaptable to changing customer needs and preferences. Faithworks is responsive to market

dynamics, and evolves its strategies to meet the evolving expectations..

● Create a sense of community. Faithworks encourage customers to share experiences and create a
space where they feel connected to each other and the products
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