HostPapa - Customer Care Specialist 1 French

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6/20/22, 3:27 AM HostPapa - Customer Care Specialist 1 French

Customer Care Specialist 1 French

Describe web hosting to someone who has no technical

experience. *
web hosting is a service that gives you a place to host your web pages on it, and also to send
and receive emails with an personalized address

How do you fix a 500 HTTP error on a website? *

WordPress: disable theme and or plugins one by one

server : verify /var/log/httpd/error_log. to locate the source of the issue

server: check and correct folders permissions verification: chmod 755

check external resource connexion timeout

server: check the php memory limit

When a customer sets their MX records to point to an external

email service, what setting in WHM's DNS Zone Editor must be
toggled? *

WHM >> Home >> DNS Functions >> Email Routing Configura

What are the MX records to send email to G Suite, rather than a

local cPanel server *


When migrating data from one server to another, how do you test
the website's functionality prior to changing the nameservers? *

use a redirection service that creates a proxy connection to the

What are the common reasons for a WordPress site to get

hacked, and what would you recommend the customer to do? *
Using Admin as WordPress Username.
Insecure Web Hosting. ...
Using Weak Passwords. ...
Unprotected Access to WordPress Admin (wp-admin Directory) ...
Incorrect File Permissions. ...
Not Updating WordPress. ...
Not Updating Plugins or Theme. ...
Using Plain FTP instead of SFTP/SSH
I advise them to install protection's solution like C-panel security
extensions RKHunter and /or WordPress security plugins: jetpack,
WpCerber etc

Pretend this is a support ticket, so craft your reply as if you were

replying to the customer in full. This is the customer's question to
you :

I am trying to load my WordPress site, but I am just getting blank

pages. There’s no errors at all. Can you please help me and let me
know how to fix this in the future? *… 1/3
6/20/22, 3:27 AM HostPapa - Customer Care Specialist 1 French
Sure !

First of all, I need to ask you, If you have other WordPress sites installed on the same hosting account? then you
well. to know if the issue is coming from the hosting server or from this site only!

Do you have received an email message on your admin email address with the subject ‘Your Site is Having a Tec
causing the error, and it will also contain a special link. This link will allow you to log in to the WordPress recovery

Do you have access to the WordPress admin area? if yes then you can go to the Plugins » Installed Plugins page
‘Bulk Actions’ if the front page return, you need to enable those plugins one by one and refresh the page, if not th
Replace Theme with a Default Theme
Enable Debug Mode to Catch Errors in WordPress
Clear WordPress Cache

Pretend this is a support ticket, so craft your reply as if you were

replying to the customer in full. This is the customer's question to
you :

I just visited my WordPress website and it's showing pages I

never put up! Did the server get hacked? How do I get my content
back? *
probably it's a website hack, sir, you need immediately to change your credentials!
did you install and backup/recovery plugin on your WordPress site? then I will assist you to use it to recover your
If not we need to check if you have enabled the auto backup function on your server if so I will help you to backup
your website from it.
if not, we need to look at the file manager on your Cpanel / Plesk if there are any backup files to perform a manua

After successful recovery of your site, it's necessary to secure you server by using a security protection tool

Describe how you would approach the following scenario:

Another team has already failed to comply with the given ETA 2
times, you have shared that ETA with the customer those 2 times,
now they come back to you with a new ETA, how would you
handle it this time?
- Share it with the customer.
- Do not share it to avoid missing it again, but promise constant
Please motivate your answer. *
I cannot share new ETA with the client, without being sure and certain that this team will respect it, so I'establish a
back to the client, each time to report the situation until to the resolution.

What are your strengths and weaknesses when interacting with

customers? *
weaknesses :
I ask a lot of questions and it can tire the customer.
I take my time to solve the problem, I'd not hesitate to propose an appointment if the client cannot continue the ca
Strengths: the force of persuasion
Clear tangible argumentation

Please answer both of the following questions in a short video

presentation in English (maximum one minute):
- Why do you think we should hire you? We would like to know
more about you, outside of your CV or LinkedIn profile.
- What’s the best customer service you’ve ever received? Where?
Why was it the best?

Share the link to the video below. *

Please answer the following questions in a short video

presentation in French (20 - 40 seconds):
- Why do you think we should hire you? We would like to know
more about you, outside of your CV or LinkedIn profile.

Share the link to the video below. *… 2/3
6/20/22, 3:27 AM HostPapa - Customer Care Specialist 1 French




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