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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile


The Relative Performance Capabilities of Passive, Active and Semi-Active Car Suspension Systems
R S Sharp and S A Hassan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 1986 200: 219
DOI: 10.1243/PIME_PROC_1986_200_183_02

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The relative performance capabilities of passive,

active and semi-active car suspension systems
R S Sharp, BSc, MSc, CEng, MIMechE and S A Hassan, BSc, MSc
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds

Based on the well-known quarter car representation of the automobile suspension design problem, p d o m n c e parameters relating to
passenger discomfort, working space and tyre load variability are generated for passive, active and semi-active suspension systems.
Active systems of two types having different hardware implications are considered, and linear optimal control theory is used in each
case to derive a good set o control law parameters. The semi-active systems studied have control laws based on the fully active systems,
but are capable only of issipating energy, so that where the corresponding active system would be acting as an energy supply, the
semi-active system switches off Practically realizable switching dynamics are assumed in the calculations. Results for all the systems,
for one road surface roughness and vehicle speed, are generated in a form which allows comparison between systems of diffient types
which have equal suspension working space requirements. The wider implications of the results are discussed, and far-reaching
conclusions about the relative capabilities and design features of passive, active and semi-active systems are drawn.

NOTATION work concerned with active systems, reviewed in a

general ground vehicle context by Hedrick and
C passive damper coefficient Wormley (3) and by Goodall and Kortum (4), a clear
D discomfort parameter, the root mean square picture of how much can be gained by using active
value of the I S 0 2631 weighted vertical body elements does not appear to have emerged. Thompson
acceleration (5), however, does suggest substantial performance
f frequency (Hz) gains, having derived his control laws by application of
k passive spring stiffness a form of stochastic linear optimal control theory.
kl, kfz ,k,, , kf4 full-state feedback system gains Semi-active system behaviour has been studied by
kll, k12, k,, , k,, limited-state feedback system gains Crosby and Karnopp (a), Karnopp et al. (9, Karnopp
L dynamic tyre load parameter, the root mean ~

(8), Margolis (9, 10) and Sireteanu (11). In references (6)

square value of the tyre load variation from the
to (lo), the semi-active device is a variable-rate damper
mean value which is considered to provide a force equal to that
S mean square spectral density function which a fully active system with a good control law
U actuator control force would give, except that when the active system acts as
U vehicle speed an energy supplier, the semi-active system switches off.
W suspension working space parameter, the root
As long as the vehicle model contains no wheel mass (6,
mean square value of variation in wheel-to-
7, 9), a good control law involves the actuator provid-
body displacement from the mean value ing force proportional to absolute body velocity, but
XO absolute vertical displacement of road surface this law can be improved upon considerably when the
input system has more than one degree of freedom. In refer-
x1, -% absolute vertical displacement and velocity of ence (ll),the damper is supposed to give a force which
is high for low relative velocities, and conversely, and to
x2, i 2 absolute vertical displacement and velocity of
switch off if it is moving away from its centre position.
body The effectiveness of this type of damper appears to
6 damping as a proportion of critical of passive depend on the forcing being sinusoidal.
suspension system (as a decoupled single It is indisputable that the capital cost of an active
degree of freedom system) vehicle suspension system will be considerably greater
U road surface roughness coefficient
than that of a conventional passive arrangement, and
V wave number
the active system may also involve significant running
costs since energy supply is, in general, necessary. To
1 INTRODUCTION determine the commercial viability of an active system,
Passive and active suspension systems for automobiles we need to quantify its performance advantages as well
have been studied extensively, while a few predictions of as its cost disadvantages. This applies, too, to semi-
the capabilities of dissipative semi-active systems have active systems, which clearly carry most of the measure-
been made. The results of Ryba (1) and of the present ment implications of active systems but which allow the
authors (2) indicate, as far as simple models can reveal, replacement of hydraulic pumps and accumulators, high
the performance capabilities and design choices avail- performance filters, pipework, actuators and servo-
able with passive systems. In spite of the volume of valves by rapidly adjustable dampers.
The primary purpose of this paper, then, is to quan-
The MS was received on 4 June 1985 and was acceptedjor publication on 20 tify the performance properties of passive, active and
January 1986. semi-active systems in such a way that they can be com-
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pared with each other. It is of course a requirement that bility due to road roughness-a particularly desirable
the active and semi-active systems have well-designed characteristic of sports and racing cars.
control laws, and it is desirable that individual per-
formance properties are considered in the comparisons.
The assessmemt made is based on theoretical results 2 SYSTEM MODELS AND CALCULATIONS
obtained from a quarter car representation of the
problem. This representation has been widely con- Passive and active system models are depicted in Fig. 1.
sidered appropriate to the study of many general issues The equations of motion of the passive system can be
in automotive suspension design, and it has been justi- written down by inspection of Fig. 1, and finding the
fied by fundamental argument in (2). The assessment is various frequency response functions relating output
also based on the assumption that the road surface has variables of interest (for example body acceleration) to
a displacement spectral density function S(v)= x/v2.’ road surface displacement input involves well-known
m3/cycle, with K = 3.14 x representing a poorer- procedures (15). The input displacement spectral density
than-average (European) quality principal road or function written in terms of frequency becomes
better-than-average minor road (12), and results are 3.14 x U’.’- 2.81 x 10-4
generated for a vehicle speed of 20 m/s. These condi- ’(f)= f2.5
f 2.5
tions were employed in (2),*so that the passive system
results obtained there apply. Results for other vehicle m2/Hz for U = 20 m/s (1)
speeds and road surface roughnesses can be deduced
from those presented, provided the wave number depen- and at any frequency the output spectral density is
dence of the road surface spectral density is not altered. equal to the input spectral density multiplied by the
In each case passenger discomfort, suspension square of the appropriate frequency response function
working space and dynamic tyre load parameters are (16). Mean square values of output variables can be
calculated, the discomfort parameter involving I S 0 fre- found by integrating the spectral density function from
quency weighting as in (1)and (2);comparisons between zero to infinite frequency (la),and frequency weighted
systems are facilitated by choosing those with equal mean square values can be obtained by applying the
working space parameters as in (2), recognizing that weighting process before integration. As in (2), in fact,
passenger comfort can always be increased if greater input has been confined to the frequency range 0.25-
working space can be made available (1,2).The signifi- 15 Hz since there is no requirement of a practical
cance of passenger discomfort and suspension working vehicle suspension system to filter the road roughness at
space as suspension system performance measures is very low frequencies, the vehicle in this case being
clear, while that of the dynamic tyre load is associated required to follbw long waves rather faithfully, and
with the reduction in a tyre’s ability to generate shear since the quarter car model is appropriate only so long
forces if the load on it is fluctuating substantially about as the vehicle body is substantially rigid. Furthermore,
the mean value (13, 14). A relatively low value of the those aspects of the suspension design being considered
dynamic tyre load implies relatively little impairment of do not affect the system behaviour higher up the fre-
shear force generation and hence vehicle manoeuvra- quency range.
The digital computer calculations have, of course,
Thc road surface spcetral dcasity used in (2) is wrongly rccorded there. been discrete, starting with a frequency of 0.25 Hz,
q v ) = 3.14 x 10-6/v2.5 is tbc correct description. The factor is Zn. evaluating the input displacement spectral density and

Body mass - - dX2

Actuator -- High-pressure supply

Low-pressure exhaust

a wheelmass --
Y‘ L
wheelmass --

I spring

Fig. 1 Quarter car passive and active suspe&on systems

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the magnitudes of the various frequency response func- spectral density and with phases determined by a
tions at this frequency, forming the output spectral den- random number generator, any phase being equally
sities of interest, storing the results, stepping through likely, giving the profile an approximately Gaussian
the frequency range in 0.25 Hz increments and repeat- probability density (18). Each run simulated six seconds
ing the steps described, and finally forming mean square of real time, but only the last four seconds of output
values by trapezoidal integration over the stored results. were frequency analysed and then used to derive mean
The calculation of mean square values for the active square values, in order to eliminate the influence of the
systems can be carried out in the same fashion, once the initial conditions and to make the outputs periodic in
control laws have been decided upon. These have been the analysis window (16).
derived by application of linear stochastic optimal For each semi-active system of interest, such simula-
control theory as described in (17). Each of two tech- tions were repeated five times with different random
niques has been employed, the first being that used by phases associated with the sine waves defining the road
Thompson (5) which implies the availability of the surface input, and the values quoted are all means taken
vehicle body height relative to the road surface as a over the five ensembles. Typical performance variations
feedback signal. This will be referred to as ‘full-state over the ensembles amount to about 2 per cent. In
feedback’ and the other, which needs no relative height order to avoid the unrealistic supposition that the semi-
sensor, as ‘limited-state feedback‘, the availability of xl, active damper can switch from on to off and conversely
il,x2 and i2 signals being assumed. By specifying dif- in an instantaneous manner, the switching action has
ferent weighting parameters for suspension working been described in the simulation as being governed by
space and dynamic tyre load in the performance index, first-order lag dynamics with a ‘break’ frequency of
each technique will yield a continuous spectrum of 16.3 Hz (time constant, 9.764 x lo-’ s), which also
control law parameters representing ‘optimal’ systems. avoids the possibility that good performance predicted
It is a feature of the optimizations, however, that the for the semi-active systems depends on very fast switch-
road surface input is treated as either an integrated or ing.
low-pass filtered white noise velocity signal and that no Calculations based on several different active system
frequency weighting is applied to the vertical body control laws, obtained by changing the performance
acceleration in order to provide a measure of passenger index weighting parameters, again allow the identiiica-
discomfort, so that the resulting laws are optimal for tion of the control law and performance parameters of
conditions which are a little different from those of those systems with one of the three standard suspension
prime interest here. Nevertheless, parameter variations working space requirements of special interest.
around the ‘optimal’ points have shown these points to
be very near optimal for the conditions of interest, and
the control laws emerging from the optimal control
theory have been used, as they are, in the subsequent Passive system results for different spring stiffnesses and
frequency response and mean square value calculations. damping factors of 0.2-1.6 in a geometric series of ratio
These calculations allow the determination of passenger 4 2 are shown in Fig. 2. The discomfort parameter, the
discomfort, dynamic tyre load and suspension working dynamic tyre load and the suspension spring stiffness
space parameters individually, and by repeating the are each plotted against the suspension working space
whole process many times for different weightings in the parameter. The performance parameters are defined as
performance index, the performance properties and the root mean square (r.m.s.) of the IS0 weighted verti-
parameter values of those systems which have each of cal body acceleration, the r.m.s. value of the tyre load
three standard values of suspension working space fluctuations about the mean value and the r.m.s. value
parameters (2) can be found. of the variations from the mean of the relative displace-
Each active system can be realized in practice by ment between the wheel and body.
combining in parallel a spring, a passive damper and an The results for each active or semi-active system are
actuator, as discussed by Thompson (5). Thus semi- more elaborate in that the passive system’s spring rate
active systems can be based on active systems with and damper coefficient are replaced by four gains, but
some damping provided by a passive damper or on they are presented in the same form with the suspension
those in which the passive damper has been omitted, working space as the abscissa. Figures 3 and 4 are for
with its function being performed by the actuator. The the active systems with full- and limited-state feedback
semi-active systems studied are of each of three types. respectively, Fig. 5 for the semi-active systems (without
Those of the first type are based on active systems with passive dampers) based on the full-state feedback
full-state feedback and have no passive damper. Those systems, Fig. 6 for the semi-active systems without
of the second and third types are based on limited-state passive dampers based on the limited-state feedback
feedback active systems, the former class including systems and Fig. 7 for the same systems but now incor-
passive dampers, the latter not. porating passive dampers which cannot be switched off.
The semi-active systems are non-linear and are there- As described in Section 2, the control laws giving rise to
fore not amenable to the frequency response based the points plotted in Figs 3 to 7 derive from optimal
analysis used for the other systems. Digital simulation control calculations in which the three components of
of their operation,.followed by digital frequency analysis the performance index are differently weighted. If a high
and summation over the spectral estimates to obtain weighting is applied to the working space, for instance,
mean square values (la), have been used instead. The systems requiring relatively little working space, but
road surface input was generated by adding together 60 sacrificing ride comfort and possibly wheel load control,
sine waves with frequencies i,4, 2, ... , 15 Hz,with result. The control laws are then used in the frequency
amplitudes chosen to properly represent the assumed response based mean square value calculations to allow
(0 IMcchE 1986 Proe Ins* Me& Engrs Vol200 No D3

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0.84 -057
1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8
- W
cm cm

Fig. 2 Performance and design properties of passive systems

I .6

1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3
-W -
cm -
cm cm
loo01 I -600001



- 1000.
4 2.8 3.2 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 !! 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 !
W -W W
an cm cm
Fig. 3 Performance and design properties of full-state feedback active
systems ‘optimized’ for different performance index weighting con-
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Q 1.6.
48 OOO

I 1
1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2


1 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Fig. 4 Performance and design properties of limited-state feedback active
systems 'optimized' for different performance index weighting con-

-8.0 I
1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8
- W W
- -
cm cm cm

950 -48

- 36

42- 24

- 12

1 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 ?

-W W
- -
cm cm cm
Fig. 5 Performance and design properties of full-state feedback based
semi-active systems without passive damping
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1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 2

Fig. 6 Performance and design properties of limited-state feedback based

semi-active systems without passive damping



4; -3000


- 1000
L .2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 ? 2
- -
cm cm cm
Fig. 7 Performance and design properties of limited-state feedback based
semi-activesystems with passive damping of coefficient k,,
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the plotting of the control law and the other per- Using Figs 2 to 7, the design and performance
formance parameters against the suspension working parameters of the various types of system which have
space. any particular requirement for suspension working
The control law of the full-state feedback systems is space can be read, and the performance properties are
(5) displayed in Figs 8, 9 and 10 for working spaces of
0.025,0.02 and 0.015 m respectively. These graphs show
= kfl(xl- xO) + kf2(x2 - xO) + kf3 jcl + kC4iZ the performance capabilities of the various systems, and
= kl(xl - x2) + kf3(k1 - ICZ) + (kfl + k2) reference back to Figs 2 to 7 will allow the design
parameters of those systems contributing to Figs 8, 9
(x2 - xO) + (kf3 + kf4)k2 and 10 to be found.
The function of the first term here can be performed by The responses of all the systems, even the semi-active
a passive spring of rate kfl, while that of the second ones, are proportional to the inputs, so that the per-
term can be carried out by a damper of coefficient k f 3 . formance parameters of any of the systems studied for
The semi-active systems must include a spring to smoother or rougher road surface-vehicle speed com-
support the body weight, but the passive damper is binations than that assumed [equation (l)] are scaled-
optional, since its function can be performed by the down or scaled-up versions of those plotted in Figs 8,9
semi-active element. The semi-active system per- and 10. For example, if the effective road roughness
formance is in general affected by the decision to constant K in equation (l), describing mean square
include or exclude a passive damper, since the semi- values, were multiplied by four, all the performance
active damper switching criterion is altered. The parameters would be multiplied by two, since they are
systems represented in Fig. 5 include a spring of rate r.m.s. values. This includes the suspension working
kfl, but no passive damper. space -parameter, so that the standard working spaces
Similarly, the control law of the limited-state feed- for which results are plotted would be 0.05, 0.04 and
back system is 0.03 m for the new conditions.
The response variables can be thought of as belong-
u = klix1 + kizxz + k13k1 + k14jc2 ing to Gaussian random processes (19), which leads to
= kll(xl - x2) + k13(kl - jc2)
the possibility of assessing, for given conditions, the
probability of a variable lying within a specified range
+ (kl + k12)xZ + ( h 3 + h4)jc2 (16).
and the results in Fig. 6 are for systems with springs of
stiffness kll and semi-active dampers providing the 4 DISCUSSION
control force {k13kl + (kll + k12)x2+ k14k2) where
possible, and otherwise switching off, while those of The results presented relate directly to the problem of
Fig. 7 are for systems with springs of system kll, designing a suspension system for specific conditions in
dampers with coefficients k13 and semi-active dampers which the road roughness-vehicle speed constant given
attempting to give the force {(kll klz)x2 (k13 + + in equation (1) is fixed, and they show that the benefits
+ k14)k21. which can be gained by using active or semi-active


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I .60
Passive system A
1.55-- __-_-_.
Full-state feedback active system B
Limited-statefeedback active system C
1.50-- ---- Semi-active system based on B
Semi-active system based on C (no passive damper)


9 1.35-




1.15-: -"-=;-.
a 1<-?-
- --
1.10;;---- ------______
----------.2>->--- ----_


0.90 -

Passive system A
1.85-- ----_-Full-state feedback active system B
Limited-state feedback active system C
1.80-- ---- Semi-active system based on B



Dynamic tyre load parameter -
Fig. 10 Passenger discomfort and dynamic tyre load variation for the
different systems analysed : r.m.s. wheel-to-body displacement
variations, 1.5 cm
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ferences between passive, semi-active and fully active tions under which they operate, and will probably be far
systems increase and the value of the height sensor from ideal in conditions Mering much from this one.
decreases, since the limited-state feedback systems The great virtue of fully active systems is their capacity,
become as good as those with full-state feedback. There in principle, to adapt to the circumstances under which
is never very much difference between semi-active they are operating, in particular to employ the full sus-
systems with a passive damper and those without, and pension working space to provide a desired com-
clearly space and cost considerations indicate that a bination of ride comfort and dynamic tyre load control
passive damper should not be employed in conjunction and to contribute to good handling and attitude control
with a semi-active damper. by being responsive to manoeuvring.
Static deflections occurring as a result of varying the
payload may be too great for the softer passive and
semi-active systems to be practicable without self- 5 CONCLUSIONS
levelling, while attitude changes in manoeuvring and If an automotive suspension system is well endowed
deterioration of the vehicle handling dynamics by with working space relative to the road roughness, good
encouragement of vehicle roll in cornering may also be active systems offer modest performance advantages
excessive with the least stiff systems. An interesting and over good passive systems, and semi-active (dissipative)
possibly useful feature of the active and semi-active systems employing passive springs to support the body
systems, which can be deduced from Figs 3 to 7, is that mass and rapidly variable dampers can be almost as
for any given requirement for working space under spe- good as fully active systems. As the suspension working
cific running conditions, they are much stiffer statically space becomes more restricted, the advantage of active
than corresponding passive systems giving good ride over passive systems increases, with semi-active systems
comfort. Thus it may well be appropriate to compare between them, and in extreme cases will be substantial.
the performances of semi-active systems with passive Obtaining the best performance from any particular
systems having substantially greater stiffness and sub- type of suspension over a variety of operating condi-
stantially less damping than those which perform best tions, involving road roughness and vehicle speed varia-
according to Figs 8, 9 and 10, since these ‘best per- tions and a fixed working space, requires the adjustment
forming’ passive systems will often be impracticable of suspension parameters through wide ranges. Fully
because of their low stiffness. The active systems can, in active systems are capable, in principle, of such adjust-
principle, be made self-levelling and be made to adjust ment, and through avoiding the need to compromise
the control laws in manoeuvring to obtain low steady can be made much better than fixed parameter passive
state pitch and roll angles and good handling. In a systems. By the same token, if a system using semi-
practical system, some provision for making the wheel- active damping were to include a widely variable spring
to-body displacement feedback dominant at low fre- stiffness, it could be made to perform very well, and a
quencies to avoid the possibility of the actuator drifting passive system with completely variable parameters
to the limit of its stroke would have to be made. would not be much worse, the main differences
Almost invariably in reality an automobile suspen- occurring under rough road conditions.
sion system must be designed to operate over a wide In view of the relatively high static stiffness of the best
range of road surface roughnesses. The data in (12) performing semi-active systems, it may also be possible
show that the ratio of worst-to-best mean square spec- to obtain good performance over a wide variety of
tral density constants, K, for European roads is 1O00. operating conditions with such types having fixed
This variation is compensated by two considerations. spring rates, the damper control law being to some
Firstly, it can be expected that the highest vehicle extent optimized with this constraint taken into
speeds will not be needed on the worst road surfaces, account. An appropriate further study is being con-
although this may be less true in Continental Europe sidered.
than in Britain and North America. Secondly, the best The value of the vehicle body to road surface distance
roads are probably so good that vehicle speeds much sensor is not great, unless possibly it were used to
higher than those possible now would be needed to give preview the road surface, since the limited-state feed-
a suspension problem of any significance when tra- back systems perform almost as well as those with full-
versing them. Bearing these things in mind, it seems state feedback.
reasonable to suppose that a road vehicle suspension
system should operate effectively over a 30 to 1 range of
effective mean square values, and the limitations of fixed REFERENCES
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