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Tick (✓) the correct answer A, B, or C.

1 ‘Have you finished that report?’ ‘No, not_____.’

+C yet
2 What ______ you do yesterday afternoon?
+B did
3 I ______ in the park when it started raining.
B was sitting
4 ______ you ever been to the museum?’ ‘No, this is the first time.’
C Have
5 He couldn’t remember where he ______ his car.
A had parked
6 We ______ work tomorrow.
B don’t have to
7 I ______ the gym on Thursday evenings.
C often go to
8 I put ______ salt in the pasta.
A a little
9 Hello! Come in. I’ve ____ made some coffee. Would you like some?
A just
10 ‘I don’t want to rent a horror film.’ ‘____ do I.’
A Neither
11 ______ in the sea makes you really strong.
B Swimming
12 It’s snowing. ______
C Put your hat on
13 A key is a thing ______ you use to open doors.
B which
14 ______ to the basketball match on Saturday?
A Are you going
15 She ______ invite him if she didn’t want him to come.
C wouldn’t
16 I need some advice. What ______ I do?
C could
17 This castle ______ in 1600.
A was built
18 I don’t have ______ money left, because I bought a new jacket.
A much
19 He ______ me not to tell anyone.
B told
20 What ______ you do if she doesn’t reply to your email?
A will
21 Let’s order a pizza. We don’t have ______ to cook for dinner.
B anything
22 They’ve lived in the same house ______ forty years.
A for
23 I ______ come and see you tonight if I can borrow Joe’s car.
B might
24 I think this is the _____ song on the CD.
C best
25 That case is too heavy for you. I __ you.
A ’ll help

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