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Handout 1: Identifying our Annual School Priority Areas (2023-24)

1. For each domain, 1 core standard and its parameters for each level, are shared.
2. Please tick mark all the parameters that apply for your school, in the majority of
situations (75-80%), in L1, L2 & L3
3. Our authenticity and objectivity in ticking would ensure that we understand our
school priorities with greater accuracy.

1. Domain - Effective Teaching Learning

This involves strategic planning, understanding children and the creation of an optimal
learning environment for children in the classroom.

Core Standard - Enabling Learning Environment

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

a) Teachers address a) Teachers make all a) Teachers create a

learners by name learners comfortable conducive and
and involve them in interactive
b) They make basic class activities environment in the
resources available classroom
for teaching-learning b) plan and organize
group work/activities b) encourage peer
and display learning/interaction
learners’ work and
charts, etc. on the c) Provide opportunity
wall for expression

c) TLMs are d) appreciate the views

accessible to all of all learners

e) encourage
of ideas

No. of ticks in L1 = No. of ticks in L2 = No. of ticks in L3 =

2. Domain - Learners Progress

Every school encourages learners to participate in all curricular areas. This is only
possible when students attend regularly and are involved fully in school activities.

Core Standard - Learner’s attendance

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

a) Teachers take and a) School provides a) School analyzes

record attendance regular information attendance data of
of learners regularly about learner all learners
attendance to
b) Identify learners parents b) ascertains whether
who are frequently the high absence
absent or not b) Identifies the rates can be
punctual reasons for associated with any
prolonged and particular category
c) Display class-wise frequent absence of learners or at any
attendance of the period of the year
learners on the c) Discusses with
school notice board learners and c) addresses the
parents about the problem with the
d) Sometimes inform implication of low help of the SMC and
parents about attendance on parent
frequently absent learning
learners d) evolves measures
d) making home visits to motivate learners
as and when and parents to
appropriate ensure punctuality
and regular

e) acknowledges and
punctuality and
regularity of learners

No. of ticks in L1= No. of ticks in L2= No. of ticks in L3=

3. Domain - Managing Teacher Performance and Professional Development
Teacher development is a continuous process of identifying teacher potential, and
developing their skills, through a systematic approach to performance review and
capacity building programmes

Core Standard - Teacher’s Professional Development

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

a) School Head a) School motivates a) School makes

ensures the and creates regular provision for
participation of all opportunities for continuous
teachers in the teachers to academic mentoring
mandatory participate in of teachers
in-service training different
programmes programmes b) Supports teachers
relevant to their in trying out
professional needs innovative ideas and
b) Seeks support from
other academic c) teachers discuss
institutions/experts collectively on
to address inputs received
difficulties faced by during training
d) reflect on the
possibility of
integration of the
acquired knowledge
and skills in
classroom practice

No. of ticks in L1= No. of ticks in L2= No. of ticks in L3=

4. Domain- School Leadership and Management

School leadership goes beyond administrative and managerial responsibilities to include

proactive practices for school transformation. It includes developing a vision for a school
and aligning all planning to it so as to improve the performance of the learners.

Domain 4 - Core Standard - Leading management of school

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

a) School Head a) School Head and a) School Head and

manages routine staff plans and staff members
activities and school manage routine collectively develop
resources (staff, activities and school a shared vision and
material and resources (staff, a strategic plan in
financial) material and consultation with
financial) parents and
b) Allocates learners
responsibilities to a b) Involve staff in
few decision-making b) distribute the
c) Takes decisions; c) School Head among the staff
acts on the orders communicates members on the
and instructions details of the SDP basis of mutual
received from the and provides clear consensus and
authorities for directions to staff areas of expertise
compliance members and takes
the lead for its c) Take action with
d) communicates effective mutual support,
decisions implementation monitor and
evaluate the
e) Shares the orders progress collectively
and instructions

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Domain 5: Inclusion, Health and Safety

The idea that ‘all children can learn’ forms the underlying basis for ‘universalization’ of
education. This necessitates inclusion of children with diverse backgrounds into the
ambit of schooling. Inclusion not only means ‘including all’, but also providing equal
opportunity to every child.
Domain 5 - Core Standard - Psychological Safety

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

a) School adopts a
a) School is a) School staff is trained to structured approach
aware of the recognize signs of sexual/ to ensure emotional
policy on child physical/ substance safety of all children
abuse and abuse which includes
exploitation awareness building
b) school creates awareness through dialogue
b) Does not allow among children to and discussion,
corporal differentiate between
punishment or ‘good touch’ and ‘bad b) programs on child
verbal abuse touch’; abuse, sex and
c) screens all digital/ education, regular
non-digital learning one-on-one
material for objectionable counseling
content sessions, dialogue
to resolve
d) ensures no child is left complaints and
alone in isolated/ dark grievances
c) checks the
e) also ensures that there is implementation of
no adverse psychological the policy on
impact on children due to emotional safety
work overload by spacing and reviews the
out assignments, same on a regular
assessments, etc. basis;

f) has a mechanism to d) conducts counseling

address complaints and sessions for children
grievances of children and parents to ease
and parents; out child anxieties
related to curricular
g) Undertakes background overload and
checks of all adults pressure of
working in the school performance

e) helping children
develop coping
regular career
counseling sessions
are also held for
No. of ticks in No. of ticks in L2= No. of ticks in L3=

Domain 6: Productive Community Participation

Working together with community members is critical to school development. The
school needs the support of the community for achieving its objectives and providing
quality education to its learners.

Domain 6 - Core Standard - School Community Linkages

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

a) School and
a) Parents and a) School interacts community jointly
community with the community assess the needs of
members are invited and discusses the the school;
to school functions issues relating to
the socio- economic b) Identify available
b) School informs background, resources, plan and
parents about the enrolment, optimally use them
facilities available in attendance, etc. of for the development
the school and learners of the school;
challenges currently
faced b) SMC mobilizes c) School and
resources for community reach
maintenance of the out to other sources
school and for such as NGOs,
improving its corporate bodies,
facilities alumni, etc. to
mobilize resources
c) School and
community jointly
organize functions
within the school
and in the

No. of ticks in L1= No. of ticks in L2= No. of ticks in L3=

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