Teaching Practicum Assessment Templates - Version 2

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 Student to complete this section

Name: Telephone:

Email address: Postal address:

Course type: Class or workshop Webinar / distance learning Other – describe:

Course location: Course date:
Trainer name:
Last submission: (Tick if you believe this is your ‘final’ submission for this assessment task
Checklist: I have completed and signed this cover page I have answered all questions
Candidate declaration

I declare that I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and
responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and choose to be assessed at this time. This work is my own and
contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false
declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or statement of attainment.
I acknowledge that all extrinsic evidence provided (such as third party reports, previously developed work, etc.) in
support of my assessment submission may be verified by AVSE for authenticity prior to a final result being
recorded. By submitting any such extrinsic evidence I authorise you to contact the relevant organisations and
individuals for the purpose of authenticating this extrinsic evidence.
Signature: Date:


Submission no. Enrolled / paid date Date received Date student Last workbook? Admin initials
provided feedback


Task 1. Record of Teaching Practice S NS

a. 8+ hours of practice lessons have been taught by the TESOL
b. 6+ hours of practice lessons have been observed by an
Competent Not Competent
experienced ESL teacher, verified with the observer’s
signature Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
conducted a fair and valid assessment and have
Task 2: Teaching Journal S NS
provided feedback to the candidate.
a. Demonstrates that the student has considered feedback Assessor Name:
from the supervisor and students in their own personal
Assessor Signature:
b. Demonstrates that the student has objectively evaluated
their own teaching performance
Task 3: Observer’s Report S NS
a. Observer’s reports are submitted for 6+ hours of practice
lessons, each verified with the signatures of an experienced
ESL teacher.
b. All reports have an mark of “Satisfactory” by the
experienced ESL teacher for BOTH items under the Final

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Task 4: Observation Journal Entry S NS
a. The student has submitted a lesson plan for each teaching
b. Each lesson plan is a minimum 40 minutes duration
c. Lesson plans total a minimum of 8 hours
d. Lesson plan details correspond with lessons recorded on
the record of teaching practice
e. Each lesson plan lists the name/age of at least 8 students
who were present
f. Lesson plans demonstrate:
(i) A range of teaching methodologies, suited to the
(ii) Resources at appropriate level for the audience
(iii) All aspects Grammar, Listening, Writing, Reading,
Speaking, Pronunciation/Phonemes
g. At least two lesson plans contain pronunciation focussed
learning objectives
h. At least two lesson plans contain grammar focussed
learning objectives
i. Lessons contain a mix of musical activities, drama, games
and sporting activities, arts and craft, and/or media
j. Lessons contain a mix of musical activities, drama, games
and sporting activities, arts and craft, and/or media
k. Lesson objectives meet the curriculum requirements (i.e.
they follow the lesson materials)


Copyright © 2022 AVSE-TESOL VERSION 2
www.avse.edu.vn RELEASE DATE February 2022
RTO: 45373 DOCUMENT TYPE Assessment

Any material or information presented in this publication is distributed by AVSE as an information source
only that is understood to be accurate at the time of publication. However, readers must review the
content of the relevant government websites, government regulatory authority guidelines, and industry
best practice to ascertain the currency and accuracy of all material presented herein.
AVSE makes no statement, representation or warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the
information contained in this publication. AVSE disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including,
without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a
result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.

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Australian Vocational Skills and Education – RTO No: 45373
TESOL-TP-ASS Teaching Practicum Assessment

What you need to do:

Prepare and deliver eight hours of teaching including the following:

 Follow learning program design (AVSE or host school materials)

 All sessions to contain eight or more participants
 Two consecutive sessions of at least 40 minutes each
 Two lessons of at least 40 minutes containing pronunciation objectives with a minimum of eight
participants and at least one activity using phonemic symbols.
 Two lessons of at least 40 minutes containing grammar objectives with a minimum of eight participants

Document each practice lesson in the Record of Teaching Practice.

For each teaching practice class, prepare a detailed lesson plan prior to teaching.

Have an experienced ESL teacher supervise at least six hours of your teaching practice classes and
complete an Observer’s Report for each lesson.

After each teaching practice class, complete an entry in the Self-evaluation and Reflection Journal.

What you need to submit:

Submit the following items:

1. Record of Teaching practice

2. Lesson Plans
3. Teaching Journal
4. Observer reports

Assessment Criteria:

Your assessor will be looking for the things noted below when they mark your work. Use this list as a self-
assessment tool. If you are unable to tick all the boxes, you may receive an assessment of ‘Not Yet
Competent’. You will have an opportunity to resubmit your work, but resubmission may attract a fee.

1. Record of Teaching Practice 
a. 6+ hours of practice lessons have been taught by the TESOL student and observed by an
experienced ESL teacher, verified with the observer’s signature.
2. Lesson plans 
a. Lesson plan details correspond with lessons recorded on the record of teaching
b. Lesson plans meet the minimum teaching practicum requirements:
- Lesson plans total a minimum of 8 hours
- Each lesson plan is a minimum 40 minutes duration
- Each lesson plan lists the name/age of at least 8 students who were present
- At least two lesson plans are 40 minutes or more in duration and contain

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pronunciation focussed learning objectives, with at least one containing an activity
using phonemic symbols.
- At least two lessons are 40 minutes or more in duration and contain grammar
focussed learning objectives.
c. Lesson objectives meet the curriculum requirements (i.e. they follow the lesson
d. Lesson plans collectively demonstrate:
- A range of teaching methodologies, suited to the various audiences
- Resources at appropriate level for the various audiences
- A range of activities are implemented in each of the micro and macro skill areas:
grammar, listening, writing, reading, speaking, pronunciation/phonemes.
- A range of resources are incorporated and classroom equipment is utilised at each
lesson segment to support learning.
- Concept checking techniques incorporated throughout and effective use of
designated concept checking segments/activities
e. Pronunciation lesson plan segments collectively demonstrate:
- At least one activity using phonemic symbols and providing learners with
opportunities to use phonemic symbols.
- Opportunities/activities for learners to practice speech including intonation, rhythm
and stress, connected speech
f. Grammar lesson plan segments collectively demonstrate:
- Accurate use of grammar terms throughout
- Accurately researched grammar explanations
- At least one presentations/activity featuring the explanation and application of verb
- Opportunities for learners to practice grammar and grammatical structures including
sentence structure and verb usage
g. Macro skills lesson plan segments collectively demonstrate:
- All four macro skills (reading, writing, macros listening, speaking) have been planned
and delivered by the TESOL student
- A range of activities are included to develop learner’s macro skills
- A range of resources are implemented to aid in learning the macros skills
- Opportunities for learners to practice macro skills through structured activities are
h. The application of a CALL program in at least one segment of one lesson, including
listing the CALL resource in the ‘resources’ column.
i. A variety of activities from the categories musical activities, drama, games and sporting
activities, arts and craft, and/or media, applied in lessons for various age groups.
3. Observer’s Reports 
a. Observer’s reports are submitted for 6+ hours of practice lessons, each verified with the
signatures and valid contact details of an experienced ESL teacher.
b. All reports have a mark of “Satisfactory” by the experienced ESL teacher at the
Observer’s declaration.
c. All reports indicate that the student came to class with a complete lesson plan. (Item 7a
is marked either 2 or 3).
4. Teaching Journal 
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a. Demonstrates that the student has considered feedback from the supervisor
and students in their own personal reflections
b. Demonstrates that the student has objectively evaluated their own teaching

How this task relates to your course:

This task relates to the following units/modules within your course:









Record of Teaching Practice   

Lesson Plans           

Observer reports            

Teaching Journal      

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Record of Teaching Practice

In the table below, record the details of your teaching practice. Ask the teacher observing you to verify
your teaching practice by signing in the ‘Supervising Teacher’ column. Don’t forget to collect the
Supervisor’s report for each supervised lesson – you will need to submit them with this sheet.

TP Number Date Duration Class Code Supervising Teacher TESOL Student

(Name & signature) (Name & signature)

TP 1:










Total Hours of TP

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Lesson Plan Template
TP Number: Level/code:
Lesson Date: Classroom:
Start Time:
End Time: TTTT:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Stage Duration Activity Resources TTTT

1. Warm up

Presentation: Micro skills (Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation) and Concept Check

2. Pres. 1

3. Pres. 2

4. Pres. 3

Practice: Macro skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)

5. Prac. 1

6. Prac. 2


7. Prac. 3


8. Produce

9. Backup N/A

Total: Total TTTT:


Name and (estimated) age of each student who attended

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Suggested Lesson Plan formats

120 minute lessons

Two objectives
Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Vocabulary 10 minutes
Grammar 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Break 15 minutes
Practice 3 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 35 minutes
Total: 120 minutes

Single Objective
Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Vocabulary 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 15 minutes
Practice 2 15 minutes
Break 15 minutes
Practice 3 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 35 minutes
Total: 120 minutes

Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Presentation 1 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Presentation 2 10 minutes
Concept Check 2 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Break 15 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Practice 3 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 25 minutes
Total 120 minutes

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90 minute lessons
Two objectives

Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Vocabulary 10 minutes
Grammar 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Practice 3 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 20 minutes
Total: 90 minutes

Single Objective

Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Presentation 1 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Practice 3 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 30 minutes
Total: 90 minutes


Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Presentation 1 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Presentation 2 10 minutes
Concept Check 2 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 20 minutes
Total 90 minutes

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60 minute lessons

Two objectives
Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Vocabulary 10 minutes
Grammar 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Produce Homework
Total: 60 minutes

Single Objective
Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Presentation 1 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
10 minutes
Produce and Backup (continue as
Total: 60 minutes

Stage Duration
Warm up 10 minutes
Presentation 1 10 minutes
Concept Check 10 minutes
Practice 1 10 minutes
Practice 2 10 minutes
Produce and Backup 10 minutes
Total 60 minutes

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Sample Lesson Plan 1: 120 minutes with 2 outcomes
Name: Hai Ba Trung
TP Number: 3 Level/code: St_1bv1
Lesson Date: 05 January 2020 Classroom: Melbourne Room
Curriculum/ Engage Starter
Start Time: 5:30pm
Text: SB pp65-66, WB p44
End Time: 7:30pm TTTT: 20%
The regular teacher has informed me that the class performs at a high level and
generally do not have any special needs. They like to get out of their chairs and
Learner needs:
move around. One student, Alex, has some behavioural issues and may require
extra support, possibly due to an attention deficit disorder.
The classroom does not have a projector but it does have a TV screen. I may
need to modify activities or use whiteboard in place of PowerPoint for some
activities. I am not that familiar with the grammar concept and learners may
ask difficult questions. I plan to be prepared with adequate research to be able
to speak confidently about the present simple tense including using the
necessary grammar metalanguage.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Objectives: 1. Identify and use 8 words relating to likes, dislikes, and everyday activities.
2. Express preferences, likes and dislikes using present simple tense.

Stage Duration Activity Resources TTTT

T arranges Ss standing in a circle.
T writes numbers 3, 6 and 9 on the
T asks Ss to count out loud in a circle. If a
student’s number contains the digits 3, 6, or 9,
(e.g. 3, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32…)
instead of saying the number aloud, they must W’board
1. Warm up 10 min clap. If their number contains two of these 30%
digits (e.g. 33, 36, 39, 63, 66, 69…) they must Markers
clap twice.
If a student makes an error, they are out and
must sit down.
If Ss reach 100, T can increase the difficulty by
adding an extra number (e.g. 2-3-6-9).
Play continues until time is up or there is only
one student left.
Presentation: Micro skills (Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation) and Concept Check

2. Pres. 1 10 min SB: p65, Ss seated in horseshoe Laptop 30%

Vocabulary Vocabulary drills: PowerPoint
wear, hate, like, listen, live, love, read, speak
T displays a picture via the projector and

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directs questions to individual Ss.
T reveals word if a S guesses correctly, or if Ss
do not appear to know the word.
T asks more questions.
T drills the word, Ss repeat chorally 5 times.
T drills the word with individuals x 3,
correcting pronunciation as necessary
T and Ss repeat drills for all 8 words.
Vocabulary concept check:
T arranges Ss in two teams and lines them up
at the whiteboard.
T provides each team with a marker.
T displays 8 images on screen via PPT and
makes one disappear. The first S in each team
must race to write the missing vocab item and
tap the board. The fastest student must say
the word to earn a point for their team.
T awards points and in generous with
feedback and praise.
3. Pres. 2 10 min Present simple tense: SB: p65, Laptop 30%
Grammar Ss seated in horseshoe PowerPoint
T explains that we use the present simple to
talk about preferences, likes and dislikes.
Use the infinitive when the subject is (I, you,
we, they)
Use the infinitive + s when the subject is
T displays substitution table. T produces a few
examples from the substitution table. T invites
individual students to make their own
examples from the substitution table and
encourages Ss to add their own ideas. T is
generous with praise.

T arranges Ss in groups of 3 or 4.
T directs Ss to Page 65, Activity 2 and 3. Ss

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complete the activity in their groups.
T invites Ss one group at a time to read their
answers for each question. T corrects as
necessary, asks CC questions and is generous
with feedback and praise.
Custom dice
T arranges Ss in groups of 3-4.
T uses “custom dice” app to display 2 dice on
 Dice 1: Vocab words x 8
 Dice 2: Pronouns Custom
4. Pres. 3 He/She/I/You/They/We/It/Wild. Dice app (or
Concept 10 min T rolls the dice and teams have one minute to handmade 30%
Check write a sentence about preferences based on custom
what rolls up. (for “wild”, Ss can use any noun dice)
or pronoun as the subject).
T asks a representative from each team to
read their answer.
T awards points to the most creative and/or
funniest correct team.
Practice: Macro skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)
SB p66, Activity 1
T arranges Ss in groups of 3-4. T asks
individual Ss to read each prediction at activity
1 in turn.
T directs Ss to p66 of the student book. T asks
a few individual Ss to make predictions about
Bradley based on the picture of his room. E.g. Student
“He likes surfing, he wears sneakers, etc). Book
5. Practice 1
10 min Ss work in groups to mark the activity in the 20%
Listening Laptop
book with their predictions, (tick the ones
they think are true). Audio Track
T asks Ss to listen and read to see if their
predictions are correct. T plays audio (Track
T asks individual Ss from each group about
each prediction. T corrects as needed and is
generous with praise and feedback.
6. Practice 2 10 min SB p 66, Activity 2, 3 Student 20%
Reading Ss continue to work in their groups of 3-4. Book
T asks individual Ss to read each question at W’board
activity 2 and 3 in turn.
T directs Ss to read the blog again and answer
the questions in their groups.
T asks random individuals from each group to
write their answer to one question on the

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Break 15 min
Ss continue to work in their groups of 3-4.
T hands out a copy of the blog with 12
grammatical errors to each group.
T asks Ss to identify the 12 grammatical errors. Handout:
Blog with
T places a different noise maker with each
group (horn, bell, castanets, claves, ratchet
7. Practice 3 etc). Teams sound their noise maker when Noise
10 min makers 20%
Reading they have found the 12 errors.
T waits for all teams to sound their W’board
noisemaker, or until teams are ‘stuck’ and can Markers
not locate more errors. T asks representatives PPT
from each team at random to make an error
each on the whiteboard.
T is generous with praise and feedback.
T directs Ss to work individually on WB p 44.
Ss to complete all exercises on WB p 44.
8. Produce 35 min T roves and concept checks, corrects and Workbook 10%
assists individuals as necessary. T generous
with feedback and praise.
If a S finishes the workbook early, T distributes Word
9. Backup N/A likes/dislikes crossword and/or vocabulary search N/A
word search. Crossword
Total: 120 min Total TTTT: 20%


Name and (estimated) age of each student who attended

Alex 10 Dean 10 Peter 9 Jack 10
Margaret 9 Ethan 9 Robyn 9 Charlotte 10
Michael 10 Hayley 10 Cool 10 Pia 9

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Instructions to Observers
Thank you for assisting with the observation of TESOL students. The Observer Report you complete
will be submitted by the student with their coursework and will form a part of their assessment.
The feedback process is open and transparent. You don’t need to hide your notes from the student.
It is important that you:

1. Complete the Observer Report in full

2. Sign the observer report, and
3. Return it to the student immediately after the lesson.

The student will need this report to pass their course.

Completing the observer report:

The observer report has 3 main sections:


Each item in each the checklist must be ticked. There are 4 possible results:

3 Excellent The student demonstrated the item to a high standard

2 Good The student demonstrated the item to a satisfactory standard, but there
may be room to improve
1 Needs The student did not demonstrate the item to a satisfactory standard
N/A Not The student was not required to demonstrate the skill during this lesson.

Other feedback:

Write notes for the student on what they did well and what they can do to improve. A good guide is
to identify 3 main strengths and 3 main areas for improvement. If there is not enough space, or if
you want to provide more detailed feedback, you can make more notes on a separate sheet and
attach it to the report.

You should also take 5-10 minutes after the lesson to discuss your feedback with the student and
offer your constructive advice.

Observer’s declaration:

You can mark the student as Satisfactory overall if; you have been able to mark most of their
demonstrated skills as 2 or 3 and; they made a reasonable attempt to prepare and present their
lesson to a high professional standard.

Please sign and date the report and give it to the student immediately after the lesson. Include your
contact details. Please note that AVSE routinely contacts observers at random to verify the
authenticity of observer reports.

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Observer Report
TESOL Student Name:
Lesson Date: Lesson Time:
Level: Age:

3 = Excellent, 2 = Good, 1 = Needs improvement, N/A = Not applicable/Not required

1. Warm Up

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A

a. Do a suitable warm up activity    

2. Vocabulary

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A

a. Explain vocabulary words clearly    
b. Give students opportunities to practice vocabulary    
c. Correct students’ vocabulary mistakes    

3. Pronunciation

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A

a. Explain and model pronunciation concepts (phonemic symbols, sound
production, intonation, rhythm and stress, connected speech, common    
pronunciation errors) clearly and accurately.
b. Facilitate activities for students to practice pronunciation.    
c. Identify students’ pronunciation errors and communicate corrections
   
d. Use suitable resources to explain and practice pronunciation    

4. Grammar

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A

a. Explain grammar terms and rules clearly.    
b. Use grammar terms correctly    
c. Give students opportunities to practice grammar.    
d. Use effective communication to correct and explain grammar errors.    

5. Macro Skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A

a. Use suitable activities to assess reading, writing, listening and/or speaking    
b. Use appropriate strategies to improve reading, writing, listening and/or
   
c. Facilitate activities for students to practice reading, writing, listening
   
and/or speaking

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6. Concept Checking and Assessment
During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A
a. Use designated assessment activities, tests and/or concept checking    
b. Use concept checking questions throughout the lesson    
c. Use effective communication to provide feedback to learners    
d. Mark tests, workbooks or activities in an encouraging and motivating way    

7. Preparation and Planning

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A
a. Have and follow a complete lesson plan throughout the lesson    
b. Lesson plan and objectives are aligned to the curriculum materials    
c. Lesson plan/activities suitable for the age group and level    
d. Prepare all necessary resources and equipment before the class    
e. Set up and test technology/equipment before students arrived    
f. Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the target language    

8. Interaction
During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A
a. Behave in a culturally appropriate and inclusive manner, making all students    
feel welcome and valued, including inclusive verbal and non-verbal
b. Use classroom management techniques to manage difficult students and    
inappropriate behaviours
c. Use classroom management techniques to keep students    
9. Engagement and Teaching Style

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A

a. Use musical activities, drama, games and sporting activities, arts and craft,    
and/or media to support learning and engagement
b. Encourage learners to participate in musical activities, drama, games and    
sporting activities, arts and craft, and/or media.
c. Use a range of delivery methods to keep students engage and learning    
d. Demonstrate flexibility by adjusting lesson to respond to student needs    
e. Respond to individual student needs    

10. Resources and equipment

During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A
a. Select/create and use suitable resources for each stage of the lesson and use    
them to support learning
b. Use classroom equipment effectively to support learning    
c. Incorporate CALL (computer assisted language learning) where appropriate    
and use CALL programs effectively to support learning.
11. Professionalism
During the lesson, did the TESOL student: 3 2 1 N/A
a. Confirm delivery arrangements (location, time, lesson materials, student    
profile etc) before the class
b. Come to class dressed and groomed professionally    
c. Record results, attendance and complete and submit all necessary    
paperwork/admin tasks after the lesson
d. Follow all relevant school policies/procedures    

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12. Other feedback

Include any feedback on student engagement, rapport, manner, presentation style, classroom
management, highlights, successes and recommended improvements. Attach extra pages if needed.

Strengths Areas for improvement

13. Observer’s Declaration

The student’s overall performance was: Satisfactory Not satisfactory

I declare that the contents of this report is a true and accurate account of my observation of the
TESOL Student’s teaching practice lesson. I understand that I may be contacted to verify the details
recorded on this checklist as a measure to ensure authenticity in the assessment process for the
AVSE-TESOL course.

Name: Organisation:

Contact: (Email or phone) Position:

Signature: Date:

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Teaching Journal
TESOL Student Name:
Lesson Date: Lesson Time:
Level: Age:


Reflect on your lesson and rate your success on the following scales. Be as objective as you can.
These self-ratings will not affect your assessment result.

1 = Not Successful Extremely Successful = 10

Interaction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Classroom Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Preparation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Subject Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Resource selection & use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Activity selection and use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Strengths: Areas for Improvement:

What feedback did you receive
from your observer, students, or
(Include indirect feedback such as
students’ behaviours, participation
and reactions to you and your

Strengths and Areas for Improvement:

What 3 aspects of your teaching in 1.

this lesson were best or most
successful? 2.


List 3 changes you will make to 1.

improve your performance in
future lessons. 2.


TESOL-TP-ASS February 2022, Version 2 - 10773NAT – Certificate IV in TESOL Page 19 of 19

Australian Vocational Skills and Education – RTO No: 45373

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