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Indigenous Peoples' Illegal Traditions That Violate Human Rights

The Philippines is known for its Unique Cultural Heritage, for the past centuries
indigenous people have become significant to our history, for their beliefs, practices,
and Traditions, which is why we need to protect them and ensure their rights, but lots of
their practices violate the national human rights like Fix marriage, Teenage Pregnancy,
and Inheritance of positions

Indigenous Tribes often do an Traditions where they Forced to marry theyre Daugther or
son to gain Connections, Power, or inheritance Thats what often Teens from the tribe
are picks to be forced to gain it for example Palaw’an Tribe from Rizal Practice this
Traditions for Connections.

Indigenous communities often uphold distinct views on relationships, family, and

gender roles.The Palaw’an Tribe Forced they're Young Daughters to marry a guy who
were Older than them for Traditional Beliefs, It cause some of the teenagers there that
was suppose to enjoy life, to go to school, and cherish they're “childhood” was often
waste and became An Teenage mother,

And Lastly The inheritance of positions within indigenous communities may perpetuate
social inequalities and hinder individual merit. Striking a balance between preserving
cultural structures and promoting fairness is essential. Encouraging open discourse and
engaging community leaders to explore inclusive practices that align with human rights
principles can lead to a more equitable distribution of opportunities and responsibilities.

Overall It takes careful balancing to preserve the rich tapestry of indigenous cultural
heritage in the Philippines. In order to protect these customs, it is also necessary to
navigate the murky waters of human rights, addressing problems like adolescent
pregnancies, forced marriages, and position inheritance. Nevertheless, with polite
discourse, education, and a dedication to flexibility, we can work toward a future in
which human rights and cultural heritage coexist peacefully, guaranteeing the welfare
and dignity of each and every person within these diverse communities.

Raja Devasish Roy (2005, March 19), Traditional Customary Laws and Indigenous
Peoples in
Asia, Muhu Rijara, Chittagong Province, Bangladesh (Minority Rights Group
Retrieved from\

Soho, Maria Jessica Aspiras (2020, March 16) "DUWAY” (GMA Public Affairs), retrieved
ng-ipinapakasal-sa-mga-lalaking-halos-doble-ng-/254915605506890/? locale=tl_PH

Agabin Fasifico (2016 March 16)” The Influence of Philippine Indigenous Law on the
Development of New Concepts of Social Justice," Retrieved from



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