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Honors 2-D Motion (projectile motion)

Name: Nathan Cooper

1. Gravity on 2 other Planets of Solar System

a. Mars. For Mars (mass = 0.107 x Earths, Radius = 3376 km) It is weaker than
Earth's gravity due to the planet's smaller mass. The average gravitational
acceleration on Mars is 3.72076 ms−2 (about 38% of the gravity of Earth). This
gravity on Mars (approximately 3 times less than that of Earth), is mostly
attributed to the relatively low mass and density of Mars.

b. Neptune. For Neptune (mass =17.14 x Earths, radius = 22622 km) the
acceleration due to gravity is 11.15 ms−2 (about 110% of the gravity of Earth).
This gravity on Neptune (slightly more than that of Earth), is mostly attributed to
the relatively high density of this Planet meaning.

c. My Weight on Different Plantes

i. Earth.
My Mass = 65 kg
My Weight = m x g
= 65 x 9.81
= 637.65 N
(On Earth)
ii. Mars
My Mass = 65 kg
My Weight = m x g
= 65 x 3.72
= 241.80 N
(Less than that on Earth)
iii. Neptune
My Mass = 65 kg
My Weight = m x g
= 65 x 11.15
= 724.75 N
(More than that on Earth)

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.
2. Discussion Post. One of the fellows had posted his research on comparison his
Weight on Planet Earth and Planet Pluto. I found few interesting facts in His
research that consolidated my own research and concepts alike.

a. His Research

i. Earth
His Mass = 70 kg
His Weight = m x g
= 70 x 9.81
= 686.7 N
(On Earth)
ii. Pluto
His Mass = 65 kg
His Weight = m x g
= 70 x 0.62
= 43.40 N
(Less than that on Earth)
iii. Jupiter
His Mass = 65 kg
His Weight = m x g
= 70 x 24.79
= 1735 N
(More than that on Earth)

b. Similarities in our Researches / Interesting Facts

i. Case - I. Both my Fellow and I had approximately slightly different

mass (a difference of 5 kg) and weight on Earth (a difference of 49 N).
However, His Weight on Pluto (43.40 N) was far less than that on
Earth (686.7 N) due to the less gravity on Pluto. I found a similar shift
while I found very less weight of mine on Mars (241.85 N) than that on
Earth (637.65 N) due to the less gravitational acceleration on Mars (in
my case) and Pluto (in his case).

ii. Case – II. Both my Fellow and I had found a high value of our weight
(more than that on Earth) while calculating it on Planets with Gravity
more than that on the Earth). His Weight on Jupiter (1735 N) was far
more than His Weight on Earth (686 N) whereas I found a similar shift
when I found larger value of my Weight on Neptune (724 N) than my
normal Weight on Earth (637 N). Reason was the same, a High Gravity
on both Neptune (in my case) & Jupiter (in his case).

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.
3. Summary. Mass remains constant from place to place whereas Weight varies
from location to location since it depends on the gravitational force.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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