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Name – Aamradip
Akshat singhRoy
Class – XI
Sec – DE
Roll No – 11
Subject - Physics
School – Khalsa Model
Senior Secondary School
Session – 2023-24

Sr.N Topic Page Date Teacher’s
o no Sign
1. Certificate 3 09/01/2
2. Acknowledgement 4 09/01/2
3. Objective 5 09/01/2
4. Introduction on 6-8 09/01/2
helical spring, 4
Hooke’s law and
spring constant
5. Experiment 9-14 12/01/2
6. Conclusion 15 14/01/2
7. Bibliography 16 15/01/2


Akshat singh
This is to certify that Mr Aamradip Roy of
E of Khalsa Model Senior Secondary
class XI D
School completed his project under my
supervision. He has taken utmost sincerity
in completion of this project. I certify that
this project is up to my expectations and as
up to the guidelines issued by C.B.S.E, New

Internal Examiner’s Sign –

Internal Examiner’s No -


I would like to express my special thanks of

gratitude to my physics teacher Mr Arghya
Karmakar and our respected principal Mam
Dr Gurmeet Kaur Arjani who gave me this
golden opportunity to make this wonderful
project. It helped me in doing a lot of
research an I came to know about many
Secondly I would like to my parent who
helped me a lot in finalising this project
within the limited time frame.

To study the spring constant
of a helical spring from its
load-extension graph.


Helical Spring - A helical spring is a coiled

mechanical device which stores and
releases energy to absorb impacts or shock
and to resist either compression or pulling
forces between objects. It is typically
cylindrically shaped and features varying
numbers of coils according to its intended
use. Helical springs may also be cone
shaped according to their intended use but
still follow the same basic progressive coil
design. These springs are usually formed
around steel jigs while the wire is still
annealed or soft, then tempered or
hardened to produce the resilient, resistive
qualities of the finished spring. With
extended use the tempering may be
degraded to the point where the helical
spring stretches or sags and no longer
functions. Helical springs are generally used
in two different applications. The first is the
role of compression spring which offers
resistance to forces moving two components
towards each other. Typical applications are
car suspension and mattress springs.

Hooke’s Law - Hooke’s law, law

of elasticity discovered by the English
scientist Robert Hooke in 1660, which states
that, for relatively small deformations of an
object, the displacement or size of the
deformation is directly proportional to the
deforming force or load. Under these
conditions the object returns to its original
shape and size upon removal of the load.
Elastic behaviour of solids according to
Hooke’s law can be explained by the fact
that small displacements of their constituent
molecules, atoms or ions from normal
positions is also proportional to the force
that causes the displacement.

Spring Constant - To understand the

spring constant definition, we will look at
Hooke’s law formula. Hooke’s law formula is
also known as the spring constant formula.
The formula is given below.
Formula :– F = -Kx
Unit :- Nm-1
Where F represents the restoring force of
the spring, x is the displacement of the
spring, and k is known as the spring

constant. The spring constant units are

given as Newton per meter.
We define spring constant as the stiffness of
the spring. In other words, when the
displacement of the spring is one unit, we
can define the spring constant as the force
applied to cause that said displacement.
Therefore, it is clear to say that, the stiffer
the spring is, the higher will be its spring
According to Hooke’s law, we know that,
F= -kx
Therefore, K= -F/x
Now we know that the unit of force is given
as Newton (N), or as kg m/s2.
Therefore, we can write the dimensional unit
as [MLT-2].
We also know the dimensional unit of x is
given as [L]
Applying spring constant formula, we get,
[ MLT-2]/ L

K= - [MT-2]


 AIM –
To study the spring constant of a helical
spring from its load-extension graph.
An iron stand with a heavy base, a vertical
wooden scale, spring constant, spring, a
rigid support, a hook, a pointer, six 50g
slotted weights, a 50g hanger, a pair of
pliers, feviquick, a mirror strip.
A helical spring is a spring in which wire is
wraped in a coil that resembles a screw
thread, works on the principle of Hooke’s
Law. According to this law,
“The extension(i.e strain) in the spring
which is hanging from a solid support on one
end only is directly proportional to the load
applied(i.e stress) on the free end, within its
elastic limit.”
Suppose on applying the force F on the
lower end of the spring, its length increases

by l. Due to elasticity, the spring will regain

its original length after removing the force.
i.e. Load ∝ Extension
F ∝ l ⇒ F = -Kl
Where, k is the constant of proportionality
called as force constant or spring constant
of the spring(Here -ve sign indicates that
restoring force acts in opposite direction to
the applied force). It may be defined as the
restoring force set up per unit extension in
the string. Its unit is Nm-1 or dyne cm-1.
Thus, by knowing the value of extension in
length of the spring and the corresponding
load suspended from it, one can find the
force constant of that spring.
Setting up the Apparatus
1. Suspend the helical spring(having a
pointer P and hanger H at
its free end) from a rigid
support, i.e one end of the
spring should be fixed on
the top of the clamp rod

with the help of pliers as shown in the

figure given below.
Measurement of Extension in Length
2. Firstly, note down the initial posiyion
of the pointer on the scale when no
weight is suspended from the hook, i.e
zero value of the applied load.
3. Now, add a suitable weight(say 50g)
to the hanger and wait for the spring to
be in equilibrium only(i.e wait for pointer
to stop). Now, note the position of
pointer again. After recording the
position of pointer, keep on adding
weights on the hanger in steps of 50g.
4. Note the corresponding positions of
pointer and take the suitable number of
5. Now, reduce the weight from hanger
in the steps of 50g and note the positons
of pointer on vertical scale.
6. Aftee recording the observation of
change in length of spring during loading
and unloading, the determined. Note
down your observations in tabulated
Least Count of vertical scale = 0.1 cm

Mass of each slotted weight = 50 g


Sr. Load Loadi Avera Unlo Avera Mea Extensio

No on ng ge ading ge n n
hang loadin unload
er g ing
1. 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
2. 50 3.5 3.5
3.5 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6
4 4
3. 100 6 6
6 6.2 6 6.2 6.2 6.2

6.5 6.5
4. 150 8 8
8.5 8.3 8.5 8.3 8.3 8.3

8.5 8.5
5. 200 10 10
10 10.2 10 10.2 10.2 10.2

10.5 10.5
6. 250 12 12
12.5 12.2 12.5 12.2 12.2 12.2

12.5 12.5
7. 300 14 14
14 14.2 14 14.2 14.2 14.2

14.5 14.5


After plotting the graph between load and
extension by taking load along Y-axis and
extension along X-axis, its is observed that
the graph shows a straight line.
Therefore, K = l = slope of straight line.
tan θ = GC = EF

The weight 1 gf can be converted into

newton and length 1cm into m as
1 gf = 1 × 10-3 × 9.8N
and 1 cm = 1 × 10-2 m
Thus, K = 18.21 Nm-1 (Average
K = 16.66 Nm-1 (Value from
1. The load-extension graph for a given
helical spring is a straight line.
2. The required value of spring constant
or force constant for the given spring is
16.66 Nm-1
1. The spring support should be rigid

2. The motion of the loaded spring

should not be jerky, it should be strictly
along vertical.
1. The slotted weights added on hanger
may not have true or correct weight.
2. The pointer may not be horizontal.


n this experiment, the

stretch of a spring
changes as the force
applied on the spring
changes. As the stretch
increases, the force
increases, and it is a
constant increase.
the conduction of this
lab, several new phrases
that were defined came
up: extension,

Hooke’s law, the spring

constant, the percent
difference, and the Eel
equation. Extension is
the stretch of the spring
—how far it stretches.
Hooke’s law is a
principle of physics. It
that the force needed to
extend (or compress) a
spring is proportional to
the distance
stretched—there is a
linear correlation. This

ties in with the spring

constant, which is the
force needed per meter
of stretch of a spring.
This is also known as
“K,” and shows the
linear and constant
relationship between
force and distance
n this experiment, the
stretch of a spring
changes as the force
applied on the spring
changes. As the stretch
increases, the force

increases, and it is a
constant increase.
the conduction of this
lab, several new phrases
that were defined came
up: extension,
Hooke’s law, the spring
constant, the percent
difference, and the Eel
equation. Extension is
the stretch of the spring
—how far it stretches.
Hooke’s law is a
principle of physics. It

that the force needed to

extend (or compress) a
spring is proportional to
the distance
stretched—there is a
linear correlation. This
ties in with the spring
constant, which is the
force needed per meter
of stretch of a spring.
This is also known as
“K,” and shows the
linear and constant
relationship between
force and distance

n this experiment, the

stretch of a spring
changes as the force
applied on the spring
changes. As the stretch
increases, the force
increases, and it is a
constant increase.
the conduction of this
lab, several new phrases
that were defined came
up: extension,
Hooke’s law, the spring
constant, the percent

difference, and the Eel

equation. Extension is
the stretch of the spring
—how far it stretches.
Hooke’s law is a
principle of physics. It
that the force needed to
extend (or compress) a
spring is proportional to
the distance
stretched—there is a
linear correlation. This
ties in with the spring
constant, which is the

force needed per meter

of stretch of a spring.
This is also known as
“K,” and shows the
linear and constant
relationship between
force and distance
In this experiment, the
stretch of a spring
changes as the force
applied on the spring
changes. As the stretch
increases, the force
increases, and it is a

constant increase.
the conduction of this
lab, several new phrases
that were defined came
up: extension,
Hooke’s law, the spring
constant, the percent
difference, and the Eel
equation. Extension is
the stretch of the spring
—how far it stretches.
Hooke’s law is a
principle of physics. It

that the force needed to

extend (or compress) a
spring is proportional to
the distance
stretched—there is a
linear correlation. This
ties in with the spring
constant, which is the
force needed per meter
of stretch of a spring.
This is also known as
“K,” and shows the
linear and constant
relationship between
force and distance

In this experiment, the stretch of a spring

changes as the force applied on the spring
changes. As the stretch increases, the force
increases, and it is a constant increase.
During the conduction of this in lab, several
new phrases that were defined came up:
extension, Hooke’s law, the spring constant,
the percent difference, and the Eel equation.
Extension is the stretch of the spring- how
far it stretches. Hooke’s law is a principle of
physics. It states that the force needed to
extend (or compress) a spring is
proportional to the distance stretched- there
is a linear correlation. This ties in with the
spring constant, which is the force needed
per meter of stretch of a spring. This is also
known as “K” and shows the linear and
constant relationship between force and
distance stretched.


In doing the project some of the sources I

took help from are :-
4. CBSE Class XI Physics Laboratory
Manual by Arihant.


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