A Detailed Lesson Plan in

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

English 1
Prepared by: Vence Nova F. Absin


At the end of 45 minutes discussion, the Grade 1 pupils should be able to:
a. recognize names of persons, places, things and animals;
b. appreciate the importance of a noun;
c. place the pictures to their corresponding categories.


Topic: Noun
Reference: K-12 DepEd Curriculum Guide 2016
English workbook Grade 1
Materials: Cartolina, Pictures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings and Opening Prayer

Good morning Class. Good Moring Ma’am.

Let’s all stand for the opening prayer, Kaye (one pupil will lead the prayer)
please lead the prayer

Again, Good Morning Class.!

Good Morning Ma’am, Good Morning

You may now take your seats.

2. Checking of Attendance

Class monitor, who are absent today? None Ma’am.

Very Good!
3. Setting of Class Standards

What are you going to do while I’m talking

here in front?
Classroom Agreement

Listen Attentively

Raise your right hand if you want to answer.

Cooperate and Participate in every class

discussion or activity.

Okay, very good

B. Developmental activities

1. Motivation

Okay class, I will show you some pictures and

you will tell me what that picture is. Are you
Okay, what picture is this?

A family.
Very Good!
Another one

How about this ?

Very Good!

This one

Very Good!

2. Presentation

Based from the picture earlier, what do you

think our topic for today?
Okay, another? About things Ma’am.

Okay Very good! About names ma’am.

Our topic for today is all about


3. Discussion

Do you know what is noun?

No Ma’am.
Okay, noun is a name of person , place, things
and animals.

Again, what is noun?

Noun is a name of person, place, things and
Okay Very Good!

There are four categories of nouns which are

the person, place, things and animals. First is
the person.

What do mean a person? Group of people Ma’am.

Yes, very good. Person is a human being, .
whether man, woman, or child.

What is this?
A girl Ma’am.

Okay this is a girl, it belongs to what category?

Person ma’am.
Very good, a girl is a person.

Can you give me another example of a person?

My mother ma’am.
Very Good!

Do you understand class?

Okay let’s proceed to the second category

which is place. Do you know what is place?

Okay, place is an area, a building or a city, No Ma’am.

town, or village. For example,

What is this picture?

Very Good. Who can give another example of
Hospital Ma’am.
Very Good!
School Ma’am.
Let’s move to the third category which is the
things. What are things?

Very Good. Things are objects that we use

every day. For example , a bag. Thing is an object Ma’am.

Who can give another example of a thing?

Very Good! Another? Pencil Ma’am.

Exactly! Paper Ma’am.
Okay do you understand now what is thing?

Very Good! Yes ma’am.

The last one is the animals. What do you

Very Good! What are the examples of

animals? Animals are living things.

Goat Ma’am.

Very good! Who among you here have an Carabao Ma’am.

animal at home?

Okay , all of you have pets at home?

Me Ma’am.
Okay now do you understand what is noun?
Yes ma’am.
Again, what is noun?

Noun is a name of person, place, things and

Is there any questions? animals.

6. Application None Ma’am.

I have posted pictures here on the board. Let’s

match them with their names.
Group activity; Group 1
I will group you into four groups. Directions: Draw different kinds of person.
For group 1, you will draw a different kind of

For group 2, you will draw a place.

For group 3, you will draw things.

Group 2
For group 4, you will draw animals.
Directions: Draw a place.

Group 3

Directions: Draw a different kind of things.

Group 4

Directions: Draw a different kind of animals.

7. Generalization

What is noun? Noun is a name of person, place, things and

Very Good! How noun is important in our
daily lives? Noun is important I our daily lives because
everything we have had a different names.
Yes, it is important that we all know the
different names that surrounds us.

Directions: Look at the picture and

check( √ ) the correct noun.


Write a name of person, place , things and animals.

Person Place Things Animals

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