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Q1. Explain the different sources of conventional and nonconventional energy with examples ?

Conventional energy sources are those that have been widely used for a long time, such as fossil fuels
(coal, oil, natural gas), nuclear power, and hydroelectric power. Nonconventional energy sources include
renewable sources like solar energy (sunlight), wind energy (wind turbines), geothermal energy (heat
from the Earth’s interior), and biomass energy (organic matter). Examples of nonconventional energy
sources include solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal power plants, and biomass generators. These
sources offer sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional energy options.

Q2. Detail the hybrid technology which used in automobile sector . How does it help to the
environment aspects ?

Hybrid technology in the automobile sector combines an internal combustion engine with an electric
motor and a battery. The engine charges the battery, and the electric motor assists the engine during
acceleration. This technology improves fuel efficiency and reduces emissions by allowing the engine to
operate at its most efficient range. It also enables regenerative braking, where energy is captured and
stored in the battery during deceleration. Overall, hybrid technology reduces greenhouse gas emissions
and dependence on fossil fuels, making it environmentally beneficial.

Q3. What are the barriers in implementing alternative fuels ?

There are several barriers to implementing alternative fuels. Firstly, infrastructure limitations play a
significant role, as establishing refueling or recharging stations for alternative fuel vehicles can be costly
and time-consuming. Additionally, alternative fuels often face higher upfront costs compared to
conventional fuels, making them less economically attractive. Limited consumer acceptance and
awareness, as well as concerns about vehicle range and performance, also pose barriers. Finally, the
influence of existing industries and policies can create resistance to change, hindering the widespread
adoption of alternative fuels.

Q4. List some prominent alternative fuels and classify them .

Prominent alternative fuels can be classified as follows:

1. Biofuels: Ethanol, Biodiesel

2. Hydrogen: Hydrogen fuel cells

3. Natural Gas: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

4. Electricity: Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

5. Synthetic Fuels: Synthetic diesel, Synthetic gasoline

These fuels offer reduced emissions and environmental benefits compared to conventional fossil fuels.

Q5. Explain the merits and demerits of the alternate fuels

Alternate fuels have both merits and demerits. The merits include reduced greenhouse gas emissions,
decreased reliance on fossil fuels, and improved energy security. They offer the potential for cleaner air
quality and contribute to mitigating climate change. However, demerits include higher upfront costs,
limited infrastructure, and lower energy density compared to conventional fuels. Some alternative fuels
also require significant land and water resources for production, and their production processes may
have their own environmental impacts.

Q6. What do you mean by power density batteries ?

Power density refers to the amount of power that a battery can deliver per unit of volume or weight. In
the context of batteries, power density determines how quickly the battery can supply energy. Batteries
with high power density are capable of delivering energy rapidly, making them suitable for applications
that require high power output, such as electric vehicles or high-performance electronics.

Q7. Define hybrid Electric Vehicle .

A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a type of vehicle that combines an internal combustion engine (typically
fueled by gasoline or diesel) with an electric motor and battery system. The electric motor assists the
engine during acceleration and other high-power demand situations, reducing fuel consumption and
emissions. The battery is recharged through regenerative braking and the engine’s operation, providing
power for the electric motor. HEVs offer improved fuel efficiency and reduced environmental impact
compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

Q8. List out any two advantages and main disadvantages of electric vehicles


1. Environmental Benefits: Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to cleaner air and mitigating climate change.

2. Energy Efficiency: Electric vehicles are more energy-efficient than internal combustion engine
vehicles, converting a higher percentage of energy from the grid to power at the wheels, resulting in
reduced energy consumption and lower operating costs.


1. Limited Range: Electric vehicles typically have a shorter driving range compared to conventional
vehicles, requiring frequent charging and limiting long-distance travel.

2. Charging Infrastructure: The availability of public charging stations is still limited, leading to concerns
about charging convenience and potential range anxiety for EV owners, especially in areas with
insufficient charging infrastructure.

Q9. List out the limitation of electric vehicles .

Limitations of electric vehicles include:

1. Limited Range: Electric vehicles generally have a shorter driving range compared to conventional
vehicles, requiring frequent recharging and limiting long-distance travel.
2. Charging Infrastructure: The availability of public charging stations is still limited, leading to
concerns about charging convenience and potential range anxiety for EV owners, especially in
areas with insufficient charging infrastructure.
3. Longer Recharge Times: Charging an electric vehicle takes longer than refueling a conventional
vehicle, requiring more time for recharging, especially with standard charging methods.
4. Higher Initial Cost: Electric vehicles often have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional
vehicles, primarily due to the expensive battery technology.

Q10. What is the difference between electric and hybrid vehicles ?

The main difference between electric and hybrid vehicles lies in their power sources. Electric vehicles
(EVs) rely solely on electricity as their power source and are powered by an electric motor and a battery.
They produce zero tailpipe emissions and have no internal combustion engine. On the other hand,
hybrid vehicles combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor and battery. They can
operate using either the engine, the electric motor, or a combination of both, offering improved fuel
efficiency compared to traditional vehicles.

Q11. Detail the hybrid technology which used in automobile sector . How does it help to the
environment aspects ?

In the automobile sector, hybrid technology refers to the combination of an internal combustion engine
(ICE) with an electric motor and battery. The hybrid system allows for more efficient energy usage, as
the electric motor assists the engine during acceleration and high-power demands, reducing fuel
consumption and emissions. The battery is recharged through regenerative braking and the engine’s
operation. This technology helps the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution,
and dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to cleaner air quality and mitigating climate change.

Q12. Explain the advantages and disadvantage of solar powered vehicle . Draw the layout of solar
powered vehicle .

Advantages of solar-powered vehicles:

1. Renewable Energy: Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source, reducing dependence on
fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Lower Operating Costs: Solar energy is free, so the cost of fuel is significantly reduced, resulting in
lower operating costs for solar-powered vehicles.

Disadvantages of solar-powered vehicles:

1. Limited Range: Solar-powered vehicles have limited range due to the intermittent availability of
sunlight, which may require additional charging or alternative power sources.

2. Energy Efficiency: Solar panels have limited efficiency in converting sunlight into electricity, which
affects the overall performance and speed of solar-powered vehicles.

Q13. What are all the blends of alcohols used as alternate fuels ? Give their merits and demerits

Blends of alcohols used as alternative fuels include ethanol, methanol, and butanol.


- Renewable and biodegradable fuel source.

- Lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to gasoline.

- Can be produced from various biomass sources.


- Lower energy density compared to gasoline.

- May cause compatibility issues with certain engines and fuel systems.

- Requires dedicated infrastructure for production and distribution.



- Can be produced from various feedstocks, including biomass and natural gas.

- Lower emissions of certain pollutants compared to gasoline.

- Can be blended with gasoline or used as a standalone fuel.


- Toxic and flammable in nature.

- Lower energy content compared to gasoline.

- Requires modifications to engines and infrastructure for widespread adoption.



- Higher energy density compared to ethanol and methanol.

- Can be blended with gasoline or used as a standalone fuel.

- Less corrosive than ethanol and methanol.


- Higher production costs compared to ethanol and methanol.

- Limited availability and infrastructure for distribution.

- Still in the early stages of commercial development.

Q14. Write short notes about LPG , CNG & bio gas with their merits and demerits .

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas):


- Clean-burning fuel with lower emissions compared to gasoline or diesel.

- Wide availability and established infrastructure for distribution.

- Can be used for various applications, including cooking, heating, and vehicles.


- Non-renewable fossil fuel.

- Potential safety risks due to its flammability.

- Lower energy density compared to gasoline or diesel.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas):


- Lower emissions of pollutants compared to gasoline or diesel.

- Abundant natural gas reserves globally.

- Lower cost compared to gasoline or diesel.


- Limited availability of refueling infrastructure.

- Requires specialized storage tanks and fueling systems.

- Limited range compared to gasoline or diesel.



- Renewable fuel produced from organic waste and biomass.

- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

- Can be used for heating, electricity generation, and as a vehicle fuel.


- Requires dedicated biogas production facilities.

- Limited availability and infrastructure for distribution.

- Efficiency and composition may vary depending on the feedstock used.

Q15. Explain the need of emission and control of alternative fuels .

The need for emission control of alternative fuels stems from the goal of mitigating environmental
pollution and reducing harmful emissions. While alternative fuels offer advantages such as lower
greenhouse gas emissions and reduced air pollutants, their combustion still produces emissions that
need to be controlled. Implementing emission control measures ensures that alternative fuels are used
in a cleaner and more sustainable manner, minimizing their impact on air quality, human health, and the
environment, and maximizing their potential benefits as a greener energy option.

Q16. Explain the classification and categories of emission .

Emissions are classified into two main categories: point source emissions and non-point source
emissions. Point source emissions originate from specific, identifiable sources such as factories or power
plants. Non-point source emissions come from dispersed sources, like vehicles or residential heating.
Emissions are further categorized into different types, including greenhouse gases (such as carbon
dioxide), criteria pollutants (like nitrogen oxides and particulate matter), and hazardous air pollutants
(such as benzene and mercury).

Q17. Write a short notes on fuel emission . What are the major Pollutants name them .

Fuel emissions refer to the release of pollutants into the atmosphere during the combustion or use of
various fuels. Major pollutants emitted from fuel combustion include carbon dioxide (CO2), a
greenhouse gas contributing to climate change; nitrogen oxides (NOx), which contribute to smog and
respiratory issues; particulate matter (PM), consisting of tiny particles that can harm human health and
the environment; sulfur dioxide (SO2), a contributor to acid rain; and volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), which can lead to air pollution and the formation of ozone at ground level.

Q18. Explain the control of emission . Explain any two types of emission control .

Emission control involves implementing measures to reduce or mitigate the release of pollutants into
the environment. Two types of emission control methods include:

1. Exhaust Gas Treatment: This method involves using technologies like catalytic converters or
diesel particulate filters to treat the exhaust gases from vehicles or industrial processes,
reducing the emission of harmful pollutants.
2. Fuel Quality Improvement: By improving the quality of fuels, such as reducing sulfur content in
diesel or gasoline, it helps reduce emissions when these fuels are burned, leading to cleaner
combustion and lower pollutant emissions.

Q19. Describe the evaluation of vehicle emission . Explain any two methods to diagnose .

The evaluation of vehicle emissions involves assessing the pollutant levels emitted by vehicles to ensure
compliance with regulatory standards. Two methods for diagnosing vehicle emissions include:

1. On-board Diagnostics (OBD): OBD systems monitor the performance of various components and
systems in a vehicle and detect malfunctions that could lead to increased emissions. It provides
diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) to identify the specific issue.
2. Emission Testing: Emission testing involves measuring the exhaust emissions of vehicles under
controlled conditions. This can be done using a dynamometer to simulate road load or through
remote sensing devices that measure emissions while vehicles are in operation on the road.
Results are compared against emission standards to evaluate compliance.

Q20. Describe the Indian standards of emission and control .

In India, the emission standards for vehicles are regulated by the Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB) under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. The Bharat Stage (BS)
emission standards are adopted, which align with European emission norms. These standards set
limits on pollutants emitted by vehicles, including carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC),
nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and other harmful gases. The standards become
increasingly stringent with each subsequent stage, promoting the use of cleaner and more efficient
vehicle technologies.

Q21. Discuss the Euro standards I , II , III , IV .

The Euro standards (Euro I, II, III, IV) are a set of emission standards implemented in Europe for
vehicles. Euro I, introduced in 1992, focused on limiting carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon
(HC) emissions. Euro II, implemented in 1996, added stricter limits for nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
particulate matter (PM). Euro III, introduced in 2000, further reduced NOx and PM emissions. Euro
IV, implemented in 2005, included more stringent limits on NOx and PM emissions for diesel
vehicles. These standards have contributed to significant reductions in vehicle emissions and
improved air quality.

Q22. What are the types of batteries used for automobile vehicle ? Discuss the suitability of these
batteries for automobile vehicles .

The types of batteries commonly used for automobile vehicles include lead-acid batteries, lithium-
ion batteries, and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. Lead-acid batteries are affordable but have
lower energy density. Lithium-ion batteries offer higher energy density and longer lifespan but are
more expensive. NiMH batteries provide a balance between cost and performance. The suitability of
these batteries depends on factors like cost, energy density, lifespan, weight, and application
requirements, with lithium-ion batteries often favored for electric and hybrid vehicles due to their
higher energy density and efficiency.

Q23. List out the and explain the techniques available for reduction of viscosity of vegetables

There are several techniques available for the reduction of viscosity in vegetables:

1. Enzymatic Treatment: The use of enzymes, such as pectinases or cellulases, breaks down the
complex polysaccharides responsible for viscosity, resulting in a smoother texture.
2. Thermal Processing: Heating vegetables can help break down the cell walls and reduce viscosity.
Techniques like blanching or pressure cooking can be employed.
3. Mechanical Techniques: Mechanical methods like grinding, blending, or homogenization can
disrupt the vegetable structure, reducing viscosity.

These techniques improve the texture and mouthfeel of vegetables, making them more appealing
for consumption or processing.
Q24. Discuss about the performance and emission characteristics of different blends of bio- diesel in
detail with the help of neat graphs .

Different blends of biodiesel, such as B5 (5% biodiesel, 95% petroleum diesel) or B20 (20% biodiesel,
80% petroleum diesel), have been studied extensively. Generally, biodiesel blends show improved
lubricity, reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions, and lower emissions of certain pollutants like
carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC). However, the effects on nitrogen oxides (NOx)
emissions can vary depending on the engine type and operating conditions. The exact performance
and emission characteristics can be influenced by factors such as the feedstock used for biodiesel
production and the engine technology.

Q25. Define DEE and explain their properties , performance characteristics with their merits and

DEE stands for Diethyl Ether. It is a colorless, volatile liquid with a sweet, ether-like odor. Properties
of DEE include low boiling point (-24.9°C), high flammability, and good solubility in organic solvents.
DEE is used as a solvent, fuel additive, and starting material in chemical synthesis. In terms of
performance characteristics, DEE has high oxygen content, which enhances combustion efficiency. It
has good cold-start properties and can improve engine performance. Merits include better fuel
vaporization and reduced emissions. Demerits include high flammability and potential health

Q26. Write short notes about ( I ) Solar vehicles ( ii ) Hybrid vehicles.

i) Solar vehicles: Solar vehicles are vehicles powered by solar energy harnessed through solar
panels installed on the vehicle. They use electric motors and batteries to convert and store
solar energy for propulsion. Solar vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions and rely on
renewable energy. However, their range and speed are limited by the intermittent
availability of sunlight.
ii) Hybrid vehicles: Hybrid vehicles combine an internal combustion engine with an electric
motor and battery. They can operate using either the engine, the electric motor, or a
combination of both. Hybrid vehicles offer improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and
lower operating costs compared to conventional vehicles. They also provide regenerative
braking and idle-off features, further improving fuel economy and reducing environmental

Q27. What is the functions of electronic control system in an automobile .

The electronic control system in an automobile is responsible for managing and regulating various
functions and components within the vehicle. It utilizes electronic sensors, actuators, and control units
to monitor and control systems such as the engine, transmission, brakes, steering, and emissions. The
electronic control system ensures optimal performance, efficiency, and safety by monitoring inputs from
sensors, processing data, and sending signals to actuators to adjust and regulate the vehicle’s operations
based on predefined parameters and conditions.

Q28. Discuss about the usage of alcohols in IC engines specific to their performance and emission
Alcohols, such as ethanol and methanol, are used as alternative fuels in internal combustion (IC)
engines. Their usage can have an impact on performance and emission parameters. Alcohols have
higher octane ratings than gasoline, which can improve engine performance and reduce knocking. They
also have lower carbon content, resulting in reduced carbon dioxide emissions. However, alcohols have
lower energy density, which can lead to decreased fuel efficiency and increased fuel consumption. They
may also produce higher emissions of certain pollutants like formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.

Q29. List some prominent alternative fuels and classify them .

Prominent alternative fuels can be classified into the following categories:

1. Biofuels: Derived from biomass, including ethanol, biodiesel, and biogas.

2. Hydrogen: Used in fuel cells or combustion engines as a zero-emission fuel.

3. Natural Gas: Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) are cleaner-burning
alternatives to gasoline and diesel.

4. Electricity: Used in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids, powered by rechargeable batteries or fuel cells.

5. Synthetic Fuels: Created through processes like Fischer-Tropsch, including synthetic diesel and

6. Propane: Also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), it’s a clean-burning alternative for various

Q30. Explain about storage and handling of hydrogen as engine fuel .

The storage and handling of hydrogen as an engine fuel require careful considerations due to its unique
properties. Hydrogen is typically stored and transported either as a compressed gas or in a cryogenic
liquid state. Compressed hydrogen requires high-pressure storage tanks, while cryogenic hydrogen
demands specialized insulated containers. Proper ventilation, leak detection systems, and safety
protocols are necessary due to its flammability and low ignition energy. Strict handling procedures,
training, and infrastructure are crucial to ensure the safe storage, transfer, and usage of hydrogen as an
engine fuel.

Q31. Brief about bio – fuel and its characteristics .

Biofuel refers to a renewable fuel derived from organic matter, such as crops, agricultural waste, or
biomass. It can be used as a substitute for conventional fossil fuels in vehicles, power generation, and
heating. Biofuels are classified into first-generation (such as ethanol from corn) and second-generation
(like cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues). Characteristics of biofuels include lower greenhouse
gas emissions, potential for reduced dependence on fossil fuels, compatibility with existing
infrastructure, and the ability to promote agricultural and rural development.

Q32. Explain the on – board production of Hydrogen .

On-board production of hydrogen refers to the generation of hydrogen gas within a vehicle itself,
typically for use in fuel cell vehicles. This process involves using an on-board system called a hydrogen
generator or reformer that converts a fuel source, such as gasoline, methanol, or natural gas, into
hydrogen gas through chemical reactions. The reformer typically utilizes a catalyst and heat to convert
the fuel into a hydrogen-rich gas, which is then supplied to the fuel cell to produce electricity for
powering the vehicle’s electric motor.

Q33. What is the composition of LPG ?

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases, primarily propane (C3H8) and butane
(C4H10). The exact composition of LPG can vary depending on the source and manufacturing process.
Typically, LPG contains around 40-60% propane and 20-50% butane, with small amounts of other
hydrocarbons. The specific blend of propane and butane allows LPG to be stored as a liquid under
moderate pressure, and it vaporizes into a gaseous state when released from a pressurized container.

Q34. What is the composition of biogas ?

Biogas is a renewable energy fuel derived from the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of
oxygen through a process called anaerobic digestion. The composition of biogas primarily consists of
methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), along with trace amounts of other gases such as nitrogen
(N2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and water vapor (H2O). The exact composition can vary depending on the
feedstock used and the digestion process. Methane is the main component, typically ranging from 50%
to 70%, making biogas a valuable source of renewable energy.

Q35. What are the advantages of LPG fuel ?

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) offers several advantages as a fuel:

1. Lower Emissions: LPG produces lower emissions of pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO),
nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) compared to conventional fuels.
2. Versatility: LPG can be used in a wide range of applications, including vehicles, residential and
commercial heating, cooking, and industrial processes.
3. Storage and Handling: LPG is easy to store and transport in liquid form, making it convenient for
residential and commercial use.
4. Availability: LPG is widely available, with an extensive distribution infrastructure in many

Q36. Describe some of the important properties of CNG .

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) possesses several important properties:

1. High Energy Content: CNG has a high energy content per unit of volume, making it an efficient
fuel for combustion.
2. Lower Emissions: CNG combustion results in reduced emissions of pollutants compared to
conventional fuels, with lower levels of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and
particulate matter (PM).
3. Safer Storage: CNG is stored in high-pressure cylinders, and in case of leakage, it disperses into
the atmosphere rapidly, minimizing the risk of fire or explosion.
4. Abundant Availability: CNG is sourced from natural gas, which is abundant in many regions,
ensuring a consistent and reliable fuel supply.

Q36. Why is hydrogen referred to as a “ freedom fuel “ ?

Hydrogen is often referred to as a “freedom fuel” due to several reasons. Firstly, hydrogen can be
produced from a variety of renewable sources, providing energy independence and reducing
dependence on fossil fuels. Secondly, hydrogen can be stored and transported efficiently, allowing for
decentralized energy distribution. Lastly, hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity,
offering a versatile and clean energy option for various applications, including transportation and power

Q37. What are the methods of hydrogen production ?

Hydrogen can be produced through various methods:

1. Steam Methane Reforming: This process involves reacting steam with natural gas (methane) to
produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
2. Electrolysis: Water electrolysis splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using an
electric current.
3. Gasification: Biomass or coal can be converted into a hydrogen-rich gas through high-
temperature gasification.
4. Photolysis: Sunlight can be used to directly split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

These methods offer different approaches to generate hydrogen, each with its own advantages and

Q38. What type of fuel delivery systems are used for hydrogen in SI engines .

For hydrogen-powered spark-ignition (SI) engines, two main fuel delivery systems are commonly used:

1. Port Fuel Injection (PFI): Similar to conventional gasoline engines, hydrogen is injected into the
intake port of the engine. PFI systems provide good mixing of hydrogen with air and allow for
precise control of the fuel-air mixture.
2. Direct Injection (DI): In DI systems, hydrogen is injected directly into the combustion chamber.
This allows for better control over combustion characteristics and can optimize the engine’s
efficiency and performance.

Both systems have been utilized in hydrogen SI engines, each with its own advantages and
considerations for efficient hydrogen combustion.

Q39. Enumerate some applications of natural gas .

Natural gas has various applications across different sectors:

1. Power Generation: Natural gas is used to generate electricity in gas-fired power plants.
2. Residential and Commercial Heating: It is used for heating homes, buildings, and water in
furnaces, boilers, and water heaters.
3. Industrial Processes: Natural gas is used as a fuel and feedstock in industrial processes like
manufacturing, chemical production, and metal refining.
4. Transportation: It is increasingly used as a cleaner fuel for vehicles, especially in compressed
natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) forms.
5. Cooking and Appliances: Natural gas is commonly used for cooking, as well as powering
appliances such as stoves, ovens, and dryers.
Q40. Compare the fuel properties of CNG and LPG as engine fuel

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) have different fuel properties when
used as engine fuels. CNG has a higher octane rating, resulting in improved engine performance and
reduced knocking. It has a narrower flammability range, making it safer than LPG. LPG has a higher
energy density, offering longer driving range compared to CNG. However, CNG requires larger storage
tanks due to lower energy density. Both fuels emit fewer pollutants than conventional fuels and require
specific fueling infrastructure and engine modifications for proper use.

Q41. How alternate fuel is selected to use in diesel engine ?

The selection of an alternate fuel for use in a diesel engine involves several considerations. Factors such
as fuel availability, cost, energy content, combustion characteristics, compatibility with existing
infrastructure and engine technologies, and environmental impact are taken into account. Additionally,
the fuel’s properties, such as viscosity, flash point, cetane number, and lubricity, are evaluated to ensure
they meet the requirements of the diesel engine’s design and operation. Extensive testing and analysis
are conducted to determine the feasibility and compatibility of the alternate fuel with the diesel engine

Q42. Discuss in detail about different characteristics of alternate fuels and their availability status in the
current scenario .

Alternate fuels exhibit a wide range of characteristics. Biofuels, like ethanol and biodiesel, are renewable
and have lower carbon emissions. Hydrogen offers zero emissions when used in fuel cells. Natural gas
(CNG/LNG) provides lower emissions and widespread availability. Electric vehicles rely on electricity as a
clean and increasingly accessible option. However, the availability of alternate fuels varies. Biofuels are
widely available, while hydrogen infrastructure is still developing. Natural gas and electricity
infrastructure are becoming more prevalent but may vary regionally.

Q43. With suitable data’s explain in detail about the word energy scenario and also explain the energy
availability in India .

The global energy scenario is evolving as countries aim to transition to cleaner and more sustainable
sources. Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are witnessing significant
growth. In India, the energy availability is primarily dependent on coal, followed by natural gas, oil, and
renewable energy sources. India has made notable progress in expanding its renewable energy capacity,
particularly in solar and wind power, aiming to increase the share of renewables in its energy mix.

Q44. Explain unfavorable proprieties of Vegetable oil .

Vegetable oils have some unfavorable properties. Firstly, they are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which,
when consumed in excess, can lead to inflammation and imbalanced omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in the
body. Secondly, they have a high content of polyunsaturated fats, making them prone to oxidation and
rancidity, leading to the formation of harmful free radicals. Lastly, some vegetable oils are highly
processed, containing additives and undergoing chemical extraction, which can reduce their nutritional
Q45. Describe some important properties of SVO

SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) has several important properties. Firstly, it is a renewable and sustainable
fuel source derived from vegetable oils, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Secondly, it has lower
greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional diesel fuel, contributing to environmental
sustainability. Thirdly, it can be used in diesel engines with little to no modifications, making it a feasible
alternative fuel option. Lastly, SVO possesses lubricating properties, which can help extend the lifespan
of engine components and reduce wear and tear.

Q46. What is esterfication of vegetable oils ?

Esterification of vegetable oils is a chemical process that involves converting the triglycerides present in
the oil into fatty acid esters. It typically involves reacting the oil with an alcohol, such as methanol or
ethanol, in the presence of a catalyst, such as sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide. This reaction breaks
down the triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acid esters, which are commonly known as biodiesel. The
esterification process is an important step in the production of biodiesel from vegetable oils.

Q47. Write short note on degumming of SVO .

Degumming of SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) is a process used to remove impurities known as gums from
the oil. These gums, which are phospholipids, can cause issues such as foaming, poor stability, and
clogging in fuel systems. Degumming involves treating the oil with water or acid, which breaks down the
gums, allowing them to be separated from the oil. This process helps improve the quality and
performance of SVO as a fuel, ensuring smoother operation and reduced maintenance requirements in

Q48. What is esterification process ?

Esterification is a chemical process that involves the formation of an ester compound from a reaction
between an acid and an alcohol. It typically requires a catalyst to facilitate the reaction. During
esterification, the hydroxyl group of the acid reacts with the hydrogen atom of the alcohol, resulting in
the formation of an ester and water as a byproduct. This process is commonly used in the production of
various products, such as ester-based fuels, fragrances, and pharmaceuticals.

Q49. Mention various vegetable oils used for engines .

Several vegetable oils can be used as fuel for engines. Some commonly used vegetable oils include
soybean oil, canola oil, palm oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, and coconut oil. These oils can be processed
and modified to create biodiesel, which is a renewable and environmentally friendly alternative to
conventional diesel fuel. The choice of vegetable oil for engine use depends on factors such as
availability, cost, sustainability, and compatibility with engine systems.

Q50. What are the merits of using vegetable oils as fuels in Cl Engine ?

Using vegetable oils as fuels in CI (Compression Ignition) engines, such as diesel engines, offers several
merits. Vegetable oils are renewable and have lower carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels,
contributing to environmental sustainability. They can be produced locally, reducing dependence on
imported fuels. Vegetable oils have good lubricating properties, protecting engine components.
Additionally, they have high energy content, leading to efficient combustion. However, proper
modifications and treatments are necessary to address issues like viscosity, cold flow properties, and
potential engine deposits.

Q51. How do you store gaseous fuels for IC engines ?

Gaseous fuels for IC (Internal Combustion) engines, such as natural gas or hydrogen, are stored in
specially designed tanks or cylinders. These tanks are constructed to withstand high pressure and are
typically made of materials like steel or composite materials. The tanks undergo rigorous testing to
ensure their safety and integrity. Gaseous fuels are compressed and stored in the tanks at high pressure,
allowing for compact storage. Proper storage conditions, including temperature and pressure
monitoring, are maintained to ensure the safe and efficient use of gaseous fuels in IC engines.

Q52. What are the safety measures to be considered while using gaseous fuels in IC engines ?

When using gaseous fuels in IC engines, several safety measures should be considered. Firstly, proper
handling and storage procedures must be followed, ensuring secure connections, leak detection, and
compliance with pressure and temperature limits. Adequate ventilation and fire prevention measures
should be in place to avoid the accumulation of flammable gases. Regular inspections and maintenance
of fuel storage tanks and engine components are crucial. Additionally, training operators on safe fuel
handling practices and emergency response protocols is essential to minimize risks and ensure safe

Q53. What are the advantages of LNG fuel ?

LNG (liquefied natural gas) fuel offers several advantages. Firstly, it has a higher energy density
compared to compressed natural gas (CNG), allowing for increased fuel efficiency and longer driving
ranges. LNG produces lower emissions of greenhouse gases, particulate matter, and sulfur compounds
compared to conventional fossil fuels. It is also readily available and has a well-established infrastructure
for storage, transportation, and distribution. Additionally, LNG reduces noise pollution and offers
potential cost savings, making it an attractive option for transportation and industrial applications.

Q54. What are the properties of CNG fuel ?

CNG (compressed natural gas) fuel possesses several properties. It is composed primarily of methane
(CH4) and is stored in a gaseous state under high pressure. CNG is lighter than air, making it safer in case
of leaks, as it quickly disperses. It has a high octane rating, allowing for efficient combustion and power
production. CNG produces lower emissions of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and
particulate matter compared to conventional fuels. Additionally, CNG has a lower cost compared to
gasoline or diesel, providing potential cost savings for users.

Q55. What are the advantages and disadvantages of CNG Fuel .

Advantages of CNG (compressed natural gas) fuel include lower emissions, reduced greenhouse gas
emissions, and improved air quality. It offers cost savings compared to gasoline or diesel fuel and has a
well-established infrastructure for refueling. However, CNG vehicles generally have limited driving range
due to the need for bulky storage tanks. The availability of refueling stations may be limited in some
areas. Additionally, converting vehicles to CNG can be costly, and the initial infrastructure setup can
require significant investment.
Q56. What are the constitutions of bio – gas ?

Biogas is primarily composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), along with traces of other
gases such as nitrogen (N2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and water vapor (H2O). Methane is the main
component and is responsible for the combustible properties of biogas. The percentage composition of
methane in biogas can vary depending on the feedstock and the anaerobic digestion process. On
average, biogas contains approximately 50-75% methane and 25-50% carbon dioxide, with small
amounts of other gases present.

Q57. Compare the fuel properties of GNG and LPG as engine fuel.

When comparing the fuel properties of GNG (compressed natural gas) and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)
as engine fuels, some key differences arise. GNG has a higher energy density, providing longer driving
ranges, while LPG has a lower energy density. GNG emits lower greenhouse gas emissions and
particulate matter, whereas LPG produces slightly higher emissions. GNG requires high-pressure storage,
while LPG requires low-temperature storage. GNG has a narrower flammability range, making it safer,
while LPG has a wider flammability range. Overall, the choice depends on specific requirements and
infrastructure availability.

Q58. What are the disadvantages of using alcohols in IC engines ?

Using alcohols, such as ethanol or methanol, in IC (Internal Combustion) engines has some
disadvantages. Firstly, alcohols have lower energy content compared to gasoline, resulting in reduced
fuel efficiency and decreased driving range. Alcohols are also more corrosive than gasoline, requiring
engine modifications and specialized materials to prevent damage. Additionally, alcohols have higher
volatility, leading to increased evaporative emissions. Cold starting can be problematic due to their
lower vapor pressure. Lastly, the production of alcohols can have environmental impacts and compete
with food crops for resources.

Q59. What is meant by volatility of fuel ? Draw the distillation curves for Gasoline and Alcohols .

Volatility of fuel refers to its tendency to evaporate and form vapors at a given temperature. It is an
important property that affects the ease of starting an engine, fuel atomization, and vaporization in the
combustion process. Gasoline typically has a higher volatility, meaning it evaporates more readily at
lower temperatures. On the other hand, alcohols, such as ethanol or methanol, have lower volatility
compared to gasoline.

Q60. How does the latent heat of vaporization of ethanol affect the engine performance ?

The latent heat of vaporization of ethanol, which is the amount of heat required to convert a liquid to
vapor, affects engine performance in several ways. Ethanol has a higher latent heat of vaporization
compared to gasoline. This means that more heat energy is absorbed from the surrounding environment
during the vaporization process, resulting in a cooling effect. This can lead to reduced intake air
temperatures, higher charge density, and improved combustion efficiency, potentially enhancing engine
performance and reducing the risk of knocking or pre-ignition.

Q61. What is the chief problem with alcohol – gasoline blends ?

The chief problem with alcohol-gasoline blends, such as ethanol-gasoline blends, is their potential for
phase separation. Alcohol and gasoline have different solubilities, and if the blend is exposed to water or
excessive moisture, the alcohol component can absorb the water and separate from the gasoline,
resulting in a phase separation. This can cause fuel system corrosion, engine damage, and reduced
performance. Proper handling, storage, and fuel system design are necessary to prevent phase
separation and ensure optimal performance with alcohol-gasoline blends.

Q62. List out the raw materials for manufacture of alcohol fuels .

The raw materials for the manufacture of alcohol fuels, such as ethanol or methanol, can vary
depending on the production process. Common raw materials include:

1. Sugarcane: Used to produce ethanol through fermentation and distillation.

2. Corn: Used in the production of ethanol primarily in the United States.

3. Cellulosic Biomass: Non-food sources like agricultural residues, wood chips, or dedicated energy crops
used for ethanol production.

4. Natural Gas: Used as a feedstock in the production of methanol through chemical synthesis.

5. Coal: Can be used as a feedstock in the production of methanol through gasification processes.

6. Biomass: Various organic materials, such as agricultural waste or energy crops, can be utilized for
alcohol fuel production.

Q63. Enumerate the desirable properties of alcohol as engine fuel .

Alcohol fuels, such as ethanol or methanol, possess several desirable properties as engine fuels:

1. High Octane Rating: Alcohol fuels have high octane ratings, which enable efficient combustion and
resistance to knocking.

2. Oxygen Content: Alcohols contain oxygen atoms, promoting more complete combustion and reducing
emissions of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons.

3. Lower Toxic Emissions: Alcohol fuels produce fewer toxic emissions compared to conventional fuels.

4. Renewable Source: Alcohol fuels can be produced from renewable feedstocks, reducing dependence
on fossil fuels.

5. Compatibility: Alcohol fuels can be blended with gasoline and used in existing engine systems with
minor modifications.

6. Potential Cooling Effect: The higher latent heat of vaporization of alcohols can provide a cooling
effect, reducing the risk of engine overheating.

Q64. Brief about emission characteristics of methanol and gasoline blend used in C.I. , engines .

When methanol-gasoline blends are used in CI (Compression Ignition) engines, their emission
characteristics differ from pure gasoline. Methanol has a higher oxygen content, resulting in more
complete combustion and lower emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC).
However, methanol combustion can lead to higher nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Blending methanol
with gasoline can help reduce CO and HC emissions while maintaining adequate combustion stability.
Proper tuning and optimization are necessary to balance emission characteristics and ensure compliance
with regulatory standards.

Q65. Define DME . Differentiate between methanol and DME .

DME (Dimethyl Ether) is a clean-burning, gaseous fuel that can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel. It
is produced through the dehydration of methanol.

Differentiating between methanol and DME, methanol is a liquid alcohol fuel primarily used in gasoline
blends and as a chemical feedstock. DME, on the other hand, is a gaseous fuel with higher energy
density than methanol. It has lower emissions of particulate matter and sulfur compounds and can be
used directly in compression ignition engines without significant modifications.

Q66. Define the production of Methanol . Compare Ethanol and Methanol .

Methanol production typically involves the catalytic synthesis of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases.
The gases react under high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst, usually a copper-
based compound. The resulting product is methanol.

Ethanol and methanol are both alcohol fuels but have differences. Methanol is typically produced from
fossil fuels, while ethanol is primarily derived from biomass. Ethanol has a higher oxygen content and
octane rating, making it more suitable for gasoline blending, while methanol has a higher energy density
and can be used as a standalone fuel in some applications.

Q67. How can be toxicity of methanol be reduced ?

To reduce the toxicity of methanol, several measures can be taken:

1. Proper Handling and Ventilation: Methanol should be handled in well-ventilated areas to

prevent inhalation of vapors. Protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, should be worn
during handling.
2. Avoid Ingestion: Methanol should never be consumed or ingested, as it can be extremely toxic.
Strict precautions should be taken to prevent accidental ingestion.
3. Labeling and Storage: Methanol containers should be clearly labeled to indicate their contents
and potential hazards. Proper storage, away from incompatible materials and heat sources, is
4. Education and Training: Educating individuals about the potential risks and safe handling
practices of methanol is crucial to minimize exposure and toxicity.
5. Emergency Response: Establishing emergency response procedures and protocols, including
access to medical assistance and appropriate treatment measures, can help mitigate the effects
of methanol exposure.

Q68. Write down any four uses of blends ?

Blends, particularly fuel blends, have various applications in different industries. Here are four common
uses of blends:
1. Fuel Blends: Blending different fuels, such as ethanol-gasoline blends or biodiesel-diesel blends,
is done to improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and promote renewable energy use.
2. Beverage Blends: Blending different ingredients in beverages, such as fruit juices, tea, or coffee,
allows for unique flavor profiles and customized taste experiences.
3. Cosmetic Blends: Blending various ingredients in cosmetics, skincare, and personal care
products helps achieve desired formulations, textures, and functionalities.
4. Food Blends: Blending different food ingredients, spices, or flavors enhances taste, adds
complexity, and creates unique culinary experiences in dishes, sauces, and seasonings.

Q69. How anhydrous alcohol is prepared ?

Anhydrous alcohol, referring to alcohol with minimal water content, is typically prepared through a
process called dehydration. One common method is molecular sieves, where the alcohol is passed
through a bed of porous materials that selectively adsorb water molecules, resulting in the removal of
water from the alcohol. Another method involves azeotropic distillation, where a solvent is added to the
alcohol to form a low-boiling azeotrope, allowing water to be removed along with the solvent during
distillation, leaving behind anhydrous alcohol.

Q70. Explain the properties of Alternative fuels .

Alternative fuels possess various properties that make them distinct from conventional fuels. These
properties can include renewable sourcing, lower carbon emissions, reduced air pollutants, and
improved fuel efficiency. Alternative fuels often have higher octane ratings, better lubricity, and lower
toxicity compared to traditional fuels. They may require specific infrastructure and engine modifications.
Additionally, alternative fuels may exhibit different combustion characteristics, affecting engine
performance, emissions, and compatibility. The properties of alternative fuels vary depending on their
composition and production methods.

Q71. Write the merits and demerits of various Alternative fuels.

The merits and demerits of various alternative fuels can be summarized as follows:


- Renewable sourcing

- Lower carbon emissions

- Reduced air pollutants

- Improved fuel efficiency


- Limited availability and infrastructure

- Higher production costs

- Compatibility issues with existing engines

- Potential land use conflicts

- Variability in energy content and properties

The specific advantages and disadvantages can vary for each alternative fuel, such as biofuels, hydrogen,
natural gas, and electric power, depending on their production methods and application contexts.

Q72. Explain the need and availability of Alternative fuels .

The need for alternative fuels arises from the growing concerns over climate change, air pollution, and
the limited availability of fossil fuels. Alternative fuels offer reduced carbon emissions, improved air
quality, and energy security. The availability of alternative fuels varies depending on the region and
resources. Some alternative fuels, such as biofuels, can be produced locally from renewable sources.
Others, like hydrogen and electricity, require infrastructure development. Government policies and
technological advancements play a crucial role In promoting and expanding the availability of alternative

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