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NAME :Muhammad Andrian


SUBJECT :Bahasa Inggris


Mobile phones are a form of technology that was created to facilitate communication with
other people and as time goes by their functions are increasing, such as cameras, social
media, calculators and so on. Did you just bought a new cell phone? Wow, That’s great,
congratulation. Now follow this following instruction in order to safely start your phone for the
first time.

1.Find and make sure that you have located the power button. For smartphone, usually the
power button is located at the right side or top side of the phone, sometimes it can also be
located at the left side.

2.Press the power button for 2-3 seconds until you feel the phone vibrated, and then release
the power button.

3.Wait for the booting process (the process of turning on the device) until your phone is
showing the home screen.

4.At this moment, you have successfully started your phone for the first time.


Handphone adalah bentuk teknologi yang diciptakan untuk memudahkan komunikasi
dengan orang lain yang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman fungsinya semakin
bertambah seperti kamera, media sosial, kalkulator dan lain- lain. Apakah Anda baru saja
membeli ponsel baru? Wow, bagus sekali, selamat. Sekarang ikuti instruksi berikut ini untuk
memulai telepon Anda dengan aman untuk pertama kalinya.
1.Temukan dan pastikan Anda telah menemukan tombol daya. Untuk smartphone biasanya
tombol power terletak di sisi kanan atau atas ponsel, terkadang juga bisa terletak di sisi kiri.
2.Tekan tombol daya selama 2-3 detik hingga Anda merasakan ponsel bergetar, lalu
lepaskan tombol daya.
3.Tunggu proses booting (proses menyalakan perangkat) hingga ponsel Anda menampilkan
layar beranda.
4.Saat ini, Anda telah berhasil menghidupkan telepon Anda untuk pertama kalinya.

Did you just bought a new cell phone? Wow, That’s great, congratulation. Now follow this following
instruction in order to safely start your phone for the first time.
1.Find and make sure that you have located the power button. For smartphone, usually the power
button is located at the right side or top side of the phone, sometimes it can also be located at the
left side.

2.Press the power button for 2-3 seconds until you feel the phone vibrated, and then release the
power button.

3.Wait for the booting process (the process of turning on the device) until your phone is showing the
home screen.

4.At this moment, you have successfully started your phone for the first time.

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