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UNIT 12:

1, Wind energy and solar energy are examples of an inexhaustible source of

energy which does not affect the environment when exploited or in other
words, these are two environmentally friendly energy sources.

2, Renewable energy, with hydropower at the core, also saw an increase in

structure from 11% in 2010 to 14.7% in 2015 and 18.4% in 2018. But by 2019
renewable energy will drop to just 15.8% although this year saw a strong
growth in solar power.

3, Vietnam has successfully developed many solar energy projects with

more than 100 projects having signed power purchase agreements (PPAs)
with Electricity of Vietnam (EVN).

4, While humanity's energy consumption needs are limitless, natural

resources are finite and their ability to regenerate requires a very long time,
possibly up to millions of years.

5, USAID is supporting Vietnam's transition to a more resilient energy

sector driven by renewable energy.

UNIT 11:

1, Today, the delegation of the Central Steering Committee on

Anti-Corruption led by Politburo member, Standing Deputy Prime Minister
Truong Hoa Binh, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee as the head of
the delegation inspected, supervised and urged anti-corruption work at
the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
2, Never before has anti-corruption work been directed so strongly,
synchronously, drastically and effectively as in the past time, thereby
leaving a prominent mark and creating a high consensus in society.

3, Corruption has been gradually curbed and prevented, making an

important contribution to maintaining political stability, socio-economic
development, and strengthening the trust of officials, party members and
people in the Party, State and regime.

4, The work of recovering assets appropriated and lost in cases directed by

BCD continued to have positive changes.

5, The General Secretary - the President emphasized: Corruption must be

detected and handled right in the anti-corruption agencies.

UNIT 10:

1, The US Embassy in Vietnam Daniel J. Kritenbrink expressed his

impression of the Vietnamese government's active and transparent
COVID-19 prevention and control process, appreciated the measures taken
by the education sector in ensuring the health and safety of students and
was ready to support the proposal of the Minister of Education and

2, In the context of the complicated development of the COVID-19

pandemic, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has
announced that international students holding F-1 and M-1 visas in the US
will have to return home if the program is a 100% online course in the next

3, According to the Associate Professor, Doctor and Principal of Hanoi

University of Science and Technology Hoang Minh Son, universities need to
choose sterling cooperation programs when linking and only transparent
and open cooperation will be long-term and high-quality.
4, According to statistics based on data from the Institute of International
Education (USA), in 2017 the number of Vietnamese students studying in
English-speaking countries was over 60,000 students, including high
school, undergraduate and graduate systems with an annual increase by
5-8% in the level of students studying abroad. The total cost of studying
abroad for Vietnamese people is nearly 2 billion USD per year.

5, The Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee and the Singapore Ministry of
Education made a cooperation commitment to create, expand, and
improve the quality of education as well as to gather and disseminate best
practices to address the educational challenges of each side.


1, On the morning of January 8th in 2021, the Ministry of Finance held an

online conference to review the work in 2020 and implement the financial
- budgetary tasks in 2021. Politburo member, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan
Phuc attended and delivered a speech at the conference.

2, Speaking at the conference held by the Department of Debt

Management and External Finance on reviewing the work of 2021 and
implementing the tasks of 2022, Ms. Nguyen Xuan Thao - Deputy Director
of the Department said that it was expected that by the end of 2021, all
debt targets would be within safe limits approved by Congress.

3, In the context of economic growth in most regions, economies have

slowed down, Vietnam's economic growth has recovered clearly and GDP
increased by an average of 6.84% in the period from 2016 to 2020, which is
higher than the planned target and is the highest increase in the last three
planning periods. This result is an important premise for Vietnam to join
the group of high-middle-income countries by 2025.

4, Some major international financial institutions have made positive

comments on Vietnam's economy. United Oversea Bank forecasts that
Vietnam's economic growth achieved in 2021 will be quite high at 7.1%.
HSBC Bank's Economic Research Division also forecasts Vietnam's growth
in 2021 to be 6.6%.

5, Regarding Vietnam's unemployment rate, the IMF estimates it will fall

from 3.3% in 2020 to 2.7% in 2021, then continue to decrease to 2.4% in 2022.
These are the positive signs of Vietnam's economy compared to the
common situation of the world.


1, The Ministers also considered the report of the ASEAN Transit Transport
Coordinating Committee and had policy discussions on the recovery plan
for transport affected by the Covid-19 pandemic according to the meeting
report on the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework (ACRF) adopted
at the 37th ASEAN Summit.

2, The Ministry of Transport is studying the opening of cross-border

transport connections and implementing "Single windows
inspection/Single stop inspection" checks at border gates with
neighboring countries in order to connect multimodal transportation
networks for cooperation purposes and to exploit the transportation of
goods and passengers.

3, The Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam has just sent an express

document to airlines, the Southern Airport Authority, the People's
Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, the Consular Department of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and the Immigration Department of the Ministry of Public
Security on the temporary suspension of passenger entry at Tan Son Nhat
International Airport.

4, With the experience of deploying repatriation flights between Vietnam

and Canada in 2020, Vietnam Airlines has urgently coordinated with
domestic and foreign agencies to complete the legal, technical and
personnel requirements for the flights to Canada this year. In particular,
the procedure for a flight license from the Canadian aviation authority is
the most complicated one which has taken up to 4 months for Vietnam
Airlines to complete.

5, According to the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam, there are only

about 30 foreign airlines from Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle
East and France to operate flights transporting cargo, diplomats, experts,
investors, skilled workers and foreign students to Vietnam.


1, According to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Vietnam needs to

mobilize an additional $35 billion for climate change response activities in
the next decade, from 2021 to 2030.

2, The World Bank Board of Directors has approved a total of $422 million
in financing to support Vinh Long City to increase its climate resilience and
improve the quality of three national universities.

3, On the afternoon of March 25th in 2021, the British Embassy in Vietnam

and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Vietnam
co-organized the workshop "Adapting to climate change in urban
contexts". The workshop took place within the framework of the 26th
United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) which will be held
in November 2021.

4, The governments of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea have agreed to

cooperate on climate change in order to strengthen the capacity of the
parties for reducing and eliminating greenhouse gas emissions as well as
adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change, thereby facilitating the
economic transition of the parties towards low carbon emissions and
climate change resilience.

5, In September 2020, the Government of Vietnam submitted its Nationally

Determined Contribution (NDC) Update to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which committed to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

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