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3000 most common chinese characters pdf

I was looking for a list of characters to practice my writing and vocabulary. Most character practice books focus on beginners, and print only 4 or 5 characters per page. I wanted to do something to cover at least 2500 characters, use both simplified and traditional forms, and be in printed form (I try to
reduce the time in looking at the screen). I couldn't find a book that met this criteria. But, I looked at some frequency lists online, and I liked it. Their site looks down, but their original list is seen as a PDF on Harvard's subpage. Their original list contains about 10 characters per page, and totals of 156
pages. It's not ideal to print out. So, I decided to create an abbreviated version. It is only 28 pages. I left flashes for some characters that I felt I knew well. Some alternate meanings and pronunciations were also edited. My goal is to have the lowest brightness possible for each entry. I used katy font for
characters (it looks more natural, like handwritten), but Simson and Times New Roman for Gloss. EDIT: For those on the mainland who don't have access to Google Docs, here's my abbreviated version reflected on Baidu Cloud. Feedback is welcome. Page 2 comments 65 sign in to 5 rate 54.39MB. 3000
audio and 1 picture. Update 2015-12-19. The author has shared 1 other item(s). This item is large, and it may take some time to download. Details sample cards (from 3000 notes) are customizable! When this deck is imported into the desktop program, the card deck will appear as the author made them.
If you want to customize what appears in front and back of the card, you can do so by clicking the Edit button and then clicking the card button. Hanji 饼 Traditional 餅 Diagram HSK4 FrequencyRun 2359 Stroke No. 9, Radical ⻠ + 6 Pinyin bǐng Pinyin 2 Earth Rice-Cake, Biscuit Notes Notes URL Audio
Ruby Color Tag Hanji 衍 Traditional Diagram HSK6 Frequency 2437 Stroke No. 9, Radical + 3 Pinyin yǎn Pinyin 2 Yan Earth Overflow, Spill Over, Notes Notes URL Audio Ruby Color Tag 100 ⽵ Traditional Diagram HSK5 Frequency 1588 Stroke No. 6, Radical ⽵ + 0 Pinyin Zzu Pinyin 2 Meaning
Bamboo; flute; Kangxi Radical 118 Notes Notes URL Audio Ruby color tag file after downloading it double click on it to open it in the desktop program. At this time, it is not possible to add shared decks directly to your AnkiWeb account - they should be connected to the desktop then synchronized in
AnkiWeb. :) Review on 1607096863 on 1605733552 thanks on 1600689322 on how I pinyin/i Good on 1591331584 1591183862 It's good on 1591171742 it's a good deck on 1590034385是能字在⼏个常 或词就词就词就能把字典内容对应进去就内容对应进去就赞 1588169003 million thanks on
1587182191 thanks on 1576270239 It's great! I'm looking for some content to help my boy learn Chinese. I'll include this deck as my teaching tool. at 1576250990 i Love the method. And this deck is very super useful. I use it on a daily basis. But I am Turns out that meta information and key words
provided by deck are great for search. Thanks to the author of this deck for the contribution! Thank you very much! 这个词库⾮常可供我学孩学习 on 1572224046 1564495447 thanks to 很 on 1561084899 On 83 I've just built an Anki deck based on my deck: on 15596 18952 感谢 auspicious 1552396173
⾟苦,,是有联系⽅式就我想我想打点钱给他 Good at the 为 1552396173 on auspicious 1552396173 at 为个⼈我觉得这套我觉得这套真很不错我可复习下汉字拼⾳s拼⾳ 是再点那就还有书,就是专门教写字写教,不过你,不过你学习汉语外胞胞我觉得你能写⾯字体就很不错 At 1542206673 on 1539807645 is
very useful to train an overview and writing! The deck on 1535487803 so far very good on 1533458092 is somewhat broken by sequencing characters by simplified version. Each traditional character has a simplification, but in many cases many characters were simplified in the same character. In
addition, no stroke order is given for traditional characters. Putting the traditional character in much better territory would be the Hanzi label, putting the simplified character (one of which is called exactly 1 jinti in the field, and both show the stroke order (even in the case where the characters are identical).
For example Hanji: 麵 Jinti: ⾯ Meaning: Noodles Diagram: (麵 Diagram) (⾯ Diagram) Frequency: 1442 Radical: ⿆ (wheat) then as a In Separate Entry: Hanji: ⾯ Jinti: ⾯ Meaning: Face Diagram: (⾯ Diagram) (⾯ Diagram) Frequency: 57 It will be more consistent and more useful for learners. The
character 麵 should never be in the same entry as translation face (or a character frequency of <100) on 1523232000 is very useful and also works well if an all card flip! At 1522454400 never shows handwritten Chinese. And I mean lazy doctor scribble kind, not fair you can see all the components kind
of with the magic of calligraphy. While I would like to learn that the writing system would save time writing on paper, I would like to start from the basics. As I understand it, everyone has their own handwriting and it may not be very clear to other people if we are just looking to scribble. Very useful on
1521417600 does not download to Anki on 1520812800, corrupted on very good deck on sync on 1516233600 1514851200 on 1511740800 excellent and flexible deck anki corrupted on sync, saved me maybe hundreds of hours to set my own optimization information and rich character. Thank you very
much! Great at 1497139200! This is what I was looking for, huge thanks to the creator, but it would also be good for the fanatics. The 1495065600 deck design is great; Character sets are only so -so the deck overall is great; My main issue is with source data. According to Jun Da, the researcher who
compiled the list, the data sources include only formal modern Chinese texts.. । No efforts have been made to collect informal writings of modern Chinese such as postings on various online BBS or email messages. June DA also notes that the top 1,056 characters account for 90% of our modern
Collections, even though 9,933 different characters are identified. So focus on the first third of the list for maximum effectiveness. Personally, I felt that the last 500 or so characters (i.e. at least often) were extremely rare. I had not encountered most of them in written or spoken form during my many years
of Chinese studies or my many years living in China. I think the ideal deck for most learners will include more informal sources, in order to give more weight to the types of characters that most non-native speakers will hear and most often see. Conversationals on this list will be more eligible to be used in
Chinese, as well as more daily life characters that fall into the Chinese language environment (e.g. food, transportation, work, family, and characters are mainly used in the names of people, places and professions). Finally, it's worth noting that the source data is from 2005, and the Chinese language has
made as much changes in that time (mainly due to the Internet) as in English. Some diagrams on 14838333600 are missing Usado em cartôes mass falthdo na pasta de mídia: 25282.gif 23113.gif 25212.gif 32485.gif 36732.gif 32831.gif 36735.gif 3673526643.gif 26646.gif 24974.gif.gif 38230.gif
33970.gif.gif 32834.gif 25597.gif 34388.gif 34388.gif.gif <1><2> 33589.gif 39559.gif 31903.gif 31397.gif 30596.gif 22958.gif 35809.gif 22040.gif 39635.gif.gif <6> 31108.gif 38055.gif 21653.gif 21679.gif 36838.gif 32533.gif 38662.gif 28108.gif 32496. GIF 28821.gif 39056.gif 26629.gif
37321.gif 22070.gif 31048.gif 26477.gif 27993.gif 21119.gif 3247.gif .gif 8 21481.gif 24208.gif 29705.gif 26848.gif 30629.gif 30699.gif 21891.gif 21866.gif 36174.gif 2640 6.gif 35791.gif 29481.gif 38639.gif 25996.gif 25087.gif.gif 33433.gif 23828.gif 33643.gif 26247.gif 22435.gif.gif <2> 39336.gif
30977.gif 26797.gif 26188.gif 29279.gif.gif 20901.gif 23020.gif 33722. gif 34249.gif 21413. GIF 34398.gif 38041.gif 32752.gif 20495.gif 33721.gif 40548; .gif.gif 27603.gif 32482.gif 40607.gif 21375 21375.gif <1> 35140.gif 30505.gif 34281.gif 23421.gif 39759.gif 35167.gif 39045.gif 32517.gif 2
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38414.gif.gif 40486.gif 39745.gif 35885.gif 29632.gif 28248.gif 33905.gif 38491.gif 30597.gif 30315.gif 23822.gif 22047.gif.gif 25306.gif 29642.gif.gif 23517.gif 2537.gif 5 31143.gif 24913.gif 35905.gif 40077.gif.gif 26874.gif 40577.gif 33777.gif 23071.gif 26000.gif 2086 4.gif 20864 23462.gif 23077.gif
40687.gif 28504.gif 29380.gif 28335.gif 40141.gif 26707.gif 31095.gif 21742। GIF 33606.gif 37045.gif 28796.gif 36527.gif 28937.gif 29788.gif 28847.gif 21987.gif 29712.gif 30768.gif 34203.gif.gif 2 5300.gif 37089.gif 22372.gif 39608.gif 30008.gif 26607.gif 24429.gif 36713.gif 21553.gif 21658.gif 36299.gif
Perfect 148262400 148262400 on 32986.gif 38539.gif 29756.gif 40158.gif 28037.gif 24822.gif Promised. I also want for a traditional character version. Ask questions on 1478563200 if you need help asking questions on if you need help on 1473897600 best deck I've
found that it has everything you need to learn to read and pronounce characters. All you need to do is remember the most common pronunciation that I get audio files. You can learn less common people later through experience. I've added heigg's keywords to all cards that have a hegg keyword
(because I've finished remembering Hezig as Kanji) and used the Pinyin dictionary from Yabla to add some vocabulary words to get a better sense of character usage and meaning. On 1452384000 traditional stroke order hi, I really like your deck, but I'm having trouble customizing it to suit my needs; I'm
learning traditional characters, but can't find a way to add the traditional diagram of Yellowbridge to changing the stroke order diagram. Is there a way to do that? Thank you! Thank you!

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