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confused all over again.was i the one.did i miss it.was i there.

were you with me

all along.was i discarded,or did i discard left like that..i cried,i
weep.but never was you here.never through.never close.i was alone.....i was was dark and cold...but i adapt,to de silence and acceptence.because in
the dark there was no rejection,ther was no judge and was just me
and my depiction of you.i sat there.....waiting for a long time.Waiting for
something to happen or arrive at my company,.,..but all i got was a hi and hurt more than anything ive ever felt in there,though time has
come,i know when to let go and forgive.but i will never leave my feelongs at the
doorstep.and for one last time i want to say "i love you cinta,saya harap awak
happy selalu and sihat,jaga diri jangan sakit sakit,nanti takleh makan maggi sama
sama,bye bye sayang,i love you,goodnight,MUAH" i know we were never meant to be but
i just hope my love for you never fades till the day the universe tears me down but
untill then"i love you sayang,jaga diri baik baik,i sayang youu selama
selamanya.jangan lupa makan.Bye bye sayang." "cantik nya you harini,ni last i
tengok you cantik cantik macamni,takmau lah sedih sedih,i will forever love you
sweetheart,jangan lah marah kan i.sorry sayang,muah."

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