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Zaimki nieokreślone

Ćwiczenie 1

Wybierz odpowiedni zaimek określony do podanych zdań.

1. Where have you been. I’ve been looking for you ……………….. .

2. I cannot find my keys but come on - they must be ……………….. .

3. Where is ………………..? I am surprised ……………….. came over.

4. Magda is ……………….. to be found. She might hang around in some bar.

5. This seems weird but just a moment ago ……………….. has just called asking the same thing.

6. We have learnt ……………….. for one year of German class. It’s a pity.

7. I love you and trust you. ……………….. with you and ……………….. without you.

8. I must sadly admit that ……………….. explained this to me.

9. Peter knows ……………….. about physics.

10. Can ……………….. please help me with this project?

Ćwiczenie 2

Przetłumacz nastepujące zdania, wykorzystując podane zaimki nieokreślone.

1. Ktoś jest w moim domu! /somebody/

2. Nie ma nic do jedzenia. Pójdę coś kupić. /nothing, something/

3. Zobaczyłam coś niezwykłego w ogrodzie. /something/

4. Wszyscy są zainteresowani tym projektem. /everybody/

5. Dałabym wszystko za pracę w banku. /anything/

6. Wybierasz się dokądś? /somewhere/

7. Podziel się proszę ze wszystkimi. /everybody/

8. Zgubiłeś coś? /something/

9. Wybierz co tylko chcesz. /anything/

10. Możemy wyjechać gdziekolwiek chce Tomek. /anywhere/

Ćwiczenie 3

Wybierz poprawny zaimek nieokreślony (A, B, C, D) w poniższych zdaniach. Tylko jedna odpowiedź

jest poprawna

1. I found ……………….. interesting. Now, can we talk about this?

A/ somebody B/ something C/ nothing D/ nobody

2. Do you know ……………….. who can help us solving it?

A/ somewhere B/ something C/ anybody D/ nobody

3. Are you absolutely sure that ……………….. knows how to fix it? Not even the authorised

point of service?

A/ nobody B/ somebody C/ anybody D/ someone

4. Only after third time I asked Monika she said ……………….. Now, I understand every single

detail of the case.

A/ anything B/ something C/ nothing D/ everything

5. ……………….. is actually clear. We keep receiving more and more contradictory

information. Things get twisted.

A/ Nothing B/ Everything C/ nothing D/ Something

6. They live ……………….. in Miami. They couldn’t stand cold weather and rain.

A/ nowhere B/ anywhere C/ somewhere D/ everywhere

7. You know? I’m so bored. I just seem not to have ……………….. interesting to do. Amuse me

immediately. Please.

A/ anything B/ nothing C/ something D/ everything

8. What would you like to do? ………………..!

A/ Anywhere B/ Something C/ Somewhere D/ Anything

9. Has ……………….. seen my wallet?

A/ no one B/ anybody C/ something D/ nobody

10. One day I will live ……………….. else. This city is too small for me.

A/ anywhere B/ somewhere C/ nowhere D/ everywhere

Ćwiczenie 4

Dopasuj odpowiednie przedimki do podanych słów, tak aby powstały zaimki nieokreślone.

some every any no

thing body one where

1. 6. 11.

2. 7. 12.

3. 8. 13.

4. 9. 14.

5. 10. 15.

Czasowniki modalne
Ćwiczenie 1
Uzupełnij luki jednym z podanych czasowników modalnych.
can can’t could couldn’t don’t have to have to
may mustn’t should shouldn’t

1. Alice ____________________ play the guitar. She often takes it with her for our parties.
2. Children, you ____________________ go to the forest alone! Forget about that!
3. I think you ____________________ visit your grandmother more often. She probably feels
very lonely.
4. We ____________________ buy the tickets before we get on the train.
5. ____________________ you open the window, please?
6. You ____________________ bring any food for the party! Just come and have fun!
7. I ____________________ lift this box. It’s too heavy for me.
8. Did you know that Mark ____________________ ride a bicycle until the age of 10?
9. We don’t really have any plans for the weekend. We ____________________ stay at home or
go to the cinema.
10. You ____________________ eat so much chocolate if you want to lose weight.

Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij zdanie b) tak, aby miało takie samo znaczenie, jak zdanie a). Użyj podanego słowa, nie
zmieniając w żaden sposób jego formy.

a. You are not allowed to go outside after 10 pm.

b. You _________________________ after 10 pm. MUSTN’T

a. The applicants don’t have to fill in any additional forms.

b. The applicants _________________________ any additional forms. NEED

a. Are you able to cook dinner today?

b. _________________________ dinner today? CAN

a. Look at the mess in your room. It needs cleaning!

b. Look at the mess in your room. _________________________ clean it! OUGHT

a. It is possible that they will accept our offer.

b. They _________________________ offer. MAY

a. It isn’t a good idea to ask your boss for a payrise today.

b. You _________________________ for a payrise today. SHOULDN’T

a. Jessica didn’t know how to drive when she was 15.

b. Jessica _________________________ when she was 15. COULDN’T

a. It is necessary for us to buy a bigger car.

b. _________________________ a bigger car. NEED

a. The teacher told Adam to correct his homework for tomorrow.

b. Adam _________________________ his homework for tomorrow. HAS

Ćwiczenie 1
Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. Michael ____________________ (nigdy nie był) to Europe.

2. How long ____________________ (twoi rodzice są) divorced?
3. _________________________ (rozmawiałem z Tomem) recently.
4. _________________________ (czy oni zamówili) their meals yet?
5. The dishes are dirty. You ____________________________ (nie umyłeś) them properly.
6. My daughter loves this film. She __________________________ (obejrzała go) at least five
times so far!
7. _________________________ (czy oni skończyli) renovating the bridge?
8. I’m starving! _________________ (nie jadłam) anything since last evening!
9. ____________________ (właśnie spotkaliśmy) our English teacher in the shop.
10. Laura ____________________ (zawsze chciała) to see the Eiffel Tower.

Ćwiczenie 2

Wybierz poprawną opcję.

1. In July we _____________ to Greece. We have already booked the hotel.

a) will fly b) are flying c) will be flying
2. You _____________ German for a year by the end of the month.
a) will have been learning b) will have learnt c) will be learning
3. What _____________ if they ask you for help?
a) are you going to do b) will you do c) will you be doing
4. By the end of the night we _____________ 600 km.
a) will drive b) will be driving c) will have driven
5. A: Where _____________ Christmas? B: At my parents’. We settled that long time ago.
a) are you spending b) will you spend c) will you have spent
6. By next week our neighbours _____________ their house.
a) will renovate b) are going to renovate c) will have renovated
7. On 15 August I _____________ married for 20 years.
a) will be b) will have been c) am going to be
8. I’m sure Sam _____________ what to do.
a) will know b) is going to know c) will have known
9. I can’t wait for Saturday! We _____________ to an amusement park with our parents!
a) will go b) will be going c) are going
10. Mr Black _____________ a lecture now, I suppose.
a) will be giving b) will give c) is going to give

Ćwiczenie 3

Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika podaną w nawiasie.

1. If I get this job, I .............................. (move) to Leeds.

2. If the weather ............... (be) sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach. What do you think?

3. I ......................... (not eat) any sweets if I go on a diet.

4. If you ........................ (not get) enough sleep, you’ll feel very tired.

5. ............... you ............... (show) me some places in town if you have some time?

6. If they call us again, I ....................... (not pick) up the phone.

7. If he ...................... (wait) a bit longer, we’ll give him something to eat.

8. If the police find out that you have a gun, they ..................... (arrest) you!

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