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sae chair lit at a ki area. Ifthe magia uePorts 8 Sete Mee te eit ee cable can support? load the es me ES & 7x10°N. 7x1 (9x10'N Arectangular frame is tobe suspended symmetrically by two strings of equal length on supports (Fig) It can be done in one of the '%° folowing three ways INCERT exempta o @ ‘The tension in the strings wil be (athe same in all exes ) least in (i) leasing) (@ tes in i) 3. Two identical wires of rubber and iron are stretched by the same weight, then the number of toms in unit volume of ron wie wil be (ual o that of rubber (let than that ofthe rubber (@ mere than that of the rubber (None of the above 4 Aforce F is required to break a wire of length / and radius r. What fore is required to break a wire of ‘the same material, having twice the length and six times the radius? OF @sF oor (@36F 5. Arubstance breaks down by a tras of 10° Nf the density of the material of 510" kgm, then the length ofthe wie ofthe ‘Substance which will break under its ‘own weight ‘When suspended vertically i8 (656m (600m 333m @900m § A body of mass m =10 kg attached toa wire of length 0m, The maximum angular veleity with which t canbe rotated ins horizontal circle a (Breaking stress of wire = 4.8 10" Nex® and area of eros-tection ofa wire = 10-° mt) (@)arades ©) Srade! (Trade (@2radet 7. Arid steel wire of length 21 and eros-tectional area A is stretched, well within clastic imi, horizontally between two pillars as shown in igure. ‘A.mass m is suspended from the mid-point ofthe wire. Strain inthe wire ie INCE Bxempiad a oe oF oF oF &. In the figure, three identical aprings are shown. From spring A, a mass of 4 kgs hung and spring shows elongation of Lem. But when a weight of 6 kg is hung on B & Cas shown in figure, the hook descends through, @1en O2m O3m 9, Aload suspended by a massless spring) extension of em, in equilibrium, {nto two unequal parts, the same to ‘extension of 7.5 em when suspended part of length 60 cm. When its sus ‘smaller part, the extension is 5.0 G@x=125 @)x=30 (© the length of the original spring is {@) the length of the original spring gh ofon lati ting ina mare wen the 10 Tn a No eS Sita thn mete when ee Ne ete Gave Types of Modulus of Elasticity 14, The ratio of diameters of wo wires of same material tn: 1. The length of each wire 4 On applying the same load, the increas a lent of thin wie wl b(n > 1 fanttinee (0 msimes 412, A rigid bar of mass M sx supported symmetrically by three wires each olngeh . Those at cach end are of eoppet and the middle ne ie fron, Te ratio oftheir dlameteriFeach is tehave te ame tension, is equal ince xem) (Yep Vina [Mee ie aa Sa 13, Ifthe ratio oflengths, radi and Young’ moduli of stool and brass wire inthe igure are, band ¢ respectively then the corerpendng ratio ot Increase in the lengths io DEE ain205) PM ate anes we aa 2 we 44. Inan experiment, brass and scl wire oe Ameach wth areas ofcoesecion ge se ted. The wires are connocted i sere don ofthe combined wir iconnced to and other ends sbjeced to longaton toa ee roquird fo produce a et elongation oft {ake, the Youngs modulus forsee and rece 120>10°Ni and 60310" Ne® reapecnty een 209) (9022108 Nn (@4.0510° Nv? ‘ a © oe (@ 1210" Nm? (08%10° Nm JEE Ma Ping —oeen Fa ovate =a Ce er ee a ‘igri ms the extention ow ope iy tural length is oe Scot met {006 mm 8 os wm © 02mm 16 er nels 54 10° Neel ong ea piercer ties iii te ar err omeeMinerc Se 2 18. A copper wire of negliaible mase, 1m length ang fross-sectional area 10-is kept on 8 smth horizontal table with one end fixed, A ballon Thggie attached tothe other end, The wite ate ball are rotated with an angular velocity 20 rad [the clongation in the wire 10° my then th ‘Youngs modulus is (a) 10" Nev (96x10 Nae 610! Nm (1010! Nt 19, Two wires ofthe same material and length are stcetched by the same fore, Thelr masoes ein the ratio 3:2, Their elongations are in the rab (o)s:2 9-4 ous a: 20. The dimensions of four wires of the same mater are given below. In which wire, the inetageis length willbe maximum? (@) Lengt 100m, Diameter t mm (©) Length 200 em, Diameter 2mm (Length 800 em, Diameter 3 mim (@ Length 50cm, Dismoter 0.5 mm 21. Two wires of the same length and same male Dut radi in the ratio of 1:2 are stretched By {neual forces to produce equal elongation Th ratio ofthe two forces ie @r far wou but off same fo 7 tm dm 2 Twoba subject that of the sar xtens roars Twotleneth 0m onda lene of ere inrocaes tO jameter is doubled, the. ee: aaa re Awe feng andra sone When eager ya force F, its length pret CO oh Tanne mangas past cea aha ny 2 sacle ta will be te Young modus be Be eeu thse! ring i xpanena wast ann) for = @5(2) ok Aviteistreiched 1mm by afore f 14 How tr wold wie of he same meant an oh bute our ines that diameter becenn a ee foe fre? 1 1 (2mm Emm 1 a obnm ohm Twohars A and B of creularerose-ection and of Spevehe nd sade of thane aril ‘subjected to tension, If the diameter {ito and he force apple fo bath the ad the same and ii inthe elati int the rao ‘xtension ofA to that of B willbe 16:1 8: O41 @2n fc wire has length 2m, radios Land Ye2x 10" Nata bg opto ll attached one {2 ofthe wie and white in a verti ese iateular velocity of 2 revolutions pe eco When the sphere is at the lowest point oo Tertal irl, the elongation ofthe wire aie = 10 ms) 1mm 01 mm 2mm (001mm 331 30. To ta en ee cone secon tne made na nat cpper a janetc Matteo nn he notte two at UNm"* and ¥ for (0 Rena F® an ann ta ts length a I When the teen along ‘natural length of wire is a OFesus sate cen, @ Mt aT Tat Fai ead of oppor and other of steal {are joined end-to-end (as shown in figure), The ocea, ‘ot eros-section of copper wires twie that of sect wire, ‘They ar placed under compressive ore of Ignites F, Th aio thet len such tat hang in lengths ofboth wie are sm oP 2x10" Neand Yot1 te (a1 wut i @re 34, A uniform slender rod of length area A and Young’s modulus ¥ forces shown inthe figure. The is te wi ose say 332 35. The strss versus strain graphs for wires of two materials A and B are as shown in the gore If, 1d ¥y are the Young's modulus ofthe materials, then (% =2Y, 0% -3¥, OY, = @Y,-3% 36. One ond of stl wire is ied vexing of an levator moving up with an acceleration 2 me and ‘toad of 10 kg hangs from other end. Area of ‘erms-setion ofthe wire is 2c. The longitudinal strain in the wire is (Take, ¢=10 me and ¥=2%10" Nar) (aria @axi0* @sx10# @axi0* 37, The upper end of a wir of radius 4 mm and length 30-cmis clamped and it other end is twisted through an angle of 30" Then angle af shea = aie mois ou @oor 38. Arubber rope of length mis hung fom the Celing ta ror. What is the increae in length of the rope due tots own weight (civen, You ‘odolus of elastic afrubber = 8.x 10 Naw density ofrubber = 1.3% 10° kgm end =m), (15mm 24mm 39, A solid sphere of radius r made ofa wf material of bulk modulus K is surrounded by guid in ylindrial container. A massless pats ofcncng fats onthe surface of the liquid overng eres ainer. When a mass the pston to comprese — decrement inthe rednaso 6mm 95mm 5 kg PMN 205 ome me om 40. Ifthe compressibility of water iso per unit atmospheric pressure then the decease n volume V due to atmospheric pressure p will be @onv @opv omy (@ovip cube is compressed at 0°C equally from 41 A oon prone P BY wha needy tomers sel bong a x hed Efe the extol presumes dave Ka uk mane aoe oval of te cxbe sta ag tea expansion) 4 e oe Ke aka sme @k Cs 3 cube in shited toa depth of 100 min henge in volume fe 0.1. Tho bulma raped : ioiore 10% Pe Our ior Acibe te mijesed ta ilar 2 compression. If the side of the cube. oy ebal tain is aa oot 9 002 Goos 008 “4. copper ba oftngth Land aren orem & plead na chamber at simeepherc rea the humber is evactate, the percentage! insta volume willbe Cake coy = copper is 8 10 m? N-‘and 1 atm = 19% @sn0" atl Gu2sm04 oman 45, The compressibility of water is 6 1019p tone litre is subjected to a pressure of410'Nn! ‘The decrease in its volume is ()24ee ©) 100 (© 2406 Bee 0 em. The upper faces died pra ‘eal by 0.25 cm. If the side ofthe cube ete 10 then the displacement would te (ozben Oban ©1028 em 47. The Young's 8108 Nix Jes of Solids rods Aand B of the 333 {heir radily and, nen © materi respect es sly Axed atone ge , ra ie apnlied atthe other an Wied are Re materia, he Youn’ maul is24 jo of twist at the end of aa rane aes that of modulus of rigidity. Its Poisson's ratio end of B is and the : sabe tie @or 02 wos wou a $6. When «rubber cords etetched, the change in 4 ‘itme with respect a change ts neat a ditenaions is nelle. The Poets ai or # 1) 009 Spt @are ‘ PB orgy Stores Stress, Strain and Streteuoa Want’ Sereda ’s Ratio a 57, Modulus of ‘baa lof ity of eal gud ng Wr i arched witht tension at etc ne re between two igi support, Wha sat wl (sro o : re if the temperature file to eee (@ some finite small non-zero constant vale ©) 64x10 58. (022 ‘A spring is extended by 90 mm when a force of 15N ie aplid tot. Calelate the energy stored in ferent wires having lengths Zand Zand the soring when hanging vertallysuproring Jctive temperature coefficients of linear ‘mas of 20, fhe spring wat lard bee wan and a are ln end t-ndThen Good —WOmws os wooss Panta aan) 58- Two wre of tho same material (Young moda Yand same length buted and eapectvely are joined end-vend and a weight furpended from the combination as shown inthe (e412 Daly figure. The elastic potential eneray inthe system is + Oy (Ly + 14)? Ca brass wire of 1 mm radius i hung fom ling. A small mass M is hung from the free nar ‘the wire, When the wire s cooled down from 20°C, it regains its original length of 02 m. ue off is close to cient of linear expansion and Young's Jusof brass are 10°C andi0# Nine Reeser eT, ely, =10 ms) EEMain @ 2! woh (a SOL "Gh osme © ists (09k Om ay Comey Oy wire (Young's modulus2%10%Nm“*)i8 9, a wire suspended vertically fom one ofits ends is tensile stress of stretched by attaching a weight of 200, ‘Nm. If the overall volume change in the lower end. The weight stretches the: © ame La decrease in the radius ‘Then, the elastic energy stored in: 0.02% the fractional decrease inh mS Then ir (15x10 (203 @oa «10% |. Aheight spring extends 40 mm: pele OF reso 10 Nand fr tensions ‘extension is proportional to the, ‘Two such springs are joined Aouble length orig is see tra Tength, The total red inthe double spring is oo wOI0 OM 334 ee 6 ra nt haa ta eee nea! Ihe shear modlys ofa wire materi =. 5.910" dyne em”, then the potential, ‘onergy of a wir of 410" em in lamoter ant Pen wie through an angle f 04 is 1289%1093 @)200"10-4 roxy oan iors (4 Two onder of same material and of sme length xspeined end. toend a shown in gure The tnd of rigdly xed and tetrad sees oe of1:2 Wtheloner end on ined pas nes 8, he angle twist efeyindcrat 65. Two wires of tho same material and length but diameters in the ratio 1:2 ae stretched by the fame force. The potential energy per unit volume forthe two wires when stretched willbe in the ratio. @is:r Oar 2a @u1 66. Ifthe work done in stretching a wire by 1 mm 24 the work necessary for stretching another wire of same materil but with double radius of, "and half che length by 1 mn is lg (a) 252°C" (9 1000°¢ FEM, sie 2 10a ha enh, © Sones are mt The wr ge ‘Some helene 5 en oa Gas ies ‘Thema neg on tag we @ tee Ite Poumon ratio the dana reduced by (on © 000% Goose 000% ‘he lowing data were obtained when a wg, 7 (rchl wha to caste ep ™ Force apliedtowire=100 8 ‘Area of erat setion of wire = 10°* mt Extension of wie = 2 10-'m ‘Which ofthe slowing deductions can be, sue trom this data? sy 1. The valu of Young's modulus 101 yr T The strains 10° XI. The energy stored in the wre when thay svzlied a 10 (1 tesa Tad © Ont @ Onty mt 71, When akg mass is hung vertically on alighe pring that obeys Hook's law, the spring ea by 2m, The work required tobe dane bag eternal agent in stretching this spring by Sem wile 2454 @sou (04953 @o2653 ‘72. Consider two cylindrical rods of identical dimensions, one of rubber and the other af see Both the rods are fixed rigidly at one end ta th ‘oof A mass fis attached to each ofthe fre eds atthe centre ofthe rods, then [NCERT Emp (2) Both the rods wil elongate but there shale») Dereeptible change in shape © the steal rod will elongate and change shape bat ‘tho rubber rod wil only elongate a (© the stool rod will elongate without any percept change in shape, but the rubber rod wil and the shape of the bottom edge wil llipee. Jed of 4.0 Kes surpended el wire of ongth 2.0 m and rage through nd hat, the length of the wc et 20 ma ie 081 min a ula arate ing, €= 3.1 7 me“, the Yo : "ENé's Modulus of ste) 20% 108 Navt ©)2.0% 109 Nine 20% 10" Nv ie © 20% 109 Nove wire of length 22. and radius rig reen A and B without the applicn eosssection A is suspended from the roof and a8 m, is suspended from the other end, What is stress at the mid-point ofthe rod? fom +m)g A om -myeta omg of Se lg /Aman grows into giant such that his linear terns increase bya factor of, Aasuming ha ‘is density remains the same, the stress in the leg will change by a factor of BEE Main 2007 1 i 1 @- —@s o> mar On The graph shown was obtained from the ‘perimental measurements ofthe pernd af ‘scllation 7 for different masses M placed i the Scale pan on the lower end of the spring ‘The most likely reason for the line not passing ih the origin is that ry me Correct Option Imp Mixed Bag (sping i ot obey Hon ) amplitude of eiston aso a (clk used needed reptotan (@) mas of he pan wasnt hepecte ©. A rectangular bar 2 em inb ar 2.em in breadth and em in denth and 100 cm in lengths eupported ats ends {id load of kg is applied at ite middle It (oune's modulus ofthe material ofthe ber is 70% 10" dyme em, the depression in the bar is oateoen amr 0%225 en @uowoce 2. Bnd the ati of Younes maul ee ng ilus of wire A to @ia rm ous @ia 8, If work done in stretching a wire by 1 mm is 2J, ‘the work necessary for stretching another wire of same material, but double the radius and half length by 1 mm is @and as ss @183 9. A steel wire of length 20 em and uniform cross-section I mm?'s tied rigidly at both the ends ‘The temperature of the wire i tered from 40°C to 20°C, Coefficient of linear expansion of stel is = 11x 108°C" and Y for scl is 2.0 x 10" Nm, ‘the tension in the wire is @)22x10'N (sn 10, The stress-strain graph fora at two diferent temperatures 7, temperature is high 7, or? tan @16N @an i @hot Oh=2 Todt napedel a, ce sn te cg pened scistwoniiemmenat ©) mat sa wear © snes yaar tii (@ tension a any cross sation A the wie in 12. (A copper wire aflength 1.0m and. sel wir of feneth 0.5 m having equal resections wese are joined end ah 0s fa LOTR Gea ean compote se pennant @2emm) 20mm 6 150mm Ove 18. Per shons 9) cm eae rants, Aces Oem ence a bat gs What tangent oe Fant cet e ope that te dpc ta ithe drecion fee bio? (To sear meds ran e85 5 10"Pa (@2se10'N 38x 104N @se10N (@axi0* 14, The stresestrain graphs fortwo materials are ‘shown in gure. (assume same sate) INcERT Exempt Yio sn Ua arson pean San st (© Matra (i mares han str ag ‘hence material (i) is more brittle, out () Materials and Gi hae the tate atiy an the same brittleness, Bios (© Material elastic over later so of un as compared to mater (@ Material Gi) ies brite than material gratis a a ada See eerie posers that has be apd 16 elf eth 1m spa ‘thon tr omperatir is alee by 108 Tiel Young modulus 2x10 gree Sethe’ of hemal expen et oa wane waa em Gimme — @saduene 7 Winn enpet ot a a from 0°C to 10°C, its length increases by Iepmomge change inte maaan oa tia tonne vas ‘Soon os ‘ 18 Daarin te alums cnc age fils lbemonanedge wher angered ipdraleprmgest) io oe ee opera een Be = Woot oacagtet Orcs Galas 18, Teal mul ofa metal 10" Na su dena a Thelen a nea presare or 20000 Ne a oat 40 os @) oe ©) 0.08% 3% wer with density 10.5 510° kgm? Ia (088 external preseure of 10" eeball modulus otaiver ie iT soe ‘density of sitver (in kg mn) in O17 Oma? 21. Asolid block of i perties of Solids sonometer wire of ‘The tension ini prea 1.5m What ithe ndameny Slaten fata soa.d = ot Na fata gett (a) 188.5 He respecti 10° keen (0200.8 He @ 70H Apendulim mad ta aihoa a cros-tectional area A han fo Wits of additional mass M is added to yqrrio4T. When ped changes Ty heals ay a material of the wire iY, then flog ¥ equal i @ = gravitational acceleration) ol) hy “|@yapen" of (8 “P-Byl4 The twisting couple per unit twist org Sirah aaa a couple per unit twist, for a hollow eyheae ee aaterial with outer and inner radiee oat 4em respectively, will be oe) @01Nm ©) 0455 Nm (081 Nm (© 182Nm Arigid bar of mass 15 kg is supported symmetrically by three wires each 2 m long. These at each end are of eopper and middle one sof ron, Determine the ratio oftheir diameters, ifeach wire isto have the same tension. (Take, Young's sedulu of elasticity for copper and ste! are 110 10" N/m? and 190 x 10° Nim, respectively.) (Neen @1:13 @is:1 @2si18 @2a / The wires A and B shown in figure, are made of the fame material and have radil rq and rp, respectively A block of mass m is connected between them. When ‘force Fis mg, one ofthe wires breaks, then which ‘f the following option is correct? la le I; ©) A will break before Bit 4 > (2 Ail break: before B45, Either A or B will reakit74=2 aide ‘The length of A and B must be known to dec Which wire will break ©1782 4, BEM 20m 337 eee Se hansen saul nn easier plane threngy eure. Pind the shear atress at Verde ee iththe raking an angio wi the ia @ Fp0+20) ers oF a-2 (92010 @None of these 30. Acoli sphere ofradiver made ofa material of ‘Balk modulus K is surrounded bya liquid in a splindrical container. A massless piston of area a floats onthe surface ofthe liquid. When a mass m is placed on the piston to compress the liquid, the fractional change in the radius ofthe sphere (Ar/7) is (@)Kaimg (6) Ka lime (omg ska @mgika 31. A pendulum clock loses 12 a day, the temperature is 40°C and gains 4 in a day, ifthe temperature is 20°C. The temperature at which the clock will show correct time and the coeficient of linear expansion (a) of the motal of the pendulum shaft are, respectively (@)25°0, =1.85% 10" ©) 60°C, «=1.85% 10° (9 80°C, a=1.85x 10% (@ 55°C, «= 1.85% 10%) 32, Astool wire of length ‘area 3,0x 10° mst ‘a copper wire of let area 4.0% 10m? the Young's modulus (128 (1s:1 33. The Posen ratio ofa materiale 0.4, ras wires sho and respectively. Th atrial, there wn in the figure are a,b ratio between the inereate In length ofbrass and x2 (@)18% 10° Nar? 14% 10°Nm? (0.2410 Nm? (18% 10° Nm? steel wires would be ne ie tg inten 7 Snrony nompraed ag ia bce 00 on Te aera sol dat omc (910106 Neraend Ot" O06 Nar ag (9 10602Nartand01 senna Neen Numerical Value Questions Wired and aremadesion tical 7 irene da egael beee belek ‘

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