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1. Finish the sentence.

There are several versions of the same myth because…

2. The “Aeneid” is… La Eneida es un poema épico latino, escrito por Virgilio entre 29
y 19 A.C, que cuenta la historia legendaria de Eneas, un troyano que viajó a Italia,
donde se convirtió en el antepasado de los romanos. Es una Epopeya.

3. Finish the sentence. One influence of roman law in modern world is…
The roman code and the common law system

4. Finish the sentence. A similarity between Aeneas and Greek heroes is…

Sometimes, the hero tries a descent into hell, the kingdom from which no ordinary
mortal has ever returned. He, however, comes back. Such is the case for Ulysses in
Homer’s Odyssey, or Aeneas in Virgil’s Aeneid.

5. During what period of Ancient Rome was the Senate the most powerful? During
the Roman Republic.

6. Which mythological expression/word appears in the text? Explain briefly its

origin and use in it.
“Sustainable development looks good on paper, but in reality, is little more
than a tongue-twisting chimera”

7. Under the rule of Trajan, the Roman Empire achieved what historic milestone?
a) The Roman Empire reached its greatest size.
b) Slavery was abolished throughout the Empire
c) Christianity became the state religion
d) The conquest of England

8. These ….. languages are the source of many words and expressions in all
languages of Europe and beyond. Romances???

9. Finish the sentence. Classical world is so influential for Western culture

The western civilization grew out of the classical world, and it never lost
the knowledge that a high culture had preceded it, whose legacy was there to be
emulated and exploited.

La civilización occidental surgió del mundo clásico. La cultura occidental nunca

olvidó se olvidó que el mundo clásico fue de alguna manera su inspiración en
todos los ámbitos. Además, ellos entendieron que el legado que el mundo clásico
les dejó debían imitarlo y aprovecharlo.

The classical world set the foundations for a lot of the things of the Western
civilization, not only this period leaves a longstanding legacy on the Europeans,
but perhaps Europeans continue to harken back to that legacy during that time as
a way of defining themselves. From the roman conquest of sparta in 146 BC to
the 300 , westerns love to draw parallels between the classical world and their
own, and see the classical people as an inspiration for their own period.
There are plenty of actual ideas and history we have adopted from the classical
world, but a lot of the influence is also because we find them influential.

10. Someone who studies the Greco-Roman world, studies…

a) Classics
b) Classicist
c) Classic
d) Classical

11. Finish the sentence. A similarity between tales and legend is…
Ambos presentan eventos extraordinarios, encuentros entre humanos ordinarios y
adversarios supernaturales, como por ejemplo brujas, gigantes u ogros.
El cuento y la leyenda presentan personajes ficticios.
Emplean la misma estructura: inicio , nudo , desenlace.

12. What city was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire? Conspantinopla

13. Comentario, de 200 palabras como máximo, de esta frase del archivo “Classical
world”, haciendo referencia al contenido del mismo: “Western civilization grew
out of the classical world, whose legacy was there to be emulated and

14. What the Romans did not borrow from the Greeks?
a) Aqueducts
b) Religion
c) Art
d) Literature

15. The latest bestsellers, timeless ………. and award-winning literature are
delivered via the internet
a) Classic and classical
b) Classic
c) Classics
d) Classicist
e) Classical
16. Which mythological expression/word appears in the text? Explain briefly its
origin and use in it.
“In this mercurial world, can the commitment to women’s rights be turned off
as quickly as the computer?

17. Which word applies to Greece and Rome


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