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European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

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Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management:

Developments and directions
Marcus Brandenburg a,d,⇑, Kannan Govindan b, Joseph Sarkis c, Stefan Seuring a
Supply Chain Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Kassel, Germany
Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Department of Management, School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA
Department of Production Management, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sustainability, the consideration of environmental factors and social aspects, in supply chain manage-
Available online 4 October 2013 ment (SCM) has become a highly relevant topic for researchers and practitioners. The application of oper-
ations research methods and related models, i.e. formal modeling, for closed-loop SCM and reverse
Keywords: logistics has been effectively reviewed in previously published research. This situation is in contrast to
Literature review the understanding and review of mathematical models that focus on environmental or social factors in
OR in environment and climate change forward supply chains (SC), which has seen less investigation. To evaluate developments and directions
OR in societal problem analysis
of this research area, this paper provides a content analysis of 134 carefully identified papers on quanti-
OR in sustainability
Supply chain management
tative, formal models that address sustainability aspects in the forward SC. It was found that a prepon-
Sustainability derance of the publications and models appeared in a limited set of six journals, and most were
analytically based with a focus on multiple criteria decision making. The tools most often used comprise
the analytical hierarchy process or its close relative, the analytical network process, as well as life cycle
analysis. Conclusions are drawn showing that numerous possibilities and insights can be gained from
expanding the types of tools and factors considered in formal modeling efforts.
Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction logistics (Supply-Chain Council, 2008) but is not exclusively focused

on one of these areas (Cooper, Lambert, & Pagh, 1997).
The integration of environmental and social aspects with In contrast to traditional SCM, which typically focuses on eco-
economic considerations, known as the triple-bottom-line (TBL) nomic and financial business performance, sustainable SCM
dimensions of organizational sustainability (Elkington, 1998, (SSCM) is characterized by explicit integration of environmental
2004), has continuously gained relevance for managerial decision or social objectives which extend the economic dimension to the
making in general and for supply chain management (SCM) (Carter TBL (Seuring & Müller, 2008a). In this context, SSCM focuses on
& Rogers, 2008) and operations management (Drake & Spinler, the forward SC only (Seuring & Müller, 2008a) and is comple-
2013; Kleindorfer, Singhal, & van Wassenhove, 2005) in particular. mented by closed-loop SCM (CLSCM) (Guide & van Wassenhove,
Organizations have rethought and redefined the concept of oper- 2009; Lebreton, 2007) including reverse logistics, remanufacturing,
ations management using the supply chain (SC) perspective through and product recovery.
the incorporation of upstream (input) and downstream partners The increasing importance of this field, academically, socially,
(output) into the boundary of investigation and management and economically, is reflected by the geometric growth of related sci-
(Bettley & Burnley, 2008). Traditionally, SCM has been defined as entific publications during the past two decades and especially so in
the management of physical, logical, and financial flows in networks the past decade (Min & Kim, 2012; Seuring & Müller, 2008a). In addi-
of intra- and inter-organizational relationships jointly adding value tion to a large variety of empirical research papers that utilize field
and achieving customer satisfaction (Mentzer et al., 2001; Stock & research, case study, and broad-based empirical surveys, numerous
Boyer, 2009). From a process-oriented or cross-functional perspec- publications employ formal, mathematical models for practice and
tive, SCM comprises planning, sourcing, production, and distribution theory-driven research. Models are a simplified representation or
abstraction of reality, and related research differentiates between
conceptual models defined as a set of concepts suitable to represent
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Supply Chain Management, Faculty of Business but not explain real-life objects or processes and quantitative
and Economics, University of Kassel, Untere Königsstr. 71, D-34117 Kassel,
models that are based on a set of variables and their causal relation-
Germany. Tel.: +49 561 804 7517.
E-mail address: (M. Brandenburg). ship (Bertrand & Fransoo, 2002; Meredith, 1993).

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
300 M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

For CLSCM, quantitative models are often applied and practical 2.1. Literature reviews prior to 2008
(Fleischmann et al., 1997; Srivastava, 2007; Sasikumar & Kannan,
2008a, 2008b, 2009). In contrast to this circumstance, the majority The earliest related literature reviews (Gungor & Gupta, 1999;
of models employed for SSCM are more conceptual. Only about one Kleindorfer et al., 2005) identify green product and process devel-
out of nine papers on SSCM utilizes formal models (Seuring & Mül- opment, green operations management, remanufacturing, and
ler, 2008a). In recent years, the quantity of formal modeling efforts CLSCM as areas to integrate planet- and people-related issues into
has started to increase. SCM, but the reviews do not include social aspects of SSCM.
It is evident from literature that (reverse-oriented) CLSCM mod- Bloemhof-Ruwaard, van Beek, Hordijk, and van Wassenhove
els are more popular (Ilgin & Gupta, 2010; Min & Kim, 2012), but a (1995) focused on operations research (OR) applications in the
significant number of (forward) SSCM models do exist (Hassini, context of environmental management (EM) and suggest a con-
Surti, & Searcy, 2012; Min & Kim, 2012; Seuring & Müller, 2008a; ceptual SC-EM-framework. Daniel, Diakoulaki, and Pappis
and Seuring, 2012), many of which are quite recent in develop- (1997) apply this framework in their survey of OR-related envi-
ment. A comprehensive review of these models is not currently ronmental planning and categorize related OR methods into
available and thus it is timely to take an ‘inventory’ of the research. descriptive approaches for observation and analysis and norma-
The lack of a comprehensive understanding of modeling-based tive methods for solution identification. ReVelle (2000) provides
SSCM research is surprising since the non-sustainability modeling an overview on the application of OR methods for the manage-
field has a well-developed traditional research focus on forward ment of water resources, solid waste, and air quality and outlines
SCM. It may be that research focusing on CLSCM has caused many different normative models for these areas. Sbihi and Eglese
modeling researchers to overlook this forward SCM field in context (2007) focused specifically on combinatorial optimization prob-
to sustainability. lems in green logistics, which comprises reverse logistics, waste
To help further catalyze research in this area, which has management, and vehicle routing and scheduling. While these
numerous opportunities to improve organizational, industrial, early published reviews paved the way for SSCM research, they
and commercial sustainability, further understanding of the are not able to inform on current developments and future trends
common and unique modeling characteristics is needed. Some of related model-based research.
SSCM reviews currently exist, but most of these reviews are
descriptive (e.g. Carter & Rogers, 2008; Fleischmann et al., 2.2. Literature reviews after 2008
1997; Seuring & Müller, 2008a). Although somewhat descrip-
tive, this paper provides additional insightful discussion, Recent reviews of SSCM literature can be categorized as either
analyzing a number of important field advancing questions as general or focused on empirical research or quantitative models
discussed below. and metrics. Table 1 overviews 14 recent reviews regarding their
Which aspects and factors are considered in existing quantita- research focus and characteristics, such as time horizon, number
tive SSCM models? What are the limits of these models and what of reviewed papers, main journals, employment of keyword search
issues remain? What feasible and fruitful opportunities for and content analysis as well as taken perspectives on SCM and
further research exist? To help understand the history and sustainability.
direction of SSCM modeling efforts and to answer these ques- In contrast to reverse logistics or remanufacturing, OR meth-
tions, this paper presents a content analysis (Krippendorff, odologies and analytic approaches for forward SSCM play a
1980; Mayring, 2002, 2008) of related literature to assess recent subordinate role in the published research (Ilgin & Gupta,
developments and future directions of quantitative, formal mod- 2010; Min & Kim, 2012). As shown in Table 2, approximately
eling in the SSCM context. The rich descriptions offered and the only one out of ten SSCM papers employs a research method
overall lines of research identified this way, often have tremen- which is based on quantitative models using formal OR model-
dous impact on future research. Therefore, we also discuss ing techniques.
overarching lines of research as well as gaps and future research With regards to the SCM perspective, extant research shows
directions. that sustainability is often externally motivated by government,
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the next customers, or stakeholders (Gold, Seuring, & Beske, 2010a,
section, a brief overview of related literature reviews on SSCM is 2010b; Seuring & Müller, 2008a). The literature also shows that a
given. The subsequent section describes the methodology applied vertical coordination and a SC-wide implementation are required
in this paper and is followed by a representation of the results (Carter & Rogers, 2008). In contrast to this focus, empirical research
obtained by the content analysis. Remarks comprising the summa- on SSCM mainly focuses on single firms and neglects inter-organi-
rized findings and a related discussion, limitations, and future re- zational aspects (Carter & Easton, 2011). This conflict leads to the
search perspectives conclude this paper. question of whether model-based research takes into account the
intercompany perspective and if the role and influence of legal
authorities or other stakeholders is adequately reflected in quanti-
2. Insights from previous literature reviews tative SSCM models. Furthermore, Hassini et al. (2012) show that
sustainability metrics are most often designed for manufacturing
To justify the need for the content analysis presented in this pa- firms. Hence it should be assessed which SC sectors are in the focus
per and to position its results to extant scientific research, former of model-based SSCM research.
reviews of scientific literature on SSCM are summarized. Existing Holistic approaches of SSCM that reflect all three sustainability
literature reviews on SSCM can be categorized into reviews pub- dimensions are relatively rare in the academic literature (Seuring
lished prior to 2008 and recent reviews published within the last & Müller, 2008a). However, empirical research shows the growing
five years. The purpose of this background on previous literature relevance of multiple sustainability dimensions (Carter & Easton,
reviews is to help derive relevant information and structures for 2011). Given that SSCM can positively influence a firm’s profitabil-
this study. The background literature also helps to identify open is- ity, performance, and competitive advantage (Carter & Rogers,
sues in model-based SSCM research. These recent reviews are as- 2008; Gold et al., 2010b; Golicic & Smith, 2013), SSCM research
sessed with regards to SCM perspectives, e.g. level and actor of tends to focus primarily on environmental issues (Seuring &
analysis, sustainability, i.e. the dimensions of the TBL, and Müller, 2008a), while social facets are widely neglected in empirical
research designs. (Gold et al., 2010a) and in analytical SSCM modeling research
M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312 301

Table 1
Recent reviews on SSCM literature.

Research focus Author(s) and year Time Number of Main journalsa Keyword search Perspective on SCM – sustainability
horizon reviewed – content
papers analysis
General Carter and Rogers (2008) n.a. n.a. n.a. No – no Undisclosed – TBL
Seuring and Müller 1994–2007 191 JCLP, POM, IJPR Yes – yes Forward – TBL
Min and Kim (2012) 1995–2010 519 JCLP, IJPR, IJPE, Yes – yesb Forward and reverse – TBL
Empirical Gold et al. (2010a) 1994–2007 70 JCLP Yes – yes Forward – TBL
Gold et al. (2010b) 1994–2007 70 n.a. Yes – yes Forward – TBL
Carter and Easton (2011) 1991–2010 80 TRE No – no Undisclosed – TBL
Sarkis, Zhu, and Lai 1995–2010 150 n.a. No – no Forward and reverse – environmental
Sarkis (2012) 2000–2010. 100 n.a. No – no Forward and reverse – environmental
Golicic and Smith (2013) 2000–2011 77 n.a. Yes – no Undisclosed – environmental
Quantitative Ilgin and Gupta (2010) 1999–2010 540 n.a. No – yesb Forward and reverse – environmental
models and
Dekker et al. (2012) n.a. 60 n.a. No – no Forward and reverse logistics –
Hassini et al. (2012) 2000–2010 87 IJPR, IJPE, EJOR Yes – yes Forward and reverse – TBL
Seuring (2012) 1994–2010 36 JCLP, EJOR, IJPE, Yes – yes Forward – TBL
Tang and Zhou (2012) n.a. 56 n.a. No – no Forward and reverse – TBL
Not including journals with a pure empirical focus.
Only rough categorization based on very few categories and dimensions.

Table 2
Relevance of forward SSCM formal models in scientific research.

Author(s) and year Size of initial paper sample Number with SSCM formal models Share (%)
Seuring and Müller (2008a) 191 21 11
Min and Kim (2012) 519 46 9
Hassini et al. (2012) 707 87 12
Seuring (2012) 306 36 12

Note: The remaining literature reviews did not contain information required for these calculations.

(Tang & Zhou, 2012). Tang and Zhou (2012) observe that environ- prevalent than conceptual or formal modeling research designs
mental factors in quantitative models mainly include the consump- (Seuring & Müller, 2008a). It has also been found that forward
tion of natural resources and the emission of waste and pollution, SSCM research can benefit from OR applications, ideally combined
while social aspects are related to only customers and producers. with rigorous empirical studies (Min & Kim, 2012; Seuring, 2012).
Assessing the literature’s usage of the three sustainability dimen- But the findings in these papers have only started to identify these
sions in greater detail, e.g. which metrics are suitable to represent concerns, and further investigation can provide additional insights.
sustainability factors in formal SSCM models and which perspec- For example, a sectoral focus of scientific SSCM research is of par-
tives are taken in holistic SSCM models, would identify what ave- ticular interest, which is not yet covered in model-based SSCM re-
nues exist to further integrate holistic TBL measures and the search. Empirical studies focus on transportation, textile, and
resulting performance impacts into SSCM formal modeling. consumer products sectors while the automotive, chemical, and
In contrast to SSCM research in general, which focuses on ‘win– electronics industries have fewer investigations (Carter & Easton,
win’ approaches to sustainability (Seuring & Müller, 2008a), formal 2011; Gold et al., 2010a, 2010b). Again, determining whether mod-
modeling research is dominated by trade-off based modeling ap- el-based SSCM research considers similar sectoral emphasis would
proaches (Seuring, 2012). An assessment of the main purposes provide insight into what sectors are underrepresented and also
(descriptive or normative) of SSCM models still requires investiga- shed light on why certain sectors might be overrepresented. A po-
tion. Although a lack of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) ap- tential mismatch can be predicted by the fact that papers on SSCM
proaches for green logistics seems to exist (Dekker, Bloemhof, & metrics preferably deal with manufacturing sectors such as auto-
Mallidis, 2012), preferred types and techniques for forward SSCM motive or electronics industries (Hassini et al., 2012). Identifying
models have not been identified and analyzed. This lack of identi- a sectoral preference or lack thereof can provide guidance to policy
fication of prevalent modeling approaches is in contrast to Ilgin’s makers and researchers on what sectors need further academic and
and Gupta’s (2010) findings for green (re-)manufacturing and policy intensive modeling research.
product recovery, where discrete-event simulation (DES), fuzzy
logic, genetic algorithms (GA), and mixed-integer linear program-
ming (MILP) are identified as preferred modeling techniques. 2.3. Research questions
The research design is important to consider in the literature
review because it can help identify the current situation in the field To assess research developments and directions for formal
and how it may be advanced by varying research methodology. modeling in forward SSCM, we ask the following research
Previous research has found that empirical SSCM studies are more questions:
302 M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

1. Which SCM dimensions exist with formal models for SSCM? brary services (Seuring & Gold, 2012). This approach is especially
2. Which sustainability aspects of forward SC are reflected in these recommended for covering a specific topic that can be broadly ad-
models? dressed. Complementary, the paper search can be focused on se-
3. Which models and tools are employed in quantitative SSCM lected journals. This allows employing a broader search string
research? and thus makes it easier to assess all related papers on a certain to-
4. What research designs exist and which future directions should pic, although some relevant papers in other journals might be
be addressed? missed (Seuring & Gold, 2012). These keyword-based searches
can be complemented by cross-referencing for further relevant
Sustainability aspects within one or more industry sectors, e.g. publications (Athanasopoulou, 2009) or by employing bibliometric
CO2 emission of the manufacturing industry, or within geograph- software (Linnenluecke & Griffiths, 2012). These complementary
ical regions or macro-economies, such as rural, poor areas or search strategies were combined, resulting in four steps of paper
developing countries, are included in our analysis. The paper’s collection applied in this paper.
focus is on formal, quantitative models capable of predicting In a first step, all papers reviewed by Seuring (2012, 36 papers)
the outcome of actions or theoretically evaluating various and Hassini et al. (2012, 87 papers) were considered. This reflects
dynamic properties of complex problems (Mikkola, 2005). In the broad searches in databases (Emerald, Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Ebs-
remainder of this paper, the terms ‘‘formal’’ and ‘‘quantitative’’ co, Scopus, Metapress) which were performed by these authors and
will be used interchangeably for models that include (descriptive limited by them to particular keyword combinations (e.g. ‘‘(sustain-
and normative) OR methods but exclude statistical approaches, able OR green) AND (supply AND chain)’’). Fifty-six papers reviewed
e.g. regression or structural equation models, to evaluate empiri- by Tang and Zhou (2012) were additionally taken into account.
cal data. Forty-six out of the total 179 papers matched the four filtering crite-
ria for this study and were the initial sample set. Hassini et al. (2012),
Seuring (2012) and Tang and Zhou (2012) identified Decision Support
3. Methodology
Systems (DSS), European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Inter-
national Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), International Journal of
3.1. Content analysis
Production Research (IJPR), Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP), and
Transportation Research Part E (TRE) as relevant journals for quanti-
To address the four research questions, a thorough review of pa-
tative SSCM models (see Table 1 in Section 2.2 or Table 6 in Sec-
pers on quantitative models for SSCM is performed. To ensure the
tion 4.1 for the distribution of the 46 papers over these journals).
required methodological rigor, this literature review employs the
Two reviews published in 2012 were not considered in this first step
systematic process of content analysis (Krippendorff, 1980; Lage
due to an undisclosed paper sample (Min & Kim, 2012) or a func-
Junior & Godinho Filho, 2010) that consists of four iteratively exe-
tional and purely environmental focus (Dekker et al., 2012).
cuted steps (Mayring, 2002, 2008):
In a second step, a journal-specific search was performed which
was limited to the six journals using the broader search string
Step 1. Material collection: The material to be collected and the
‘‘sustain’’ in title, abstract, and keyword fields. This journal-
unit of analysis are defined and delimited.
specific search resulted in 1016 papers out of which an additional
Step 2. Descriptive analysis: Formal aspects of the material are
81 papers matched the four filtering criteria and hence were
selected for the review.
Step 3. Category selection: Structural dimensions including the
In a third step, the paper sample was completed by cross-refer-
major topics of analysis and related analytic categories
encing using ReVelle (2000, 39 papers), Radulescu, Radulescu, and
with detailed classifications of each structural dimen-
Radulescu (2009, 30 papers), and Seuring (2012, 8 papers). Six pa-
sion are selected to be applied to the collected material.
pers out of these 77 cited manuscripts matched the four filtering
Step 4. Material evaluation: The content of the papers is ana-
criteria and hence were selected for the review.
lyzed according to the structural dimensions and ana-
In a fourth step, the literature sample was validated by employ-
lytic categories to identify relevant issues and to
ing the bibliometric software HistCiteTM (version 12.03.17) (Gar-
interpret the results.
field, 2004). With this software, 25 manuscripts were identified
that were cited by at least five of the selected papers. All but one
3.2. Material collection of these 25 manuscripts describe a particular modeling method
(e.g. Saaty, 1980, 10 citations from the paper sample) or literature
This literature review is bounded to only include: (a) scientific reviews on SSCM models (e.g. Bloemhof-Ruwaard et al., 1995, 9
research from the last 15 years; (b) formal models; (c) SSCM; and citations) or were already included in the paper sample (e.g. Sheu,
(d) forward SC. Hence, each reviewed paper had to match four Chou, & Hu, 2005, 8 citations). One additional paper (Handfield,
filtering criteria: Walton, Sroufe, & Melnyk, 2002, 7 citations) from these 25
manuscripts, which was not identified by the first three data col-
(a) The manuscript must be written in English language and lection steps, matched the four filtering criteria and thus was
published in peer-reviewed journals between 1994 and added to the paper sample.
2012. In total, approximately 1400 papers were considered, out of
(b) Empirical manuscripts using statistical approaches for eval- which 134 were found to meet the criteria of this study. This selec-
uating causal relationships were excluded from the analysis. tion ratio matches the 10% occurrence rate for modeling papers
(c) Publications on ethical behavior of purchasers (e.g. corrup- which was mentioned in Section 2.2. Table 3 illustrates the results
tion) or with a non-managerial focus (e.g. technical or polit- of the paper collection process and the paper validation test.
ical science) were excluded from the analysis.
(d) Papers focusing on reverse logistics, remanufacturing, or 3.3. Criteria for the descriptive analysis
CLSCM were not considered.
The temporal distribution of papers over the study time horizon
The most common way of acquiring the publications sample is is assessed. For a more meaningful descriptive analysis, the distri-
through a keyword-based search using electronic databases and li- bution of manuscripts from the sample over time is compared to
M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312 303

Table 3
Results of the paper collection process.

Collection method Source # of papers Relevant worksc

Selected from other reviews Hassini et al. (2012) 87 7
Seuring (2012) 36 35
Tang and Zhou (2012) 56 4
Journal-specific keyword search DSS 29 3
EJOR 80 13
IJPE 75 20
IJPR 125a 12
JCLP 825 31
TRE 7 2
Cross-referencing Other papersb 77 6
Bibliometric software HistCiteTM 25 1
Total 1422d 134
Split of search criteria (‘‘in title’’, ‘‘in abstract’’, ‘‘in keywords’’).
ReVelle (2000, 39 papers), Radulescu et al. (2009, 30 papers), Seuring (2012, 8 papers).
Each paper is assigned only once to exclude double counting.
Not adjusted for papers found several times by different search strategies.

the overall growth trend of publications in SCM and modeling jour- analysis. These analytic categories listed in Table 4 are derived
nals, as indicated by papers issued in EJOR and in IJPE, which are deductively, before the material is analyzed, and inductively,
chosen as related journal proxies. In order to compare develop- developed from the analyzed material by means of generalization
ments in empirical, model-based and general SSCM research, the (Mayring, 2008; Seuring & Müller, 2008a).
temporal distribution of the paper sample is compared to the pa- The SCM dimensions are from a literature review presented by
pers of Seuring and Müller’s (2008a) general review and to the Halldorsson and Arlbjørn (2005) and from the Supply Chain Oper-
empirical papers reviewed by Gold et al. (2010a, 2010b). Further- ations Reference (SCOR) model (Supply-Chain Council, 2008). The
more, the distribution of papers across journals is analyzed. To sustainability categories are based on variations of the TBL (Carter
avoid bias resulting from a journal-specific paper search, this anal- & Rogers, 2008). The modeling dimension is assessed based on
ysis also shows the distribution of the 46 papers selected from Has- model purpose and type. The model purpose distinguishes be-
sini et al. (2012), Seuring (2012), and Tang and Zhou (2012). tween the analytic categories as defined by Shapiro (2007). The
Additionally, the descriptive analysis provides information on geo- model type keywords were quite extensive and linked to a multi-
graphical position of the contributing author affiliations (academic tude of tools and techniques and the employed solution ap-
institutions), about influential research institutions (regarding the proaches. The resulting category system, which is depicted in
number of citations) and the citation impact of the reviewed paper Fig. 1, is based on the classification of Kleijnen (2005) and Sasiku-
sample. The HistCiteTM program was employed for the bibliometric mar and Kannan (2009). In the research design dimension, the
citation analysis (Garfield, 2004). assessment is based on the industrial sector, the data basis of the
presented applications, and the research perspective such as
3.4. Category selection whether or not there is an extension.
To facilitate an exhaustive categorization of each paper, the
Corresponding to the four research questions of this study, four analytic categories are supplemented with ‘‘various/other’’ and
structural dimensions – SCM, sustainability, modeling, and re- ‘‘not applicable’’ categories. Furthermore, the assignment of papers
search directions – were defined and grouped by categories for this to analytic categories is unique for each structural dimension.

Table 4
Structural dimensions and analytic categories.

Structural Analytic categories (in alphabetical order)

SCM Primary actor of Carrier, distributor, industry/macro-economy, legal authority, manufacturer, retailer, warehousing, wholesaler
Level of analysis Chain, dyad, firm, function, industry, macro-economy, network
Process of analysis Deliver, make, plan, return, source
Functional Construction project, logistics, network design, outsourcing/offshoring, planning, pricing, product development, production,
application area sourcing, SCM, information technology, technology, waste management
Sustainability Economic, economic-environmental, environmental, holistic, social, socio-economic, socio-environmental
Modeling Model purpose Descriptive – deterministic, descriptive – stochastic, normative – deterministic, normative – stochastic
Model type Analytical, heuristics, hybrid, mathematical programming, simulation
Modeling technique Artificial intelligence, business game, discrete-event simulation (DES), game theory, meta-heuristics, multi-criteria decision
making, multi objective, simple heuristics, single objective, spreadsheet calculation, system dynamics, systemic models
Solution approach Analytic hierarchy process/analytic network process (AHP/ANP), ant colony optimization, Bayesian networks, case based
reasoning, data envelopment analysis (DEA), differential evolution, dynamic programming, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, goal
programming, greedy randomized adaptive search procedure, input–output-analysis (IOA), life cycle analysis (LCA), linear
programming/mixed integer linear programming (LP/MILP), metrics, neural networks, nonlinear programming, petri net,
particle swarm optimization, queuing, rough set, simulated annealing, variation inequality
Research Observed industry Agriculture, apparel, automotive, bicycle, biotechnology, chemical/ pharmaceutical, electronics, energy, food & beverages,
furniture, health care, information technology, macro-economy, metal, paper, retail, transportation, utilities
Numerical analysis Empirical data, generic example, none
Suggested Extend/validate, none, specific
304 M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

Fig. 1. Analytic categories of the structural dimension ‘‘Modeling’’ (based on Sasikumar & Kannan, 2009).

3.5. Methodological rigor 4. Results

The required methodological rigor of this analysis is ensured in 4.1. Descriptive analysis
all steps of the content analysis (see Seuring & Gold, 2012, for fur-
ther details). A replicable and hence reliable material collection is Overall it can be stated that model-based SSCM is a comparably
achieved by focusing both on papers that were assessed by three young and increasingly developing research discipline. This field’s
recent reviews on SSCM (Hassini et al., 2012; Seuring, 2012; Tang robust growth is illustrated by the temporal distribution of this
& Zhou, 2012) and on papers that are obtained by a keyword-based study’s sample of 134 papers when compared to the growth
search in specific journals which were identified as most relevant distribution of the overall set of publications within EJOR and IJPE
by these three recent reviews. Internal validity is achieved by (Fig. 2). Also, the temporal distribution of this study’s paper sample
ensuring that the paper coding is performed by at least two is compared to the distribution of the 191 manuscripts of Seuring
researchers, thereby also ensuring inter-coder reliability. Resolving and Müller’s (2008a) study (Table 5).
differences in the coding and reaching an agreement on how each Since 1994, the number of analytical SSCM model papers shows
aspect would be coded was the approach of choice. Most of the se- a stronger growth (+24.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR))
lected structural dimensions and analytic categories were taken up than the overall number of papers published in EJOR and IJPE
in a deductive approach, which ensures construct validity as this is (+12.6% CAGR). Fig. 2, which depicts the annual share of published
based on respective literature (as described in Section 3.4). This papers and the number of SSCM papers on the ordinate axes, illus-
was complemented by a few categories selected inductively. To trates these trends in greater detail. In the first decade of the
strengthen external validity and rigor of the material evaluation, study’s time horizon, the annual share of published SSCM analyti-
intermediate results of this analysis were presented to and dis- cal modeling papers was lower (below 3.0%) than the respective
cussed with scientific audiences at five international conferences.1 share of papers issued in EJOR and IJPE (between 3.7% and 4.4%),
Overall, the research process is documented in a transparent manner which indicates the relatively smaller relevance of SSCM modeling
contributing to its objectivity. in scientific research during that time. This result was reversed in
2003 for the first time (4.5% annual share of SSCM modeling papers
4th World P&OM Conference and 19th International Annual EurOMA conference vs. 4.2% annual share of papers published in EJOR and IJPE) and has
(July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2nd International Workshop on Eco-Efficient continuously seen stronger shares since 2007 (on average an 11.7%
Based Green SCM, (October 2012, Odense, Denmark), sessions of the German annual share of SSCM modeling papers vs. a 7.2% annual share of
Academic Association for Business Research – scientific commissions ‘‘Operations papers published in EJOR and IJPE). More than half of the SSCM
Research’’ (January 2013, Wuppertal, Germany) and ‘‘Sustainability Management’’
(September 2012, Hamburg, Germany), workshop of the Gesellschaft für Operations
modeling papers (82 manuscripts) were published within the last
Research e. V. (March 2012, Goslar, Germany). five years of the considered time horizon.
M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312 305

Fig. 2. Paper sample compared to SCM and modeling papers.

Table 5
Temporal distribution of general, empirical, and model-based SSCM papers (1994–2007).

Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Gen.a 2 3 5 10 12 4 14 21 16 20 17 25 12 30
Emp.b 1 0 2 3 6 1 6 7 4 11 5 10 3 11
Mod.c 1 2 0 2 4 3 2 2 3 6 4 8 4 11
Papers reviewed by Seuring and Müller (2008a).
Papers reviewed by Gold et al. (2010a, 2010b).
SSCM modeling papers from our paper sample.

Table 6
Distribution of papers over journals.


Step 1 9 7 4 4 3 1 2 161a 46
Subtotal 28 (= 61%) 18 (= 39%) 46
All steps 40 19 24 6 20 5 2 181b 134
16 other journals with one paper each.
18 other journals with one paper each.

Using Seuring and Müller’s (2008a) sample illustrates that the are severely underrepresented in this research area. Only 21 papers
overall field of SSCM research was strong before 2007 while SSCM represent collaborative inter-continental research. These manu-
modeling papers published during this time were relatively scripts mainly stem from research cooperation of North American
uncommon. A comparison to the paper sample reviewed by Gold universities (15 papers) with institutions from other continents
et al. (2010a, 2010b) leads to similar observations. These results, (Asian: 8 papers, European: 5 papers, Australian and Latin Ameri-
as depicted in Table 5, indicate that conceptual and empirical can: 1 paper each).
methods paved the way for a model-based prescriptive SSCM A citation analysis shows that 2049 publications refer to at least
research. one of the reviewed papers, i.e. on average each paper of the sam-
The distribution of papers over journals as depicted in Table 6 ple has more than 15 citations in Thomson Reuters’ Web of Sci-
shows that nearly two-thirds of the 46 papers chosen from Hassini ence while the median is 8 citations. Fifty-eight papers of the
et al. (2012), Seuring (2012), and Tang and Zhou (2012) in the first sample have at least 10 citations in total, and 80 papers are cited
paper collection step were published in one of the six journals at least once a year, while only 34 papers of the sample are not
(DSS, EJOR, IJPE, IJPR, JCLP, TRE) which then were considered in yet cited. These figures indicate the overall scientific relevance of
the journal-specific keyword search. Beyond this, Table 6 depicts the reviewed paper sample. However, the paper sample does not
the overall distribution of all 134 papers over journals. show a strong internal coherence with regards to citations; only
The analysis of the geographical position of the contributing 31 papers are cited by another paper of the sample. This indicates
author’s institutions reveals that universities from Europe (61 that the scientific field of model-based SSCM research is still scat-
papers), North America (44 papers), or Asia (41 papers) represent tered, and major streams of thought have not yet developed. Fur-
the vast majority of publications. Australian (6 papers), Latin thermore, the citation analysis identifies that five of the most
American (4 papers), and African (3 papers) research publications influential institutions are located in the USA: Clark University
306 M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

Table 7
Evaluation results – structural dimension ‘‘SCM’’.

Primary actor of analysis Level of analysis Process of analysis Functional application area
Carrier 2 Function 27 Plan 53 Logistics 9
Distributor 1 Firm 39 Source 12 Network design 13
Ind./macro-econ. 15 Dyad 7 Make 18 Outsourcing/offshoring 2
Legal authority 11 Chain 6 Deliver 9 Planning 3
Manufacturer 67 Network 25 Return 0 Product dev. 9
Retailer 1 Industry 17 Various/other 0 Production 40
Warehousing 0 Macro-econ. 8 n.a. 42 Sourcing 12
Wholesaler 0 Various/other 1 SCM 16
Various/other 18 n.a. 4 Technology 5
n.a. 19 Various/other 6
n.a. 15
Singulara 4
Construction project, pricing, information technology, and waste management were considered in one paper each.

(325 citations), Michigan State University (184 citations), Boston 4.2.2. Modeling dimension
College, Emory University, North Carolina State University (165 In the evaluation of this dimension we consider the three levels
citations each). of modeling from Fig. 2, but also a general purpose-environment
characteristic is added (see Table 8). The purpose-environment fo-
cuses on the type of research for which normative (prescriptive,
4.2. Evaluating the status of research problem solving oriented) or descriptive (seeking to evaluate or
understand a phenomenon) models are used. The assumed envi-
4.2.1. SCM dimension ronment may include a deterministic or stochastic approach. Thus
The SCM dimensions, as shown in Table 7, include four major four categories (descriptive–deterministic, etc.) exist for the pur-
characteristics: (1) the primary actor that is the focus of the study; pose-environment evaluation of the modeling dimension. The
(2) the organizational level of analysis ranging from internal func- remaining three dimensions in Table 8 are directly linked to the
tions to broad macro-economic focus; (3) the SCOR process cov- modeling levels in Fig. 1.
ered in the model, and (4) the functional application area (e.g. Normative SSCM models (75 papers), which mainly employ
SCM, logistics, or product development). analytic hierarchy process/analytic network process (AHP/ANP)
In SSCM models, manufacturing companies dominate as pri- (20 papers) and linear programming/mixed integer linear pro-
mary actors of analysis (67 papers), while carriers (Lee, Dong, & gramming (LP/MILP) (18 papers) as solution approaches, are the
Bian, 2010; Lovric, Li, & Vervest, 2012), distributors (Zanoni & Zav- more popular model purposes when compared to descriptive
anella, 2011) and retailers (Edwards, McKinnon, & Cullinane, 2010) models (59 papers). Descriptive modeling efforts are most often
are seldom the focus of these studies. A considerable number of pa- utilizing systemic models (39 papers), in particular life cycle anal-
pers analyze industry sectors (15 papers) and legal authorities (11 ysis (LCA) (24 papers), input–output-analysis (IOA) (4 papers), and
papers) or remain unspecific (18 papers ‘‘various’’, 19 papers ‘‘n. metrics (8 papers) as solution approaches. Combining the SCM per-
a.’’) on the primary actors. The level of analysis shows a clear pref- spectives and the modeling categories (see Table 9) shows that
erence for the intra-organizational models that focus on a specific managerial decision making is often supported by optimization
function or firm (66 papers) when compared to models that take an methods while in macroscopic contexts, models are most often
inter-organizational perspective on a dyad, chain, or network (38 employed to explore or explain the interplay of various factors.
papers) or macroscopic views on an industrial sector or a macro- On the intra-organizational level of a single firm or a particular
economy (25 papers). function, normative SSCM models are more often employed (42 pa-
In 42 papers SSCM models are not limited to a particular SCOR pers) than descriptive models (24 papers). In contrast, descriptive
process. The majority of models support some planning processes models (20 papers) represent the vast majority of 25 papers that
(53 papers). Yet, sourcing (12 papers), transformation (18 papers), contain models for industrial sectors or macro-economies.
or delivery processes (9 papers) are less often modeled. None of the Stochastic approaches (12 normative, 3 descriptive) are not well
selected papers focus on the return stage, but that is due to our represented in this literature. Normative stochastic models most
elimination of reverse logistics oriented papers from our analysis. often focus on manufacturers and strive for improving company-
Functionally, SSCM modeling research targets production (40 wide planning processes (Chen & Fan, 2012; Hu & Bibanda, 2009;
papers) or general SCM (16 papers). Manufacturing-related papers Linninger, Chakraborty, & Colberg, 2000; Radulescu et al., 2009;
can be found in nearly every year of the study horizon, while nine Tsai & Hung, 2009; Wu & Chang, 2004) or the implementation of
of the general SCM papers were published within the last five cleaner production technologies (Tseng, Lin, & Chiu, 2009). Other
years. In the nine logistics-related papers as well as in the 11 approaches deal with network design at a carrier (Lee et al.,
sourcing-oriented ones, the intra-organizational and the inter- 2010) or the product sustainability assessment in the automotive
organizational perspectives on the level of analysis are evenly dis- industry (Ghadimi, Azadnia, Yusof, & Saman, 2012). Normative sto-
tributed. Network design models (13 papers) seem to represent a chastic models that take an inter-organizational perspective focus
new trend in SSCM research, because only the publication of Agrell, on green SCM in the electronics industry networks (Hsu & Hu,
Stam, and Fischer (2004) is older than three years. Issues of prod- 2008; Che, 2010) or on sustainability policies in a macroeconomic
uct design are considered in nine papers which in seven cases deal context (Munda, 2009). Descriptive stochastic models are all at
with a manufacturer as a focal company. Whitefoot and Skerlos the inter-organizational level (Kainuma & Tawara, 2006;
(2012), who elaborate on design incentives from a legal authority Saint Jean, 2008; van der Vorst, Tromp, & van der Zee, 2009). The
perspective, and Andersson, Hogaas Eide, Lundqvist, and Mattsson limited amount of stochastic models provides opportunities for
(1998), who integrate sustainability aspects in product develop- further SSCM research. But uncertainty may also be investigated
ment from an industry point of view, are the two exceptions.
M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312 307

Table 8
Evaluation results – structural dimension ‘‘Modeling’’.

Model purpose Model type Modeling techniquea Solution approachb

Descriptive – deterministic 56 Analytical 77 Artificial intelligence 5 AHP/ANP 20
Descriptive – stochastic 3 Heuristics 7 DES 1 DEA 3
Normative – deterministic 63 Hybrid 1 Game theory 1 Goal programming 2
Normative – stochastic 12 Mathematical programming 36 Meta-heuristics 1 IOA 4
Simulation 9 Mcdm 25 LCA 24
Various/other 4 Multi-objective 34 LP/MILP 18
Simple heuristics 1 Metrics 8
Single-objective 2 Nonlinear programming 5
System dynamics 3 Rough set 3
Systemic models 39 Variation inequality 6
Various/other 22 Various/other 31
n.a. 7
Singularc 3
Not employed in reviewed papers: spreadsheet calculation, n.a.
Not employed in reviewed papers: Ant colony optimization, Bayesian networks, case-based reasoning, differential evolution, fuzzy logic, greedy randomized adaptive
search procedure, neural networks, petri net, particle swarm optimization, queuing, simulated annealing.
Dynamic programming, genetic algorithms, and neural networks were considered in one paper each.

Table 9 Table 10
Evaluation results – combination of categories ‘‘Level of analysis’’ and ‘‘Model Evaluation results – structural dimension ‘‘Research’’ (number of studies per
purpose’’. industry).

Level of analysis Normative models Descriptive models Total Agriculture 10 Energy 15 Retail 3
Apparel 3 Food & 8 Transportation 2
Function, firm 42 24 66
Dyad, chain, network 24 14 38
Automotive 8 Furniture 2 Various/other 6
Industry, macro-econ. 5 20 25
Chemical/ 2 Macro-economy 10 n.a. 32
n.a., other 4 1 5
Total 75 59 134 Construction 2 Metal 6 Singulara 7
Electronics 16 Paper 2
Bicycle, biotechnology, health care, mining, packaging, petroleum, and utilities
using various scenarios, each evaluated with a deterministic were considered in one paper each.
Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) (25 papers) and mathe-
matical programming (35 papers), with only two papers (Gunson, the diffusion of modeling efforts to other industries is clearly a
Klein, Veiga, & Dunbar, 2010; Yura 1994) optimizing a single- valuable research direction.
objective function, are most often chosen model types and tech- In SSCM modeling papers, the numerical analysis (see Table 11)
niques to investigate SSCM. These results may occur because (1) is based on empirical data (105 papers), but most of these numer-
the application nature of the journals supports more normative ap- ical sections may not be easily replicable and are with limited rigor
proaches; and (2) the multi-dimensionality of the sustainability in the underlying empirical research methods. This result is in line
problem requires integrating a variety of factors and objectives with Seuring’s (2012) observations and points towards the need to
simultaneously. A hybrid model is developed by Fichtner, Frank, combine empirical and model-based research as addressed by Has-
and Rentz (2004), who combine a MILP approach for economic sini et al. (2012).
optimization with a technical process simulation and a LCA for Furthermore, specific areas for generalizable future research
the ecologic assessment of energy supply systems. are seldom addressed (only 24 papers, see Table 11). These deduc-
Surprisingly, solution approaches based on genetic algorithms tively identified research directions, which include recommenda-
(Radulescu et al., 2009) – as well as dynamic programming (Hu & tions on research design, models and metrics, resources and
Bibanda, 2009), goal programming (Tsai & Hung, 2009; Yura, processes, and interfaces with customers and various systems,
1994), and neural networks (Kuo, Wang, & Tien, 2010) models – are now briefly summarized. For research design a higher degree
occur only in very few papers. This result is in contrast to Ilgin of integration between empirical and theoretical research is rec-
and Gupta’s (2010) observation of modeling approaches for green ommended (Ukidwe and Bakshi, 2005). A fertile model-based re-
(re-)manufacturing and product recovery. search direction is developing new solution methodologies for
green SC network design (Wang, Lai, & Shi, 2011). Additional mod-
4.2.3. Research dimension eling suggestions include employing asymmetric competition
For the industry focus (see Table 10), model-based SSCM re- models to assess sustainability triggers (Yalabik & Fairchild,
search focuses on technology-related sectors (39 papers on energy, 2011) and integrating the decision maker in the evaluation of solu-
electronics, or automotive), consumable goods (18 papers on agri-
cultural or food & beverage industry) or on macro-economic con-
texts (10 paper), while surprisingly, from an environmental
Table 11
perspective, the transportation industry (Lee, Geum, Lee, & Park,
Evaluation results – structural dimension ‘‘Research’’ (data basis and research
2012; Lovric et al., 2012; with a macroscopic view: Ülengin, Kabak, perspective).
Önsel, Ülengin, & Aktas, 2010) has not been as well covered in this
Data basis of numerical example Research perspective
literature. Clearly, there is room in a number of industries for for-
mal models to be applied. The imbalance in industrial perspectives Empirical data 105 Extend/validate 73
None 3 None 37
could be due to variations in the relative importance of
Generic example 26 Specific 24
sustainability topics or to convenience and data availability. But
308 M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

tions (Harris, Naim, Palmer, Potter, & Mumford, 2011). Tools to pers in total). Other papers investigate the design of products
model ecological factors in processes and the definition and imple- (Andersson et al., 1998) or networks (Gunson et al., 2010) or are
mentation of related effective ecological metrics have also been technology-related (Kaldellis, Simotas, Zafirakis, & Kondili, 2009;
recommended (Smith and Ball, 2012). Kiwjaroun, Tubtimdee, & Piumsomboon, 2009; Saint Jean, 2008).
As mentioned in Section 2.2, transportation has been neglected More general approaches for environmental management prac-
in SSCM modeling. Metrics are needed to incorporate specific fuel tices are suggested by Sarkis (1998). Most of these 41 manuscripts
consumption figures for transportation (Harris et al., 2011) or to were published after 2007 (27 papers), only six papers before 1999
consider transportation modes or demand uncertainties (Wang and eight between 2002 and 2006. Sixty-one papers from the sam-
et al., 2011). Addressing opportunity costs to assess environmental ple deal with the interface between environmental and economic
impacts and their tradeoffs are additional issues that can be incor- issues and can be labeled eco-efficiency papers, which cover nor-
porated in various models (Figge & Hahn, 2012; Mouzon, Yildirim, mative (36 papers) and descriptive models (25 papers) in a deter-
& Twomey, 2007). ministic (51 papers) as well as in a stochastic way (10 papers). All
For resources and processes, further understanding of resource actors, levels, processes, and most of the functions of analysis are
reduction impacts on production activities is needed (Smith & Ball, evaluated on eco-efficiency. The ‘‘green’’ research areas are com-
2012). Innovative production process investigation, such as the prehensive and cover about 90% of all 67 manufacturer-related
development of machines with multiple sleep mode states, prod- SSCM models.
uct design process improvements, eco-design technology initia- Compared to the extensive model-based research on environ-
tives and their evaluation, are all directions (Bovea & Wang, mental issues of SSCM, the social aspects are neglected. Only four
2003; Kengpol & Boonkanit, 2011; Mouzon et al., 2007). Assessing papers elaborate on social issues (Yura, 1994) or the socio-eco-
and improving the manufacturer-retailer-interface to eliminate nomic (Brent, Rogers, Ramabitsa-Siimane, & Rohwer, 2007; Abreu
sources of environmentally unsustainable practices, and relating & Camarinha-Matos, 2008) or socio-environmental (Clift, 2003)
these to consumer utility and reactions from firms is needed interfaces.
(Darlington & Rahimifard, 2007; Yalabik & Fairchild, 2011; Feng, Twenty-eight papers from the sample set describe holistic
Li, Duan, & Zhang, 2007). In addition, sustainability benefits of SSCM models that cover all three sustainability dimensions. All
collaboration, coordination, information sharing, and communication of these papers, except Georgopoulou et al. (1998), were published
within an SC can be assessed further using quantitative methods (e.g. after 2004, and more than half (15 papers) were published within
see Kainuma & Tawara, 2006). the last three years. This indicates that holistic SSCM models rep-
resent one of the more recent areas of SSCM research investigation.
4.2.4. Sustainability dimension The large majority of these 28 holistic SSCM models have a norma-
This dimension focuses primarily on social and environmental tive purpose (21 papers), which is in contrast to the balance be-
factors of sustainability and their interplay and overlap with each tween normative and descriptive models observed in all 134
other and the economic factor. Most formal SSCM models include reviewed papers (see Section 4.2.2). With regards to the SCM per-
environmental factors and aspects of eco-efficiency while the so- spective it is detected that the 28 holistic SSCM models are often
cial dimension is neglected. Holistic models that cover all sustain- employed for macroscopic analyses. Every third holistic SSCM
ability dimensions have gained attention in the last ten years. model focuses on legal authorities or an industrial sector, while
Ecological and social dimensions are often modeled using generic these actors of analysis are taken into account in less than 20% of
factors, although more specific metrics are employed as well. The all 134 reviewed papers (see Section 4.2.1). Furthermore, the high
main evaluation results of the sustainability dimension are de- share of models for manufacturers in the overall paper sample
picted in Fig. 3. (every second paper, see Section 4.2.1) is not observed in the 28
Forty-one papers focus on environmental issues exclusively holistic SSCM models; only 7 papers deal with manufacturing
and comprise all model purposes, most of the primary actors, all firms. These findings are explained by the circumstance that social
SC levels, and processes of analysis. The functional focus of analysis effects, e.g. employment rate changes or other societal impacts, are
is predominantly within ‘‘production’’ (19 papers) or the other tra- usually reflected in macroscopic contexts but not on the microeco-
ditional SCM functions ‘‘sourcing’’, ‘‘logistics’’, and ‘‘SCM’’ (14 pa- nomic level of a firm or function.

Fig. 3. Distribution of papers over sustainability categories (based on Carter & Rogers, 2008; Kannegiesser & Günther, 2013).
M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312 309

To conclude the assessment of the sustainability dimension, (e.g. Seuring & Müller, 2008b) and calling for more research on
metrics that were used to represent sustainability factors in for- such interactions.
mal SSCM models are summarized. Although sustainability aspects In many of the research approaches evaluated here, research
are often modeled using generic factors such as ‘‘sustainability cri- tended to focus on the production processes of a manufacturing
teria’’, ‘‘social benefit’’, or ‘‘ecologic impact’’, more specific metrics company and then analyze the results on a specific function or at
can be found for each sustainability dimension. Economic aspects the factory level, with a focus on environmental issues (in line with
can be categorized into microeconomic factors such as cost, profit- the findings of Seuring, 2012). In these situations why such re-
ability, or revenue (Lovric et al., 2012) and macroeconomic metrics search is published under the label sustainable supply chain man-
including gross domestic product or growth rate (Agrell et al., agement, can be called into question. A more critical perspective
2004) as well as labor productivity, market concentration, or im- might be needed avoiding that the conceptual borders of sustain-
port dependency (Yakovleva, Sarkis, & Sloan, 2011) or overall able SCM are increasingly blurred. Just because a research paper
macro-economic development (Feng, Li, Duan, & Zhang, 2007). has utilized and argued that sustainable SCM is being considered,
Environmental aspects comprise input-oriented factors including the validity of such suppositions needs to be carefully evaluated.
renewable energy sources (Georgopoulou, Sarafidis, & Diakoulaki, This type of validation will require that a clearer definition of sus-
1998; Munda, 2009), natural resources (Liu, Li, Wang, & Dong, tainable SCM be derived and agreed upon by the research
2011), water and energy consumption (Yakovleva et al., 2011), or community.
water quality (Feng et al., 2007). Output-oriented environmental As a further issue, while there are a number of papers dealing
factors focus on waste (Yakovleva et al., 2011) and pollution (Geor- with supplier selection criteria (e.g. Kuo et al., 2010; Saint Jean,
gopoulou et al., 1998). Beyond this, ecological factors can be distin- 2008), suppliers and the extended supply chain still require con-
guished into environmental impacts of construction, normal siderably more attention in respective research. Whereas empirical
operations, and failure (Dey, 2006). Specific social aspects are re- surveys are difficult to complete for multi-tier supply chains, mod-
lated to internal factors such as wages, employees, or employment eling efforts are more flexible in the number of players involved
gender ratios (Yakovleva et al., 2011) and furthermore point to- and allow evaluating sustainable supply chains. As the field contin-
wards external influences including individual customer needs ues to mature, more complex and insightful modeling can be
and requirements (Lovric et al., 2012), social acceptance and integrated.
contribution to employment (Georgopoulou et al., 1998), or Expanding the development of criteria sets for sustainable sup-
population growth (Feng et al., 2007). There are papers such as plier selection to integrate environmental and especially social as-
Handfield et al. (2002) or Hassini et al. (2012) that suggest a broad pects is required. The challenge is a sufficiently comprehensive and
set of environmental factors which can be grouped at multiple precise simultaneous modeling effort, such that the solutions are
levels. not trivial, but still solvable problems.
From an industry modeling perspective, the lack of specific
industry focused studies on ‘sensitive’ industries is especially sur-
prising. For example, the transportation industry with its heavy
4.3. A research model and additional considerations carbon emissions, energy, and materials usage is relatively sparsely
represented. The chemical/pharmaceutical industry with its poten-
By aggregating the various research evaluation dimensions dis- tially hazardous waste management is an environmental dimen-
cussed, a research model can be formed by integrating the core sion that seems to be overlooked. Finally, the apparel and textile
arguments of the analysis together (see Fig. 4). The ultimate industry with its prevalence of social issues (e.g. underpaid work-
choice/solution begins with consideration of the SCM-dimensions ers, unsafe and dangerous working conditions) would be a prime
modeled, which are influenced by the respective industrial context. consideration for social sustainability issues. How to integrate
The sustainability aspects to be considered then serve as a kind of and develop models into each of these areas requires careful con-
moderating variable that drives the modeling purpose. This ap- sideration of the intangibility of the measures and modeling.
proach is based on Seuring’s (2012) contention that trade-offs
among the economic and environmental dimension are key
assumptions for much of the model building. These tradeoffs can 5. Results and discussion
occur amongst any combination of the sustainability dimensions.
The high share of multi-criteria decision making models underpins This paper employs a systematic and methodologically rigorous
this contention, as the trade-offs serve as a starting point that is process to review quantitative SSCM models. This study uses con-
easier to model. Considering the broader set of tradeoffs expands tent analysis to assess a large sample of related papers and to iden-
the solution space. Many researchers have argued for sustainability tify current gaps and future perspectives of model-based SSCM
evaluation in sustainable supply chains among the economic and research.
social dimension (or) the environmental and social dimension Before turning to them, we discuss the contribution of this pa-
per. As the title clearly states, the paper describes the body of lit-
erature on quantitative models for sustainable supply chain
management is which is the core contribution. We show the
increasing publication output and use a number of categories for
providing insights into this body of literature. A general meta-
research model is presented as well. This research model allows
for consideration of how the various review elements fit together
and can aid in further development of a research agenda.

5.1. Research gaps and future research perspectives

Additional avenues for future research on SSCM models were

not only determined deductively from the research opportunities
Fig. 4. An aggregated research model. suggested in the assessed papers (see Section 4.2.3) but also induc-
310 M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312

tively from the results and the discussion of the analysis presented (Seuring, 2012) are conclusions reinforced by this study. This study
here. These inductively identified research directions are related to also confirms the relative lack of social factors in (model-based)
both research content and research methodology. SSCM research (Seuring, 2012; Seuring & Müller, 2008a; Tang &
Model-based SSCM research can advance the inter-organiza- Zhou, 2012). There are some contradictions to other reviews that
tional perspective of SCM and extend this to the level of industry find a strong environmental focus but an increased consideration
sectors (e.g. Kannegiesser & Günther, 2013; Kannegiesser, Günther, of social factors in empirical SSCM research (Carter & Easton,
& Gylfason, 2013). Economic contributions of vertical coordination 2011). We found that the green focus of model-based SSCM re-
in the SSCM context can be assessed quantitatively. Furthermore, search remains unchanged.
quantitative models could be employed to elaborate on the inter- In further contrast to empirical research, which has predomi-
play of regulatory decisions made by legal authorities and manage- nantly investigated the food, apparel, and consumer products sec-
rial decision making in firms, supply chains, or industries. tors (Carter & Easton, 2011; Gold et al., 2010a), the results of this
Beyond the inter-organizational aspects, research gaps can be paper indicate that model-based SSCM research mainly focuses
identified at the functional SCM level. Taking into account that on technology-related industries. This industry focus does support
most papers focus on production or general SCM, a thorough anal- other SSCM modeling literature reviews (Hassini et al., 2012). Un-
ysis of sustainability in transportation and warehousing is recom- like empirical research, which focuses on intra-organizational level
mended. Decision making in intermodal transportation to reduce (Carter & Easton, 2011), formal SSCM models integrate inter-orga-
greenhouse gas emissions or vehicle routing under consideration nizational interdependencies. Beyond this, SSCM models do in-
of workers’ time preferences might be adequate examples for re- clude the perspective of legal authorities and hence are capable
lated research questions. of reflecting external triggers of sustainability (Gold et al., 2010a,
Environmental risk management has been widely neglected 2010b; Seuring & Müller, 2008a).
and hence offers significant potential in model-based SSCM re- In terms of modeling results, the findings do confirm the high
search. The lack of social aspects in SSCM models points to- relevance of AHP/ANP, LCA, and MCDM for SSCM models (Seur-
wards future research perspectives in related research, because ing, 2012), but DES or GA are not as important for SSCM as for
such factors need to be incorporated in SSCM models. With re- product recovery and (re-)manufacturing (Ilgin & Gupta, 2010).
gards to input factors and resource consumption, models that The unexploited potential for goal programming in green logis-
include the option of reducing supply offer another research tics (Dekker et al., 2012) is substantiated for SSCM research by
perspective. this study, although the lack of MCDM applications in green
Further SSCM research is needed with regards to the integra- logistics (Dekker et al., 2012) cannot be confirmed for forward
tion of model-based methods with empirical research, which has SSCM.
a strong focus on eco-efficiency and environmental aspects as
well. Empirical research methods should be employed to identify
social factors in SCM and their economic prerequisites and impli- 6. Summary and conclusion
cations, while model-based research methods are needed to
quantitatively investigate this context. A lack of social sustain- This paper reviewed almost two decades worth of research
ability research may cause a mistaken impression that holistic focusing on SSCM quantitative, formal modeling. One hundred
sustainability and the TBL concept are simply theoretical con- thirty-four articles were identified and utilized in the analysis of
structs with limited relevance. Employing case study research the research. Overall, the number of publications in this topical
rigorously (e.g. Seuring, 2008; Stuart, McCutcheon, Handfield, area is not as large as empirical and conceptual work, but it is
MacLachlin, & Samson, 2002) is highly recommended not only growing. The findings included variations in focus by function, re-
for SSCM models in particular but also for model-based research search perspective, methodology, and the type of sustainability fo-
in general. Linking empirical and model-based research, as sug- cus of the supply chains. The results also provided opportunities to
gested by Golicic, Davis, and McCarthy (2005), could broaden identify gaps in the research that could be addressed and poten-
the scientific field of SSCM with regards to the focused indus- tials for further research directions. Some major findings for fertile
tries. The food, apparel, or automotive industries represent sec- areas of research include the integration of social issues into mod-
tors that are thoroughly investigated by only one of these two eling, expanding the scope and diffusing modeling from one indus-
methodological designs while being neglected by the other. try to another, and the need for more stochastic approaches in
Expanding this industry focus of the employed scientific ap- modeling to relay a more realistic uncertain decision environment
proaches would balance this existing research bias. Furthermore, associated with these many and complex environmental factors
the chemicals & oil sector seems to be neglected so far by both identified with SSCM.
empirical and model-based research. Although this study was rigorously completed, there are still
Focusing on developments and directions of SSCM models leads limitations that we encountered, but these limitations provide
to the question of why some of the sophisticated modeling ap- opportunity for future research. Despite the fact that several
proaches have been widely neglected so far. Dynamic program- researchers were involved in the validation and the content analy-
ming, evolutionary algorithms, or local search methods represent sis of this study’s paper sample, the categorization of these papers
normative approaches to solve complex problems that offer large remains interpretative and hence subjective. Furthermore, statisti-
optimization potential. The fact that these solution approaches cal methods (e.g. Wolf, 2008) could be employed to cluster the pa-
are employed only seldom in context to SSCM models outlines fur- per sample and to analyze contingencies of different categories.
ther research opportunities and raises the question of whether the Additionally, more comprehensive bibliometric citation analyses
complexity of SSCM problems and their optimization potential are represent another rigorous and structured approach to assess re-
already fully exposed. lated scientific literature (e.g. Linnenluecke & Griffiths, 2012).
These limitations leave room for future analyses and reviews of
5.2. A comparative analysis to other SSCM literature reviews SSCM modeling publications.
As can be seen, the SSCM modeling field is on the research up-
The need for further research on OR applications and hybrid swing; significantly more modeling based research can and needs
qualitative and quantitative approaches (Min & Kim, 2012) as well to be completed to more fully understand and integrate SSCM into
as more empirical rigor in numerical analyses of SSCM models business thought and practice.
M. Brandenburg et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 233 (2014) 299–312 311

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