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I Putu Wirya Suta (232304001)

A. External aspects
1. Publication and distribution
The journal article was published in Academic Publication site of (Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 13,
No. 8, pp. 2123-2130) on August 1, 2023.
2. Author’s reputation
The author has published 203 scholar articles (source:
3. Academic acceptance
This article has just been published on August 2023, and there is no citation of the article yet.

B. Internal aspects

1. Students’ autonomy Speaking autonomy Communication strategies

2. L2 communication strategies and performance


1. To examine the frequency of L2 L2 communication Quasi-experimental (A study of

communication strategies used by strategies Indonesian EFL leaners’ use of
students. second language communication
2. To investigate the effect of L2 strategies)
communication strategies to
students’ speaking autonomy and
Use of Second Language Communication
Strategies to Teach Autonomy in Speaking: A Study of Indonesian EFL Learners’ Use of
Second Language Communication Strategies

1. Sample: 33 students of 3rd semester of English Departmen Unila

2. Data collection: 3 steps: pre-test, treatment, post-test

a. Speaking autonomy: using 5-point Likert scale (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never)
b. Autonomy questionaires (Holec): purpose, load, technique, monitoring, evaluating (How
often used in speaking)
c. Treatment: communication strategies is taught
d. Data analysis: descriptive statistic

3. Result:
The result of the study is conveyed on tables that:
a. Describe the frequency of L2 communication strategies used by students before and after
the treatment given for each each aspect.
b. Describe the effects of L2 communication strategies on students’ speaking preformance
for each aspect before and after the treatment.

Conclusion: the journal can be said to be highly credible for some reasons:
- This journal conveys a specific purpose,
- Having applied an academic standard research methodoly
- The data analysis used is valid and relevant
- The conclusion is supported with valid data analysis.
- The citation of APA (American Psycological Association) style is used in the article.

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