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BPSC EXAM 2023 .

29th May Morning 10 am

thanks to Dr Muhammad umer , Dr Muhammd Junaid badini. Dr
Saddam hussain . dr Anwar AZEEM
Recall questions.
1. 1 upper arm has 150/110 bp . and lower limb has 110/70 bp measiured…
ANS Coarctation of aorta
2. Albinisim Is .. Generlazied hypopegmentation
3. Patient has dec breath sound fever ,, and has stony dull percussion note ..
Pleural effusion
4. Main support of uteres is .. Cardinal ligament.
5. Sex of fetus detremined .. 12th week .
6. Kevins test is used for ./. SARCOIDOSIS..
7. Vesico vaginal fistula is most commolny formed after.. Surgery..
8. A person hears better in Noise enviorment he has having .. Hyperacusis
9. Colie’s fractuire is .. fracture of.. lower end of radius..
10. Patient is having .. diplopia on looking downward … muscle involved .
Superior oblique ..
11.Most comon cause of blindness in balochistan is …. ( there were two
options.. Trachoma Uviatus..) trachoma is the most leading cause world
wide ..
12.Posterior tonsil enlargment .. adenoids
13.Baby start crawling at what age .. 6 month
14.Liquifactive necrosis .. brain
15.Prevention of otoseclorosis is. Sodium Fluoride( bisphosphonate)
16.Tb drug causes neuritis .. Isonizid
17.A female has reccurent hx of fever , sore throat ,a dn has joint pain . .. upon
examintion she has having a herat murmer .. mos probabaly she is having ..
Rheumatic fever.
18.Eye color is determined by .. IRIS
19.Dumping syndrom caused by.. Gastrectomy..
20.Decideous teeth are in numbers..20 in number
21.Anterior fontanelle closses at .. 24 months
22.Syringin in ear is done technqiue is .. Posteriorly superiorly
23.Most common complication od DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS IS .. PULMONARY
24.Down syndrom anomly at .. chromosome 21
25.Klifenter syndrom ..XXY
26.1st menses are called .. MENARCHE
27.Most common site ofor ectopic pregenany is .. Uterine tube .
28.Myringoplasty is a procedure of .. Tympanic memebrane.
29.Infection of the uterine tubne is called . salpingitis ..
30.Yellow fever prophlyctic injection has beemn given . for how many days
you will advice the patient to waitfor exposure . .. 10 days
31. Young patient has red inflaamed mastoid. And has middle ear infection . he
has developed fits .. temporal lobe absces ..
32.Wound healing is delayed by which of the following factors…. INFECTIONS.
33.Organ for hearing is called . CORTI
34.Yellow discloration of teeth caused by .. Tetracycline
35.Child has mornig puffines of face and has low serum protein..
Glumeronephritis.. ( rest of the options were nephritic syndrom in which
hematuria occurs)
36.Which of the folowing is a long term but reversiable contraceptive method
.. Copper T tube ( is a revesable contraceptive)
37.TOF is associated with .. ASD. ( right ventricular hypertrophy is correct but
no liver is palpable hence ASD is more in favor)
38.Covid 19 vaccination best work if injected in .. DELTOID
39..trauma to the eye occurred and there is blood in vitrious chamber of the
eye .. is called . HYPHEMA
40.Most common hernia in female are .. ( Femoral .)
explantion .. most common hernia in femeal is Inguinal hernia . in 4th
decade of life incisional hernias are predominate .. and femroal hernias are
the highest among the emergency presentation.. )
41.Diclofenic sodium is contraindicated in which of the following condition ..
42. In acute myocardial infarction . reperfusion is done by … Streoptokinase
43.MMR vaccination done for .. MUMPS
44.Koplik spot .. measles
45.Pitutary adenoma will causes .. BITEMPORAL HEMIANOPIA
46.A grape like projection comes at nostrils .. NASAL polyp
47.Side effects of antihistamin.. drowsiness drowsiness
48.Horner syndrome causes .. Meiosis
49.Drug for the prophlyxis of Maigrain is .. Beta blocker
50.Pain of the chrinc pancreatitis… around the umblicus and radiating towrds
51.Philadelphioa chromosomes is seen in CML
52.Incison for appendecoy is given at .. Macburnys point
53.Sie for portocaval anastomosis is . ANAL CANAL .. ( there are 7 sites
lower ened of esophagus.. , upper part of anal canal , umblicus , areas of
the liver . retropretonial and omenatl .. hepatic and splenic .. inerior vena
cave .. SOURCE kenhub)
54.. macriophages of liver are called ..KUPFER CELLS
55. Best test for thallassemia is ..
( p. smear , ferratin levels, BMA . I choose P semear . as it gives you a clue
and then definte test is Hb electropheresis .. 2nd reason is we move
fromleast invasive to the invasive test.)
56.Cephalosporins are .. ANTIBIOTICS
57. Painfull menses are called . Dysmenorhia
58.Central Vision lost is .. Macula
59.50 army personal presented with , vomiting .diarrhea .. and abdominal pain
.. they have eaten from a mess at night … POINT SOURCE ( donto confuse it
with common source) \
60.A patient with hairsutism .. obesty .. CUSHING syndrom
61.Diabetes inspidious caused by .. ADH DEFICINECY
62.Extra pyrimadal effects are due to .. PHENOTHIAZINE
63.Gynecomastia caused by which drug .. SPIRINELACTONE
64.Increase in number of cell and size . hyperplasia
65.Program cell death is ..Apoptosis
66. Post menopausal therapy is . ESTROGEN
67. Which of the folowing has low protein. ….HUMAN MILK
68.LASIK is done for .. MYOPIA
69.Burn rule is .. RULE OF 9
70.Sudden vison loss with red eye. Retinal detachment.( rest options was
glucoma catract and conjunctivitis)

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