Introduction To Abnormal Psychology

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● Danger: Danger relates to whether the

behavior poses a risk of harm to

Introduction to oneself or others.
Abnormal Psychology ● Abnormal behaviors that are
dangerous may include self-harm,
Abnormal psychology is a branch of harm to others, or situations where the
psychology that focuses on the study of person's actions jeopardize their
atypical patterns of behavior, thoughts, and safety or well-being.
emotions. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM)
Psychological Disorders-It is a psychological - Used to describe “typical profile” of a
dysfunction within an individual that is particular disorder, based on the field’s
associated with distress or impairment in current understanding (continually
functioning and a response that is not typical updated and revised)
or culturally expected. - Prototypes the definition and criteria
for diagnosing mental disorders:
Psychopathology-is the scientific study of This means that the patient may have
psychological disorders and abnormal only some features or symptoms of
behavior. the disorder (a minimum number)
and still meet criteria for the
What constitutes abnormal behavior? disorder because his or her set of
symptoms is close to the prototype

DSM-5 Classification
● Neurodevelopmental Disorders
● Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other
Psychotic Disorders
● Bipolar and Related Disorders
● Depressive Disorders
4 D’s of Abnormality ● Anxiety Disorders
● Distress: Distress pertains to the ● Obsessive-Compulsive and Related
emotional or psychological suffering Disorders
experienced by the individual due to ● Trauma- and Stressor-Related
their behavior or mental state. Disorders
● Abnormal behavior often leads to ● Dissociative Disorders
feelings of discomfort, unhappiness, or ● Somatic Symptom and Related
emotional pain, which can affect an Disorders
individual's well-being. ● Feeding and Eating Disorders
● Elimination Disorders
● Dysfunction: Dysfunction involves ● Sleep-Wake Disorders
impaired or disrupted daily functioning, ● Sexual Dysfunctions
such as difficulties in carrying out daily ● Gender Dysphoria
activities, maintaining relationships, or ● Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and*
achieving personal goals. Conduct Disorders
● Abnormal behavior is often associated ● Substance-Related and Addictive
with a decline in an individual's ability Disorders
to live a functional and productive life. ● Neurocognitive Disorders
● Personality Disorders
● Paraphilic Disorders
● Deviance: Deviance refers to ● Other Mental Disorders
behavior or experiences that ● Medication-Induced Movement
significantly deviate from what is Disorders and Other Adverse Effects
considered typical or culturally of Medication
acceptable in each society or cultural ● Other Conditions That May Be a
context. Focus of Clinical Attention
● It involves behaviors that are
uncommon, rare, or widely regarded
as socially unacceptable.
How do psychological disorders develop?

Etiology and Treatment

To identify the causes of various psychological
disorders, and treat them, we must consider
the interaction of all relevant dimensions:
genetic contributions, the role of the nervous
system, behavioral and cognitive processes,
emotional influences, social and interpersonal
influences, and developmental factors

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