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Entrepeneur Small Business

The term "entrepreneur" originates from A small business is different from an ordinary
the French word entreprendre which means "to small business. Small business refers to a business
undertake." It connotes a business paradigm which or enterprise that correctly adopts and practices
signifies the start of a new business undertaking. the principles of entrepreneurship.
On the other hand, the term "entrepreneurship" It is owned by one person with a limited
comes from the word entrepreneur. It refers to a workforce of not more than 20 persons. This term
particular field of practice or process, as compared also includes the small and medium enterprises
to an entrepreneur which is a person practicing (SMEs) that have been strongly promoted by
entrepreneurship. Comparatively, the relationship government and non-governmental organizations
is like that of a manager and the management in (NGOs) in their desire to improve the lives of the
which a manager is a person who practices Filipino people through entrepreneurship.
correctly the concept of management. On the other hand, ordinary small business
The American Heritage Desk Dictionary pertains to a business enterprise managed and
defines an entrepreneur as a person who principles of entrepreneurship. In the Philippines,
organizes, operates, and assumes the risk of small businesses, whether ordinary or not, are
business ventures. In this book, however, an flourishing and sprouting like mushrooms.
entrepreneur is defined as a person who strongly They can be found almost anywhere and
advocates and correctly practices the concepts and everywhere-along city streets, municipal roads
principles of entrepreneurship in operating and and national roads, and in public markets,
managing the self-owned business venture. This hospitals, schools, and amusement places.
venture is also called enterprise.
This operational definition puts emphasis Why does this happen in the Philippines?
on the concepts of advocacy and correct practices. The reason could be that many Filipino families
These two concepts outline the primary difference resort to opening ordinary small businesses since
between the owner of an ordinary small business it is the easiest and most practical sari-sari store
and the entrepreneur. Furthermore, another key business, or a small stall or pushcart in which food
feature of this definition is that an entrepreneur and other staff can be sold in way to augment their
owns and manages the small entrepreneurial income. A small amount of money can be used to
endeavor or small business. start up a simple the person owning and running
its day-to-day operations is not an entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship but rather a quantity. However, the mere opening
This book operationally defines entrepreneurship of a business enterprise is not entrepreneurship
as the art of observing correct practices in and a businessperson.
managing and operating a self-owned wealth- Most of the owners of ordinary small
creating business enterprise by providing goods businesses in the Philippines may not be
and services that are valuable to the customers. All considering entrepreneurship as an advocacy.
discussions in this book are made within the Some of them may not have even heard of the
peripheral concept of this operational definition. term and merely intend their businesses to serve as
Understanding the correct meaning of the term the source of their livelihood or as a means to
dispels the doubts and misconceptions with the lessen their financial problems. In reality, many
definition; promotes and enhances better ordinary small businesses in the Philippines have
comprehension of the entrepreneurial field; and not really progressed ever since they started some
helps build a strong foundation about years ago. What is worse is that others have gone
entrepreneurship. bankrupt and collapsed after some time.

Entrepreneur refers to a person who strongly

Small Business and Ordinary
advocates and correctly practices the concepts and

principles of entrepreneurship in operating and stagnant. It continuously grows, develops,
managing the self-owned entrepreneurial venture. improves, and expands; the change does not stop.
The development of entrepreneurship through the
Entrepreneurship is the art of observing correct years is a proof that it is an art that continuously
practices in managing and operating a self-owned, evolves and responds to the changing needs of the
wealth-creating business enterprise by providing people.
goods and services that are valuable to the As an art, entrepreneurship is dynamic. By
customers. the moment the economic activity changes, the
political, social, and entrepreneurial activities will
eventually change.
Salient features of As an art, entrepreneurship is closely
Entrepreneurship related to creativity. By creativity, there is a
From its operational definition, entrepreneurship constant change or evolution that contributes
consists of five salient features. towards the enhancement of the enterprise.
Creativity results in new ideas which are the
1. It is an art of correct practices. backbone of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs keep
on searching for something new. They find ways
2. It is a wealth-creating venture. to transform new ideas into entrepreneurial
3. It provides valuable goods and services. This aspect differentiates an entrepreneur
from an ordinary small businessperson.
4. It entails opening and managing the self-owned entrepreneur transforms feasible new ideas into an
enterprise. entrepreneurial venture, while an ordinary small
businessperson only builds upon existing ideas to
5. It is a risk-taking venture. gain immediate earnings from his/-her business.
As a future entrepreneur, one should
The salient features of entrepreneurship provide always remember that nothing is permanent in the
better understanding of the whole concept. They field of entrepreneurship. What is applicable to
also act as the point of reference in determining one entrepreneur may not be applicable to another.
whether a particular business endeavor is Certain things may happen to one entrepreneur but
operating within the realm of entrepreneurship. may not happen to another. Entrepreneurship
should be practiced not as a science but as an art.
Creativity should always be applied to
entrepreneurial undertakings by regularly
evaluating the market and the environment and
responding to the changes in them.
Art in entrepreneurship is also related to
the correct practices or ways of carrying out
entrepreneurial activities. The owner of an
ordinary small business has the freedom to
manage and operate his/her business according to
what pleases him/her. Ideally, he/she prefers
business activities which are done easily. The
entrepreneur, however, has to perform
Entrepreneurship is an art and not a
entrepreneurial activities correctly regardless of
science. It is not governed by fixed and absolute
whether they are undertaken easily or not. What is
rules, whereas science is. Thus, there is constant
important in entrepreneurship is that the business
change which denotes movement and innovation.
activities are performed correctly.
Entrepreneurship, therefore, is not static or

Entrepreneurship Is a Wealth- own business as a wealth-creating venture and not
solely as an income-generating venture.
Creating Venture. Opening a business with the working
This feature sounds simple, but this has philosophy that it will provide an income is
been most misconstrued because of the word common among ordinary businesspeople. It
wealth. We often hear the old maxims "Health is should not be the approach and way of an
wealth" or "Knowledge is wealth." However, this entrepreneur. An entrepreneur has a different
is not the concept of wealth in entrepreneurship. perception and outlook from an ordinary
In most instances, ordinary small businessperson. An ordinary entrepreneur looks at
businesspeople equate wealth with the term profit. his/her own business as a wealth-creating venture,
In the parlance of accounting, profit represents the while an businessperson regards his/her small
excess income or revenue from the cost and business basically as a source of income.
expenses. Some literature, however, define
Although profit may be a good indicator of entrepreneurship as a process of starting a
wealth, it can be measured in different The business. This definition obscures the real
economist, for example, has a different meaning of entrepreneurship. As explained earlier,
perspective of wealth from that of an accountant. the mere opening of a business is definitely not
Profit, therefore, in its strict sense, does not equate entrepreneurship, and neither does it mean wealth
to wealth. To put it differently, assume that the creation. A business has to generate wealth for the
cost of your product is P60. You sell this product owner in a creative way. Otherwise, it is not an
to a customer for P80. As a result of the sale, entrepreneurial endeavor but is merely an ordinary
definitely you have a mark-up or a profit of 20 is small business.
gained. Wealth is created when the benefits
However, the question is, "Is one enriched derived by the owner in providing goods and
by twenty pesos?" In case the sale is not in cash services to the customers are abundant enough to
(i.e., the sale is on account or on credit), and the cover the costs incurred by the business. At the
customer does not pay, you lose 80 in the same time, it provides personal benefits to the
transaction. owner, which in turn improve his/her life.
Entrepreneurship, however, is operating Otherwise, the small business is not a wealth-
within the concept of wealth creation rather than creating venture. The wealth created by the small
profit generation. The concept of profit is more business must improve the life of the owner and
applicable in the area of accounting as a way of cascade to the development of the local economy
measuring the operating performance of a and eventually of the whole country.
business. According to Random House Webster's The creation of wealth must gradually
Dictionary, wealth is defined as the abundance of accelerate and benefit both the owner and the
money, property, or possession. community. Unless this happens, the business is
The concept of abundance and not of accounting not a wealth-creating venture and may remain
profit, is the very essence of wealth in This book where it started. That is why an entrepreneur
strongly underscores the word "abundance" in the regularly evaluates the level of wealth created by
conceptual definition of wealth. This conceptual the business.
definition of wealth, in its strict sense, does not
even refer to business profit is the very essence of The adoption of the wrong concept of wealth
wealth in entrepreneurial endeavor. creation is the primary reason why most of the
As the field of entrepreneurship continues small business ventures in the Philippines do not
to develop, it has already included other contexts. prosper. In a worst-case scenario, the owner takes
However, the concept of entrepreneurship in this the venture only as a means to support the basic
book is limited only to the business paradigm. As needs of the whole family on a daily basis. This
an entrepreneur, therefore, you should open your seems to be the real scenario of small businesses

in the local communities in the Philippines. The her own because what is valuable to the
owner of the business makes routine exchange of entrepreneur may not be of any value to the
goods and services for a certain price. He/She consumers. Value, therefore, is subjective. Not
accepts any income generated by the business. every person considers the same things as
This is not, however, the real essence of valuable.
entrepreneurship. Businesses that offer goods and services
Wealth creation is not merely the selling of that are valuable from the buyer's perspective are
the products of services for a price. Nevertheless, operating within the concept of entrepreneurship.
selling products or services for a price does not The business will definitely be a wealth- creating
necessarily mean creating wealth. This is usually venture. When consumers are satisfied with the
the misconception of the ordinary businesspeople. products and services offered by an entrepreneur,
Wealth is created when the value of the business they tend to patronize the business and even
has increased abundantly, and the life of its owner endorse it to others. Thus, in simple analysis,
has improved considerably. If not, then the wealth is created. The reverse happens when an
business is being managed and operated Wealth is entrepreneur sells the products and services which
created when the value of the business has are not valuable to the consumers. The latter may
increased abundantly and the life of not within the buy them the first time but may not patronize
framework of entrepreneurship. them for a second time and may look for the same
Entrepreneurship Provides products and services from other sellers. In this
case, wealth is lost.
Valuable Goods and Services. For example, will adding two side pockets
The owner of a business, in most to the ladies bag that one intends to produce from
instances, is engaged in the sale of goods and local raw materials be valuable to the target users?
services. However, the mere act of selling goods If the answer is yes, then the product can start.
or providing services does not make a person However if the answer is no, it is not advisable to
perform or act within the concept of add the two side pockets.
entrepreneurship. Anybody can sell goods or Assume that you are adding two side pockets
services for a price. A peddler in the bus station, without knowing whether this will make your
for example, sells goods to the travelers. However, product more valuable or not. By adding two side
he/she cannot be considered as an entrepreneur. It pockets to your product, additional materials and
would be safe to address him/her as an ordinary labor expenses will be incurred. The cost of
businessperson. producing the product, therefore, will increase.
Entrepreneurship creates economic wealth When the production cost increases, the
by providing goods and services to the consumers. selling price also increases. This will put you in a
These goods and services must have a value in very unfavorable position since competitors may
order to create wealth. Otherwise, they become be selling a similar product at a lower price. If the
wasted. One essential principle in consumers do not find the additional side pockets
entrepreneurship then is, "not to sell waste to valuable, then these are wasted and cause a loss
consumers but only valuable goods and services." for your business.
Anything of no value to anybody is definitely a Hence, as a future entrepreneur, it is a
waste. must to ascertain first whether or not the
Valuable goods and services highly satisfy the additional value that will be placed on your
target buyers in terms of quality and price. The product is valuable to the target consumers. It
entrepreneur convinces the consumers that they should be always remembered that adding another
gain more benefits than what they pay for the value to a product or service will surely increase
goods and services. the cost of the product or service.
The entrepreneur defines value from the It is important that you analyze your target
perspective of the buyers and not only from his/ consumers in the field of entrepreneurship. They

should be studied since everyone can become your scale businesses only, leaving out big businesses
potential customer. in the process.
Entrepreneurship Entails Another factor that contributes highly to
this misconception is that most programs of non-
Opening and Managing the Self- governmental organizations (NGOs) promoting
Owned Enterprise entrepreneurship have been directed toward and
are participated in by ordinary small businesses.
This feature highlights two important
While there is nothing wrong with the support of
elements: the concept of opening a self-owned
NGOs to small businesses, the same has made the
enterprise and the concept of managing
impression that entrepreneurship is purely about
The entrepreneur opens his/her own
small businesses when in fact the concept of
business under the principle of entrepreneurship.
entrepreneurship also covers big businesses whose
It must be self-owned in order to qualify as an
owners and managers are one and the same
entrepreneurial endeavor. A business is considered
self-owned when the person managing its daily
The significant contributors to the
activities is also its owner. This is a
promotion of entrepreneurial activities in the
straightforward requirement of entrepreneurship.
Philippines, as spearheaded by the
Businesses that are being managed by others for
Entrepreneurship Development for College
the benefit of the owners do not fall within the
Education Level, the Small Enterprise Research
sphere of entrepreneurship. Such businesses are
and Development Foundation, and the University
operating under the concept of intrapreneurship.
of the Philippines Institute for Small-Scale
The concept of intrepreneurship may
Industries, to mention a few, have primarily
include the business practices of franchising and
focused on small-and-medium scale enterprises.
buyout. However, this topic is outside the
Entrepreneurship is not about the size of
coverage of this book. Franchising and buyout are
the business but rather about its sole ownership. In
usually taken up in higher marketing subjects.
other words, entrepreneurship includes small,
The issue in a self-owned business is very
medium, and multimillion businesses that are
clear and simple; it is plainly about ownership. It
managed by their respective owners.
is neither about the amount of invested capital nor
Then why do NGOs and even national
about the nature of the business enterprise.
government offices focus on small businesses in
Therefore, businesses falling under the concept of
their entrepreneurial programs? It may be because
entrepreneurial endeavor may range from a small
the owners of small businesses lack the necessary
bakery or restaurant in the neighborhood to a
knowledge, training, and budget for their
multimillion construction company operating
entrepreneurial activities, so that both the
throughout the Philippines, provided that the
government and NGOs desire to assist them. On
business is managed by the owner himself/herself.
the other hand, big businesses operating under the
Entrepreneurship has generally been
concept of entrepreneurship have the much-
equated with ordinary small businesses. This is a
needed financial requirements to support their
misconception that must be properly corrected.
One factor that contributes mainly to this
Another misconception of
misconception is that in the Philippines, it has
entrepreneurship relative to self-owned businesses
been a common knowledge that small businesses
is that it is more inclined toward production or
are managed by their owners. The small
manufacturing and is not applicable to buying and
convenience stores in the neighborhood, the small
selling of goods or rendering of services. This
school supplies stores in front of schools, the
misconception has been highly influenced by the
small refreshment parlors along the streets, and
fact that most of the entrepreneurial programs of
the small stalls in the public markets are usually
both the government and NGOs have been
managed by their owners. Entrepreneurship then
directed toward agriculture, aquaculture,
has come to refer to ordinary small-and-medium

craftsmanship, toy making, furniture making, and
food processing, to name a few. Generally, a. It provides employment in the community.
entrepreneurship includes all types of business
operations, namely production or manufacturing, b. It creates new demand in the market.
merchandising, and services.
In entrepreneurship, the owner of a c. It makes substantial contribution to the raising
business must also be the manager of the daily and collection of taxes.
operations of the entrepreneurial venture. A
business, whether big or small, that is managed by d. It facilitates the movement of the factors of
a person other than its owner is not within the production.
concept of entrepreneurship. In such a case, the
owner cannot be considered as an entrepreneur but e. It creates new business opportunities.
as an ordinary businessperson. Similarly, the
person handling the activities of the venture is not f. It promotes a peaceful and loving community.
an entrepreneur but a
manager. g. It increases constructive competition.
Planning is an important principle in management.
It refers to the process setting goals of the 4. Entrepreneurship makes the following
business. The entrepreneur, being the owner and contributions to the Philippine economy:
manager, must clearly set the Planning is an
important principle in management. It refers to the a. It encourages competitiveness and thereby
process of setting the goals of his/her business. In challenges entrepreneurs to keep improving their
other words, he/she should establish a clear products and services.
direction of his/her entrepreneurial venture.
He/She must have a definite answer to the b. It helps find an entrepreneurial niche in the
question, "Where my entrepreneurial venture be in world market.
five or ten years after?"
c. It helps hasten the economic recovery process
1. Entrepreneurship affects the lives of the of the Philippines during financial turmoil or
Filipinos, the local community, and the Philippine crackdown.
d. It facilitates the smooth flow of money in the
2. Entrepreneurship makes the following local market.
contributions to the lives of the Filipinos:
e. It assists the national government in its desire to
a. It provides guidelines in their wealth-creating have favorable economic ratings in the world
ventures. market.
In contrast, the owner of an ordinary small
b. It helps improve their financial and social life. business usually opens a business even if there are
no business opportunities existing in the
c. It helps broaden their creativity. community. As a result, the business can hardly
move from where it started even after several
d. It helps make their lives happy, fruitful, and years of operation. Thus, it all boils down to the
successful. basic need to identify the sources of
entrepreneurial ideas, some of which are as
3. Entrepreneurship, in one way or another, makes follows:
the following contributions to the local 1. Changes in the environment

2. Technological discovery and advancement
c. suppliers,
3. Government's thrust, programs, and policies
d. customers,
4. People's interests
e. creditors, and
5. Past experiences
f. employees.
Entrepreneurial ideas arise from the AND ADVANCEMENT
changes that happen in the external environment Discovery and advancement in the use of
with entrepreneurial implications. Not everyone technology are another good source of
welcomes changes in the external environment. entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities. Most
However, a person with an entrepreneurial drive people welcome technological discoveries and
views these changes positively. He/She determines advancements but cannot identify or determine
what business opportunities they may provide. entrepreneurial opportunities stemming from
them. On the other hand, a person with
The term external environment in this lesson entrepreneurial interest looks at the possibility of
refers to the physical environment, societal business opportunities in any new discovery or
environment, and industry environment where the advancement in technology.
business operates. For example, a person with sufficient
knowledge in the repair and installation of a
1. The physical environment includes mechanical engine discovers that the additional
engine parts he installed during the repair has
a. climate, considerably reduced fuel consumption. That
person could simply rest on his laurel for having
b. natural resources, and contributed to fuel conservation. Nevertheless, if
he had any entrepreneurial drive, he would see his
c. wildlife. discovery as a business opportunity to
manufacture the new engine parts that could
2. The societal environment includes the various reduce fuel consumption.
forces like
a. economic forces, PROGRAMS, AND POLICIES
The priorities, projects, programs, and
b. sociocultural forces, policies of the government are also good sources
of entrepreneurial ideas. The term government in
c. political forces, and this lesson refers to the local government
(municipal, city, or provincial) or the national
d. technological environment. government and its branches.
The programs and agenda of the Philippine
3. The industry environment of the business government intuitively address the needs of the
includes Filipino people. There are also instances when the
national government responds to the call of
a. government, international agencies or the world market.
Whenever there are changes in the policies and
b. competitors,
programs of the government, new entrepreneurial opening his/her own auditing office. In a similar
ideas are likely born. manner, a good engine mechanic who has worked
For example, the use of firecrackers to in a leading car manufacturer may find it
celebrate New Year's Eve is strictly prohibited. appropriate to open his/her vehicle repair shop.
People without entrepreneurial drive will view the Thus his/her relevant job experiences in the past
ordinance as a plain restriction. An entrepreneur, can lead to that entrepreneurial venture.
however, will take it as a business opportunity to
come up with a new product that will serve as a
substitute for firecrackers. The entrepreneur and the owner of an ordinary
PEOPLE'S INTERESTS small business are different in the following areas:
The interests, hobbies, and preferences of
a. Motive in opening a business
people are a rich source of entrepreneurial ideas.
For example, the increasing number of Internet
b. Perception of risk in the business
cafés at present could be attributed to the strong
attachment of young people to computers. The rise
c. Reactions to changes in the environment
of amusement parks, nightspots, and nature farms
could be a response to the need of people for fun
d. View on competition
and relaxation.
However, an entrepreneur must be keen in
e. Vision for development and growth
identifying the cycle of interests and trends of
his/her target market since these tend to
f. Horizon of business operation
continuously change. He/She must be ready to
address the change properly and immediately to
g. Sources of business funds
avoid possible negative effects on the operations
of the business venture.
Knowing the differences between an entrepreneur
For instance, for almost three decades
and an owner of an ordinary small business will
from the early 1970s, a lot of people were going to
help you assess yourself, if you are an
bowling centers. The interest in this particular
entrepreneur or a mere owner of an ordinary small
game, however, consistently declined. At present,
business. Such knowledge will enable you to
only very few people are still playing bowling.
avoid completely the perceptions or behavior
This change led to the closure of some bowling
similar to the latter and focus more on the
centers nationwide.
perceptions or behavior of the former.
As a future entrepreneur, your business
venture should be adaptive to the interests and
hobbies of the people to protect and sustain your MOTIVE IN OPENING A
business. Keep evaluating the interests of your BUSINESS
target customers.
An entrepreneur starts a business venture
PAST EXPERIENCES based on entrepreneurial concepts and principles
Past experiences and exposures are also a and the aspiration to become successful. He/She is
good source of entrepreneurial ideas. The constantly on the lookout for new and fresh ideas,
expertise and skills developed by a person who which can be found in the business environment.
has worked in a particular field may lead to the The business environment is marked by creativity
opening of a related business enterprise. and innovation. It continuously changes and
For example, an auditor who has learned evolves. New and fresh ideas for the entrepreneur
the appropriate auditing and management advisory lead to business opportunities. Likewise, the
skills and techniques in a prominent auditing firm entrepreneur makes use of entrepreneurship as a
can start his/her entrepreneurial venture by means to a happy and fruitful life.

Entrepreneurship is perceived as a wealth-creating
venture that will ultimately improve the life of the
On the other hand, the owner of an For the entrepreneur the presence of
ordinary small business opens a business with the competition is a sign of a healthy economic
primary goal of making it his/her source of environment. The environment where the venture
livelihood. The business becomes a major operates can be considered neutral or free- trade
provider of the family for their financial because of healthy competition. Competition will
requirements. The owner of an ordinary small undoubtedly force entrepreneurs to continuously
business operates with a basic motive of earning improve their present products or services. It will
profit. However, the level of profitability is be one of the factors that will make them creative
sometimes neglected. The profitability aspect and in their endeavor.
the level of profitability are two distinct important The owner of an ordinary small business,
issues. however, views competition as an unhealthy
element in the business environment and tries to
PERCEPTION OF RISK IN THE avoid it. He/She is very uncomfortable working in
BUSINESS a competitive environment and strongly
The entrepreneur takes and faces the discourages competition in the business
business risk squarely. He/She considers it community.
inherent in the business venture, prepares the
business for it, and finds ways to minimize its
effects. The owner of an ordinary small business,
on the other hand, believes that the business risk is AND GROWTH
a deterrent to the operation of the business and The entrepreneur usually outlines the
must be avoided. course of his/her entrepreneurial venture in terms
of short-term, medium-term, and long-term plans
REACTIONS TO CHANGES IN of action. He/She makes sure that the The
entrepreneur usually outlines the course of his/her
THE ENVIRONMENT entrepreneurial venture in terms vision and
The entrepreneur reacts positively to the mission of his/her business is clear.
changes in the environment. Changes in the The entrepreneur aligns the daily business
business environment bring new ideas for activities toward the attainment of the plans.
entrepreneurial opportunities. The entrepreneur He/She properly manages the venture in such a
considers changes in the environment a creative way that the operations will provide development
mechanism for development and growth in the and growth to the venture.
entrepreneurial activities. They become a new The owner of an ordinary small business,
source of possible entrepreneurial venture. on the other hand, relies upon chance or luck in
Entrepreneurs do not simply wait for the maintaining the status quo of his/her business.
changes to happen in the entrepreneurial He/She is not so much concerned about its
environment. They outline alternative courses of development and growth as long as he/she is
action in anticipation of the changes to happen. satisfied with its earnings.
On the other hand, the owner of an ordinary small
business remains passive and static to changes in
the environment where his/her business operates. HORIZON OF BUSINESS
He/She usually believes that change in the
environment is not a plus factor to the daily OPERATION
operations but rather a source of negative An entrepreneur thinks globally but acts
consequences. locally. His/Her sight is always focused on the
stars above, while his/her feet are firmly anchored and differentiate it from the activities of ordinary
on the ground. He/She is primarily concerned with small businesses.
the major economic events not only in the local
environment but also in the global business
1. Entrepreneurship applies only to manufacturing
market. The entrepreneur has a strong notion that
the business venture will be going out of the local
market and will soon face healthy competition in
2. Entrepreneurship applies only to small
the international market. The entrepreneur has
both local and global perspectives.
The owner of an ordinary small business,
3. Entrepreneurship applies mostly to persons with
meanwhile, is centered only on the local
good educational background in business courses.
environment. He/She does not intend to
participate in the global environment. The concept
4. Entrepreneurship applies only to a good
or view of operating outside the local market is
inconceivable. In other words expansion has never
been an idea worth entertaining for the owner of
5. Entrepreneurship is simply opening a small
an ordinary small business.

When the entrepreneur finds that the
proposed business endeavor is a wealth-creating
venture, he/she explores ways to generate the
much-needed funds from both internal and
external resources. He/She strongly believes that
the wealth that the venture may create is more
than enough to compensate for the sourced funds.
On the contrary, the owner of an ordinary
small business tends to limit the funding of his/her
business enterprise to personal resources. Loans
from external resources can be a risky undertaking
for him/her. He/She fears that financial institutions
will not be willing to extend financial assistance to
the business. In other words, he/she is already
fully convinced that he/she is pursuing the
unprogressive type of business endeavor.

Entrepreneurship has its fair share of
misconceptions, the basic of which is equating it
with the activities of ordinary small businesses.
Listed below are some common misconceptions
on entrepreneurship. Knowing them will enable
you to understand the concept of entrepreneurship


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