Spelling Bee Words List

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Spelling Bee Words List

Here are 25 challenging spelling words. For an added learning

experience, look up the definition of each one. Then write each
word next to its meaning on the next page.

Teachers, use these for practice spelling bees in the classroom.

Students and parents, study these words and meanings before
your next spelling bee competition. Pronunciations are included.
See the pronunciation guide at the bottom of the page.
(Occasionally, sources differ on some items.)

absenteeism (ab-sən-tē-iz-um) lackadaisical (la-kə-dā-zi-kəl)

cacophony (kə-kof-ə-nē) acquiescence (ak-wē-es-əns)
narcissus (när-sis-əs) fricassee (frik- ə -sē )
bilingualism (bī-ling-gwə-liz-um) dyscalculia (dis-kal-kyoo-lē-ə)
centripetal (sen-trip-i-tl) legerdemain (lej-er-də-mān)
genealogy (jē-nē-ol-ə-jē) peregrinate (pair-i-grə-nāt)
bivouac (biv-oo-ak) dithyramb (dith-ə-ram)
ptomaine (tō-mān) vinaceous (vī-nā-shəs)
nouveau (noo-vō) dishabille (dis-ə-bēl)
inveigle (in-vā-gəl) trichinosis (trik-ə-nō-sis)
brouhaha (broo-hah-hah) balalaika (bal- ə-lī-kə)
pianissimo (pē-ə-nis-ə-mō) vinaigrette (vin-ə-gret)
beaucoup (bō-koo)

Pronunciation Guide:
(a) - as in sad, tap, latch (ī) - as in tide, white, ripe
(ā) - as in a in pay, late, cape (o) - as in cone, rope, snow
(ä) - as in father, hot (u) - as in sun, umbrella
(e) - as in led, set, deck (oo) - as in poodle
(ē) - as in feel, deal, easy (yoo) - as in bugle, uniform
(ə) - as in about, confuse (g) – as in gum, gorilla
(i) - as in lip, fish

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Spelling Bee Words List – Meanings

Here are brief meanings for each of the words. Some words may have
additional meanings or more complete meanings than the ones listed here.

_____________________ A) n. any fervently enthusiastic speech or writing

_____________________ B) n. a temporary camp or shelter, sometimes military
_____________________ C) adj. very softly, used as a direction in music
_____________________ D) n. a foul substance made by decaying organic matter
_____________________ E) v. to mislead, delude or beguile
_____________________ F) adj. without enthusiasm or interest
_____________________ G) n. a harsh combination of sounds
_____________________ H) n. state of being dressed in a careless or sloppy manner
_____________________ I) adj. recently arrived, created or developed
_____________________ J) n. the inability to perform arithmetic problems
_____________________ K) n. a serious disease caused by eating undercooked pork
_____________________ L) n. dish of meat pieces stewed in a white sauce
_____________________ M) n. a bulbous plant with showy yellow or white flowers
_____________________ N) n. informally, a great quantity or amount; many; much
_____________________ O) n. a salad dressing made with vinegar and oil
_____________________ P) n. frequent unexcused absence from work or school
_____________________ Q) n. agreement or consent by silence or without objection
_____________________ R) v.to travel or journey, especially on foot
_____________________ S) n. a record of descent traced from an ancestor
_____________________ T) n. a Russian stringed instrument
_____________________ U) n. an uproar or disruption
_____________________ V) n. sleight of hand; skillful use of hands in magic tricks
_____________________ W) the use of two languages
_____________________ X) adj. having a color similar to red wine
_____________________ Y) directed toward the center

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Spelling Bee Words List – Answers

A) dithyramb
B) bivouac
C) pianissimo
D) ptomaine
E) inveigle
F) lackadaisical
G) cacophony
H) dishabille
I) nouveau
J) dyscalculia
K) trichinosis
L) fricassee
M) narcissus
N) beaucoup
O) vinaigrette
P) absenteeism
Q) acquiescence
R) peregrinate
S) genealogy
T) balalaika
U) brouhaha
V) legerdemain
W) bilingualism
X) vinaceous
Y) centripetal

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