Lecture 07 - Handout

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The University of Hong Kong

Common Core Course 2019 – 2020

China: Culture, State and Society
Chinese House and Garden: Architecture, Landscape, and Material Culture (CCCH 9001)

Lecture 07
Garden and the Literati of 16th-Century Suzhou
A. City and Garden
1. The Functions of Garden and Garden in a House
2. Four Famed Suzhou Gardens 蘇州四大名園
i. The Master of Nets Garden 網師園 (Song 宋 1174-)
- A pocket garden combined with residence
ii. The Lion Grove Garden 獅子林 (Yuan 元 1342-)
- An originally temple garden conformed with literati’s and
merchant’s interest
iii.The Humble Administrator Garden 拙政園 (Ming 明 1510-)
- A large scale water scenery garden designed by literati (Wen
Zheng-Ming 文徵明)
iv. The Lingering Garden 留園 (Ming 明 1593-)
- A comprehensive garden famous for rock and water
v. Others: Cang-Lang Pavilion, Suzhou 滄浪亭 (Song 宋 1045-)
- A small shrine and public garden

B. Chinese Literati of Late Ming and Qing

1. Tang Xian-Zu 湯顯祖 (1550-1616): Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭, Kun Opera 崑曲
- Romantic Dream in the Garden 遊園驚夢
2. Wen Zhen-Heng 文震亨 (1585-1645): Appreciation & Grading of Material
Culture 長物志
- Studios and Retreats 室廬 (Architecture and Components); Foliage 花木;
Pond & Rock 水石; Pet 禽魚 (Birds and Fish); Calligraphy and Painting
3. Li Yu 李漁 (1611-1680): Journal of Leisure Time 閒情偶寄
- Poetry 詞曲; Opera 演習; Appearance 聲容; Dwelling 居室;
Furniture and Utensil 器玩; Food 飲饌; Planting 種植; Pleasure 頤養
4. Shen Fu 沈復 (1763-1807): Six Chapters of a Floating Life 浮生六記
- Wedded Bliss 閨房記樂; The Little Pleasures of Life 閒情記趣; Sorrow
坎坷記愁; The Joys of Travel 浪游記快
5. Cao Xue-Qin 曹雪芹 (1724-1763): Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢
- Grand View Garden 大觀園
C. Nature and Artificial Landscape
1. Prodigious Royal Gardens and Regional Landscape
i. Summer Palace, Beijing 北京頤和園
ii. Imperial Summer Resort, Cheng-de 承德避暑山莊
iii. West Lake, Hangzhou 杭州 西湖

2. Famous Mountain 名山: Political, Religious and Literati Landscape

i. Politics and Mountains: The Five Famous Mountains 五嶽:
Mount Tai 泰山 (封禪), Mount Hua 華山, Mount Heng 恒山, Mount
Heng 衡山, Mount Song 嵩山
ii. Buddhism Mountains: Mount Wu-Tai 五台山, Mount E-Mei 峨眉山,
Mount Pu-Tuo 普陀山, Mount Jiu-Hua 九華山
iii. Daoism Mountains: Mount Wu-Dang 武當山, Mount Mao 茅山,
Mount Long-Hu 龍虎山, Mount Qing-Cheng 青城山
iv. Literati Paintings and Mountains: Yellow Mountain 黃山, Mount Lu 廬山

Required Reading List:

Suzhou Institute of Landscape Architectural Design, Suzhou Gardens. Beijing: China

Architecture & Building Press, 2001.

Extended Reading List:

Pao-Teh Han. The Story of Chinese Landscape Design. Taiwan: Youth Cultural Enterprise,
(Chapter 5, Chapter 6 & Chapter 7)
Maggie Keswick. The Chinese Garden. London: Academy Editions, 1986.
Clunas Craig. Superfluous Things, Material Culture and Social Status in Early Modern China.
University of Hawaii Press, 2004.
Clunas Craig. Fruitful Sites: Garden Culture in Ming Dynasty China. US: Duke University
Press, 1996.
Yali Yu. Gardens in Suzhou. London: Edition Axel Menges, 2003.
Isao Yoshikawa. Chinese Gardens. Taiwan: Shu xin Publisher, 1991.
Li-xian Chen. Art and Architecture in Suzhou Gardens. Nanjing: Yilin Press, 1992.
Yu-tang Lin. My Country and My People. New York: Day, 1935.
Yu-tang Lin. The Importance of Living. London: William Heinemann, 1940.
Li-Tsui Flora Fu, Framing Famous Mountains: Grand Tour and Mingshan Paintings in
China. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2009.

李漁著,《閒情偶寄》,上海: 上海古籍出版社,2000. (居室部)

沈復著,《浮生六記》,北京: 人民文學出版社,1999. (閑情記趣 & 浪遊記快)
文震亨著,《長物志圖說》,山東: 山東畫報出版社,2006.
劉敦楨著,《蘇州古典園林》,南京: 中國建築工業出版社,1979.

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