English 1 Rehearsal SXCS'22

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St. Xavier's Collegiate

School, Kolkata
Class & Subject: 10FEnglish 1
Date: 05.01.23 Time: 2Hours
tempt all five questions. Full Marks: 80
The intended marks for
questionsor pars oy questions are given in brackets[1.
You are advised to spend not more than s0 in
es answering Question land 20 minutes in
Question 2. answering
Question 1
(Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this
Write a composition (300 -350 question.)
words) on any one of the following: [201
Think of a time when you achieved personal goal. Say the
achieved it. Describe how felt on
why goal was important to you and how
you achieving it. you
(ii) "More lessons are learnt on the sports field than in the
this statement. classroom". Express your views
either for or against
(i) A school carnival or fete is a
great occasion for fun with friends. Describe one such event in
iv) Write an original story, beginning with the your school.
The water was cold. I took a following line:
deep breath andjumped....
(v) Study the picture given below. Write a story ora
description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your
composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a
clear connection between the picture and your

Question2 [101
(Do not spend more than 20 mimtes on this question)
Select any one of the following:
G) Your class was taken to visit an Old Age Home where you spent halfa day with the residents. Write a letter to0a
friend telling him / her what you saw, how you felt and in what way you have changed since the visit.
yWrite a letter to the local Municipal Corporation complaining about the dengue epidemic in your city. State the
causes and suggest ways to deal with the problem.

a) Your school is organizing a Literary Fest'. Draft a notice to be put up on the school notice board
iwiting students from Classes 9 to 12 to participate in the event.
Write an email to an eminent literary figure requesting him/her to be the Guest of Honour for the event.

Question 4
Read the follow:

following passage carefully anu a n s w e r the

and the
from the
Pa3S me everyday, on their way girls
to school-boys aand they walk.
outskirts of the hill:
station. There

plying for

ror many of them, it's a ouses two

thousand feet
very long walk to school. distant and
Ranbir, who is ten, has to climb the mountain from his village,
1O1r, who four miles
hops shoes until they have

elow the
town level. He comes in all weathers, wearing the pair of cheap
fallen apart
anoir is a cheerful soul. He waves to me whenever he sees me at mv window. Somelni
cucumbers from his father's field. I pay him for the cucumbers; he uses the money 1or Do
things needed at home.
Many of the children are like Ranbir-poor, but slightly better off than what their parents
agehey cannot attend the expensive residential and private schools that abound here, but must ool.
government aided schools with only basic facilities.(Not many of their parents managed nto
They spent their lives working in the fields or
army. Perhaps Ranbir will do something different
delivering milk in the hill station) The lucky ones go
He has yet to see a train but he sees
when he grows up.
"How far can a plane go?" he asks.
planes flying over the mountains almost
every day.
All over the world," I tell him. "Thousands of miles in a
"Ill go round the world one day," he vows. "Tl day. You can go almost anywhere.
buy a plane and go everywherel"
And may be he will. He has a determined chin and a
defiant look in his eye.
Up to a few years ago, very few girls in the hills or in the villages of India went to school. They helped in
the home until they were old enough to be married, which wasn't very old. But there are now
just as many
girls as there are boys going to school.
Bindra is something of an extrovert-confident fourteen year old who chatters away as she huries down the
road with her companions. Her father is a forest guard and knows me quite well: I meet him on my walks
through the deodar woods behind Landour. And I had grown used to seeing Bindra almost every day. When
she did not put in an appearance for a week. I asked her brother if anything was wrong.
Oh, nothing," he says, "she is helping my mother cut grass.
Soon the monsoon will end and the grass will dry up. So we cut it now and store it for the cows in winter."
"And why aren't you cutting grass too?"
"Oh, I have a cricket match today," he says, and hurries away to join his team mates. Unlike his sister, he
puts pleasure before work!
Cricket, once the game of the elite has become the game of the masses. On any holiday, in any part of this
vast country, groups of boys can be seen making their way to the nearest field, or open patch of land, with
bat, ball and any other cricketing gear that they can cobble together. Watching some of them play; I am
amazed at the quality of talent, at the finesse with which they bat or bowl. Some of the local teams are as
good, if not better, than any from the private schools, where there are better facilities. But boys from these
poor or lower middle-class families will never get the exposure that is necessary to bring them to the
attention of those who select state or national teams. They will never get near enough to the men of
influence and power. They must continue to play for the love of the game, or watch their more fortunate
heroes exploits on television.
F o r each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options
provided: [31
A) defiant
(a) fearful (b) angry
() challenging (d) timid

2 ) elite
(a) hardworking people (b) talented people
(c) people who are sincere (d) people of the upper classes
(b) vulnerable

) exposure noticed
(a) opportunity to get
(d) revealed

own words.
briefly in your
Answer the following questions
) parents? [2
the children better off than their [2]
(aIn what way are ambition?
(b)What was Ranbir's
narrator amazed? [2]
(c )Why is the brother different
from Bindra?
was her
(4) In what way
the heroes on television
'fortunate*? [21
e)Why does the author
difficulties the children face in their daily
lives. [8]
than 50 words, relate what
Mi) In not more

Question 5 of the word given in

fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form
I n the following passage, word or phrase appropriate to the
brackets. Do not copy the passage, but
write in correct serial order the
blank space.

Example: (0) given. (strike) with a brilliant idea: my

But just when I had almost (0). hope, I was (1).
(give) up (feel) sure,
(deal) with the family skilfully, 1(3
and if I (2)
birthday was due fairly soon, .

as well. I (4). (suggest) to the family that,

but a lot of other equipment I
(may) tell them the things that (7)
could only get
not a
them choose my presents, I (6)
instead of (5). (let) (disappoint) me.
sure of not (8)
most. In this way they could be
Mi) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
my great achievement.
(a) He congratulated me arthritis.
(6) The poor man is afflicted
the faults of her husband.
(c) She is blind
(d)The boss had many complaints Shyam.
(e)You must prepare the examination.
the danger.
She is not aware
(g)Ravi was accurate his calculations.
(h)They hid the money the carpet.
sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the
) following sentences to make one complete
Join the
correct options.
It took place in a church.
(1) I attended the wedding ceremony.
I attended a wedding ceremony that took place
in a church.
b) I attended the wedding ceremony that took place in the church.
c) I attended the wedding ceremony that took place in a
d) I attended the wedding ceremony, it took place in a church.

2) She is il- behaved. people ignore her.

a) People ignore her ill behave.
b) People ignore her ill behaviour.
c)People ignoreher, for she is ill behaved.
d) People ignore her behaviour which is ill.
(3) I heard a crashing noise. I was startled.
a) The crashing noise startled me b) Startled, I heard a crashing noise.
c)I was startled to hear a crashing noise. d) The startled noise crash to me.
(4) Her
a) Her eyes were closed. She
b) eyes were heard eves thing we discussed.
Hearing closed and she
everything we disc heard everything we discussed.
c) Though her cussed, she closed her eyes.
eyes were closed
Her eyes c she heard
were closed so
she heard

everything we 0
ite the
everything we discusseu.
y De following sentences according to the instructions given each. Make
necessary, but do not change the that
meaning of each sentence. Choose the correct ouC

1.Prema is not the Op

a) Some girls in cleverest girl in class.
class (Begin:Some...)
b) Some girls in class are more cleverer then Prema.
are not as
c) Some girls in class are clever as Prema.
not cleverer
d) Some girls in class than Prema.
are cleverer than Prema.
2. We did not
have a
a) If it had been so good time at'picnic because it was too hot.
b) If it had not been
hot, we could have had a (Begin :If..)
good time at the picnic.
c) Ifit had not been so hot, could have had a good time at the
so we

d) If it had not been so hot, we would not have a good time at the picnic.
hot, we would have had a timegood at the
3. Of what use is this dress to you?
a) Is this dress not of
any use to you?
(End with:.. you?)
c) Is this dress
any of use to you? b) Is this dress of any use to you?
Is this dress of no use to you?
4. She is terrified at the thought of
a) The thought about going out alone going alone. (Use: 'terrifies)
terrifies her. b) The
thought of going alone terrifies her.
c) The thought of going out alone terrifies her.
d)The thought terrifies her of going out alone.
5. Put your tools
people may fall over them. ( Use: lest)
a) People will put them away lest you fall over the tools.
b) People may fall over the tools, lest you them
put away.
c) Put your tools away lest people should fall over them.
d) Lest you put your tools away, people may fall over them.
6. She said, "If you cannot face the
music, I will have to." (Begin: She told him that
a) She told him that if he doesn't face the music, then she would ..)
have to do so.
b) She told him that if couldn't face the music, then she would
have to do so.
c) She told him that if he didn't face the music, then she would have to do so.
d) She told him that if he couldn't face the music, then she will have to do so.

7. Although she was too young, they appointed her.

a) In spite of her being young, they appointed her.
(Begin: In spite..)
b) In spite of she being too young, they appointed he.
c) In spite of being too young, they appointed her.
d) In spite of her being too young, they appointed her.

8. Nobody will deny that she is honest. (Begin Everyone...)

a) Everyone will accept that she is not honest. b) Everyone will admit that she is honest.
c) Everyone will deny that she is honest. d) Everyone will not admit that she is honest.

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