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Corrosion Science 133 (2018) 417–422

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Discussion on “Electrochemistry of CO2 corrosion of mild steel: Effect of CO2 T

on iron dissolution reaction” by A. Kahyarian, B. Brown, S. Nesic, [Corros.
Sci. 129 (2017) 146–151]

T.C. Almeida , M.C.E. Bandeira, R.M. Moreira, O.R. Mattos
Laboratorio de Ensaios Não Destrutivos, Corrosão e Soldagem – LNDC, COPPE Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Cx. Postal 68505, CEP 21945-970, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Keywords: This discussion presents an analysis of the recent paper by Kahyarian, Brown and Nesic published in this Journal
CO2 corrosion Kahyarian et al. (2017). Indeed, the paper claims an anodic participation of CO2 in the iron dissolution me-
Iron dissolution chanism, not detected by our work also published in this same journal Almeida et al. (2017). The anodic role
Mechanism was, however, only limited to the analysis of Tafel slopes behaviour. This is what was typically done in the early
works of iron dissolution in acid media during the 1960′s, so that a discussion about this methodology based on
the progress of the electrochemistry that has been developed since the 1980′s is absolutely necessary.

1. Positioning the problem Only 10 mV of Tafel slope separated one mechanism from the other.
Indeed, during many years, iron dissolution was analysed around
An overview of corrosion issues in the oil and gas industry has two main mechanisms; one proposed by Heusler [15] and the other by
shown that a better understanding of the CO2 corrosion mechanism Bockris et al. [16,17]. In the first, the dissolution of iron was taking
plays a relevant role in more accurate steel corrosion predictions. It place in two steps, coupled by monovalent adsorbed iron playing a
means, on the one hand, reducing project costs by avoiding over- catalytic role. In the second, the reaction model involving two con-
estimation of the corrosion rate and, on the other hand, minimizing secutive steps.
risks of accidents in the case of underestimation of the corrosion rates, Heusler [15] mechanism:
which may result in failures. In this regard, much research on this
Fe (s) + OH(−aq) ⇌ (FeOH )ads + e− (1-a)
subject has been developed over, at least, more than 40 years [1–12].
In order to explain results obtained from steady-state techniques, Fe (s) + (FeOH )ads + OH(−aq) → (FeOH )ads + FeOH(+aq) + 2e− (1-b)
Nesic, Thevenot and Crolet [9], in 1996, proposed a direct reaction of
CO2 on the free iron surface. Recently, Kahyarian, Brown and Nesic [1], Bockris et al. [16,17] mechanism:
also by means of steady-state techniques, sustained the participation of Fe (s) + OH(−aq) ⇌ (FeOH )ads + e− (pseudo − equilibrium) (2-a)
the carbonate species in the iron dissolution. Otherwise, Almeida,
Bandeira, Moreira and Mattos [2] conducting an investigation by means slow
(FeOH )ads ⎯⎯⎯→ FeOH(+aq) + e− (2-b)
of transient techniques, in this case, electrochemical impedance, did not
observe any direct action of CO2 on the free iron surface in the studied Both mechanisms were proposed in the attempt to take into account
conditions. In the paper of Almeida et al. [2] the impedances were their steady-state results, in which Heusler [15] obtained a Tafel slope
measured only at the open circuit potential since the authors used a of 30 mV/decade and Bockris et al. [16,17], 40 mV/decade. Moreover,
high resistive solution free of chloride saturated with CO2. the two mechanisms considered the transfer coefficient (α), which is a
Although the mechanism of iron dissolution has been the subject of measure of the symmetry of the energy barrier related to the fraction of
several papers [13–22], the one under discussion focuses its analysis on energy supplied by the electric field in electrochemical reaction, to be
the works from the early 1960′s about the iron dissolution mechanism. constant for all steps and equal to 0.5. Although it is often referred to as
In this period, the discussion was limited to two mechanisms based on a theoretical value, even in the paper under discussion [1], the choice of
the slope of the steady-state polarisation curves, or simply, Tafel slope. a transfer coefficient a priori equal to 0.5 is completely arbitrary. First

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (T.C. Almeida).
Received 4 December 2017; Received in revised form 23 January 2018; Accepted 1 February 2018
Available online 05 February 2018
0010-938X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.C. Almeida et al. Corrosion Science 133 (2018) 417–422

of all, it is important to emphasise that, there is absolutely no theory or over corrections of 3 mV can be easily done. Another point is that
that establishes a fixed value of 0.5 for all steps of a mechanism. The even if the correction of the ohmic drop was not overestimated (or
transfer coefficient can range from zero to one, depending on the shape under), a mechanism with a Tafel slope as small as 22 mV was never
of the intersection region of the activation free energy curves for oxi- proposed in the literature. Therefore, when the current changes, for
dation and reduction, which change during the faradaic process [23]. example, from 0.1 mA to 1 mA or 1 mA to 10 mA, or from 10 mA to
Secondly, if arbitrarily all coefficients were 0.5, it would not be possible 100 mA, the interface is so active that it is polarised only by 22 mV.
to simulate the experimental results for the mathematically calculated Even in very concentrated acid, such as sulphuric acid or chloride acid,
electrochemical impedance, as it was highlighted by Epelboin and at pH = 0, such active behaviour has never be seen. Indeed, as shown
Keddam [18] and corroborated later by Keddam et al. [13,22]. This by Epelboin et al. [26], in the potential range near the corrosion po-
limitation was evidenced even by groups that traditionally considered tential, as done by the paper under discussion, high values of Tafel
the transfer coefficient to be always 0.5, since, when working with slope can be associated with the dissolution process coupled with the
impedance [24], they were forced to consider 0.4 < α < 0.6 to si- oxidation of hydrogen adsorbed at the electrode surface (H ⇌
mulate partially the impedance Diagrams [25]. Therefore, to assume H+ + e−).
α = 0.5 for all elementary steps of a mechanism to explain a Tafel slope Despite all this, suppose now that it is experimentally possible to
can leads to strongly inaccurate approaches and sometimes to mis- differentiate these two values, which would mean that 6 mV has a real
interpretations. As shown in 1981 by Keddam et al. [13,22], using this physical meaning. Nevertheless, the Tafel slope is not able to define a
approach, the impedance would always be limited to a single capacitive reaction mechanism. This issue was exhaustively discussed analytically
loop related to a double layer in parallel with the charge transfer re- in 1981 [13,22]. The same Tafel slope may be associated to different
sistance. It occurs because, frequently, in the mathematical develop- mechanisms and different Tafel slopes may be associated to a unique
ment of impedance it appears the expression(α1 − α2)(dθ / dE ), and if mechanism. Thus, even if 28 mV/dec and 22 mV/dec have a real phy-
α1 = α2 = 0.5, θ, the fraction of the electrode surface filled by inter- sical meaning, they may be associated to a single mechanism and
mediate species, is not seen and there will not be faradaic impedance, cannot be used to claim a CO2 role in one case and not in another one.
only the double layer relaxation. The analytical discussion presented in 1981 [13,22] can still be
Specifically in the mechanism proposed by Bockris et al. [16,17], a easily revisited but, for the sake of clarity, this issue will be commented
deeply relevant further analysis is related to the inference of a Tafel now by means of electrical circuit the situation above outlined. How-
slope equal to 40 mV assuming a very restrictive hypothesis of a ever, it is important to emphasise that the impedance we are dealing
pseudo-equilibrium for the first step. The occurrence of a pseudo- with in electrochemical science is, a fortiori, an electrochemical prop-
equilibrium reaction involves an electrode potential close to its ther- erty of the interface and not a single electrical quantity, an aspect not
modynamic equilibrium potential and its reaction rate very fast com- always remembered by the users of the technique.
pared to that of step (2-b) [22]. With regard to the impedance simu- Fig. 1 presents two equivalent circuits that represent two largely
lation, it means that even if the transfer coefficient is different from 0.5, different mechanisms, although providing the same Tafel slope, as it
there will always be a capacitive loop coupled with the double layer, immediately appears in the Figures through the identical low frequency
and this would be the calculated impedance in any range of potential limit values that, by definition, represent the polarisation resistance,
where this restrictive hypothesis was imposed, and this is not what is Rp, the most widely used parameter to the estimation of the corrosion
observed experimentally for iron and iron alloys in acid medium current density, and which is the reciprocal of the Tafel slopes at the
[13,22]. polarisation point. Indeed, suppose that both proposed equivalent cir-
cuits perfectly simulated the experimental results shown in Fig. 2 for a
current equal to 10 mA, area of 1 cm2, and furthermore, that the current
2. The role of CO2 in the anodic dissolution mechanism of iron
for all range of the polarisation curve under discussion follows a simple
relation (Eq. (3)), as proposed in the paper under discussion [1].
Kahyarian et al. [1] found that in the presence of CO2, the Tafel
slope at the active dissolution range decreased from ∼28 mV to E − Ecorr ⎞
∼22 mV. In this case, the difference used to propose that CO2 has a I = Icorr exp ⎛
⎜ ⎟

⎝ ba ⎠ (3).
direct role in the iron dissolution mechanism is 6 mV. Considering the
deviations, (28 ± σ) mV/decade and (22 ± σ)/decade, what would be Its derivative provides:
the real difference used to define CO2 participation in the anodic me- dI 1 1
chanism? In other words, 6 mV of difference means that, from a statistic = =I
dE Rp ba (4)
point of view, a standard deviation only of 3 mV/decade applied to the
different curves could make that difference to vanish. From a more In which ba is the slope of the curves in the anodic range (Tafel
physical point of view, even if we consider the 6 mV as unmovable, this slope), Rp is the polarisation resistance, I is the current and E is the
would indicate an extremely sensitive electrochemical system in which, potential. Thus, the equivalent circuits presented in Fig. 1A and B, with
only 6 mV through an entire current decade would be related to two the parameters specified in Table 1, provide for both, a polarisation
dI 1
different mechanisms, since one in the absence and the other in the resistance equal to 4 ohm. Therefore, dE = 4 and for I = 10 mA,
presence of CO2. This mechanistic conclusion based on the single ba = 40 mV for the two equivalent circuits, that represent two com-
steady-stated Tafel slope analysis relying on a so small difference thus pletely distinct models (Fig. 2A and B). Therefore, the same Tafel slope
seems yet quite fragile. can be provided by different mechanisms.
This is so much important as the reliable determination of such a Another situation is presented in Figs. 3 and 4. Here, the opposite of
small difference (6 mV) on the Tafel slope is not an easy task and under the first illustration (Figs. 1 and 2) can be seen.

Fig. 1. Equivalent electrical circuits used to represent

two electrochemical processes; A) Electrochemical
process 1, B) Electrochemical process 2.

T.C. Almeida et al. Corrosion Science 133 (2018) 417–422

Fig. 2. Simulated impedances for equivalent electrical circuits proposed in Fig. 1 for; A) Electrochemical process 1, B) Electrochemical process 2.

Table 1
Parameters of the electrical circuits presented in Fig. 1 used to simulate the impedances in
Fig. 2.

Circuit A Circuit B
Parameters Valores Valores

R1 (Ω) 1.5 2.5

R2 (Ω) 1.0 1.5 Fig. 3. The same equivalent electrical circuit used to represent two different electro-
R3 (Ω) 1.0 – chemical processes.
R4 (Ω) 2.0 –
C1 (F) 6.369E-05 6.369E-05
C2 (F) 7.962E-02 1.062E-01

T.C. Almeida et al. Corrosion Science 133 (2018) 417–422

Table 2 The parameters used to simulate the equivalent circuit in Fig. 3 are
Parameters of the electrical circuits presented in Fig. 3 used to simulate the impedances in shown in Table 2
Fig. 4.
Considering the same I = 10 mA, in Fig. 4A and B there are two
Circuit A Circuit B identical mechanisms with only one time constant concerning the far-
Parameters Valores Valores adaic capacitive process. The polarisation resistances are different. For
the mechanism in Fig. 4A, 2.8 ohm, while for the mechanism in Fig. 4B,
R1′ (Ω) 1.5 1.5
2.2 ohm. These resistances give rise to two distinct Tafel slopes, 28 mV
R2′ (Ω) 1.3 0.70
C1′ (F) 1.060E-04 1.060E-04 per decade and 22 mV per decade, respectively. This shows that the fact
C2′ (F) 1.225E-01 2.227E-01 of obtaining two distinct Tafel slopes does not assure distinct me-
chanisms as claimed in the paper under discussion by Kahyarian et al.
[1]. The same could be said for 30–40 mV previously presented. This
discussion requires transient measures.
Concerning the understanding of the CO2 corrosion mechanism, a

Fig. 4. Simulated impedances for the equivalent electrical circuit proposed in Fig. 3; A) Electrochemical process with Rp equal to 28 mV/dec, B) Electrochemical process with Rp equal to
22 mV/dec.

T.C. Almeida et al. Corrosion Science 133 (2018) 417–422

good way to investigate a reaction mechanism is doing the same that necessary to develop an experimental protocol to polarise the system,
was done in 1981 by Keddam et al. [13,22] for the iron dissolution in with chloride, in the presence and absence of CO2. Many experimental
acid media. On that occasion, steady-state polarisation curves and measures would be necessary to show any systematic change of fre-
electrochemical impedances were measured during the dissolution of quency in the second capacitive loop that would indicate the CO2
iron in a Na2SO4 solution acidified by the addition of H2SO4 and the participation, since it is competing with chloride over FeOHads, but not
experiments were performed over a very wide pH (0–5) and current directly on free iron surface as previously proposed [1]. Certainly, it
density (up to 0.1 A cm2) ranges. The whole set of experimental results must be done by means of transient technique, in the case of our group,
were interpreted quantitatively by a reaction model. This model was electrochemical impedance. New techniques as proposed by Keddam
able to simulate suitably all the polarisation curves and the impedance et al. [30] could also be useful to detect an eventual anodic role of CO2.
diagrams, even the steady-state polarisation curve that showed two Concerning the mass transport role, if it occurs, new setups were re-
current maximums, as was reproduced by Kahyarian et al. [1] in Fig. 1 cently developed [31].
of their paper. This curve, as was well discussed in the study performed
by Bessone et al. [27], is due to a simple change in the dissolution path 3. Final remarks
in the reaction mechanism and not necessarily due to a prepassivation.
In addition, later on, the mechanism proposed in 1981 [13,22] was The understanding of the reaction processes is relevant from the
used to explain the experimental impedance for the dissolution-passi- applied and fundamental point of view. In this context, steady-state
vation process of iron-chromium alloy, in which Fe was considered to techniques and transient techniques can be used additionally to propose
be perturbed by the addition of Cr. Finally, the chloride and sulphate reaction mechanism. Kinetics studies, different from thermodynamics,
anions effect was explained by this same mechanism [28], illustrating necessarily involve time (frequency). Tafel slope is obtained in the
its robustness. steady-state condition, so time is equal to infinite (zero frequency). A
From what has been mentioned above, this model could probably be mechanism, proposed from a research to infer an anion participation
extended to CO2-rich systems, but to conduct an investigation such as must be done in a large domain of time (spectre of frequency) and not
this presents some experimental limitations. In the real world of the oil only limited to a steady-state. It is necessary to insist that only Tafel
and gas industry, the solutions come with chloride ions, an active anion slope cannot be used to certify a specific mechanism or anion partici-
also present in the paper under discussion (NaCl 0.1 M) [1]. NaCl is not pation, even though it has physical meaning and statistical reproduci-
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