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47) Can you convey my message _______the boy staying

_______your house? (to by across over )

48) The film is not different ______________the book so people
prefer film ________reading book. ( to from in)
49)All the heroines are jealous _______each other.(in over of)
50) The engineer is capable _______solving any complex.
( in at of)
51) The workers ________reputed companies are ________strike.
(on at of)
52) The patient should be aware _________the side effects ______
the medicines. (to in of)
53) Mom, don’t worry ______my exam, ______the end _____the
day I manage _____finish my portion. (at to of about )
54) The house wife is tired _______her maid, she keeps
_______nagging her. (on to of)
55) She was not familiar ________the rules ________the institute
so she has to excuse herself ________her ignorance.
(for with of)
56) He gave __________the habit of smoking as doctor has
advised him to abstain __________tobacco. (into from up)
57) The whole team was relying _________the captain, but the
captain is least interested _________the game. (to on in)
58) _____the moment the students should be ashamed
_______themselves _________insulting the professor.
(At for of) 6
Daily Read the following words and the prepositions they Fill up the blanks with the appropriate preposition from the
follow given option:
Acted on Cry over Fail in Died of 1)I have never believed ________ghost _______watching ‘Fear
Aiming at Listen to Near by Seek after Files’ . (on at in before)
2)________present he is _________vacations. ( by on at in )
Inspite of Excel in Prevent from Satisfied with 3)________the twenty first century companies will prefer robot
Angry with Proud of Run over Taste for ______man. ( to by in since)
4) The child was followed _________a kidnapper. ( of in by)
Proof of Experienced in Come down Pray to/for
5)The boy studies _______the same time even does a part time job.
Afraid of Interest in In order to Compare with ( in of at by)
Due to At age Under repair Think of 6)The mother did her best ________stop her son , but he didn’t
obey her. ( at to over after)
Run behind Attention to Sick of Born to 7)_______lunch time we have an hour break. (in on at of)
Close by All over Agree to Instead of 8) Helen , the dancer got famous _________the age
________seventeen. ( of in at between)
Come from Fond of Pounced over Run after
9) Where does she come __________? (in from by on )
Relation with Busy in See through Over cast by
10) It is easier skiing ________the mountain , than climbing
Abstain from Lend to Under impression Advantage of __________. ( up on down to)
rely on Faith in on/for picnic Different from 11) The horse jumped ________the hurdles and won the medal
Given up Pity for Worry about Under Construction ________his master. (for in over to)
Spread over Jump upon Feel for Ashamed of Loyal to 12) I want _______know the exact reason _________his failure.
Aware of Familiar with Excuse for Succeed in ( of in to under)
13) When she moved her hand ______________her hair she looked
Jealous of At moment take advantage of laugh at gorgeous. ( in through on)
Capable of borrow from Tired of Punish for 14) The hunter aimed _________the bird sitting ___________the
Over dinner dispute over cheating on at fault branches. (to at in among)
At first sight In future by appointment 2 15) Once ________a time there lived a king ________ his two
children. ( to with upon in)
16) Don’t shout ___________me I ‘m your mother. Shall I talk 33) I always laughed _______the stories about the love ______first
_______your teacher about this? ( to on with at) sight. (over at)
17) I can’t come _______you, I have to look _______my little 34) Your sweater is quite different _______mine. ( of from with)
brother. ( after on with in)
35) Henil is going __________specialize ___________cardiology.
18) Suddenly one ________the wheels came out and the driver
died ________the spot.(on at of before) ( to of for in )
19) Pam is interested _________cinema _________childhood. 36) I am not satisfied ___________your performance. You need
( in for since at) _________work hard. ( with to into of)
20) His mother is ashamed _________his behavior but still he is 37) __________Hinduism it is believed that yagna leads _______
not ready to give _________drinking. ( to in up of) Purification __________air. (of in to)
21) Diya had a fast __________a week and all her cousins came 38)The CBI agent went ______CCTV footage ______Monday but
_________to her house . ( since for in over) failed _______finding the man ______the robbery. ( behind
22) I went _____________the menu, I think I will prefer hot through on to)
chocolate __________Lassi. ( to in through by) 39)The three doctors _________Maharashtra met _________an
23) The cat jumped _________the table and then ran ________ the accident died ____________tragedy. ( with of in)
mouse. ( to behind onto in) 40) The sellers are agitating ____________the government
24) Who is responsible ___________this mistake? (of for in ) __________GST _________last six months.( over since against)
25) I am fed ___________ __________my job ! Can you help me 41) The boss was disappointed _______ the performance
_________find a new job?( to at of up )
_______his staff due ______their negligence. ( of to with)
26) Minions are extremely popular ____________the children. The
children are crazy __________them. (among after to on ) 42) BJP lost the seats __________Gorakhpur
27) Mary died __________cancer . She has left lots _________few votes because ___________few people who
_________property _________her children. (for of in with) stabbed _________ , ___________. (from in behind by of)
28) India is separated ____________China _________Himalaya 43) I can’t find my book anywhere, I have been looking
Mountains. ( from in by to ) _____________it all day along.(around with for )
29) The Eskinos crawled ___________the igloo when there was a 44)Dev congratulated Nary _______ getting a job ___________ a
heavy snowfall _________. ( in into by outside)
month. ( for to within of)
30)The driver wasn’t ____fault ____the accident.(for at)
31 ) His greed ____________gold turned his daughter 45)_____least you should have talked _____his secretary as he
___________a golden statue. ( of for in into ) will see you only _______appointment. ( to by at)
32) The mother was blind ______her daughters mistakes out 46) Do you think ______future , price_______basic things will be
_______love. ( to for of with) 3 _______control? (under in of) 4

_________biotic, 1.An ________________ (accident) discharge of toxic waste has

led to pollution of the water in the river.
_________bar MINI (SMALL) 2.He has been _________ (action) in local politics for some years.
_______section MIS (WRONGLY) 3.It was an _____________________ (adventure) expedition up the
Amazon which we can never forget.
________millionaire MULTI (MANY) 4.She was very _______ (anger) when she heard what happened.
________lead OVER (TOO MUCH) 5.He gave her a __________________ (beauty) bunch of flowers
for her birthday.
_______crowded POST (AFTER)
6.Despite his age, he still retains his __________ (boy) good looks.
PRE (BEFORE) 7.He gave us a _______ (briefly) first-hand account of the event.
RE (AGAIN) 8.I have enough work to keep me ______________ (business) for
________write the whole week.
_______skilled 9.Sarah is extremely _______________ (care) of her reputation.
SUPER (BIG 10.I have always been very ____________ (caution) about
_______take spending money.
________ store 11.He is lucky to own a house that is very _____________ (centre).
NON (NO) 12.It's so ______________ (child) of her to behave in that way.
_______union 13.She decides not to be ________________ (choose) but to accept
______paid the first job offer that comes along.
14.Her mother bought an imported ______________ (circle) table
_______privileged for dinning.
_______stop 15.It was a _________ (collect) decision to stage a walk-out in
______arrange 16.He feels extremely ______________ (comfort) and relaxed in
________operate the Firsts Class cabin. 8

______aging 7

Did you see the green fungus on the loaf of bread ?

The Weather is Perfect for Running
The (whether, wether, weather) is perfect for running.
I think that (I'l, I'll, il) go for a jog.
(Exsept, Accept, Except) I'm a little bit tired,
so (maybe, maybee, mayb) I'll just walk the dog. But he seems too (hiper, hyper, hypper) for walking.
He looks kind of hard to (controll, kontrol, control).
So maybe I'll (leaf, leave, leeve) him at home,
and go for a (leasurly, leisurely, leizurely) stroll.
But all of my socks are (to, too, two) dirty,
and all of my shoes are (untyed, untide, untied).
So maybe I'll sit on the front (poorch, porche, porch).
Or maybe I'll just stay (inside, insid, insyde). I see that my kitten is (pureing, purring, puring),
and wants to (curl, cerl, curll) up on my lap.
It wouldn't be (right, wright, rite) to prevent her
from getting her (affternoon, afternoon, afternuun) nap.
It's (comfortabl, comfortable, comfortabel) here on the sofa.
My pillows are (cosy, cozy, cozey) and deep.
The weather is (perfect, purrfect, perfict) for running.
So (that's, thats, that) why I'm going to sleep.
Q1)Why did the peot prefer walking a dog to jog? Q2) Why did the poet drop the idea of taking the dog for a walk?
Q3)What excuse did the poet give for not going for a stroll? Q4) What according to the poet would be unfair with the cat?
Q5) In the end what decision did the poet take?
Q6) What adjective do you think will be appropriate for the poet.
Q7)Write dialogue writing between tow people in which one is giving excuses for not obeying the second person's order.
I did a good job this year so I 'm proud of myself.
2. I'm waiting for my boyfriend to arrive. He is very late today.
3. My little sister is afraid of dogs. A strong dog bit her on the leg when she was a child.
4. You shouldn't go swimming on a full stomach. Are you good at swimming?
5. Sara used to smoke very much so she died of cancer. Cigarettes cause cancer.
6. This sentence is so long but it's empty from of meaning.
7. She speaks English well but her letters are full of spelling mistakes.
8. I need your help. I'm relying on you to find a solution.
9. I was loyal to my fiancé but he was unfaithful. He left me for another woman. It breaks
my heart.
10. He was ashamed of his bad behaviour. He apologized to me yesterday.
11. He complained of a stomach-ache so he refused to take any food.
12. I'm looking at after my neighbour's son while she's at work.
13. I work for a big company now. I graduated last year.
14. Sue introduced me to her sister the day before last. She has a kind face.
15. This book is very interesting. Have you borrowed it from the library?
16. I bought my fiancé a watch for his birthday. He was so happy.
17. I haven't been good at French yet. – Don't worry. It takes time to learn a language.
H.W: Name______________________5th Std Date_________________
Preposition:1) Do you believe _______God? ( on in upon by)
2) _______ a beautiful day _______February sharp _______50’clock ______the morning
Lucy was born. ( at on in around)
3) Muslims fast _________the month _________Ramzan. (in since for on )
4) He has given _________smoking and has saved his life _________the clutches of cancer.
( of up to from )
5) The price __________diesel has risen recently. I gave ________my plan _______buying a
car. ( up of in )
6) There is a hole ___________the top of the hat. ( in on to )
7) The pet jumped ___________my lap I was while watching news _________T.V.
________night. (into on at in)
8) The HIV patient was crying _________acute pain so the doctors came rushing
________help him. (for with to towards)
9) Don’t laugh ____________insane people. ( on at in )
10) Patrick is fond __________music, so he is planning _________go abroad
_________training. ( to of with for)
11)Gujaratis abstain themselves _____________onions and potatoes __________Paryushan
which lasts just _________a week. (during for from)
12)I can always rely_________my father as he is capable _________solving my problem.
(on to of)
Do as directed:1)Rishi read your book. ____________( identify the type of sentence)
2)Babies hands are ________________( soft) than the adult. (Appropriate degree of adjective)
3)His mother is a principal of Somaiya college.
Interrogative adjective Possessive adjective Demonstrative adjective
4) The singer had left before the musician arrived. (Identify the tense)
5) Noun form of vacant_____________________ Sharp ___________________
6) The students jumped. transitive sentence intransitive sentence
7) Hitler had a strong hatred for Jews. (Underline and identify the type of nouns)
8)Neither the residents nor the watchmen _________the hawkers entering the building.
(stops stop)
9)The prince with his friends ________in the deep forest. (hunts hunt)
10)Write the adjective form of curiosity_____________ Adore_____________
11)No one _________ (supports support) the leader who _______(has have) committed
severe crime
12 ) We have daily practiced for the show. (Identify the part of the speech of the underlined
word) __________________
13) The instructor rode a horse to meet his son-in law. ( change the gender)
14) My friends went for camping. In __________tent ___________saw a ghost who wanted
to eat ______________. ( fill up the blanks with pronouns)

Subject Verb agreement:

1. The difficulty level of value-based questions ______ (has/have) increased.
2.Not only the natives but also the expatriates ______ (has/have) violated traffic rules.
3.Neither my friends nor my brother______. (has been/have been) honest to me.
4.The old mayor as well as the new _____ (was/were) present on the occasion of the farewell.
5.None of my answers ______. (was/were) correct. I wished one ______ (was/were) correct.
6. One of my cousins ______ (is/are) in critical list while some of his friends ______ (is/are)
seriously injured.
Change to passive:1)The class is copying my answer.
2) Sam has constructed a new house.
.Identify the figure of speech:
1.His temper was as explosive as a volcano.
2. Mike is a pig who keeps on eating whole day.
3.Six swans went swimming in the sea.
4.The wolves usually growls at night.
5. The willow tree shook her long hair.
6. Someone is knocking on the tree.
7. Little baby fast asleep, wishing you don't makw a peep. Big brown eyes smile so sweet.

1.His _____________ (coward) act of holding a child hostage is really contemptible.

2.Nowadays less people are ___________ (cruelty) to animals
3.Not all snakes are ______________ (danger) to human beings.
4.John took a ______ (depth) breath and blew into the balloon.
5. Once again he's proving himself to be a player of great __________ (able).
6.John will be in charge during the boss's _________ (absent).
7.We met quite by _____________ (accidental) at the airport.
8.She recognized him as an old ________________ (acquaint).
9.The police took quick ____________ (act) to deal with the robbery.
10.I never ever shouted at you in ___________ (angry), have I?
11.I find the constant barking of the neighbour’s dog an _____________________ (annoy
12.He is always worried about his ________________ (appear).
13.He was rushed to the hospital but was dead on __________ (arrive).
14.We must pay ______________ (attend) in class.
15.She is a woman of great ____________ (beautiful).
16.We pay our telephone bill at the _____________ (begin) of the month.
17.The naughty boys were punished for their bad ___________ (behave).
Change the sentence to negative:
1)The minister regrets for his failure .
Write a letter to your best friend survived an accident and is recovering in a
hospital. Write a letter to him/her wishing a speedy recovery.
Greetings---words expressing shock over the news of the accident---gratitude to
God for saving without major injuries---express sympathy---words of
encouragement at the time of difficulties---express regret for not being able to visit
him/her at a time when your presence would have cheered him/her---offer to visit
as soon as possible---wish a speedy recovery---prayers.

Write a letter to your best friend survived an accident and is recovering in a

hospital. Write a letter to him/her wishing a speedy recovery.
Greetings---words expressing shock over the news of the accident---gratitude to
God for saving without major injuries---express sympathy---words of
encouragement at the time of difficulties---express regret for not being able to visit
him/her at a time when your presence would have cheered him/her---offer to visit
as soon as possible---wish a speedy recovery---prayers.

Write a letter to your best friend survived an accident and is recovering in a

hospital. Write a letter to him/her wishing a speedy recovery.
Greetings---words expressing shock over the news of the accident---gratitude to
God for saving without major injuries---express sympathy---words of
encouragement at the time of difficulties---express regret for not being able to visit
him/her at a time when your presence would have cheered him/her---offer to visit
as soon as possible---wish a speedy recovery---prayers.

Write a letter to your best friend survived an accident and is recovering in a

hospital. Write a letter to him/her wishing a speedy recovery.
Greetings---words expressing shock over the news of the accident---gratitude to
God for saving without major injuries---express sympathy---words of
encouragement at the time of difficulties---express regret for not being able to visit
him/her at a time when your presence would have cheered him/her---offer to visit
as soon as possible---wish a speedy recovery---prayers.
Name_______________________5th Std Date ____________
Reading passage:-

There’s Still Gold in Those Hills America experienced a “gold rush” in the middle of the
nineteenth century. Gold was discovered in the California mountains in 1848, and thousands
of people hurried there. These gold seekers were called forty-niners, named after the year
1849. Gold rushes also took place in the present-day states of Colorado, Nevada, Montana,
Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska. Now 150 years later, the mining
operations have long since been abandoned. But that doesn’t mean that all the precious metal
is gone. In fact, there’s still gold in those hills. With a little luck and a bit of work, people can
find it. They can pan for gold like the forty-niners did so many years ago.

Where to Look: Although, gold has been found in all fifty states, the best places to search are
the states in the western third of the country. Because the metal gets washed out of the
mountains by water, a gold seeker looks for a stream. A smaller creek is usually the best place
to find gold. A stream that fills with rain water from time to time will have seen a good deal of
erosion. It is in these types of streams that gold travels most easily. With much luck, gold can
be found in nugget form, but most often it appears as small flakes. Gold is very heavy and
sinks. A miner might look for a little waterfall in the stream. Gold may be below it. Also, gold
gets trapped deep down along the banks where the creek bends. It might also be found
immediately downstream of a boulder or rock formation in the stream.

Getting to the Gold: A shovel is needed to dig up the rocks in the stream where there might be
gold. Also needed is a pan that looks like a pie plate. Gold-panning pans are still sold at sports
stores and hobby shops. Knowing how to care for the pan is important. Any grease or oil in
the pan needs to be removed. If there’s anything slick in the pan, the flakes of gold will be
washed out. The oil from a person’s fingers is enough to make this happen. Heating the pan on
a fire or the stove is the suggested way to get rid of the oil. Now it is ready to be used for
panning! A gold seeker digs up a shovelful of gravel from the stream and puts it into the pan.
He then dips the pan into the stream and allows the water to soak the material. He shakes the
pan a few times to let the heavier bits settle to the bottom. Then the pan is tipped slightly so
that the grass, leaves, pine needles, and any other material float out. The gold will begin
sinking to the bottom of the pan. The panner will want to get rid of the remaining rocks and
gravel, but he doesn’t want to use his hands. The oil left behind by fingers will wash the gold
out. Instead of using a stick, he scrapes out the top inch or so of gravel.

More Water: Unless a gold seeker spies a nugget in the pan (what luck!), he needs to add more
water to the mix. He swishes the material in the pan in a slow, circular movement. The pan is
tilted slightly so that the lightweight sand slips over the edge. Water is added as needed, and
the process is repeated.

Soon only a small part of the pan will be covered with concentrated material of what appears
to be black sand. The swishing motion will spread the sand out in a feather pattern. The bits of
material at the tail end of the feather are called tailings. This is where the gold bits can be
Is It Gold? : The black sand is called magnetite because of its magnetic properties. By using a
magnet, the sand can be picked up and moved out of the pan. What gold panners hope to see
left behind are flakes of gold. These can be tiny specks or larger flakes the size and shape of
breakfast cereal. But people can be tricked by the matter that twinkles like a crystal. This is
probably “fool’s gold.” The gold they want is yellow with a sheen to it. Tweezers are used to
pick out the gold flakes and place them in a container. Now the gold miner is ready to dig up
another shovelful of gravel and begin the process all over again. What if he didn’t find any
gold? He shouldn’t give up. Even the best miners didn’t find precious metal in every pan. But
like the miners of today who enjoy panning, the forty-niners knew that there was still gold in
those hills. Fill the pan almost to the top with sand and gravel from a stream.
Answer the following:-
1. What message is suggested by the title of the passage?
2. Why was the experience referred to as the Gold Rush?
3. According to the passage, where is the best place to find gold?
4. Which characteristic of gold allows it to be found in the panning process?
5. What does the word tailings mean as used in the passage?
6. What is fool’s gold?
7. What is the last step in the panning process?
Do as directed
1. With a little luck and a bit of work, people can find it. (Identify the parts of speech)
2. These can be tiny specks or larger flakes the size and shape of breakfast cereal.
(underline adjectives and circle the conjunctions)
3. In fact, there’s still gold in those hills. (identify the tense of the sentence and change
as per the instruction)
4. People were discovering gold in America. ( Change to passive sentence)
5. Even the best miners didn’t find precious metal in every pan. . ( Change to passive
6. People sell gold at a high price. (FPCT)
7. A gold seeker spies the gold in a pan. (PCT_
_________________________________________________________________8. A
small part of the pan will be covered with concentrated material of what appears to be
black sand. ( Identify adectives)
8. A gold seeker digs up a shovelful of gravel from the stream and puts it into the pan.
9. ______________________________________________________________________
Give the noun form of:
Long_____________ suggest_________________ form _______________

Change the gender :

1)The actors called the priest and invited him to perform pooja at their landlord’s house.
2)A famous heroine got married to a rich business man from Dubai.
3)The lass asked her father to put some grass for a horse and a bullock in the stable.
1) lataji the diamond of music world left us on 2nd feb 2022 isn’t it a sad news
2) the mother exclaimed eeks a cockroach in the sink
Fill up the blanks with appropriate words-
1) Veteran actor Ramesh Deo (i) away on February 2, 2022
(ii) a heart attack at the age of 93.
(i) To pass passed passing
(ii) To follow followed following

2) Tejasswi Prakash finds it cute that people are (i) ____________________ her Bigg
Boss 15 win. In an exclusive chat with, the actress opened up about
_________________ the love she received on the show was obvious.
(i) Questioning question questioned
(ii) what how which
Do as directed:

1)Sonu Sood carries an injured man on his shoulder to the hospital. (PRPT)
Change the voice from active to passive-
1)Union budget proposed five recommendations for the children’s welfare.
2)P.R. Sreejesh wins World Games Athelte of the Year Award 2021.
3)Jeff parked the car in front of the gate.
4)RBI will issue a digital rupee to control corruption.

Name_______________________5th Std Date ____________

1. They feed the elephants at the zoo twice a day.
2. In an honour to Lata Mangeshkar the Govt will construct her a huge statue.

3. The author has written a special edition for children.


4. The volunteers are helping the villagers rebuild their houses.


5. They have written letters appealing to the district administration for help.
6. Why did you do such a thing?
7. He was driving a brand–new car.

8. He had finished the work by the time we reached.

9. The government is spending very little money on the maintenance of roads.
10. Barnaby had not forgotten the sugar coated explosives.
11. A tourist guide showed us round the picturesque countryside.
12. The blind man has made the chair very well.
13. An unseen hand closed the window.
14. A. R. Rehman composed this lovely piece of music.
15. A good friend told me the news this morning.
16.Snow is covering major part of America.
17. The negligent staff instead of polio drops had given sanitizer to the twelve children.
18)The new factory will create 100 of jobs for the villagers.
19)The dancers are doing Allu Arjun’s Srivalli hook step.
20)The U.K clothing brand took to social media introducing its first –ever virtual model.
_____________________5th Std Date__________

Circle the correct answer from the given options:

“The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long".
"It_____ by Thelma Rivers".
a. was catching b. caught c. was caught d. catch
2. "I heard you decided to take up tennis".
"Yes, I have_____ every day".
a. been played b. been playing c. playing d. play
3. "Are we about to have dinner?".
"Yes, it _____ in the dinning room".
a. is serving b. serves c. is being served d. served
4. "Why is Stanley in jail?" "He_____ of robbery".
a. has been convicted b. has been convicting
c. has convicted d. convicted
5. "Where are Jack and Jan?" "They_____ the boxes you asked for into the house".
a. have been bringing b. bringing c. have been brought d. to bring
6. "Where's the old chicken coop?"
"It_____ by a windstorm last year".
a. destroy b. is destroyed c. was destroyed d. destroyed
7. "We're still looking for Thomas".
"Hasn't he_____ yet?".
a. been found b. to find c. found d. being found
8. "Whatever happened t that fortune - teller?"
"I don't know. She _____ around her in a long time".
a. hasn't seen b. didn't see c. hasn't been seeing d. hasn't been seen
9. "Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer".
"She_____ since she was four".
a. has been dancing b. has been danced c. is dancing d. was danced
10. "What a beautiful dress you're wearing!"
"Thank you. It_____ especially for me by a French tailor".
a. is made b. has made c. made d. was made
11. "Those eggs of different colors are very artistic". "Yes, they_____ in Russia".
a. were painted b. were paint c. were painting d. painted
12. "Homer is in jail for smoking marijuana".
"He_____ that it was against the law".
a. is telling b. was told c. old d. tells
13. "The maintenance people didn't remove the chairs from the ballroom".
"Don't worry. They _____ them before the dance begins".
a. will have been moved b. will have moved
c. were moved d. moved
14. Gold_____ in California in the nineteenth century.
a. was discovered b. has been discovered
c. was discover d. they discovered
15. _____ that military spending is extremely high.
a. We are felt b. It feels c. It is felt d. We feel that it is
16. All planes_____ before departure.
a. will checked b. will has checked
c. will be checked d. will been checked
17. I wanted_____ by the head of the company, but it was impossible.
a. to see b. to be seen c. seeing d. being to see
18. Katherine_____ at Bob's house every night this week.
a. has been eaten b. has eating c. is being eating d. has been eating
19. "Where did you get these old dresses?".
"We_____ them in the old trunk".
a. were found b. finding c. found d. have been found
20. "What happened to the old mail carrier?"
"He_____ to a new neighborhood to work".
a. has sent b. was send c. was sent d. sent

Name_______________________5th Std Date ____________

be mad
especially trekking award
ordinary jogging waste leisure
save indoor kid Remember

1. If you don’t like outdoor sports ,you can do _________ sports and enjoy yourself.
2. The youngsters ____________ pop music idols and they like putting up their posters on the
walls of their rooms.
3. My little brother is keen on __________ his pocket money. When I ask him for it, he never
lends me.
4. If you spend lots of hours in front of TV, that means you just _________ your precious
5. When an actor receives an _________ his fame becomes double.
6. You mustn’t watch TV shows when you have got a lot of homework. ________ when you
have an exam the next day, you had better turn it off entirely.
7. When you _________ me in front of my friends ,I feel embarrassed.
8. My father and I go _________ every morning. That’s why we feel healthy and fit.
9. I don't ___________ the meaning of it now. I need to look it up in the dictionary.
10. ________ is a long difficult journey.
11. _______ activities have the same meaning as the free time activities.
12. Maybe an __________ person in the street does not know this but you, as an educated
person, must certainly know this. Letter Writing

Due to insanitary conditions in the colony, the population of rodents has

been multiplying, exposing the residents to multiple diseases. Write a letter
to the Municipal Commissioner bringing the problem to his notice and
urging him to take urgent action in the matter. You are Suraj/Supriya, 12
MG Road, Chennai
H.W: Write a letter to the Principal of your school about many damaged and torn books
in the library.

Exercise 1
1c 2b 3c 4a 5a 6c 7a 8d 9a 10d
11a 12b 13b 14a 15c 16c 17b 18d 19c 20c


1. The elephant at the zoo are fed twice a day

2. The tsunami affected are will be surveyed by the Prime Minister.
3. A special addition has been written for children.
4. The villagers are being helped in rebuilding their houses by the volunteers.
5. The letters have been written by them appealing to the district administration for help.
6. Why was such a thing done by you?
7. A brand new car was being driven by him.
8. The work had been finished by the time we reached.
9. Very little money is being spent by the government on the maintenance of roads.
10. The sugarcoated explosives had not been forgotten by Barnaby

VOCAB:- 1. indoor

2. are mad about

3. saving

4. waste

5. award

6. especially

7. kid

8. jogging

9. remember

10. trekking

11. leisure

12. ordinary

Answers hw comprehension

1. Gold remains in some mountains.

2. People rushed to stake a claim for the gold.

3. smaller streams

4. It is heavy.

5. bits of material found in the bottom of a pan

6. bits that twinkle like a crystal but are not gold

Tejasswi Prakash finds it cute that people are questioning her Bigg Boss 15 win. In an
exclusive chat with, the actress opened up about how the love she received on
the show was obvious.
Complete the poem and give the suitable title:
Nouns are the names of things,
______________ ______________ ______________ and ______________
Pronouns take the place of nouns
Like ______________for woman or ______________ for clowns.
Adjectives describe the nouns like
______________ ducks or ______________ gowns
When something is done the adverb then
Tells how and why and where and when
People walk ______________ , actors act ______________
The man is ______________ late and the time moves ______________
Nouns are restated with apostrophes
Johnny ______________ wants to live
Verbs are action words like go
______________ ______________ ______________ and ______________
Nouns positions are easy to see just find preposition
______________ the tree , ______________the time and ______________the kitchen .
Participle pharses end in ‘ing’ or’ ed’ and describe
___________________, the man gave the cop a bribe.
Conjunctions like _____________, _____________ , ______________
joins two sentences
And articles like ________ __________or _________don’ t care for the verb or its tenses.

8) The child cries for his dead mother. ( past continuous tense)
9) Rana Pratap had a heart of lion. _________________ (Identify the figure of speech)
10) The trees giggled with children. _______________ (Identify the figure of speech)
11) Yesterday my teeth were chattering. ____________(Identify the figure of speech)
12) His talk are as sweet as jaggery. _____________ (Identify the figure of speech)
13) The police was alert ___________ patrolling at night. ( Conjunction)
14) The boy kicked the ball too hard _________it went far. (Conjunction)
Did you see the green fungus on the loaf of bread ?

Read the following Phrases

Think of the devil and devil is here.

Do not cry over the spilt milk.

Tit for tat.

Rome was not built in one day.

The key to success is hard

Underline main clause and circle subordinate clause:
1) The woman's head phone explode in her ears ,while she was on a flight .
2) Justin Bieber will be performing at the D.Y.Patil Stadium on 10th of May as a part of his
'Purpose World Tour.'
3) I could not tolerate what he said, because it was very insulting.
4)Hw saw the parcel which was too small.
5) If held carelessly the glass vase will drop into pieces.
6) My sister told me to cleaning the cluttered things while she set the table.
7) Until jam was not spread, the boy didn't eat his bread slice.
8) When the door opened, Jeffery ran to meet her father.
9) The bride got a rich groom although she was not fit for him.
10) The NRIs stopped investing since new policies were framed
Halloween is the festival celebrated on October 31st.The name of the festival means
“Hallowed’ or “holy evening” because it happens on the day before ‘All Saints’ Day’.
It is said that ‘Halloween’ is the ‘Children’s New Year’s Eve.’They dressed up in special
costumes .They eat too much and
stay up late for celebrating.
Children go around the neighbourhood wearing make-up and dressed in masks and colourful
costumes.The most common
costumes are of witches, ghosts, skeletons and popular T.V, movie and cartoon characters.
Some costumes are home made and
others are bought from the clothes shop. Children go from door to door asking ‘trick or treat’
People give them
candies, cookies ,fruits or money.
Home, stores and classroom are decorated in traditional Halloween colours :orange and black.
People place scary decoration such as witches, black cat ,skeletons, ghosts ,Jack o’-lanterns to
scare evil spirits away.
Jack o’-lanterns are the pumpkins carved to look like faces. They are placed at the door
entrance and the windows. Horror
movies and the ghosts stories are shown on T.V. on this day.
Adults and older children also celebrate ‘Halloween’ with parade festivals and costume
parties.One of the party games
popular among the children is bobbing apples/dunking the apples. The apples are put in the
tubs filled with water. People try
to get apples only using their mouths ,hands cannot be used. This day is celebrated with fun,
fear, pranks and frolic.

Circle the correct option

1.On Halloween pumpkins are carved to look like
Fruits ghosts faces

2.Children dress up to look like

Tricks ghosts pumpkins

3.People give children when they come at their door

Cookies cards costumes

4.On this day on T.V people can see

Funny movies Animation Horror movies

Q1) When is ‘Halloween’ celebrated?
Q2) Give in details what children do on ‘Halloween’?


Q3) Which are the most common costumes?


Q4) Which colours are the traditional colours of ‘Halloween’?
Q5) What to adults give to the children?

Q6) What do people place at the entrance and windows and why?

Q7)What is Jack o’-lantern ?

Q8) How do the adults and older children celebrate ‘Halloween’?
Q9)Write few lines about one of the popular party games people play on ‘Halloween’?
Underline the MAIN clause in each one:
1. While looking through the window, Sophie saw the BFG.
2. Tom saw the maid when she came through the door.
3. Grandma said I could go out to play if I finished my homework.
4. Although it was late, Sean watched the film.
5. Mr. Smith bought the paper when he was on the train

Underline the SUBORDINATE clause in each one:

1. When he had finished washing the dishes, Lee sat down.

2. She felt sad whenever she saw the picture.
3. If you eat all your dinner, you can have an ice cream.
4. Steven was brushing his teeth while his sister was brushing her hair.
5. Ryan got a prize although he was last in the race.

Underline the MAIN clause and Circle SUBORDINATE clause

1. While the lions crossed the road, the tourists stayed inside the car.
2.French is a foreign language that my aunty teaches.
3. We had a dinner, after we watched the movie.
4. The students were happy, because they passed the test.
5. Tell me the story again, before you switched off the lights.
6. God made the world, after lots of thinking.
7. The instructor kept on correcting him, until he became perfect.
8.Few books were written by hands as there were no typewriters.
9. When he returned home, he saw his house was ransacked.
10.The room was filled by a strange noise, that echoed through granny’s head.
11.Don’t direct him the route, if you are not sure.
12. She won the prize although she didn't deserve it.
Name_________5th Std_Batch________Date_____
A diary is a personal record of life’s event. It may also include personal opinion about the given topic, hopes, dreams.
Points to remember while writing a diary:
• Writing in a chronological order. Start with events that happened early in the day, and end with events that took place last thing
in the evening.
• writing the entries in the first person. Use ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘we’re’, ‘they’, etc
• Making your entries detailed, but avoid over describing what is not needed.
• Talking about events that involved you, or your familiar, or close friends. Avoid talking about strangers, and events you were
not involved in.
• If you are feeling sad, explain what is making you feel sad. If you are happy, write down why?
Include your emotions in your diary. Do not be afraid to write about your thoughts and feelings.
Sample: My First Day at School:
15th June, 2019
Dear Diary,
June 13th was an exceptional day for me. It was my first day at the school. I did not sleep because my mother told me you will
find lots of new friends to play with. I got up earlier than usual my mother helped me to dress up. My father accompanied me to
the school. I was left with so many other kids.
Everything was okay till the 10’o clock break. We left the gloomy classroom to the courtyard where the kids parents were
waiting. I looked here and there for my father but he was not there. I broke into tears. A lady of our neighbourhood came and
took me to the home-----
2) Writing about the personal opinion—
As far as music is concerned I enjoy music classes as I had always loved to sing songs and play guitar.
It was overall an exciting day,. I am really tired now, after a long day at work. I will not forget this day because it was awesome.
Exams: Personally I don’t like exams as they are too annoying. I can’t stop biting my nails.
3) Friendship: I always believe choosing good friends (polite, kind) can make friendship strong. Hopes and dreams:
Name_________________5th Std Date___________________
Diary Writing
Write a diary about the night before you going on a picnic:
H.W: Write a diary about how did you spend your yesterday at school---

Name_________________5th Std Date___________________

Diary Writing
Write a diary about the night before you going on a picnic:
H.W: Write a diary about how did you spend your yesterday at school---

Name_________________5th Std Date___________________

Diary Writing
Write a diary about the night before you going on a picnic:
H.W: Write a diary about how did you spend your yesterday at school---
You are Rahul write a diary entry expressing yours feeling before the exam.
How To Write Diary
Date: 7th June 2010 (or 7 June, or MOnday, 7 June)
Opening: Dear Diary (or any other salutation, such as Dear Me)
Inntroduction: It could be a general commeent on how the day was

Today was a great day! or Today was a boring day. Today was not s very good day----
Body: It is the main parts of the dairy entry. You could describe what happened to you or your personal feelings about something or someone. You could also
write about your plans in this part.

Today was my first day of work and I am exhausted. The factory was not what I expected at all. The machine were so loud that I did not hear the instructions
from my boss very well----

Conclusion: The diary entry can be concluded with a comment about the day,

Ex. It was overall an exciting day or the situation at that moment.

Ex: I am really tired now, after a long day at work.
Ex: I will not forget this day because.It was awesome.

Closing: Eg Love, XYZ or Bye, XYZ

H.W: Write a diary entry about how you spent your


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