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Subject Name: Programming for problem Subject Code KCS101T

Date of Handover: 06/01/2022 Max Marks
Date of Submission: 10/01/2022

ASSIGNMENT/QUIZ NO. -3 Question Mapped

a. What do you understand by operators in C? Explain Bit Wise Operators with CO1
b. Explain Precedence and Associatively of an operator . Write a program to print out CO1
all the Armstrong number between 100 and 500.

c. Write a program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & maths from user CO2
& check its eligibility for course if
a) Marks of physics > 40
b) Marks of chemistry > 50
c) Marks of math’s > 60
d) Total of physics & math’s marks > 150
e) Total of three subjects marks > 200

d. WAP in C to solve the following equations. CO2

If n==1, Z=4x 2 +3x+9
If n==3, Z = 3x+15
If n==4, Z= 7x 4 +3x+11
If n==2, Z=5x 3 +2x 2 + 4x-13
e. WAP in C to print the grades of a student. CO2
Where Marks and Grade are (i) >80 and A (ii) >60 &&<80 and B
(III) >45 && <60 and C (IV) >30 && <45 and D (V)below 30 and F.

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