SOP Maint. Service Battery With Dummy Load Test BTS 100

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SOP No. Procedure :

Maintenance Service Date : June ‘2013
Southeast Sumatra Ltd Battery by Dummy load test Page(s) : 1 of 1
HV Maintenance Group BTS 100 Revision : 2 ( Bahasa )


Headline No Detailed Job Description Yes No Initial

Buku panduan 1 BTS 100+ Instruction Manual book.
Permintaan 1 Experienced Personnel Only and Qualified Electrician.
2 BTS 100, Lap top, Charger 48Vdc & Back up battery 48Vdc.
3 Electrical Measurement & tools: Fluke, Hydrometer, Hand tools, etc.
4 Materials & spare parts: Distilled water, electrolyte water, rag, etc
5 Complete PPE as requirement.
6 Eye wash station.
Potensi bahaya 1 Personal injury.
2 Irritation or inhalation.
3 Electrical Shock.
4 Tripped/ black out.
5 Equipment damage.
6 Spill.
Persiapan Ke-1 1 Conduct Safety Briefing, PPE must be worn.
2 Check tools and equipment prior to start job.
Persiapan Ke-2 1 Pasang power supply 220Volt di LP spare breaker.
2 Set up back up battery, Charger battery, BTS 100 & lap top near
existing battery.
3 Pastikan positive & negative existing battery dan re-marking.
4 Pastikan MCB ke battery dan di marking.
5 Pastikan eye wash station sekitar area kerja.
1 Charging back up battery till nominal voltage.
Pengoperasian 2 Open MCB to battery at charger.
Dummy load 3 Connect positive & negative cables from charger to back up battery.
test ( BTS 100 )
4 Close MCB to back up battery at charger and check relays.
5 Connect BTS 100 positive & negative cables to existing battery.
6 Turn on BTS 100 & Lap top then connect cable data RS32.
7 Setting BTS 100, as follow:
 Vstop = 38Vdc ( apabila 38 cells ) atau 40Vdc ( apabila 40
cells ) standar nya 1 cell di hitung 1 Vdc.
 I ( beban battery test ) = 8A ( apabila battery 40Ah ) atau
20A ( apabila battery 100Ah ) standar = Ah battery dibagi 5
jam test ( hal itu di maksudkan battery mampu bertahan 5
jam tanpa charger )
 T ( waktu test ) = 5.00 ( standar test = 5 jam ).
8 Running BTS 100 program at Lap top and input data, as follow:
 Click shut cut BTS 100 program.
 Input data by click tab data atas kiri ( S/N, Ah, Type, Time,
Opr, year, etc ) normal seperti isi data di IDAX dan safe.
 Click view tab atas kiri unuk memastikan data yang di input
sudah benar.
9 Pasang police line/ barikade di daerah kerja untuk memastikan BTS
100 running tidak terganggu oleh orang yang tidak berkepentingan.
Nb: Apabila mati sebelum selesai test harus ulang dari awal.
10 Tekan tombol start pada BTS 100.
11 Check program BTS 100 di lap top tampil Battery Discharging.
12 Reading and record voltage per cell existing battery every one hour
untuk meng compare tegangan di BTS dan battery sama.
13 Tunggu 5 jam test selesai.
14 Matikan BTS 100 dan disconnect cables to battery.
Save test data di lap top:
 Click file pilih printer contiq, click format yang di inginkan
PDF atau yang lain.
 Click file pilih graphic printer.
 Click file pilih resume printer.
Secara otomatis data save di my document.
Cara pembacaan hasil dummy load test :
 Hasil Ah 5 jam test dibagi Ah battery dikali 100%.
 Contoh hasilnya OK = 38Ah:40AhX100%= 95%.
 Contoh hasilnya Recondition = 30Ah:40AhX100% = 75%.
 Below 50% = to be replace
 50% - 80% = Recondition
 More than 80% = Good/ accepted
17 Matikan Lap top dan beresin kabel2.
Charging existing battery till nominal voltage prior to connect to
19 Matikan MCB to battery at charger and disconnect kable +/- at back
up battery.
20 Connect kabel +/- from charger to existing battery and close MCB to
battery at charger.
21 Monitor voltage & current at chager and check relays.
22 Rapikan semua peralatan kerja dan bersihkan lokasi kerja.
Recondition 1 Discharging battery by dummy load till below 10Vdc.
battery as 2 Jumper sisi + to – per cell till one night.
reference 50 -
80%. 3 Dis-assembly semua cells dan bank/ rack ke tempat aman untuk
4 Drain air electrolyte to empty diligent.
5 Bilas setiap cell dengan distilled water sampai bersih.
6 Bersihkan seluruh casing, plate jumper dan baut-baut.
7 Isi cell battery dengan air electrolyte yang baru sampai normal level.
8 Re-assembly semua cells seperti semula.
9 Charging existing battery till nominal voltage.
10 Dummy load test until 5 jam dan pastikan hasil nya lebih 80%.
12 Kembali ke step 19 to 23.
North HV Maintenance Supv. HV Maintenance Controller & Supt Head of HV Maintenance

Mulyono/ Sumpono Cecep H / M. Ikbal/ David G Herdik Herlambang

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