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QUESTION "A text that relies on another for its own creation cannot be
said to be original". Argue against this assertion citing Ahmed Yerima's Otaelo
as a case in point.




4. NNEKA OBI CMM/19/TF/00481


Adaptation serves as a form of homage or tribute to the original work, allowing creators to

pay respect to stories that have had a significant impact on culture and literature. By adapting

a play, creators can engage in a dialogue with the original work, adding new layers of

meaning or exploring alternative narratives while acknowledging the influence of the

precursor Adaptation and Appropriation (1998), Linda Hutcheon defines adaptation as "the

process or product of taking a text or story that is already in existence and reworking it for a

different medium, a different genre, a different style, a different time." She goes on to say

that, "The point is that adaptation involves an acknowledged and often manifest relationship

between one particular adapted text and one particular prior 'original' text." Hutcheon argues

that adaptations should not be viewed as inferior to the original text, but rather as unique and

valuable in their own right. Adaptation is the reworking of a text to fit within the needs of

contemporary society. Intertextuality is more about crossovers/relationship between different

works. Intersexuality allows one to identify connections between text. Intertextuality is a

literary device used by authors to draw on text from other works to retell or tell a new story.

This paper will attempt an argument against the Assertion "A text that relies on another for it

own creation cannot be original" citing Ahmed Yerima's Otaelo as a case in point. The key

concepts needs to be properly explained, the question in it own view stands on the part of

supporting the fact that a play that relies on another for it's own creation is original, emphasis

on "argue against" Otaelo will be use to accentuate the faithfulness it renders to it prequel

that makes it original in it own “context and content”.

When "Original" is the topic of a discussion attention needs to be paid to it definition which

means. According to Mariam Webster, there are several meanings to the question "Meaning

of Original" but the one with closest meaning will be picked to do justice to the question

overall."That from which a copy or reproduction, or translation is made" agreed meaning of


Writers write because of the possibility that the original work doesn't live up to their wishes

or expectations. it is known that adaptation is a work made by other writers out of their

dissatisfaction and imagination of an original work that already existed before, the original

work (text) can also serve as an idea for the new text.

For a work to be considered original, it does not need to be completely new or unique.

Instead, it needs to express the ideas in a unique and creative way.

According to Rindia F.K

Authenticity or originality is one of the basic principles of Copyright protection. A

copyrighted work that is said to be original is not a novelty, that is, a copyrighted work is

said to be original or original, it does not have to be new or has a novelty, what is seen is the

expression of the idea. A copyrighted work is said to be original which means,

 Original does not have to be new (novelty) like a patent.

 Originality referred to in the Copyright system is original in the expression of the idea,

not original in the idea.

 It is said to be original if the copyrighted work is purely from the creator himself, not

just plagiarizing the previous creation.

 Not Original if the work contains a lot of information that is already public property.

 Originality arises from the creativity and intellectual effort of the creator and does not

simply copy.

 There is a direct correlation between the concepts that exist in the mind of the creator

and thecreation produced through the hands of the creator.

The key concepts or points of originality/ authenticity of a work ( text ) based on the

principles of copyright protection is clearly depicted in Ahmed Yerima's Otaelo.The

Summary of Yerima's Otaelo will be given after that of it prequel, Shakespeare's Othello.

After which other elements of drama will be used as a lens of criticism to further explain

where the two plays in question have synergy and differences that makes them Original in

their various forms emphasis on Otaelo.

Summary of Othello

"Othello" is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. The play tells the story of Othello, a

Moorish general in the Venetian army, and his tragic downfall. Othello secretly marries

Desdemona, a Venetian woman, which angers and manipulates his ensign, Iago. Iago plots to

destroy Othello's life by sowing seeds of doubt and jealousy in his mind, leading Othello to

believe that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him. Consumed by jealousy, Othello becomes

increasingly unstable and ultimately kills Desdemona. Upon realizing the truth, Othello takes

his own life in despair. "Othello" explores themes of love, jealousy, betrayal, and the

destructive power of manipulation.

Themes explored by Shakespeare.

One of the key themes in "Othello" is racism and prejudice. Othello is the only black

character in the play, and he's often treated as an outsider because of his race. Iago uses this

prejudice to manipulate Othello and turn him against his wife. Another theme is the

destructive power of jealousy. Othello becomes so consumed by jealousy that he's willing to

kill his own wife, even though she's innocent. Shakespeare explores the dark side of human

nature and the destructive power of unchecked emotions. Another major theme in "Othello"

is the relationship between appearance and reality. Iago is a master of deception, and he's

able to manipulate Othello by playing on his fears and insecurities. Iago knows how to

appear trustworthy and honest, even as he's plotting to destroy Othello. In contrast,

Desdemona is a character who is completely honest and sincere, but she's unable to convince

Othello of her innocence.

Summary of Otaelo

Otaelo a play written by Ahmed yarima is a play that centered around the theme of love and


Otaelo the main character who was an osu in Igbo land went to a war in which he saved the

igwe of an ibo land(have forgotten)on coming back from the war, the igwe told him to make

a wish and anything he said he should consider it done, he went ahead and said he wants the

igwe’s only daughter and in the land an osu(otaelo) cannot marry the daughter of the land

and he didn’t choose not just a daughter but he chose the princess.

Along the line they both fell in love and he gave him jigida(a waist bead) and they made an

oath of love, unfortunately out of jelousy obiageli took the bead to her husband that she

wanted him to do the kind of bead otaelo gifted his wife, the man (Agbo)took the bead to

otaelo that his wife was a cheat and convinced him if she wasn’t where did he get the bead

from, that she was having an affair with ichiagu who happens to be one of his soldiers, otaelo

ended up killing his ichiagu,smuggled princess chinyere with the bead and killed himself.

Appropriation of Context that’s makes Yerima’s Otaelo original

Yerima's "Otaelo" is a powerful and thought-provoking play that serves as a fascinating

example of adaptation, as it reimagines and reinterprets Shakespeare's classic tragedy

"Othello" within the context of Nigerian culture and society. By examining "Otaelo" through

the lens of adaptation, we can gain a deeper understanding of how Yerima has transformed

and adapted Shakespeare's original work to create a new, culturally specific, and socially

relevant piece of literature.


culture isrelocated to another context from European to African culture , the changes in

character, Othelloto Otaelo, Desdemona to Chinyere, Brabantio to Igwe Ochendu, Iago to

Agbo ,Emilia to Obiageli, Cassio to Ichiagu ,Nurse to Nene(Grandma)


Set in the Igbo village of Umuagu, south-eastern Nigeria,. Adapted from Cyprus


In Shakespeare’s Othello hanker chief is used as a live token but Yerima’s Otaelo uses Jigida

(Waist bead),paying attention to Igbo culture costume ,and how important waist bead means

to lady.


Yerima uses some Igbo terms to portray the original and richness in Igbo language and to

delineate from the European culture below are some of the words,

Ofo: A spiritual tool for connecting with the gods in Igbo cosmology

Osu: Otaelo is refer to one,which means an outcast ,someone from without a community

Jigida: Waist bead.

All are birthed by the attention paid to the prequel this further buttress on the originality of


Precursor Text: Shakespeare's "Othello"

Shakespeare's "Othello" is a timeless tragedy that explores themes of jealousy, betrayal, love,

and racism. Set in Venice, the play follows the story of Othello, a Moorish general in the

Venetian army, and his wife Desdemona. Othello's ensign, Iago, harbors a deep-seated

resentment towards Othello and manipulates him into believing that Desdemona has been

unfaithful. The play culminates in a tragic series of events that result in Othello's murder of

Desdemona and his subsequent suicide. "Othello" is renowned for its complex characters,

psychological depth, and exploration of racial and social tensions.

Adapting "Othello" to "Otaelo"

Yerima's "Otaelo" adapted the core narrative and thematic elements of "Othello" into the

context of Nigerian society. Where Otaelo, becomes embroiled in a web of jealousy,

manipulation, and betrayal. Yerima skillfully adapts the central characters and relationships

from "Othello" to reflect the social dynamics and power structures prevalent in Nigerian

culture. For example, Otaelo embodies the role of a respected military leader, while Chinyere

is portrayed as a woman navigating the complexities of life in a male-dominated


Adaptation: Cultural and Social Relevance in "Otaelo"

In addition to adapting the narrative to a new cultural setting, Yerima's adaptation of

"Othello" also addresses specific social and political issues releant to Nigeria. The play

delves into themes such as corruption, power struggles, gender dynamics, and the impact of

traditional beliefs on contemporary society. Through the adaptation process, Yerima infuses

the story with cultural nuances, language, and customs that resonate with Nigerian

audiences, making "Otaelo" a powerful reflection of the country's social realities. The

sociology of the creator (Yerima) further attest that, the lens which the creator used in

mounding his story makes it original couple with the fact that fidelity is intact.

The following will be used to back up the fact that a play that relies on another to make it

meaning is Original

1. CREATIVE SYNTHESIS: Many original works are created through the synthesis of

existing ideas, themes, and narratives. An author's ability to draw from multiple sources and

combine them in a unique and innovative way can result in a text that is original in its

approach, even if it builds upon pre-existing material.

2. INTERTEXTUALITY AS A CREATIVE TOOL: Intertextuality, which involves

referencing or alluding to other texts, can be a deliberate creative choice by the author,

Yerima in this sense did by engaging with existing works (Othello) and weaving them into

his own narrative, Yerima creates new layers of meaning and depth, demonstrating

originality in his ability to recontextualize and reinterpret existing material (Othello)

The characters, plot, and themes in "Otaelo" are directly influenced by

"Othello." For example, both plays feature a character named Othello Changed by Yerima to

Otaelo who are respected military leader, he is a warrior in Yerima’s ply and both

plays ,Prequel and the New (Otaelo) explore themes of jealousy, betrayal, and racism.

3. REINTERPRETATION AND ADAPTATION: Many original texts are born from

reinterpretations or adaptations of earlier works (Prequel or precursor). By offering new

perspectives, updating settings, or reimagining characters, these texts can breathe fresh life

into familiar stories, demonstrating originality through their transformative approach like

Yerima did with Otaelo.

4.INNOVATION WITHIN TRADITION: Originality can manifest within established

traditions or genres. A work that pushes the boundaries of a genre, subverts conventions, or

introduces innovative techniques can be considered original, even if it is influenced by

existing works within the same tradition. From European culture to Igbo culture in Nigeria.

5.ORIGINALITY OF INTERPRETATION: Even when drawing on existing sources, a

text can demonstrate originality through its unique interpretation and presentation of the

material. The way in which an author engages with and reimagines existing content can

contribute to the originality of the resulting work. Yerima's interpretation of the prequel

birthed the Otaelo

Yerima's adaptation also involves reinterpreting the characters' motivations and behaviors to

align with the cultural context of Nigeria. For instance, the character of Iago is transformed

into Agbo who exploits Otaelo's trust and loyalty within the context of military hierarchy and

political maneuvering. Similarly, the relationship between Otaelo and ChinChinyereyere is

reframed to address issues of tradition, patriarchy, and societal expectations that are specific

to Nigerian culture.


Conclusively, Yerima's "Otaelo" stands as a testament to the enduring power of adaptation in

literature. By reimagining Shakespeare's "Othello" within a Nigerian context, Yerima not

only pays homage to the original work but also creates a compelling piece of art that speaks

directly to the cultural and social realities of contemporary Nigeria. Through this lens of

analysis, we can appreciate how "Otaelo" exemplifies the transformative potential of

transposition and adaptation in bringing timeless stories to new audiences and contexts.

Originality is not solely determined by complete independence from other works. Texts that

rely on existing material can still be considered original through their creative synthesis,

reinterpretation, and innovative approaches. The ability to draw from and engage with other

texts can enrich a work's meaning and contribute to its originality.


Yerima O. (2003). Otaelo. Oxford University Press.

Wanchoo, I. L. & Chand, A. R . (2013). Othello. (Ed). Rasmed Publications Ltd.

Smith, J. (2010). A Streetcar Named Desire: A Play Adaptation. New York Publishin.

Rindia, F.K. “Adaptation Works as Original Creations from an Intellectual Property

Perspective” (2021,2022):p3. DOI 10.4108/eai.8-6-2021.2314373.


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